Vodka, as well as other hard liquor, provides a boost of +1 to Strength and Charisma but also gives a penalty of -1 to Intelligence. It has a higher chance of becoming addicted, compared to similar drugs.
+1 Strength for 4m, +1 Charisma for 4m, -1 Intelligence for 4m
+30 Dehydration
+1 Strength for 4m, +1 Charisma for 4m, -1 Intelligence for 4m
+35 Dehydration
+1 Strength for 4m, +1 Charisma for 4m, -1 Intelligence for 4m
+40 Dehydration
+1 Strength for 4m, +1 Charisma for 4m, -1 Intelligence for 4m
+45 Dehydration
+2 Strength for 4m, +2 Charisma for 4m, -2 Intelligence for 4m
+50 Dehydration
+2 Strength for 4m, +2 Charisma for 4m, -2 Intelligence for 4m
+55 Dehydration
+2 Strength for 4m, +2 Charisma for 4m, -2 Intelligence for 4m
+60 Dehydration
+2 Strength for 4m, +2 Charisma for 4m, -2 Intelligence for 4m
+65 Dehydration
+2 Strength for 4m, +2 Charisma for 4m, -2 Intelligence for 4m
+70 Dehydration
+3 Strength for 4m, +3 Charisma for 4m, -3 Intelligence for 4m
+75 Dehydration
Found in many different locations, such as The Tops, Atomic Wrangler, and many other locations, most often bars.
So long as the player character has the chips an unlimited amount can be obtained from Sierra Madrevending machines. The vending machine code for vodka can be found in an Easy locked room just past the security offices in the Sierra Madre Casino & Resort.
Vodka is used in makingatomic cocktails, and Battle Brew. and the fiery purgative.
Vodka is one of the three alcoholic beverages used to sterilize the contaminated medical kit in the Tourist Trap quest in Honest Hearts.