
NCR-军团之战(英文名:NCR-Legion War)是2281年中新加州共和国凯撒军团之间正在进行的军事冲突。










与此同时,一名信使从纳瓦罗送来了一个包裹,信使和收件人都不知道包裹里装的是什么。这批货物中有一个雷管,当它进入射程时,就会与洲际弹道导弹的计算机远程连接,向地下发射井中休眠的核导弹发送信号。[Non-game 1]




尽管遭受了重大挫折,军团在接下来的几年里对NCR进行了一些小规模的行动,取得了一些成功。在2281年,他们打开了来自探照灯营地内的San Onofre消防站的放射性废物容器,[12]并建立了棉花丛湾前哨站和突袭基地。他们还派间谍进入新維加斯賭城。他们秘密策划了对要塞山大坝的第二次进攻。当他们终于重建了自己的力量,凯撒命令他的军队从河的东岸驱逐NCR,这被称为柳树滩之战亚利桑那州溢洪道之战尼尔森之战。这三场战役最终都是军团的胜利。[Non-game 2] 漢隆首席说NCR每年损失一千多名士兵。[13]











事件 同时发生





领导层 潜在盟友




领导层 潜在盟友







# 幻灯片 旁白 游戏内状态
Legion end slide 01
凯撒进入赌城,仿佛这是他的胜利。军团把NCR完全赶出新維加斯,把他们赶回莫哈维前哨站。军团占领了所有的主要地点,奴役了大部分人口,和平地统治着其余的人。在军团的旗帜下,文明 - 虽然很无情 - 终于来到了莫哈韋廢土 别让凯撒在还有你,布鲁图?里死亡,完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Legion end slide 02
特使被加冕为新凯撒。他像进入军事目标一样进入新维加斯赌城,摧毁任何反抗他的人。军团残酷地占领了所有主要地点,屠杀并奴役了大量人口。在军团的旗帜下,文明 - 虽然很野蛮 - 终于来到了莫哈韦廢土。 让凯撒死在还有你,布鲁图?,完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服



# 幻灯片 旁白 游戏内状态
NCR end slide 01
新加州共和国庆祝在胡佛大坝取得的第二次胜利,确立了对整个莫哈韋廢土的绝对控制。不久之后,他们就合并赌城自由城和许多周边社区的条款进行了谈判。莫哈韦废土终于完全落在了NCR的旗帜下。 完成游戏NCR最后的任务找到了!



# 幻灯片 旁白 游戏内状态
House end slide 01
信使在好好先生的帮助下,将军团和NCR驱逐出胡佛大坝,确保了新維加斯从这两个派系中独立出来。豪斯先生不在了,剩下的保安機器人赌城维持秩序的压力很大。街头一片混乱。大火熄灭后,新维加斯保留了下来,在莫哈韦中取得了独立力量的地位。 完成万能牌:你和哪一路的人马?在不升级保安機器人的情况下建立独立的新维加斯。
House end slide 01
信使在好好先生的帮助下,将军团和NCR都赶出了胡佛大坝,确保了新维加斯从这两个派系中独立出来。豪斯先生不在了,一部分保安機器人被转移到赌城维持秩序。街上的混乱很快就结束了。混乱变成了不确定,然后是接受,生命损失最小。新维加斯作为莫哈韦的一个独立力量获得了地位。 完成万能牌:你和哪一路的人马?在升级保安機器人的情况下建立独立的新維加斯



# 幻灯片 旁白 游戏内状态
House end slide 01
豪斯先生保安機器人军队控制了胡佛大坝赌城,将军团和精疲力尽的NCR赶出新維加斯豪斯先生继续以他的方式管理着新维加斯,这是一种战前荣耀的专制愿景。街道井然有序,办事效率高,却很冷漠。新維加斯仍然是这片废土上唯一一个财富瞬息即逝的地方。 豪斯先生完成豪斯总是赢家


