这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 |
T-45动力装甲(英文:T-45 power armor)是范布倫,辐射3,辐射:新维加斯,辐射4和辐射76中的一种动力装甲型号。
T-45动力战斗步兵装甲是在中美戰爭中被强制使用的第一种设计,[1]它的第一次部署发生在阿拉斯加前线以反击中国的进攻。在威斯科技开始研发动力装甲后不到两年的时间里,碍于部署速度需要,导致利用现有技术和制造技术创造的权宜之计型号。这种临时的解决方案最终将成为美国动力装甲部队的支柱,特别是随后的升级减少了困扰早期生产运行的机动性问题的影响。[Fallout Shelter 1][Non-game 1] 最初的原型服役到2077年,并于2078年在國家廣場的科技博物館成为真正的博物馆展品。[2] 哈罗德·弗罗斯特,T-45的最初设计师之一,后来为葛拉罕礦業公司设计挖掘机动力装甲。[3]T-45 D型(它最受欢迎的改型)是为单一驾驶员设计的,并且模仿了人体轮廓。它由三层组成。第一层是操作员穿着的黑色连体服,旨在提供舒适性,绝缘性并保护其免受装甲操作过程中可能遭受的伤害。 第二层是动力装甲的一部分。 当单独使用时,它通常被称为侦察装甲,它是一套由厚的、经过加工的织物和集成金属镀层制成的全身防护服,作为连接装甲与机载硬件的平台。[4]实际上,侦察装甲就是 T-45d 动力装甲模型的底盘。它的连接点和颈背的动力电池插头对于T-45d 全副武装的操作是必不可少的,因为第三层包括装甲,核融合电池,以及液压和伺服马达,使操作者能携带重型武器进入战斗并承担装甲的重量。头盔完成了第三层,包括一个空气过滤系统,一个防弹视觉缝,[5]一个电灯和外部端口,允许操作员听到周围的声音,并作为附加扩展点。[6][Non-game 2]
单独操作机组武器和重型武器的能力是 T-45d 动力装甲的主要优势之一。尽管T-45d(实际上到目前为止还没有动力装甲)没有内置武器,但操作员可以使用任何步兵可以射击的武器。[Non-game 1]保护位居第二。 与大多数小型武器以及使用现有技术和材料相比,钢板的使用提供了相当大的优势,从而使美国能够快速制造和部署T-45d战斗服。[6] 但是,装甲有其局限性,并且随着与中国的战争的进行,其部署火力和保护操作员的能力都变得不足。 但是,由于T-51动力装甲型号直到2076年才问世,因此T-45d成为了美军的主力军和相关技术的试验台。[Non-game 1]
大战之后,T-45d 动力装甲成为罕见之物,对任何能够获得这种装备的人来说,都是强大的资产。装甲的主要操控者是钢铁兄弟会和它的子组织,已知的最大数量的装甲部队,是遭受叛乱的里昂斯钢铁兄弟会和被遗弃的流放者。一般来说,不当班的士兵和学员更喜欢穿没有装甲层的装甲,这样他们可以在需要的时候快速部署,但没有全装甲的阻碍。
作为标准T-45d的早期版本,T-45a型在设计上与其继承者相似。[Fallout Shelter 2] 在游戏中,它提供的性能和保护比后来的型号要差。
在《辐射4》中,T-45a 型看起来锈迹斑斑,而且在不断恶化,不同于后来的 T-45型号,它有灰色的金属底盘,并且在游戏中加强了保护。
T-45d 基础型[]
- Army power armor
- Lyons' Pride power armor
- Brotherhood T-45d power armor
MP-47/A 原型医疗动力装甲[]
一种标准T-45d动力装甲型号的升级,采用了修正后的T-47型号(A型)。 尽管外壳和T-45d一样,MP的升级设计是为了减少有效操作动力装甲所需的训练量,通过使用机载电脑和一个语音反馈系统。[7]
- 林登的流放者动力装甲是专为重型武器而优化的独特变体。
焦灼山脉动力装甲是新加州共和國軍隊配备的标准T-45d动力装甲的一种独特变种,极其罕见,迄今为止只有一名士兵,羅伊上校使用过这种装甲。与T-45d的基础深灰色不同,焦灼山脉动力装甲有一种独特的专用色彩:紫色,边缘饰有金色点缀,装甲的任意点上都有附加的霓虹绿和红色亮点。一个被制成标本的熊头取代了左肩甲,被一对印有共和国之星的青铜夹子固定住。[10]焦灼山脉动力装甲已经升级,配备了附加的机载医疗系统,有助于再生使用者的伤口,还有一个后置动力包,优于标准T-45d 使用的量产动力电池。[11]
- 装甲的名称最初是由穿着装甲的阿姆斯特朗下士在范布倫技术演示中给出的,[Cancelled 1]但是直到辐射:新维加斯才被确定与辐射3动力装甲之间的联系。[12] 如果打算将其作为一种日常细节,那么装甲将过分强调剩余电量,因为装甲以惊人的速度消耗着小型能量电池有限供应的能量。[Cancelled 1]
- 辐射3艺术集 指出该装甲是从头开始创建为3D模型的,目的是捕捉正在开发的游戏气氛。
辐射正史概述 |
- ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "The T-45 series was the first version of Power Armor ever employed on the battlefield by the U.S. military. Many suits remain active in the Wasteland today, and provide their wearers with substantial protection."
- ↑ Museum of Technology terminals; Research Lead's Terminal, Log Entry 20760307
- ↑ Garrahan Mining Headquarters terminal entries; Personal Logs
- ↑ Owyn Lyons: "Scribe Bowditch, I trust you are well. I'm here for your progress report on the modified Recon Armor."
