Fallout 3 locations project
这个页面被包含在Fallout 3 locations project的范围内. 该计划的目的是dedicated to cleaning up Fallout 3 location articles. 如果你想参与, 请先阅读计划页面.
- 變電所里的工作台上有一瓶量子型核子可樂。
- 變電所里的控制台上有一個隱身小子。
- 變電所里一張桌子上有個保險箱,旁邊有一本《鄧恩電子學》。
- 從變電所裡面東面牆上的梯子爬到房頂上,能在房頂上的桌下找到一本《美軍:30個噴火器使用秘訣》,旁邊還有一把BB槍,和BB子彈。
- 變電所屋子裡有2排燈管,靠門那排的燈罩上有個小型核彈,應該能夠到,如果感覺夠不到就跳起來拿。
- 在東南方向,有個棚屋,那裡有一瓶量子可樂。
- 沿著輸電線向北走,有一個輸電塔下面用木板沙包等圍成的一個小營地,裡面有不少東西,主要的有:架子上有「凱勒家族通訊記錄1/5」,東南角的輸電塔基座上有一枚小型核彈,東北角的基座上有一本戰前書籍。此外還有幾個彈藥箱,一個上鎖的個人提箱(開鎖難度極難),內有動力拳套一個。
- 在南面,班尼斯特要塞的東面,有一個具有放射性的大坑,坑底有一輛卡車,卡車下面一共能找到96個外星能量電池。In a small Merc camp on the North edge of the crater are a locked personal footlocker and a safe (both rated easy), both with random loot. (There are many small irradiated craters in the area, one with an overturned truck in water, but this is in a very large, dry crater.)
- There are incidental items potentially useful at a Workbench including more than one Motorcycle Gas Tank at least one Leather Belt, Motorcycle Handbrake, and Surgical Tubing, Also on certain occasions you can find a Bottle-cap mine on the bottom shelf of the work bench .
- A safe (rated very hard) containing random loot. The terminal close to the safe is also rated very hard and unlocks the safe.
- 完成了主線任務「The Waters of Life」之後,南面大坑旁邊會出現個英克雷營地,大坑內會有一名英克雷科學家。
- 僅出現在輻射3。
- 在變電所里,有一具僱傭兵的屍體,刷在地板下面了,你可以扔個手雷把屍體炸出來,這也解釋了,為什麼地上有血跡,卻看不到屍體。
- As well it has been noted that when you about to pick up the 30 Handy flamethrower recipes skill book it will fall into the roof and no way of reclaiming it (Confirmed for PS3).