關於the song of a similar name,參見Mutant Massacre

Your savvy at mutant killing grants you a bonus to killing them.— In-game description

Mutant Massacrer is a challenge perk辐射:新维加斯 .

Challenge requirements[]

This perk is rewarded by completing each rank of the "Super Mutant Massacre" kill challenge:

  • Rank 1: Kill 50 super mutants
  • Rank 2: Kill 50 super mutants
  • Rank 3: Kill 50 super mutants


Gaining this perk grants an increase to damage dealt against super mutants, both regular and nightkin.

  1. +3% damage against super mutants
  2. +6% damage against super mutants
  3. +10% damage against super mutants


  • The challenge will appear in the Pip-Boy's menu as soon as you kill your first super mutant.
  • The perk's usefulness is relatively small due to the scarcity of super mutants as enemies in Fallout: New Vegas compared to Fallout 3; they only appear in the basement of the REPCONN test site during Come Fly With Me and at Black Mountain during Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, as well as if one chooses to kill the population of Jacobstown.
  • The super mutants and nightkin between Neil's shack and the peak of Black Mountain re-spawn every 3-4 game days.