
Holdout weapons are weapons which can be sneaked into areas where weapons are normally confiscated, primarily seen at the three Strip casinos: the Gomorrah, the Tops, and Ultra-Luxe. Weapons classified as holdout weapons depend on the player character's Sneak skill, though the lists are rather limited regardless. Internally, these lists are referred to as "Holdout Weapons" and "Improved Holdout Weapons," depending on whether the player character's Sneak skill is below 50 or at least 50, respectively.


At certain points in the course of the game, the Courier may have their weapons confiscated from them, in which they will then be presented with an option to retain some of their weapons in the form of a dialogue option, which usually ends with the text "<keep holdout weapons>." Selecting this option will result in retaining a small subset of their weapons; what weapons are retained depends on the Sneak skill.

The complete list of locations that confiscate weapons and allow the option to keep (improved) holdout weapons is:

Holdout weapons[]

These weapons are always concealable and able to be brought into weapons-free areas, regardless of Sneak skill. Many of these weapons can be purchased from the merchant Mister Holdout, who can be found near the entrance of the Gomorrah casino.

Weapon name Ammunition used Weapon damage Damage per second Explosion damage Effect damage Action Point cost Damage per Action Point Weight Weapon skill Is weapon silent?
Brass knuckles 18 36.9 18 2.0 1 Unarmed Silent
Cosmic knife Dead Money 12 36 20 1.2 1 Melee Silent
Cosmic knife clean Dead Money 15 45 20 1.5 1 Melee Silent
Cosmic knife super-heated Dead Money 14 42 20 1.4 1 Melee Silent
Figaro 8 33.2 17 0.9 1 Melee Silent
Knife 8 24 20 0.8 1 Melee Silent
Li'l Devil Gun Runners' Arsenal[1] 12.7mm 45 146.3 15 3.3 3 Guns Audible
Love and Hate 30 75.8 19 3.2 1 Unarmed Silent
MFC grenade Gun Runners' Arsenal[1] 1 52.5 75 35 2.2 0.5 Explosives Silent
Nuka-grenade Gun Runners' Arsenal[1] 1 228 350 +2 Plasma/5s 24 15.0 0.5 Explosives Audible
Police pistol Dead Money .357 Mag 30 60 19 1.6 3 Guns Audible
Silenced .22 pistol .22LR 9 31.5 17 0.5 3 Guns Silent
Spiked knuckles 25 59.2 19 2.6 1 Unarmed Silent
Straight razor 5 18.5 18 0.6 1 Melee Silent
Switchblade 7 14 18 0.4 1 Melee Silent
Throwing knife 15 48.2 20 0.8 0.5 Melee Silent
Tin grenade Gun Runners' Arsenal[1] 1 65 100 35 2.9 0.5 Explosives Silent
Note: Unique weapons are highlighted with a darker background.
Note: Melee Weapons and Unarmed damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.

Improved holdout weapons[]

See also: Fallout: New Vegas improved holdout weapons

These weapons can be brought into weapons-free areas should the Courier have a Sneak skill of 50 or higher. Bonuses from temporary effects, such as ¡La Fantoma! or Stealth Boys, are counted when determining the skill level.

Note that this list does not replace the standard list of holdout weapons; weapons from the standard holdout weapons list can always be brought into weapons-free areas, regardless of skill.

