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- Characters:
- Mortimer (Fallout: New Vegas), a cannibalistic, high-ranking member of the White Glove Society in Fallout: New Vegas.
- VMS18Mortimer.txt, dialogue for Mortimer in Fallout: New Vegas.
- Mortimer (Fallout 4), a deceased, former resident of Sandy Coves Convalescent Home in Fallout 4.
- Mortimer's safe key, a key unlocking Mortimer's safe in Fallout 4.
- Jebadiah Mortimer, a pre-War prisoner at Eastern Regional Penitentiary, mentioned in Fallout 76.
- Mortimer (Wastelanders), a Mister Handy associated with the Crater Raiders and gold bullion vendor in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.
- Mortimer (Fallout: New Vegas), a cannibalistic, high-ranking member of the White Glove Society in Fallout: New Vegas.