Bowditch: "Ah... you're a bit early today, sir. Regardless, I'm happy to report that the development of the Mark II Recon Armor unit is proceeding as planned."
Owyn Lyons: "I'm pleased to hear that. Do you anticipate any setbacks? Last month's progress was, well... let's call it "underwhelming.""
Bowditch: "There may be a slight delay in the enhancement of the ambulatory gyroscope. A few of the parts I need were lost in the recent... inventory reduction."
Owyn Lyons: "You'll make do, Bowditch. You always do."
Bowditch: "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."
(Owyn Lyons and Bowditch's dialogue) - ↑ Ricky: "I was walking along, minding my own, and up pops one of them Brotherhoods. He yells "Hand over that laser rifle, asshole!" So I hand it over, just to make him think I'm scared! But really I'm not! I never am! Before he knows what hit him, I draw my 11mm machinegun and BAM! BAM! Right through the eyeslit in his helmet! D.O.A.!"
The Courier: "What a load of crap. The eyeslits of T-series power armor are bullet-proof!"
Ricky: "Then I guess this dumb fucker's armor musta been... D-series or something! All I know is, he died up real dead when I killed him, okay?"
(Ricky's dialogue) - ↑ 6.0 6.1 Armor appearance in the games.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Medic power armor manual: "MP-47/A Medic Power Armor
Security Clearance G required to read this manual.
Currently in prototype, the MP-47/A Medic Power Armor, referred to as Medic Armor hereafter, is designed to protect the soldier in the field and serve as an automated medic. The prototype unit only has Med-X delivery systems. The production unit will include Stimpaks and other injectables.
User requirements for Medic Armor stated that "even a child" should be able to use it without reading this manual. Therefore an onboard computer system with verbal feedback response systems has been installed. The soldier in the field puts on the armor, and the armor does the rest. It automatically senses the limb condition of the soldier and applies Med-X only if needed.
If the defense contract is extended, the onboard computer system will be enhanced to provide command level data to field officers. A special self-destruct will deliver a lethal injection to deserters. Until the contract is extended, these systems remain offline." - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You got anything for me?"
Everett: "Well, I'll be damned. That makes 100 ingots you found. And here I remember thinking you'd be lucky to bring back any at all. Ain't no question, you earned the treasure of my collection. This armor goes all the way back to when the Brotherhood tried to wipe out The Pitt. Some of the tribals who worshipped Ashur made it to look like their god. Try it on, and you'll feel a little like a god, yourself!"
(Everett's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Tell me about the heavy troopers."
Hanlon: "They have the best equipment the NCR can get its hands on, power armor salvaged from our war with the Brotherhood. Techs strip out the joint servos so you don't need special training to wear it. It feels like you're carrying a Brahmin on your back, but it can take a heck of a lot of punishment."
(Hanlon's dialogue) - ↑ Armor appearance.
- ↑ Armor gameplay characteristics.
- ↑ The item name itself; "Brotherhood T-45d power armor"
- 非游戏
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout Bible 0:
"2055 The West Tek Research Facility starts working on a new virus to kill the New Plague. Their viral research and close ties to the federal government eventually lead to them being chosen for the Pan-Immunity Virion Project twenty years later as well as Power Infantry Armor and laser research.
2065 August Increasing need for mobility in the United States mechanized cavalry leads the military to focus the efforts on creating a man-based tank - essentially, a two-legged walking armored unit: Power Armor.
2065-2067 Power Armor research grows and several prototypes are developed, many of which prove to be unworkable in the field. These prototypes pave the way for future advances in military, construction, and fusion technology.
2066 Summer Adding further insult to the Chinese-American relations, the first crude fusion cell is unveiled, one of the results of the Power Armor project. Devices designed for the fusion cell begin to be manufactured. Incorporating fusion power into the general US infrastructure begins, but the process is too slow to supply power to the regions that need it. Nearly eleven years later, few sections of the United States were supplied with fusion power.
2067 The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States.
2074 Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds, American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are deployed to China, but they become bogged down on the mainland, putting a further drain on American resources and supply lines.
2076 June Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in the Power Armor players find in Fallout 1. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War. Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed begin to break down.
2077 January 22 The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons.
2198 Enclave works on various new technologies, including Power Armor variations. None of these are much of an improvement over the conventional old school Power Armor, and some are actually worse.
2215 Under Presidential Order, Enclave scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of Power Armor. Many prototypes are developed and tested.
2220 October Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II Power Armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the President Richardson for the sake of morale." - ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 200: "Which Power Armor will you choose?
The full suit of Power Armor has more damage absorption, but less mobility.
The Recon Power Armor is light armor, with extra speed and agility."
- 辐射:避难所
- ↑ Fallout Shelter item description: "Deployed pre-War against Chinese tanks. That's right – tanks."
(T-45d power armor (Fallout Shelter)) - ↑ Fallout Shelter T-45a power armor item description: "Before Power Armor even really existed, this baby was born."
- 已取消
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Prisoner: "{c16711680}Do you know how to use all that gear or is it just for show?"
Armstrong: "{c255}I am trained in the use of light and heavy assault weapons and have fifty three hours of field experience in the T-45d Power Armor, citizen. Most of those were during the Anchorage Reclamation."
Armstrong: "{c255}Well, here's the entrance to the vault, citizen. I have to head back to the City now. This T-45d eats up small energy cells like Chans at a rice buffet! Ha, ha, ha! Don't worry, though. We'll send those godless reds packing within the month!"
The Prisoner: "{c16711680}Thanks, Corporal Armstrong! Goodbye."
(Armstrong dialogue file)