Weapon name Ammunition used Weapon damage Damage per second Explosion damage Effect damage Action Point cost Damage per Action Point Weight Weapon skill Is weapon silent?
.357 Magnum revolver .357 mag 26 45.5 26 1.0 2 Guns Audible
.44 Magnum revolver[2] .44 mag 36 67.5 25 1.4 3.5 Guns Audible
.45 Auto pistol Honest Hearts .45 Auto 29 79.8 17 1.7 1.5 Guns Silent when modded
5.56mm pistol[3] Gun Runners' Arsenal 5.56mm 28 77 21 1.3 5 Guns Audible
9mm pistol 9mm 16 50 17 0.9 1.5 Guns Audible
10mm pistol[2][4] 10mm 22 60.5 17 1.3 3 Guns Silent when modded
A Light Shining in Darkness Honest Hearts .45 Auto 33 144.4 15 2.2 1.2 Guns Audible
Bowie knife Lonesome Road (add-on) 23 79.6 20 2.3 1 Melee Silent
Blood-Nap Lonesome Road (add-on) 30 110.8 17 3.5 1 Melee Silent
C-4 plastic explosive 1 81.9 250 0.5 Explosives Silent
Chance's knife 22 91.4 17 2.6 1 Melee Silent
Chopper 14 54.9 22 0.6 2 Melee Silent
Cleaver 7 17.8 22 1.3 2 Melee Silent
Combat knife[2] 15 48.5 17 1.8 1 Melee Silent
Compliance Regulator Honest Hearts SEC 8 30 Paralysis/10s 15 0.5 3 Energy Audible
Corrosive glove Old World Blues (add-on) 21 22.9 28 1.5 4 Unarmed Audible
Detonator C-4 0.5 Explosives Silent
Dr. Klein's glove Old World Blues (add-on) 34 46.4 -5 EW/30s
-2 ST/30s
18 3.8 4 Unarmed Audible
Dr. Mobius' glove Old World Blues (add-on) 28 38.2 -5 EW/30s
-2 ST/30s
15 3.7 3 Unarmed Audible
Dynamite 1 30.8 75 24 3.2 0.3 Explosives Audible
Fat mine Gun Runners' Arsenal 5 148.4 450 +10 Radiation/12s 3.25 Explosives Silent
Fire bomb Honest Hearts 1 12.5 20 +4 Fire/8s 24 1.0 0.5 Explosives Silent
Flare gun Lonesome Road (add-on) FF 10 18.5 +1 Fire/10s 30 0.4 2 Energy Audible
Flash bang Lonesome Road (add-on) 1 0.7 24 0.04 0.5 Explosives Silent
Frag grenade 1 82.2 125 24 5.3 0.5 Explosives Silent
Greased Lightning Gun Runners' Arsenal 32 96 28 2.3 6 Unarmed Audible
Hatchet 16 40.6 22 1.4 2 Melee Silent
Industrial hand Lonesome Road (add-on) 50 160 65 1.5 10 Unarmed Audible
Laser pistol SEC 12 45 15 0.8 3 Energy Audible
Laser pistol (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenal SEC 12 45 15 0.8 3 Energy Audible
Lead pipe[2] 22 55.8 24 1.8 3 Melee Silent
Long-fuse dynamite 1 30.8 75 24 3.2 0.5 Explosives Audible
Loyal's detonator 0 0 0.5 Explosives Silent
Lucky .357 mag 30 82.5 17 1.8 2.5 Guns Audible
Maria 9mm 20 75 15 1.3 1.5 Guns Audible
MF Hyperbreeder Alpha Gun Runners' Arsenal MFB 25 175 20 3.8 7 Energy Audible
MFC cluster Gun Runners' Arsenal 6 297.4 450 0.5 Explosives Silent
Mysterious Magnum .44 mag 42 102.4 22 1.9 4 Guns Audible
Pew Pew SEC 75 150 35 2.1 3 Energy Audible
Plasma grenade 1 147.4 225 24 9.4 0.5 Explosives Silent
Plasma pistol SEC 33 57.8 30 1.1 3 Energy Audible
Plasma pistol (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenal SEC 33 57.8 30 1.1 3 Energy Audible
Police baton 10 27.7 23 0.8 2 Melee Silent
Power fist[2] 40 43.6 28 2.9 6 Unarmed Audible
Power fist (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenal 40 43.6 28 2.9 6 Unarmed Audible
Pulse grenade 1 7.2 10 +200 EMP 24 0.5 0.5 Explosives Silent
Ripper[2] 50 50 65 1.5 6 Melee Audible
Ripper (GRA) Gun Runners' Arsenal 30 28 65 1.5 6 Melee Audible
Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist Honest Hearts 45 64.4 +3 Poison/10s 25 4.8 6 Unarmed Audible
Saturnite fist Old World Blues (add-on) 35 63 25 2.8 4 Unarmed Audible
Saturnite fist super-heated Old World Blues (add-on) 55 90.8 25 4.4 4 Unarmed Audible
Sawed-off shotgun[5] 12 ga 100 234.4 37 2.7 4 Guns Audible
Scientist glove Old World Blues (add-on) 21 28.6 28 1.5 2 Unarmed Audible
She's Embrace Honest Hearts 25 44 20 2.5 10 Unarmed Silent
Sleepytyme Gun Runners' Arsenal 10mm 22 220 22 4.0 5 Guns Silent
Sonic emitter - Gabriel's bark Old World Blues (add-on) SEC 55 56.9 +20 EMP 30 1.8 2 Energy Audible
Sonic emitter - opera singer Old World Blues (add-on) SEC 55 56.9 +20 EMP 30 1.8 2 Energy Audible
Sonic emitter - revelation Old World Blues (add-on) SEC 31 32.1 +20 EMP 30 1.0 2 Energy Audible
Sonic emitter - robo-scorpion Old World Blues (add-on) SEC 65 67.2 +20 EMP 30 2.2 2 Energy Audible
Sonic emitter - tarantula Old World Blues (add-on) SEC 60 62.1 +20 EMP 30 2.0 2 Energy Audible
Sterilizer glove Old World Blues (add-on) 21 28.6 28 1.5 3 Unarmed Audible
The Humble Cudgel 26 72 21 2.5 3 Melee Silent
Time bomb, high yield Gun Runners' Arsenal 1 130.8 400 0.5 Explosives Silent
Tire iron 15 34.6 27 1.1 3 Melee Silent
Two-Step Goodbye Gun Runners' Arsenal 70 76.4 28 5.0 6 Unarmed Audible
War club[2] Honest Hearts 19 57 21 1.8 3 Melee Silent
Yao guai gauntlet Honest Hearts 20 32.6 22 1.8 10 Unarmed Silent
Note: Unique weapons are highlighted with a darker background.
Note: Melee Weapons and Unarmed damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Gun Runners' Arsenal normal holdout weapons are not included in the improved holdout weapon list, and will be confiscated when using the improved holdout option.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Companion-specific variants of these weapons are not included, and will be confiscated from companion(s) (see Bugs).
  3. The unique That Gun is not included
  4. The unique weathered 10mm pistol is not included.
  5. The unique Big Boomer is not included.


