
This facility was designed for Continuity of Government, in the event that a catastrophe occurred. My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of the facility, and to act as a relay between other installations around the country.John Henry Eden

雷文岩 (大戰前被稱為Site R[1]), 是英克雷首都廢土行動的主要基地. 它也是美国政府在战前建造的军事基地和提供庇护的避难所。它位于华盛顿特区的西北部郊外,即地图上西北角处。位於首都廢土的最西北角。基地本身在自由模式下是不可進入的。


雷文岩起於冷戰之初,作為遭受核打擊後美軍高層的避難庫和指揮中心。[1] 该处还设有一台特殊的超级电脑ZAX(即后来的约翰·亨利·伊登总统),该电脑在战前即被安置于此,不过仅用于对烏鸦岩内部设施运作的监控以及与英克雷组织的通讯。在大战许多年之后,这台ZAX开始研究在钻井平台上的英克雷组织,并且从数据库中的机密档案中获取知识。经此过程,它逐渐形成了独立的人格, giving itself the name John Henry Eden.





Level 3[]

基地的第三层设有拘留室,有六个拘留室分部在一条呈U字型的走廊上,有些拘留室还关着人,比如南森·瓦格斯安娜·霍特。U字型走廊的中间是一个生物研究室。U字型走廊尽头的那条路则通向第二层的餐厅。 生物实验室中储存着大量被驯养的生物,甚至连死亡爪也位列其中,这些生物由查理生物调研小队捕获并送至此地。还有一部分储存容器中装着诸如超级变种人或者尸鬼一类的变种生物。生物试验室的底层为方形,每个角落都有一个房间,上层的四角也各有一个房间并有走廊相连。上层的四个房间中有三个储存着医疗设备,另一个则存放着电脑零部件。生物试验室的上层有门直接通向基地的第二层。


Level 2[]


这条T字型的走廊在两端分别与冷冻实验室与科技实验室相连,走廊的地板之下设有许多激光感应的险境,以防止有人在从地板之下潜行。走廊的尽头堆放着许多空着的用于关押死亡爪的笼子,还有许多的储物箱。沿着走廊行走还可以看见两个空房间,其中一个房间里存放着被能量护盾保护着的武器装备, to disable the barrier the player character has to hack an Average locked terminal (requires a Science skill of 50)。 沿着走廊往基地第三层走,在末端左转的位置是秋上校的房间,房间里同样有着被能量护盾保护着的储物箱。秋上校的书桌上放着能量武器专精的摇头宝宝,他的床尾则是ZAX——也就是伊登总统的自毁密码。秋上校房间的对面是一道旋转楼梯,这条楼梯通向作战指挥室。指挥室正中有一副电子地图。该房间与伊登总统的控制室相连。



Level 1[]

这条走廊中布满了英克雷的士兵和警卫机器人,它们之间会交火,而玩家则可以乘此机会迅速脱离。有许多闸门在爆炸中被损坏卡死,留给玩家的路就只有一条直通基地大门。路上通过窗户可以看到通过升降平台前往基地上方准备起飞的飞鸟直升机 can also find a deathclaw in a cage, which can be released with the nearby Average locked terminal. At the end of the corridor is the exit to the Capital Wasteland. However, upon exiting one cannot re-enter.


RR Energy Weapons bobblehead
  • 搖頭娃娃 - 能量武器在2C區(第二層)西部秋上校的房間內。打開其中一個大的金屬門後,玩家會看到兩扇門,其中一扇後面有兩個敵人。搖頭娃娃在西邊的門後。 玩家在拿到搖頭娃娃之前不應該進入控制室,因為房門就不會再打開了。.
  • ZAX destruct sequence - in a footlocker in Colonel Autumn's quarters at level 2, West 2C.
  • 117 forks on level 3, the most anywhere in the game in a single section.