  1. The Courier: "What will you do if I don't turn you in?"
    Hanlon: "Oliver can't stand that rangers got credit for victory at Hoover. Whatever I recommend, he does the opposite. I said I wanted them on the ridge. He put them right on the western part of the dam itself. We don't have enough firepower to hold that spot. If the troopers fall back, and they will, the rangers will advance to cover Oliver's retreat. We lose the dam, Oliver and the senate are ruined."
    The Courier: "That's crazy."
    Hanlon: "Maybe fifty rangers will die on that dam. We lose over a thousand troopers every year. Being here is crazy. Getting out's the only sane thing to do."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  2. Courier: "Why do you care whether Kimball lives or dies?"
    Robert House: "I care because he is a known quantity - not the man so much as the political context he inhabits. Kimball rose to prominence as the "Hero of the Mojave" when he led a campaign of reprisals against tribals who dared to attack NCR citizens. Ordering the occupation of Hoover Dam was his first act of office. As water and electricity flowed to NCR cities, his popularity soared. Conversely, his failure to annex the Mojave these seven years, and the immense costs of occupying a foreign land, have eroded his popular support."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  3. Caesar: "Down the hill, at the west edge of camp, is an old building. It was here when the Fort was taken in 2277."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  4. Courier: "So why don't you want the NCR President to die?"
    Robert House: "Kimball's entire political career is inextricably bound up with the NCR's occupation of the Mojave. It's his war. If I compel the NCR to retreat, Kimball will be the sacrifice offered to the gods, so decent NCR citizens can get on with their lives. In retrospect, the Mojave and Hoover Dam will seem like one man's misadventure. Kimball will be blamed, not me. Not New Vegas."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Caesar: "You have to understand that Kimball is a symbol. Without him, there would be no NCR occupation of the Mojave. He mustered the troops - as many as his senate would allow - and sent them in. All the right reasons, done all the wrong ways. Any invasion by a democracy is a half-measure. When Kimball dies, the NCR will recoil from the Mojave, and from his legacy. By the time they recover and try to strike back, I'll be invading them."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  6. The Courier "Tell me about the first battle."
    Alex Richards: "The Legion attacked in full force. Chief Hanlon had the troopers fall back pulling the enemy in, before entrenching into secure positions. The Legion got bogged down and Rangers and 1st Recon sharpshooters started taking out the Legion officers. They sent their best men to stop the Rangers and 1st Recon, but the Rangers pulled them into a trap at Boulder City and blew them all to hell. After that the Legion's forces were in disarray and tried to retreat. However, our forces advanced rapidly and routed them. And that was that."
    (Alex Richards' dialogue)
  7. Boulder City Memorial
  8. The Courier: "That's what made the Legion come to the Divide."
    Ulysses: "Caesar's orders. {Emph} Every supply line gets cut, every community that feeds the Bear... cut its throat, starve the Mojave."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  9. Courier: "On the High Road, you mentioned NCR and Legion fought here... before and after the Divide?"
    Ulysses: "The two-headed Bear made its claim, dug its claws into the trail you made. For once, it seemed like it might succeed - cut a route to the Mojave. Couldn't let NCR stay in the Divide. Trade route, road the military could use... can't have two roads into the Mojave. Not after the work we'd done to cut off New Canaan, other routes, killing caravans... all we'd done to make the West bleed."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  10. Courier: "[NCR] Those bodies in the silo were NCR soldiers... some special forces."
    Ulysses: "Might have been. Once. To the Divide they came... in the Divide, they rest."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Courier: "I'm guessing you don't like Caesar very much."
    Joshua Graham: "Love the sinner, hate the sin. With Caesar, it's often very difficult to see through all of that sin to the person inside. I can say that we were both lucky that NCR's supply lines and land routes north of Mojave Outpost were destroyed before the Battle of Hoover Dam. Something bad happened near Death Valley, at a place called the Divide. NCR couldn't cut across anymore and it slowed down their reinforcements. Terrible storms ripped entire companies apart before they even got to Nevada soil. The aftermath of Hoover Dam could have been even worse for Caesar."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  12. Camp Searchlight terminal entries; NCR communications terminal, Communications Entry #937
  13. Courier: "What will you do if I don't turn you in?"
    Hanlon: "Oliver can't stand that rangers got credit for victory at Hoover. Whatever I recommend, he does the opposite. I said I wanted them on the ridge. He put them right on the western part of the dam itself. We don't have enough firepower to hold that spot. If the troopers fall back, and they will, the rangers will advance to cover Oliver's retreat. We lose the dam, Oliver and the senate are ruined."
    Courier: "That's crazy."
    Hanlon: "Maybe fifty rangers will die on that dam. We lose over a thousand troopers every year. Being here is crazy. Getting out's the only sane thing to do."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)


  1. Chris Avellone at Obsidian Entertainment forums
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.372-376: "[3.33] Hoover Dam
    All of the Main Quest in Act III centers around this location, as do the Main Quests involving the visit of President Aaron Kimball. A stronghold of extreme strategic importance for centuries, this location has seen recent turmoil between major Faction too. A few years before current events, Caesar's Legion rolled in, led by ex-Mormon missionary Joshua Graham, Caesar's Legate. Not considering NCR's army to be a serious threat, Graham exercised somewhat lax control over the Legion. During the Battle of Hoover Dam, NCR Rangers and Sharpshooters from First Recon employed risky tactics against the Legion with the help of the enlisted Troopers, and despite horrific loss of life, Caesar's forces were pushed back, but not routed.
    The NCR has been holding the dam continuously since, and have fortified positions along the dam and up and down the west side of the Colorado River. Recently, the Legion pushed the NCR off of the east side of the river at the Battle of Willow Beach (which destroyed an NCR military camp) and the Battle of Arizona Spillway. Day to day military operations at the dam are under the command of Colonel Moore. While troopers are active here, there are also a large number of civilian contractors who are trying to keep the dam running. They are of a secondary concern to Moore, who is preparing from for an impending attack by Caesar and a visit by President Kimball."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)