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T-51动力战斗步兵装甲(英文:T-51 powered combat infantry armor[1][2]威斯科技大戰之前与美国政府签订合同开发的最先进的作战动力装甲类型。它为美国军队提供了性能、保护和机动性的平衡,决定性地改变了中美戰爭中的力量平衡。[Non-game 1]




2067年第一个作战动力装甲T-45的成功部署,改变了现代战争的性质,并在稳定阿拉斯加前线发挥了关键作用。[3][4][Non-game 2] 威斯科技立即开始开发一种改进型动力装甲,到2069年,这是该公司最大的单一国防合同。[5]

在2074年,随着对中国大陆的入侵,老旧的T-45型号被证明是不够的,动力装甲部队、步兵和机械化师在战斗中陷入困境。[Non-game 3]马萨诸塞州史特朗堡,各种生产模型在战斗条件下进行了测试,并对设计进行了故障排除。2075年9月测试的原型机具有理想的机动性和保护能力,但远远不够稳定,士兵在硬着陆时往往会翻倒。随后又增加了陀螺稳定器和减震器。[6] 开发压力增加,到2076年2月,五角大楼要求将周转时间缩短一半,因为海外作战行动加剧。尽管存在这些危险,史特朗堡的开发团队还是遵从了。[7]

加强的努力得到了回报,最终在2076年6月T-51动力装甲的首款产品被送到中国。它在每个方面都优于T-45,为美国提供了在所有战线上战胜中国抵抗的手段,以至于中国军队在发现T-51分遣队时就会投降。[8][Non-game 4] 美国再次发动进攻,最终迫使人民解放军撤退。2077年1月,康斯坦丁·蔡斯将军完成了安克雷奇填海区的建设,使用冬季T-51b动力装甲部队作为先头部队,以减少伤亡。[9][10] 中国的战争努力失败了,他们的补给路线完全中断,装备 T-51的动力装甲部队发动了全面进攻。[Non-game 5][Non-game 4] 除了对中国的战争,T-51的单位也被部署来平息加拿大自由战士的攻击,他们抵抗美国对加拿大的吞并[11]从2077年1月22日起,粉碎后方的抗议,特别是粮食暴动[Non-game 6]


大戰之后,T-51继续在不同的废土派系中服役。它的主要使用者是钢铁兄弟会,兄弟会的T-51b装甲通常与新加州的兄弟会联系在一起。[15] 它的使用激增,到23世纪中期,它被一些雇佣兵团体使用。[16] 它也是英克雷的服役装甲,直到23世纪早期部署了自己设计的高级动力装甲,在那时T-51被下放到训练和后勤任务。[17]


T-51[1] 被广泛认为是战前动力步兵发展的顶峰。威斯科技在战争中开发了超过十年,它吸收了从T-45动力装甲服役历史中收集到的许多经验教训。与其前身不同,T-51受益于一个足够长的开发周期,使用定制的组件创建一个并非一个权宜之计的模式,通过纳入最新的被动防御功能提供最佳的保护。[18][5][2] 它在性能、机动性和保护方面的完美平衡使其成为前线美国士兵的强大资产。[Non-game 1]

和T-45一样,它是根据人体轮廓设计的,专为单个人体操作员设计的。不同于它的兄长,外壳是由多层复合材料制成,能够吸收超过2.5千焦的能量而不受损伤。与T-45上的旧钢板相比,有机的圆形外壳进一步提高了材料的强度,提高了炮弹转向和爆炸的几率。外壳覆盖10微米银烧蚀层,可以反射激光和放射線,而不会直接损伤复合材料表面。[2][19]表面可以通过特殊的化学过程处理以大幅度提高其防御性能。[Non-game 7]为了进一步加强防护,防止与放射性、生物或化学物质的直接接触和污染,装甲可以密封,只要装甲不受损,操作员就可以在合理的安全范围内探索污染最严重的区域。[20] 头盔是这种保护不可分割的一部分,安装在胸板上的橡胶头罩提供了一个紧密的密封。The Courier can claim that the T-series' vision slits are bulletproof,[21] though conversation with Sheena in Appalachia mentions "a helmet with a bullet hole through the visor" being taken as a trophy after a battle with the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force.[22] 这两种说法都有可能是正确的,因为“防弹”这个词通常并不恰当,因为一颗足够大的子弹可以穿透传统的防弹玻璃,而这种玻璃对小口径子弹是免疫的。与它的前身相比,头盔更小,更耐用,由一块复合材料制成,很容易拆卸视觉组件。与T-45一样,耳口也可以作为附件安装点,下拉瞄准目镜是所有T-51套装的标准配置。为方便起见,提供了一种安装在额头上的灯。

