
Poor Earl. Gone just like that. Such a good bartender. Good friend. Oh, but terrible with women, mind you. Bull in china shop with them.Vadim Bobrov

The Disappearing Act is a side quest in Fallout 4.


  1. 尼克·瓦倫坦的事務所承接本任務。
    1. (可選) 拿到厄爾·史特陵的家門鑰匙。
    2. (可選) 詢問史嘉莉對厄爾的觀點。
  2. 搜索厄爾·史特陵的家取得線索。
  3. 調查富豪手術中心
    1. 調查血跡或與孫醫生交談、找到方法進入地窖。
  4. 調查手術室。
  5. 剮克醫生談判。
  6. 回報艾麗·帕金斯



  1. 想辦法進入厄爾·史特陵的家
    • 撬開新手難度的鎖,然後會被認定非法侵入民宅。
    • 或者進去板凳旅店與瓦迪姆·鮑伯洛夫交談拿到鑰匙。與葉菲姆和史嘉莉交談會提供口才檢查的機會和更多關於本案的資訊。史嘉莉特別暗示厄爾渴望進行美容手術。
  2. 接下來進去厄爾·史特陵的家並看看沙發,沙發左側有張手術收據,如果你身邊帶著尼克·瓦倫坦,通常他會直接找到收據並要你過來看看。
  3. 與富豪手術中心外投的孫醫生交談並通過兩個魅力檢查(如果你手上有收據)或單純檢查地上的血跡。要進入地下的手術室除了撬鎖、扒竊孫醫生身上的鑰匙,或者直接向他要求許可(中等難度口才檢查)。
  4. 進去地窖與剮克醫生交談。你可以選擇通過魅力檢查以和平方式收場,或是直接殺死他。(下場皆相同)
  5. 與孫醫生交談。
  6. 回去瓦倫坦偵探事務所領賞。

Quest stages

10 Search Earl Sterling's House for CluesI've offered to help Nick and Ellie find out what happened to Earl Sterling, a bartender at The Dugout Inn. I need to find a way into Earl's home, see if I can turn up any clues to his whereabouts...
15 (Optional) Search Earl Sterling's House for Clues
20 Investigate the Mega Surgery CenterEarl got a receipt for facial reconstruction surgery from Doctor Crocker at the Mega Surgery Center. Maybe he knows what happened to Earl.
35 Investigate the Surgery CellarI discovered a suspicious blood trail leading into the Mega Surgery Center basement. Could this be a clue to Earl's whereabouts? I need to find out what's down there.
45 (Optional) Obtain the Key to Surgery Cellar
100 Talk to EllieI discovered what happened to Earl - Doc Crocker killed him during a botched surgery. OR
I discovered what happened to Earl - Doc Crocker killed him during a botched surgery. I need to let Ellie know what happened.
120 Talk to Doctor Sun
200Quest finishedQuest completeI told Ellie what I'd found - Doctor Crocker killed Earl and now he's out of the picture as well. She said she'd break the news to the folks at the Dugout Inn.
210Quest finishedQuest complete - if Nick hates playerI closed the case - Doctor Crocker killed Earl Sterling but now he's out of the picture, too.
500Quest failedQuest failed - Ellie is dead

Companion reactions

  • MacCready will dislike arresting Crocker, but like killing him (this is only before a certain point in his personal quest, after which he will instead like the peaceful resolution).
  • Cait will dislike arresting Crocker, but like talking him down peacefully.
  • Curie will like both arresting or talking Crocker down peacefully.
  • Piper will like both arresting or talking Crocker down peacefully.
  • Deacon will like arresting Crocker, whether the persuasion is successful or not.
  • Hancock will dislike arresting Crocker and dislike attempting to talk him down peacefully, however he will like using violence.
  • Nick Valentine will like arresting Crocker, but dislike killing him.
  • Danse will like arresting Crocker, but is neutral towards a peaceful conclusion.
  • Strong will like arresting Crocker and dislike attempting to talk him down peacefully, however he will love using violence.
  • Codsworth will like talking him down peacefully.
  • X6-88 will like skipping arrest and going straight to violence.
  • Preston Garvey will like both arresting Crocker and talking him down peacefully, but will dislike using violence.


  • 在完成這項任務後,孫醫生將接管整形手術的責任,並將進駐富豪手術中心。為了從他進行第一次手術,你必須兩度要求服務,因為第一次手術椅沒啟動(也不會跟你收100個瓶蓋)
  • 人們可以跳過前幾個任務目標,直接進入富豪手術中心地下室。
  • 手術窖鑰匙可以在任務開始前拿到,從孫醫生或剮克醫生身上扒到。


  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 If you are high enough in level for the Far Harbor mission "Far From Home" to show up, you might have difficulty in getting Ellie to recognize that you have completed this mission. It appears her priority is to get you to take the new mission rather than pay off and close this one.[已验证]
    • Speaking with Ellie and accepting the Far Harbor quest first, then speaking to her again will make her ask about the current investigation and pay for its completion.
  • Has platform::PCPC If attempting this quest when the Mega surgery center is not open, Dr. Sun will be there but the objective to talk to him will not appear after Crocker dies. Sun will still be waiting for you once you exit the basement but attempting to initiate conversation will only cause the 'This individual is busy' message to show and he will remain immobile, potentially blocking your way from the area. If you can get past him, completing the quest by talking to Ellie will return everything to normal.[验证逾期]