  • If choosing the holdout dialogue option, weapons carried by companions will be confiscated based on the player character's Sneak skill, not that of their companion(s).
  • There are only two holdout weapons which Lily Bowen is capable of using: frag grenades, and plasma grenades. This is due to a restriction placed on Lily which limits what weapons she can use, primarily limiting her to heavy weapons such as miniguns.
  • When disarmed upon entering weapons-free areas, all confiscated weapons are stripped of their associated hotkeys.
  • If the Courier convinces Swank to give them back their weapons to deal with Benny in Ring-a-Ding-Ding!, the Courier will be allowed to bring all of their weapons into The Tops from then on.
  • Killing the Legionary main gate guard (silently) at The Fort will bypass the weapons check entirely for any later visits there. Likewise, silently killing the weather station guard in the weather monitoring station will allow bringing the weapons back outside without the guard confiscating them.
  • Weapons which are also quest items, such as the missing laser pistol, cannot be confiscated regardless of Sneak skill.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The companion-specific versions of some improved holdout weapons are not included in these lists, and will be confiscated when these companions enter casinos. This includes melee weapons such as Cass's combat knife and Raul's lead pipe, which differ from the normal versions only in that they cannot be taken by the player character. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 ED-E's integrated weapons can be brought into weapons-free areas as holdout weapons, but only if the Courier's Sneak skill is below 50. This is caused by ED-E's weapons being included on the holdout weapons list but not the improved holdout weapons list.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Rex's Bite "weapon" is not classified as a holdout weapon and will be confiscated.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Occasionally, weapons carried by companions will not be returned after exiting a casino. Therefore it is advisable to safely store any unique weapons before entering any casino.[已验证]