
catgen!!Infobox achievement!!Uses footer

Teleportation. Now it all makes sense. Nobody's found the entrance to the Institute because there IS no entrance.Doctor Amari

Dangerous Minds is a main story quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4.


  1. 找到一塊克羅格的大腦。
  2. 阿瑪利博士交談。
  3. 坐上記憶躺椅。
  4. 探索克羅格的記憶。
  5. 與阿瑪利博士交談。










我, dad, radio, mom


我, Sarah, Mary, window


There are no monologues in this memory.


我, wastelander (each have unique monologues), bartender


我, synth, Institute agent


我, Institute scientist, cryopod, primary subject, backup subject


我, Shaun, Institute courser, Dr. Virgil's file (once it's placed on the desk)




Quest stages

This quest branches into an unmarked sub-quest, Shattered.

Dangerous Minds (MQ202)

5 Retrieve a piece of Kellogg's Brain
10 Talk to Doctor AmariThere's a woman named Doctor Amari who might be able to extract the secrets of entering the Institute from Kellogg's brain.
155 Sit in the Memory LoungerDoctor Amari has plugged a piece of Kellogg's brain into Nick Valentine. Now all I have to do is sit down and experience any memories we can find.
300 Explore Kellogg's memories - Transition to MQ203
310 Talk to Doctor AmariDoctor Amari's procedure is complete. I have access to Kellogg's memories. Hopefully one of them will tell me how to find the Institute... and Shaun.
320Quest finishedQuest completeDoctor Amari's procedure was a success. By exploring Kellogg's memories, I learned that the Institute uses teleportation technology, and that a top scientist named Dr. Virgil is hiding out somewhere in the Glowing Sea.

Shattered (MQ203)

100 Start memory sequence
200 Memory A
300 Memory B
400 Memory C
500 Memory D
600 Memory E
700 Memory F
900 Memory H
1000 Leave memory
1100 Transition back to MQ202

Companion reactions

Every companion except Curie likes when the memory playback is completed. Curie is indifferent, and Nick is always present for the event to trigger.


  • 如果玩家角色之前曾將派普或尼克·瓦倫坦派往聚落,他們會改回瓦倫坦偵探事務所或公共事件報社等待玩家角色結束前一個任務並開啟本任務。
  • 在正常情況下,Emergent Behavior在此任務完成之前是無法推進的。但是,如果玩家在完成此任務之前使用了控制台命令推進的話,則遊戲將使用未採用的音頻檔,導致阿瑪利醫生說:「等等。我記得你。我有幫過你把居禮從機器人移植到合成人上。「這意味著以前是可以在完成危險心靈之前完成Emergent Behavior。
  • 在進去記憶躺椅前最好是保持第一人稱。否則在記憶模擬結束前,玩家會一直卡在第三人稱, making navigation and interaction somewhat more tedious.
  • 當玩家與記憶裡面的角色或物體互動時,場景將會凍結,而克羅格將開始對他們進行獨白。玩家可以再次點擊激活以停止獨白並恢復場景的運作。
  • 在克羅格和學院科學家的場景中,三個合成人將朝著唯一倖存者的方向看and continue to follow them as they move around the room.
  • Sometimes, if The Memory Den quest has been completed before this one, Kellogg and the two Institute scientists will still be labeled as Mysterious figures, as seen in the prologue of Fallout 4, despite the fact the Sole Survivor knows who they are by the time of Dangerous Minds.
  • 除了最後的場景之外,其他的記憶都可以通過神經通路跑到下一個場景來跳過。在最後的記憶播放完,要等到阿馬利完成她的獨白才能啟用退出記憶的電視機。
  • 在克羅格綁架肖恩的記憶中,阿瑪利博士將為讓玩家再次回首這段可怕的時刻而道歉。無論記憶保管庫任務是否完成,都會發生這種情況。如果任務完成,她會在進入記憶時說「哦,天啊不,別再這樣了。我會盡快找到另一個記憶,試著忍耐一下。」
  • 當追獵者(X6-88)和尚恩在記憶中傳送時,如果玩家太靠近,可能會被傳送器的能量範圍傷害到。
  • In the last scene, Shaun is sitting near 2 Massachusetts Surgical Journals and 1 Tesla Science magazines.
    • The magazine Shaun can be seen reading is called Geckos and Gamma Radiaton - The Key to Prolonged Life?
  • 退出記憶躺椅時如果玩家詢問同伴的想法,他們會給予一些獨特的評論。
  • 當離開記憶躺椅走向樓上時,有一個角色似乎是迪耿會出現在其中一個躺椅內。唯一的倖存者無法與他互動,如果已經和迪耿見過面,該角色就會換人。
  • 在111號避難所回憶和最終的回憶之間有著後來被剪去的回憶場景。裡面描繪了一位科學家將植入物安裝到克羅格。這個消失的記憶有兩個敘述:
(Kellogg): Turned out I was the only one to ever get these installed. At least that's the story I heard. Some kind of "complications" is all they would say. I suppose they didn't much care if something scrambled my brains. And anyway, by that point I wouldn't have let them take the implants out. I'd come to rely on them too much. Which, looking back, is probably one of the reasons they agreed to it in the first place. Give them some leverage over me.
(Scientist): This was my reward for the Vault job. I'd starting getting implants a few years back but only minor stuff. This was the full deal - the cutting-edge tech they didn't usually let out of the lab. I volunteered for everything. I figured I didn't have anything to lose. Besides, this was kind of their thing. Like killing people was my thing. Why not see what they could do for me?
  • 尼克·瓦倫坦會自動退出動力裝甲當他接受克羅格的植入物時。
  • 在學院場景中,當克羅格殺死那三位合成人,掉在地上的武器是可以撿起的。不過這樣做會讓玩家變成被發現的狀態。


  • Has platform::PCPC Rarely in the same scene, one can pick up one of the first two rifles dropped and keep it after exiting if it spawns with non-standard modifications. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Shortly after finishing exploring Kellogg's memories, the objective may not register complete. A door icon will be seen underneath Doctor Amari's office, and is inaccessible. Reloading a previous save seems to be the only way to fix this. [已验证]
    • This bug may be triggered by picking up the Institute synth weapons during the memory sequence. Reloading the save and not picking up any weapons during the memory sequence should prevent it from triggering.
  • Has platform::PCPC While exploring the memories, sometimes, (seen during the wastelanders' kill request memory and later) even after the end of exploring the area, the screen will freeze and Kellogg and the environment will not move or talk, but the player is able to proceed further and explore the other memories. [已验证]
    • If one wishes to watch the memory that has been frozen, they may simply walk back to the path of brain that led them to the memory, then walk back into it. This will cause the scene to continue to play out.
  • Has platform::PCPC If Nick has power armor equipped during this quest, after he exits it, all parts will be marked as owned. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 On PS4 there can be a glitch going through Kellogg's memories that will not let the progression continue. [已验证]
    • To fix this load a previous save prior to sitting in the memory lounger.

