關於an overview of radroach meat,參見radroach meat


Radroach meat is a food item in Fallout: New Vegas.


The meat is the whole abdomen of a radroach. Since radroaches appear less frequently in Fallout: New Vegas than in Fallout 3, radroach meat is more difficult to find. The effects of radroach meat in Fallout: New Vegas are notably different. It restores a small number of hit points, but gives a high dose of radiation, in addition to a -1 penalty to Strength.

Survival skill effect[]

SkillEffectHardcore effect
10+1 Hit Point for 5s, -1 Strength for 2m-30 Starvation 
20+1 Hit Point for 5s, -1 Strength for 2m-35 Starvation 
30+1 Hit Point for 5s, -1 Strength for 2m-40 Starvation 
40+1 Hit Point for 5s, -1 Strength for 2m-45 Starvation 
50+2 Hit Point for 5s, -2 Strength for 2m-50 Starvation 
60+2 Hit Point for 5s, -2 Strength for 2m-55 Starvation 
70+2 Hit Point for 5s, -2 Strength for 2m-60 Starvation 
80+2 Hit Point for 5s, -2 Strength for 2m-65 Starvation 
90+2 Hit Point for 5s, -2 Strength for 2m-70 Starvation 
100+3 Hit Point for 5s, -3 Strength for 2m-75 Starvation 
Note: Radiation is not affected by Survival skill level.


  • On the bodyguards for hire in Freeside.
  • In one of the Nellis hangars.
  • In the REPCONN test site's basement.
  • In the Nipton Town Hall.
  • Sometimes found on members of the Legion.
  • Sometimes found on super mutants.


Irradiated radroach

Within the game files exists a version of radroach meat, that gives 18 rads instead of the normal 10. It was supposed to be dropped by the irradiated radroach, but by cutting the creature from the game, this variant of the meat was cut as well.
