Has platform::PC武器和裝甲在安全屋裡有時候不會顯示.可能修復方式——內容似乎與補丁升級有關(和導致同伴無法被送去幸運38的是同一個).如果你在進入前升級,清空場景內所有物品然後離開安全屋(回到廢土),然後重新保存並刪除升級緩存,這樣你應該還有全部的物品。[已验证]
Has platform::PC 當你進入安全屋的時候,戈麥斯游騎兵有時會表現的神智不清.注意!不要殺她或者碰她,如果你這樣做了她會消失,之後即使有崇拜聲望或者穿著NCR陣營服飾,NCR也會與你敵對.不要碰她,進第二個房間,在任意一張床上睡24小時後,戈麥斯應該會恢復正常。[已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 After discovering the location, an NCR sergeant and an NCR soldier may come and talk to you. Afterward, when fast-travelling to the NCR Ranger safehouse, the door can be locked with no option to do anything, and the rocks along the path will not be solid. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 After taking NCR armor in the building, putting it on, and leaving with it, your reputation with the NCR may reset to Neutral even after you take the armor off. This can be fixed by raising or lowering your reputation with any faction. [已验证]
Has platform::PC 當進入安全屋的起始部分時,如果你與軍團敵對,他們可能會派來突擊隊,你進入後他們會在那裡等待.如果戈麥斯在場,她會開始射擊,接著她和軍團成員會突然消失,並且不會回來,建議存檔。 [已验证]
Has platform::PC 離開安全屋時,同伴可能會被卡在岩石上,等待或快速旅行可以解決問題。 [已验证]
Has platform::PC 拿了裝甲之後它沒有出現在你的物品欄里,卻還能導致超重。Players can try to exit the safe-house, and the invisible items may now again appear in the inventory. Opening a companion's inventory may also fix this. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 Sometimes you cannot enter the safe house and you can glitch through the door. You can fix this by turning off the game and loading up your last save [已验证]
大山脉 ·Big MT east tunnel ·Big MT north tunnel ·Big MT west tunnel ·Construction site ·Elijah's Watch ·Forbidden Zone dome entrance ·Hazmat testing ground ·Higgs Village ·Little Yangtze ·Loading station ·Magnetohydraulics complex ·Mojave Drive-in ·Mysterious cave ·Saturnite alloy research facility ·Securitron de-construction plant ·Signal Hills Transmitter ·The Cuckoo's Nest ·The Sink ·The Think Tank ·Waste disintegration platform ·X-2 transmitter antenna array ·X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch ·X-7b "Boom Town" target zone ·X-8 research center ·X-12 research center ·X-13 research facility ·X-17 meteorological station ·X-22 botanical garden ·X-66 Hexcrete archipelago ·Y-0 research center ·Y-17 medical facility ·Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab ·Z-14 Pepsinae DNA splicing lab ·Z-38 lightwave dynamics research ·Z-43 innovative toxins plant ·Ulysses' Point
Ashton silo control station ·Boxwood Hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance ·Junction 7 rest stop ·High Road ·Hopeville armory ·Hopeville men's barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance ·Hopeville silo bunker entrance ·Hopeville women's barracks ·Marked men camp ·Marked men base ·Marked men guard outpost ·Marked men supply outpost ·Pass to canyon wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined highway interchange ·Sunstone Tower roof ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·Waste disposal station ·Wastewater treatment plant
Calada ·Corn Creek Dunes ·Devil Peak ·Dry Lake ·East Las Vegas ·Elephant Hill ·Floyd Lamb State Park ·Garnet ·Gomorrah 3rd floor ·Las Vegas Academy ·Las Vegas Bay Campground ·Las Vegas Dunes ·Malpais Legionnaire Camp ·Mountain Springs ·Mt. Perkins ·Mummy Mountain ·Northwest sewers ·Pahrump ·Piute Point ·Ripley ·Sandy Valley ·Southwest sewers ·Spring Mountains Recreation Area ·Summerlin ·Sunrise Mountain ·Underpass ·Valley of Fire ·Wheaton Springs · Vault 24 · Vault 74