Related quests[]


  • Eye cams are scattered through out the complex that may be disabled with the Robotics Expert perk.
  • Cell #4 where the Lone Wanderer first talks to President Eden is the only holding cell equipped with an eye cam.
  • The player character will not "discover" Raven Rock when they arrive, the location will be available to fast travel after leaving Raven Rock itself.
  • Raven Rock is the only Fallout 3 location equipped with laser tripwire emitters.
  • Despite the fact that the base has "clean" drinking water, drinking from the sinks in the area still gives the player character rads.
  • Depending on the Lone Wanderer's choices throughout the game, a couple of named non-player characters might be found while moving about Raven Rock. Nathan Vargas from Megaton can be found in a prison cell warning the Lone Wanderer that the Enclave "aren't who they say they are" and to "get out while you still can." Anna Holt can also be found in a room near Eden's office. She has gone to work for the Enclave, seduced by their advanced technology and promises to improve the wasteland. She is the one who has let the Enclave know what they need to make the Purifier work (except the access code, which she apparently doesn't know), and is responsible for Autumn's following the Lone Wanderer to steal the G.E.C.K.. Killing her at this point will still grant negative Karma. Leaving her to be blown up along with Raven Rock will not, however.
  • The base itself isn't accessible during free-form play (only the entry door and surrounding compound can be reached from the southeast and is "activated elsewhere"). The player character arrives here after Finding the Garden of Eden and escapes during The American Dream, after which the entrance seals behind them. It is possible to destroy the door from the outside and enter the base, but an invisible barrier in the first room prevents one from going very far.
  • The player character can destroy Raven Rock through a speech check with President Eden, with 75 Science skill or by finding his self destruct code on Autumn's terminal.
  • If the Lone Wanderer does not destroy Raven Rock themself, Liberty Prime will destroy the base (if Broken Steel is installed).
  • When Raven Rock is destroyed, Enclave Radio can no longer be heard.
  • The turrets and sentry bots will still be friendly to the player character after they put the ZAX into its self-destruct sequence.
  • The deathclaw one encounters in the base will become hostile after the Enclave has been wiped out in that area or when it detects sentry bots.
  • After leaving Raven Rock, with or without blowing it up, Enclave soldiers will spawn outside every 3 days.
  • Raven Rock can be found referenced on a terminal in the Boston Bugle building in Fallout 4. The terminal states that the in game location of Raven Rock in Fallout 3 is actually in Pennsylvania.
  • If you install Broken Steel, complete the main quest, then uninstall the DLC, Raven Rock will not be destroyed and you can continue playing.


Raven Rock appears in Fallout 3, but is mentioned in Fallout 4.


  • 雷文岩基地是一座现实中的军事基地,在宾夕法尼亚南部与马里兰的交界处,was constructed as the United States' Alternative Military Command center between 1950 and 1953[2].
  • 然而,雷文岩入口的設計非常類似同為核打擊地堡的气象山基地,which is about 50 miles northwest of Washington DC. Mount Weather is designed to be the President's personal fallout shelter.
  • 雷文岩坐落在輻射3地图的西北端,約略於马里兰的Travilah, and relatively close to Mount Weather.
  • 它和上古卷轴系列,Solstheim岛上一个以采矿为生的小村庄共享了一个名字,而这个村庄也在地图西北端。


  • All glitches have been moved to the discussion page.
  • Has platform::PCPC After the base has been destroyed, Enclave troopers will spawn close to Raven Rock and will flee.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Your companions seem to be lost after you are captured. Make sure to dismiss them before taking the G.E.C.K.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Shooting the door before it has gotten blown off will result in it flying off as it does when it explodes.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you fast travel to Raven Rock after its destruction you may encounter an Enclave soldier with no helmet that will attack you with his fists. One punch will kill him and when you check his body he will have nothing in his inventory, not even the power armor he's wearing.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If the Lone Wanderer's actions have resulted in Nathan Vargas from Megaton being kidnapped by the Enclave, he will sometimes spawn outside of his cell as it is being passed and the Enclave soldiers will immediately shoot him.[已验证]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
  2. McCamley, N, Cold War Secret Nuclear Bunkers, pg 6-13
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)