

NCR-兄弟会之战(英文名:NCR-Brotherhood War),(Note)新加州共和国中被称为兄弟会战争[2]是钢铁兄弟会和NCR之间的主要冲突,彻底影响了新加州及其周边地区,改变了其脆弱的权力平衡。


战争的根源在于钢铁兄弟会在倫巴斯的领导地位和新加州共和国作为新加州的主导力量的出现之间的停滞。[14] 面对一个不断扩张的民族国家,兄弟会采取了一种反动的政策,试图夺取任何先进的科技,限制和控制整个地区对这些科技的获取,尤其是能量武器。[Non-game 1]

NCR拒绝接受兄弟会试图强加给它的政策,这导致了军事对抗。[5]形成鲜明对比的是 - 在22世纪40年代早期及之前,兄弟会与迅速发展的新加州共和国关系良好,以至于联邦的一个州以兄弟会创始人的名字命名: 麦克森。 然而,失落山丘从未被纳入NCR。[15]他们甚至在NCR的首都沙蔭市有一个前哨站。[16]然而,前面提到的兄弟会后来制定的政策使得在2250年代末或2260年代初,共和国和兄弟会之间的军事冲突已经司空见惯,并消耗着生命。[1]




主页面: 旭日行动


对于NCR来说,这最终是一个巨大的战术胜利,尽管哈格蒂中尉评论说这对共和国来说是一场艰苦的战斗。[19][Non-game 2]兄弟会最初击退了NCR的几次进攻,但当他们的部队开始弹药不足时,他们被迫发起反攻,从太阳神向西突围。拉莫斯圣骑士评论NCR的人力如何赢得了他们,说"他们的人比我们的弹药多。"[20] 但是兄弟会也遭受了损失;这场战斗导致莫哈韦分会一半的人力损失,其中包括超过一半的资深骑士和圣骑士。最后,兄弟会激活了设施的安全系统,阻止了NCR进入控制中心。[19]到2281年,这个地区仍然无法进入NCR,使他们无法获得胜利的果实。剩余的兄弟会部队向西撤退到隐秘山谷,穿过山脉,并实施了严格的封锁。[Non-game 3]在封锁和恢复期间,共和国将其在莫哈韦的军事存在增加了五倍。[21]



Fallout New Vegas T-51b


与此同时,西部尤其是莫哈韦地区的兄弟会正在逐渐消失,他们实际上是躲藏起来的,[12]一些最有才华的成员不愿帮助兄弟会,反而叛变了。[23]人力的消耗严重影响了其发动战争的能力,阵亡的老兵被相对缺乏经验的士兵所取代。[Non-game 4]




虽然在许多战场上取得了胜利,但NCR的经济却遭受了巨大的损失。当兄弟会无法对抗NCR在人力上的优势时,它突袭了支持新加州美元的黄金储备,洗劫了储备。[Non-game 5]

随着袭击的加剧,黄金变得不可用,被兄弟会的行动摧毁或拿走,NCR的公民惊慌失措,争相从NCR剩余的黄金储备中收回面值的货币。由于NCR无法实现这些撤资,特别是向边境的撤资,因此其货币的价值大幅下降。为了防止实际的经济崩溃,NCR政府放弃了金本位制,建立了法定货币,而不是用金币支付。从那以后,许多废土居民对NCR美元作为一种价值媒介失去了信心,因为除了政府的承诺和不可避免的通货膨胀之外,它没有任何支持。为了应对信心的丧失,中樞市的商人联盟重新建立了他们自己的货币,古老的瓶盖,通过用标准的水来交换瓶盖,以支持它。[Non-game 6] (中樞市的贸易商很久以前就引入了瓶盖,但已经改用NCR美元作为"默认"货币,而不是瓶盖。) 重新引入瓶盖作为核危机后主要货币的决定,源于NCR在处理货币危机方面的无能。[Non-game 7][Non-game 8][Non-game 9]