T-51的王牌是液压系统集成到威斯科技动力装甲骨架中。[23] 由后置TX-28微融合包提供动力,产生60,000瓦特,HiFlo液压集成到装甲的骨架中,使其能够携带装甲的主要部件,并允许士兵携带重武器进入战斗。由于T-51的设计,它比T-45更加敏捷。[2] 然而,为了达到最佳性能,装甲必须为每个操作员定制。[Non-game 7] 一个训练有素的操作员所穿的合适的装甲感觉就像一个人身体的延伸。[24] 舒适对于战斗的成功至关重要,动力装甲能够将尿液循环成完全可饮用的水,让操作员在动力装甲中存活数周。[25][18]

T-51b 动力装甲[]

T51 power armor
游戏文章: 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76, 辐射:钢铁兄弟会, 范布倫


冬季 T-51b[]

Fo3OA Winterized T-51b
游戏文章: 辐射3


兄弟会 T-51b[]

FNV T51b Brotherhood
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯


炼钢厂原型 T-51b[]

游戏文章: 廢土人



FO76 Ultracite Power Armor
游戏文章: 辐射76



FO76NW Strangler Heart PA
游戏文章: 核災冬季





Fallout 2[]

Fallout 3[]

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Fallout 4[]

Fallout 76[]

Fallout Tactics[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{What type of armor is that your wearing.}"
    Darrel: "{135}{}{This is Powered Combat Infantry Armor model T-51b or more commonly know as Power Armor.}"
    (Darrel's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Power armor specs: "The T-51b Powered Infantry Armor is designed with the latest passive defense features for both civilian and military disturbances. The back-mounted TX-28 MicroFusion Pack generates 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit. Made of the latest poly-laminate composite, the T-51b shell is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. The 10 micron silver ablative coating can reflect laser and radiation emissions without damage to the composite subsurface."
  3. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Built by defense contractor West-Tek, the T-45 series of Power armor was the first to be successfully deployed on the battlefield. Its introduction changed the nature of modern warfare."
  4. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The T-45 series was the first version of Power Armor ever employed on the battlefield by the U.S. military. Many suits remain active in the Wasteland today, and provide their wearers with substantial protection."
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Vault Dweller: "{207}{}{Base Information}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{211}{}{West Tech Research Facility: Founded in 2002 as a private contractor for the United States government, the company initially consisted of two divisions--the Advanced Weapons Research and the Biomedical Sciences divisions.}
    {241}{}{ In 2069, West Tech was the single largest contractor for the United States government; its largest contract being Powered Infantry Armor Model T-51b. }
    {242}{}{In light of significant advances in 2076 by the NBC on the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, the United States Defense Department, in fear of international espionage,}
    {243}{}{ moved a team onto the site to secure and oversee the project, now dubbed the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) project.}"
    (ZAX 1.2's dialogue)
  6. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - September 2075
  7. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - February 2076
  8. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - June 2076
  9. Constantine Chase: "What are we looking at for losses if we pull this off?"
    Thomas Morgan: "I'd say about 20 percent, sir. But that number significantly decreases if we can get the tin cans in there."
    Constantine Chase: "Good, good. Keep monitoring the battlefield and let me know when we've punched through the Pulse Field."
    (Constantine Chase and Thomas Morgan's dialogue)
  10. Constantine Chase: "How's our boys in the suits doing?"
    Thomas Morgan: "The T-51b units are at 95 percent readiness level. We've had a bit of trouble adapting them to the cold."
    Constantine Chase: "Well, tell those men they need to be ready. As soon as the Pulse Field is down, we need them cocked, locked and ready to rock."
    (Constantine Chase and Thomas Morgan's dialogue)
  11. Fallout intro
  12. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The T-51 series of Power Armor was the pinnacle of mechanized protection before the Great War. First introduced in the Battle of Anchorage, it is highly valued today for its increased protective capabilities."
  13. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The T-60 series of Power Armor saw extensive use by the United States Army after the Battle of Anchorage. In fact, soldiers in T-60 Power Armor were among those trying to retain order on October 23, 2077 - the day America fell to atomic war..."
