關於an overview of brass knuckles in the Fallout series of games,參見brass knuckles

Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

The steel knuckles are a unique set of unarmed weapons in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


Steel knuckles take the form of four linked metal rings in a shallow convex formation with a bumper attached to the concave face. The rings are slipped over a combatant's fingers with the bumper pressed into the palm of the hand. When a punch is thrown, the knuckles take the majority of the impact impulse, transferring much of the punch's kinetic energy to the target by way of the harder, smaller impacting surface of the metal knuckles. This drastically increases the likelihood of serious tissue disruption and bone damage.


The steel knuckles do slightly more damage per hit than its brass or spiked counterparts, but it really shines when used in V.A.T.S. The steel knuckles use only 14 AP to be swung, giving it one of the lowest AP costs for any weapon. As such, it's great to use with the Paralyzing Palm perk.


The steel knuckles can successfully strike about 1111 times from full condition before breaking.


  • Love Tap - A variant of the regular Knuckles that was cut from the base game.


Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(近战或肉搏)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- 在V.A.T.S.攻击数
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(枪械,能量或炸药)Action point cost- 消耗行动点数
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- 每次攻击的伤害(每发炮弹的伤害)Damage per action point- 每个行动点数的伤害
Damage per second- 每秒伤害Weapon spread- 武器扩散
Area of effect damage- 有效损害范围Magazine capacity (shots per reload)- 弹匣容量(每次装填弹数)
Effect damage & duration- 效果伤害&持续时间Durability (number of attacks before breaking)- 耐久性(损坏前攻击次数)
Bonus effects- 奖励影响Weight- 重量
Attacks per second- 每秒攻击数Value in caps- 瓶盖价值
Critical chance % multiplier- 暴击几率%乘数Value to weight ratio- 价值重量比
Critical damage- 暴击伤害Skill required- 技能要求
Critical effect damage & duration- 暴击效果伤害和持续时间Strength required- 力量要求
With all mods attached- 装上所有模块
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAction Point costDamage per action pointDurability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratio
Brass knuckles 6
Steel knuckles The Pitt (add-on)9
Spiked knuckles 9
Plunkett's Valid Points 12
Note: Unarmed damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.


  • Steel knuckles can be obtained by turning in 30 steel ingots to Everett during the Mill Worker quest.


  • It can be used as weaker replacements for Plunkett's Valid Points, for those who don't want to get the Lawbringer perk or can't find Junders Plunkett.
  • This weapon cannot be used to repair ordinary brass knuckles, but the brass knuckles can be used to repair the steel knuckles.

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