2281年第二次胡佛大坝之战后不久,沙蔭市遭到破坏,严重限制了新加州共和国在该地区的影响力,这很可能进一步加剧了这场危机。晒骨场附近地区的核爆炸无疑会影响到NCR印制法定货币的能力,因为该州所有的货币都是在晒骨场铸造的。[Non-game 10]到2296年,随着晒骨场的大部分地区陷入无法无天的状态,瓶盖再次成为主导地区的货币,作为唯一一种保证被废土中的任何人接受的货币。[27]



兄弟会还接管了费城,尽管其公民的抵抗,兄弟会的旗帜和横幅在整个城镇升起,这是几十年来西海岸兄弟会第一次已知的领土扩张之一。[4]以类似于东海岸事件的方式,组织需要进行更改。他们的领导人之一,长老昆图斯教士,承认兄弟会在回忆他们统治西海岸废土的时候已经"迷失了方向",并补充说,权力必须是获取的,而不是给予的。昆图斯发起了在西海岸建立"新兄弟会"的计划,并以他为领袖。[Non-game 11]






主页面: Battle of Griffith Observatory


FOTV Official Trailer Still 085


NCR的捍卫者进行了英勇的防御,但兄弟会的武装部队以其装甲部队为先锋,最终突破了设施的前门。从那里他们似乎分成了两组: 三名骑士和马克西姆斯以及其他人前往神器,而包括戴恩在内的其他人继续在天文台内与NCR的守军交战。尽管来自The Ghoul的干扰增加了兄弟会的伤亡,他们最终还是在似乎消灭了NCR在洛杉矶的残党后,确保了设施和冷核聚变反应堆的安全,但在摩尔达弗能够激活冷核聚变发生器之前 - 为洛杉矶和沙蔭市的废墟提供无限的力量,由于普利德溫號的存在,这些废墟现在似乎受到了兄弟会的影响。[4]



