Fallout 3 locations project
这个页面被包含在Fallout 3 locations project的范围内. 该计划的目的是dedicated to cleaning up Fallout 3 location articles. 如果你想参与, 请先阅读计划页面.
“That's it. Tenpenny promised me safety and security. And that damn useless Gustavo lets thieves run amok. This is the last draw. I'm leaving.”— Anthony Ling in case the player character robs all his inventory while undetected
新城市服裝 是一間位於特佩尼大廈的商店由安東尼·玲運營,主要銷售服裝和盔甲。He carries between 200-300 caps, and can repair items (skill of 15).
店內有一個保險箱,鎖是「非常難」級別的,但它可以從一個「一般」難度的終端打開;裡面有300個瓶蓋,前提是你不介意負面karma 。玲攜帶的鑰匙可以打開他的存貨箱,裡面有另外的273個瓶蓋和各類服裝。如果你黑了終端並且拿走了保險箱中所有的瓶蓋,店主會心灰意冷的離開,商店便無人打理了。
- Should the tower be taken over by ghouls, Bessie Lynn will run the store.
- Many items on the counters will spawn in the counter. Nudging them will move them back however.
- 如果您說服安東尼·玲離開,他將經過Robco設備廠,並可能被兩個在南部隔離牆等著的死亡爪殺掉。