  14. Fallout 76 loading screens: "The most advanced suits of Power Armor to see extensive use were the T-60 models. By the time of the Great War, they were a common sight in all U.S. military engagements."
  15. 辐射中的兄弟会圣骑士是装甲的唯一所有者。
  16. Mercenaries in Fallout 2 spawn with combat armor and T-51 power armor at max level.
  17. Enclave troops on the oil rig in Fallout 2 are seen in barracks and workshops. It is not seen at all on the mainland.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Armor appearance in the games.
  19. The Vault Dweller: "{218}{}{Power Armor. Status: Complete}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{231}{}{Power Armor Specs: The T-51b Powered Infantry Armor is designed with the latest passive defense features for both civilian and military disturbances. }
    {250}{}{The back-mounted TX-28 MicroFusion Pack generates 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit. }
    {251}{}{Made of the latest poly-laminate composite, the T-51b shell is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. }
    {252}{}{The 10 micron silver ablative coating can reflect laser and radiation emissions without damage to the composite subsurface.}"
    (ZAX 1.2's dialogue)
  20. Ancient Brotherhood disk: "The fact that I can smell Soto's burning flesh where his arm was taken off means that my power armor is no longer airtight, so I'm sucking up a lot more rads than I had planned on. I'm leaking hydraulics at an alarming rate. We need to get far enough away from this place before my armor dies."
  21. The Courier: "You're saying that you killed a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin?"
    Ricky: "What's it sound like I'm saying? If I was saying what you said I was saying, then yeah, I said it!"
    The Courier: "Please go on. This promises to be entertaining."
    Ricky: "I was walking along, minding my own, and up pops one of them Brotherhoods. He yells "Hand over that laser rifle, asshole!" So I hand it over, just to make him think I'm scared! But really I'm not! I never am! Before he knows what hit him, I draw my 11mm machinegun and BAM! BAM! Right through the eyeslit in his helmet! D.O.A.!"
    The Courier: "What a load of crap. The eyeslits of T-series power armor are bullet-proof!"
    Ricky: "Then I guess this dumb fucker's armor musta been... D-series or something! All I know is, he died up real dead when I killed him, okay?"
    (Ricky's dialogue)
  22. Vault Dweller: "Did your Raider friends mention anything else about the fight?"
    Sheena: "They wouldn't shut up about it, so I learned to tune it out pretty quick. But I do remember them passing around a helmet with a bullet hole through its visor. A trophy from the fallen."
    (Sheena's dialogue)
  23. The Sole Survivor: "One good idea can make all the difference."
    Preston Garvey: "Sturges? Tell him."
    Sturges: "There's a crashed vertibird up on the roof. Old school. Pre-war. You might've seen it. Well, looks like one of its passengers left behind a seriously sweet goody. We're talking a full suit of cherry T-45 Power Armor. Military issue."
    The Sole Survivor: "What makes that Power Armor so special?"
    Sturges: "A West Tek internalized servo-system, that's what. Inside that baby, super is the new normal. You'll be stronger, tougher, resistant to rads. And... Get the suit, you can rip the minigun right off the vertibird. Do that, and those Raiders get an express ticket to Hell. You dig?"
    The Sole Survivor: "And I can use the minigun like a... rifle?"
    Sturges: "Don't see why not. It'll have a manual trigger. Just aim it at the bad guys, and do the ole' "spray and pray." Now, as for the armor... It's outta juice. Probably has been for a hundred years. It can be powered up again, but we're a bit stuck..."
    (Preston Garvey and Sturges' dialogue)
  24. The Vault Dweller: "{137}{}{It looks like it would be cumbersome to wear.}"
    Darrel: "{147}{}{Cumbersome? Not in the least. The sacred armor is so finely constructed to such exacting specifications that it feels like an extension of the blessed one's own body. It increases one's strength many times over and helps you resist the effects of radiation so that you may more effectively serve the brotherhood. I would feel diminished without my holy armor.}"
    (Darrel's dialogue)
  25. Paladin: "{103}{}{Did you know you could survive for weeks without water in a suit of powered armor?}"
    (Generic Paladin's dialogue)