  • ^ (注意) 这个标题是非官方的,是编辑制作的。




冲突是为了满足被取消的范布倫,发生在整个游戏过程中。[Non-canon 1][Non-canon 2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "Do you have any other family in the Brotherhood?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "Just my parents, but they haven't been around for a long time. Dad was a Paladin, Mom was a Scribe. They died in the same battle trying to hold off the NCR from... something. I don't remember what it was. Guess it seemed important at the time."
    The Courier: "Who was this Father Elijah to you?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "I would say he was my tutor, but that doesn't cover it. After my parents passed, he looked after me. The whole Brotherhood brought me up, really, but he made sure of it. I never had a grandfather - not that I knew, anyway - but Elijah was in some ways what I'd imagine a grandfather to be."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue) Note: Veronica was born in 2254 and states she was brought up by the Brotherhood, indicating they passed in her early childhood, which pins the earliest known instance of NCR-Brotherhood hostility in the 2250s/2260s range.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Aaron Kimball: "Born in a tin shack on the outskirts of One Pine, Jeremy Watson never had it easy. His father worked as a caravan guard on the Short Loop, and his mother, like many Californians, braved the ruins of the Old World as a prospector. They suffered through water shortages, raider attacks, and the Brotherhood War. Like our mighty Sierra Nevadas, they endured. But the time came when they could no longer shoulder the burden alone. Twelve years ago, they called out for help, and the republic heard them."
    (Aaron Kimball's dialogue) Note: This is an excerpt from the speech given at the Hoover Dam during the quests You'll Know It When It Happens, The House Always Wins, VI, Wild Card: Finishing Touches, and Arizona Killer.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Template:FOTV
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Template:FOTV
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Due to disagreements over how technology should be controlled in the wasteland, the Brotherhood of Steel waged a long and bloody war against the NCR. Despite superior equipment and training, the Brotherhood eventually went into retreat."
  6. Template:FOTV
  7. Template:FOTV
  8. Template:FOTV
  9. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: The End and Episode 8: The Beginning
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 The Courier: "The Brotherhood of Steel has been wiped out."
    Robert House: "Singlehandedly destroying a Brotherhood of Steel bunker is quite an accomplishment. Platoons of NCR troops have died, trying to do the same. This welcome news comes just in time, as events in the wider world are coming to a head..."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Courier: "Any recommendations on how to complete the mission?"
    Robert House: "From time to time, the NCR has assaulted Brotherhood bunkers. In four of the six incidents I know of, the bunkers self-destructed. I surmise it's standard practice for the Brotherhood to install a self-destruct system. It's consistent with their uncompromising nature. You might use that against them. Or kill them another way, it's up to you. Return when it's done."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Nolan McNamara: "Veronica. I hope-"
    Veronica: "I brought you a present."
    Veronica Santangelo: "We unlocked the secret of HELIOS One."
    Nolan McNamara: "What? Wonderful news!"
    Veronica Santangelo: "No. It's not. ARCHIMEDES II is an orbital laser. Effective only outdoors in a limited radius and requiring a long recharge."
    Nolan McNamara: "In the hands of the enemy-"
    Veronica Santangelo: "They'd be marginally more effective. We lost most of the chapter defending glorified artillery."
    Nolan McNamara: "We couldn't have known. We fought for what we believed in."
    Veronica Santangelo: "And nearly died for it. Tomorrow you'd do it all over again, having learned nothing."
    Nolan McNamara: "Are you trying to shame me?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "I'm trying to open your eyes. We need to engage the outside world. We can't win without new recruits."
    Nolan McNamara: "What does the Codex say?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "A bunch of closed-minded bullshit."
    Nolan McNamara: "We do not help them, or let them in."
    Veronica Santangelo: "But-"
    Nolan McNamara: "We keep knowledge they must never have."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Give it a chance. For me. I can't stay here and watch us waste away."
    Nolan McNamara: "I'm sorry."
    Veronica Santangelo: "We'll die out."
    Nolan McNamara: "<Sighs> I know."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Come on. I can't listen to this anymore."
    (Veronica Santangelo and Nolan McNamara's dialogue) Note: This is the conversation at the end of I Could Make You Care taking the path of discovering what was important about HELIOS One.
  13. The Courier: "If it's worked for this long, there must be something redeemable about their beliefs. Have faith."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Wow, you sound like Elder McNamara. I know I should. Hell, it's what I signed up for when I chose to stay into adulthood. I know there's something worth saving in there. But we're in decline. Our membership is... decimated. There's got to be something we can do."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  14. The Chosen One: "{131}{}{Before we go any further, why tell me all this now?}"
