This achievement may be earned at the beginning of the expansion, after ED-E opens the first commissary. Simply purchase the three upgrades, as they don't need to be installed on the gun to earn the achievement. You need at least 30,000 caps to do this. To get this achievement "free-of-cost", save before buying all the mods then reload.
Otherwise, you can find the modifications very rarely around the Divide.
Behind the scenes[]
The name of the achievement/trophy is a reference to the poem "Defence of Fort McHenry" by Francis Scott Key. This poem is best known as the source of the lyrics for "The Star Spangled Banner" - the national anthem of the United States.
The Reunion ·The Silo ·The Job ·The Launch ·The Tunnelers ·The Divide ·The Courier ·The End ·The Apocalypse
Condemned to Repeat It ·ED-Ecated ·Hometown Hero ·Rocket's Red Glare ·Warhead Hunter
Divide ·Dry Wells(Boat) ·Long 15(Gate) ·Ashton missile silo ·Ashton silo control station ·Boxwood Hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance ·Junction 7 rest stop ·The High Road ·Hopeville armory ·Hopeville men's barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance ·Hopeville silo bunker entrance ·Hopeville women's barracks ·Marked men camp ·Marked men base ·Marked men guard outpost ·Marked men supply outpost ·Pass to canyon wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined highway interchange ·Sunstone Tower roof ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·Waste disposal station ·Wastewater treatment plant