  1. 1.0 1.1 Bethesda UK
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2067 The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States."
  3. Fallout Bible 0 timeline: "2074 Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds, American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are deployed to China, but they become bogged down on the mainland, putting a further drain on American resources and supply lines.'"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fallout Bible 0 timeline: "2076 June Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in the Power Armor players find in Fallout 1. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War. Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed begin to break down."
  5. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Chinese Army (Simulated)
    U.S. Army (Simulated)
    With conditions deteriorating between the United States and China, a military presence in Alaska was established to prevent a possible invasion across the Bering Strait. With increasingly scarce oil reserves, a last deep-sea deposit below the Pacific Ocean was claimed by China before allegedly being sabotaged by American special operatives. Strained relationships spiraled downward into conflict as China marched on Alaska, and the Sino-American War of 2066—2077 erupted. Under the command of General Jingwei, the Chinese Army usurped control of Alaska's oil pipeline and reserves. In response, the Americans began what came to be called "The Alaskan Reclamation Operation" (2067—2077).
    Under the leadership of General Constantine Chase, the U.S. Army battled fiercely to the front lines of the conflict before Chase began deploying specialized Power Armor units that began pushing the Chinese back. Future Power Armor suits were further refined as the conflict dragged on, and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline was reclaimed. With resources flowing through Canada, strained diplomatic tensions between Canada and the United States becoming problematic, and Canadian forces attacking the pipeline, the country was annexed.
    A combination of inclement weather, constant American bombardment and trench warfare, and U.S. Powered Armor unit attacks sweeping through mainline China, the Chinese supply lines weakened and finally broke down completely. By the beginning of 2077, the city of Anchorage was finally liberated, the Chinese eradicated, and the operation deemed a success. A commemorative memorial was erected in Washington, D.C., in honor of the soldiers who fought and perished for the greater American good. Violence between America and pockets of Canadian freedom fighters continued throughout 2077, until the Great War obliterated almost all infrastructure, commerce, and human life."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  6. Fallout Bible 0 timeline: "2077 January 22 The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons."
  7. 7.0 7.1 Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.66-67: "Power Armor is the latest development in personal body armor. This armor must be custom fitted to the user and is so heavy that it requires internal micro-motors to allow movement. Hardening is a process that increases the protection of normal Power Armor. Advanced Power Armor is a completely new, postwar design of this Cadillac of the personal protection world (tail fins optional)."
  8. J.E. Sawyer, NMA: "We tried to model the power armor as T-Ray did in the opening movie and game, but he could get away with clipping that would look really bad at close distances or certain angles. Simply put, building the Fallout power armor as it originally looked would have resulted in a suit with a tiny range of motion or a hilarious amount of clipping. We changed as much as we needed to allow for more flexibility in movement, but tried to stay very close to the original design whenever possible."
  9. Tim Cain GDC talk at 10:42
  1. J.E. Sawyer, NMA: "We tried to model the power armor as T-Ray did in the opening movie and game, but he could get away with clipping that would look really bad at close distances or certain angles. Simply put, building the Fallout power armor as it originally looked would have resulted in a suit with a tiny range of motion or a hilarious amount of clipping. We changed as much as we needed to allow for more flexibility in movement, but tried to stay very close to the original design whenever possible."

Template:Navbox power armor FO76