    Matthew: "{132}{}{(sigh) The Enclave has developed vertibird technology, flying machines that allow them to move deeply into surrounding territories. Without similar technology to counter this threat, the Brotherhood would be unable to stop an invasion launched by the Enclave. We need to have vertibird technology, or a viable counter to it, for ourselves.} {133}{}{Now, recently the Enclave established a base north of here called Navarro. It's used as a stopover point for the maintenance and refueling of vertibirds. It's my belief that such a base may have complete technical plans of the vertibirds. All I need is for someone to infiltrate the base, steal the plans, and bring them here to me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{135}{}{Let me guess. You want me to infiltrate this base for you.}"
    Matthew: "{136}{}{Let me be frank with you,} {137}{}{. The Brotherhood of Steel is not the power that we once were. We believed ourselves to be the sole source of technology left to mankind. Secure in this belief we have let our order decline over the years. Now we don't have the resources at our disposal to deal with the Enclave. We need your help.}"
  15. "2. How was the Brotherhood of Steel involved with NCR after the destruction of the Enclave? 未知的。据推测,他们甚至在F1事件之前就已经与NCR建立了某种程度的共存关系,从NCR的一个州被称为'麦克森'来判断(在未来的更新中,除了说失落山丘地堡没有变成NCR的城镇之外,还有更多的内容)并考虑到他们先前与中枢市的联系,中枢市在F2时成为一个州。I've always imagined that NCR and BOS have maintained an uneasy truce, with barter and (some) technology sharing between the two groups." ~ Chris Avellone
  16. The presence of a Brotherhood outpost in the NCR capital at that date.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Fallout: New Vegas endings
  18. The Courier: "Why do you hate the Brotherhood so much?"
    Robert House: "Because they're ridiculous! Because they galavant around the Mojave pretending to be Knights of Yore. Or did, until the NCR showed them that ideological purity and shiny power armor don't count for much when you're outnumbered 15:1. The world has no use for emotionally unstable techno-fetishists. Just wipe them out, will you?"
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 The Courier: "Why was the Brotherhood of Steel here?"
    Haggerty: "Damned if I know. Put up a hell of a fight, though. We had them outnumbered, I don't know, twenty to one, maybe. They held out as long as they could. Lost most of their force before they retreated. Gave us a little parting gift, too. They had some of the plant running, but they shut it all down. Enabled an old security system, too, to keep us away from the controls. Jerkoffs."
    (Haggerty's dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "Tell me about what happened at HELIOS."
    Ramos: "I'm sure someone's told you all this before. Several years back, we were running our chapter out the HELIOS One solar power station. Our Elder at the time, Elijah, had some kind of obsession with the place. Which is the only reason we stayed as long as we did. That place was hardly defensible, and we knew the NCR was moving in on us, but the Elder refused to budge, insisting that he just needed "more time". We never found out what he needed the time for. Wave upon wave of NCR troopers hit us from all directions. We held out for a time, but we were grossly outnumbered, and they had more men than we had ammo. Eventually our positions collapsed. Elder Elijah was nowhere to be found, so McNamara took charge and led what remained of us on a counter-offensive west. We lost a lot of men and women, but we broke through and made it here. Make no mistake, McNamara saved this chapter that day."
    (Ramos' dialogue)
  21. The Courier: "Tell me about the lockdown."
    Nolan McNamara: "It's a protective measure that was enacted after our defeat at HELIOS. The NCR was hot on our heels, and we wouldn't have survived another encounter. It was decided that we would stay quiet for a time, heal the wounded, and try to come up with a new strategy. However, after we had fully recuperated, our first scouting measures showed that the NCR's presence in this region had only increased in our absence. There are now more than five times the number of NCR troops in the area as when we fought them, and we have half the number we did at HELIOS. And so the lockdown has been extended. To go outside would be the death of us all."
    (Nolan McNamara's dialogue)
  22. The Courier: "Colonel Moore's "way"?"
    Hanlon: "The colonel is an effective commander - one of the best - but she sharpened her claws on the Vipers and the old Jackals. Did four tours against the Brotherhood, too. She used to be ranger until an injury took her out of action. Happens to a lot of us, unfortunately. She's better at making graves than making friends. Bring in Moore and the earth will be razed. Fields will be salted."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  23. Elder Elijah's departure after Operation: Sunburst and one of potential fates of Veronica Santangelo at the end of I Could Make You Care.
  24. The Courier: "Why don't you deal in energy weapons?"
    Alexander: "We used to. But every caravan carrying them was getting ambushed and wiped out. By someone sophisticated enough to know which was which. We think it was the Brotherhood of Steel - those crazies always go hard for energy weapons. But the NCR would rather pretend they killed all of them."
    (Alexadner's dialogue)
  25. For the Republic, Part 2 and its two possible outcomes.
  26. The Prydwen terminal entries; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, Aftermath
  27. Visit Vault 33 NOW!; Caps
  28. Elder Cleric Quintus: Why did you join the Brotherhood?


  1. GTtv interview with Josh Sawyer
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.458
    The NCR spread east into Nevada in large numbers just five years ago on a "humanitarian mission" to "bring the light of civilization to the savage wastes of the Mojave." Hoover Dam was the symbol of the expedition-reports from the Followers of the Apocalypse had confirmed that it was still intact as early as 2170-and its occupation by NCR troops in 2274 was a celebrated event. Even more exciting was the restarting of the dam's hydroelectric plant eleven months later, which dramatically improved the access of many NCR citizens to electricity and water.
    Since then, most of the news has been bad. Skirmishes with local tribes and the first battle for Hoover Dam have cost the lives of more than 400 of the NCR's soldiers and civilians.
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43: "Brotherhood of Steel"
    "The Brotherhood of Steel is a militant organization devoted to the preservation of pre-war technology and human knowledge. Their professed mission is to preserve pre-war technology and human knowledge for the benefit of future generations. In practice, its definition of technology is strangely selective, ignoring basic but potentially useful technologies (genetic modification of crops and civil engineering, for example) in favor of combat technology such as energy weapons and power armor: and even now, nearly two centuries after the Great War, the Brotherhood zealously restricts the use and knowledge of such technologies to its own membership.
    The Mojave Brotherhood operated freely amid the Vegas wastes for several years, carrying out many reclamation missions without serious opposition. The balance of power shifted in 2251, when a large contingent of NCR troops entered the region and occupied Hoover Dam. Conflict was inevitable. Nearly two years of guerrilla skirmishes culminated in a pitched battle at HELIOS One, a solar energy plant the Brotherhood had been refurbishing for several months with the goals of bringing it back online and activating its hidden offensive capabilities (the ARCHIMEDES II death ray). The battle for HELIOS One (Operation: Sunburst) proved a disaster for the Mojave Brotherhood. More than half its Paladins and Knights were killed. The chapter's leader, Elder Elijah, disappeared without a trace. The Brotherhood was driven from the facility, which suffered extensive damage. Survivors retreated to Hidden Valley.
    Since that defeat, the chapter's leader, Elder McNamara, has restricted activity outside the bunker to occasional reconnaissance missions and high-value raids. All operations take place at night, and engagement of NCR forces is strictly forbidden. Though the Brotherhood's ascetic lifestyle has prepared its members for a sequestered existence better than most, the passivity of their current situation has proved highly stressful."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  4. Josh Sawyer: "Many years have passed since the events of Fallout 1 and in the time between F2 and F:NV, the western Brotherhood has suffered very heavy losses. Because they are, by nature, insular, replacing their fallen veterans is difficult. Most of the Mojave chapter's paladins are relatively inexperienced. There isn't an army of Rhombuses down there."
    (J.E. Sawyer on forums.bethsoft.com)
  5. [1] Joshua Sawyer: "I wouldn't think so. When USD was gold-backed the value of the dollar didn't change based on proximity to Fort Knox.
    Anyway, I don't actually remember anyone in the game saying that the BoS made NCR's gold radioactive, but that they attacked a reserve and stole a shitload of it."
  6. Question: "How does the Hub 'back' caps? Can you exchange a certain number of caps for a standard measure of water?
    Josh Sawyer: "Yes."
    (Josh Sawyer on forums.somethingawful.com)
  7. Josh Sawyer: "And this is discussed in-game: BoS raided NCR's gold reserves until NCR could no longer generate gold coinage nor back their paper money. They abandoned the gold standard and established fiat currency, which is why its value is inflated over both caps and (especially) Legion coinage. (...) People in eastern NCR and the Mojave Wasteland lost faith in the NCR government's a) ability to back the listed value of paper money and b) stability overall. If you're living in Bakersfield, staring at a piece of paper that says "redeemable for value in gold" and you have no faith in the government's ability or willingness to do that -- or if you see that the government has changed the currency to say that it is not able to be exchanged for a backed good -- you may very well listen to the strong consortium of local merchants offering to exchange that paper note for currency backed by water."
    (Josh Sawyer on forums.somethingawful.com)
  8. Josh Sawyer: "Traders from the Mojave travel the Short Loop into NCR, which means that they have to go through a few hundred miles of solid desert. Carrying enough water to travel from New Vegas to the Boneyard (or vice versa) would undercut cargo capacity significantly. Even the communities around the Mojave Wasteland (other than New Vegas itself) have water brought in and stored in local towers. Of course, the Colorado River is nearby as long as you don't mind walking through an active war zone."
    (Josh Sawyer on forums.somethingawful.com)
  9. Joshua Sawyer: "the source of production (all NCR bills are made in the Boneyard), some people felt more uneasy about their money not having any "real" (backed) value.
    (Josh Sawyer on forums.somethingawful.com)
  10. Joshua Sawyer: "It happened during the BoS-NCR war. I believe Alice McLafferty mentions it, but I'm not positive. She doesn't detail the events in this much detail, but here they are: The attacks caused NCR citizens (and others who held NCR currency) to panic, resulting in a rush to reclaim the listed face value of currency from NCR's gold reserves. Inability to do this at several locations (especially near the periphery of NCR territory where reserves were normally low) caused a loss of faith in NCR's ability to back their currency. Though NCR eventually stopped the BoS attacks, they decided to protect against future problems by switching to fiat currency. While this meant that BoS could no longer attack a) reserves or b) the source of production (all NCR bills are made in the Boneyard), some people felt more uneasy about their money not having any "real" (backed) value. This loss of confidence increased with NCR inflation, an ever-looming spectre of fiat currency. Because the Hub links NCR with the Mojave Wasteland and beyond, the merchants there grew frustrated with NCR's handling of the currency crisis. They conspired to re-introduce the bottle cap as a water-backed currency that could "bridge the gap" between NCR and Legion territory. In the time leading up to the re-introduction, they did the footwork to position themselves properly. If some old-timer had a chest full of caps, they didn't care (in fact, they thought that was great, since the old-timers would enthusiastically embrace the return of the cap), but they did seek to control or destroy production facilities and truly large volumes of caps (e.g. Typhon's treasure) whenever possible."
    (Josh Sawyer talks about boneyard making currency on forums.somethingawful.com)
  11. Elder Cleric Quintus: "The Brotherhood has lost its way. We once ruled the Wasteland… And yet power is taken, not given. A lesson you seem to have learned. So, if what you say is true, and you can lead us to the relic, then together, you and I, we will take power. And with it… we will start a new Brotherhood. With me as its head, and the likes of you as its sword. Your entire life, you’ve been looking for a home. Build one with me."


  1. Maxson bunker design document p. 2: "The bunker was intended to be used as a staging area for exploration teams scouting the east. However, once the war broke out with the New California Republic the bunker became a forward base of operations against Hoover Dam, an NCR outpost. The war effort has gone poorly for both sides. The BOS has superior technology, but the NCR has superior numbers of troops. As a result, the war has been at a stalemate for years. Morale on both sides has plummeted but the BOS has been severely affected. The BOS has always believed themselves to be an elite organization comprised of the best that mankind has to offer in soldiers and technology. The fact that a large group of under trained and under equipped troops could hold their own against such superior forces was an eye opener for the BOS. The war, in their eyes, has now become a senseless waste of lives and resources. Many of the BOS troops have deserted and fled into the wasteland to find new lives, leaving the bunker occupied by a select few diehards."
  2. Maxson bunker design document p. 3: "In the year 2242, Jeremy Maxson renamed the bunker after his famous ancestor, Roger Maxson. He then sent a full compliment of troops for occupation. Andrea Brixley was promoted to Elder, given the rank of General, and placed in charge. The remainder of her exploratory team was given the title of Elder as well. It was not long afterward that the war with the New California Republic was announced. For years the war waged on and was considered a victory for the Brotherhood of Steel. However, no matter how many troops fell to the Brotherhood's superior technology, the NCR always seemed to have more replacements available. The Brotherhood, however, was not so fortunate. Being an elitist group, replacements were short in arriving. It soon became obvious that the Brotherhood was doomed to loose the war to the NCR's greater numbers. Moral at the bunker began to falter as the war seemed more and more hopeless. Eventually the inevitable happened. Lower ranking members of the Brotherhood began to desert their posts. In an effort to end the war once and for all, the Brotherhood began to use newly discovered subversive technology known as StealthBoys. These devices could create a field of energy that would bend light around the user, thus making him virtually invisible to sight. This allowed Brotherhood operatives to penetrate deep into NCR territory for the gathering of intelligence. However, it was soon discovered that the devices had severe side effects. Paranoia, delusions, and eventual schizophrenia were the major ones. The Brotherhood disallowed the use of StealthBoys and once again fell behind in their war effort."