
Gametitle-FO76 WL
Gametitle-FO76 WL

Summersville is a town in the Forest region of Appalachia. By 2103, the town has been taken over by the Blood Eagles.


Summersville was a small town in Appalachia, with a population of 724 on the eve of the Great War. The seat of Nicholas County, the town was founded in 1824 and named after Lewis Summers, a local judge.[1] After the war, it became a haven for violence and raider ambushes, such as on members of the Order of Mysteries before 2102.


Before the war, the town utilized an automated voting system for the upcoming election, including multiple voting tents and booths. The rooftops contain multiple makeshift camps, which include a weapons workbench and an armor workbench.

The town is divided into four quarters by the roads passing through it and bounded by the hillside to the east and remnants of the reservoir to the west. There is also a fair amount of loot, a note to collect, and a cooking station to use.

The northern half of the town includes voter services tents to the west, overlooking the reservoir, right next to the church, and a graveyard in the back. A house where VTU doctoral candidate Aaliyah lived is located at the far northern end and contains an experimental schematic which is part of the quest Trade Secrets. The rest of this part of the town consists of run-down residential and commercial building.

The western quadrant includes an overgrown playground and an accessible laundromat and ice cream parlor, with a sniper's nest set up on top of the southeastern corner. On the opposite side of the road are a jewelry store and an apartment block on the southern end, with a steamer trunk inside. The northern end of this quarter includes a delicatessen, dry cleaning service, and another voting tent.


  • 大日子 - 鎮上南邊草皮上可以俯瞰紐蓋德的長凳上。
  • 選舉傳單 - 在鎮上東西兩邊的投票區帳篷桌上各有一份。



  • 收據188002:小聰明的陷阱與誘餌 - 郵箱內。.
  • 古董目錄 - 桌上。
  • 貝克利野獸 - 在婆羅門頭骨旁邊。
  • 需要給凱爾文的信 - 長凳上,旁邊有瓶核口可樂櫻桃味。
  • 送貨路線圖 - 貨車後頭提箱內。



Summersville appears only in Fallout 76.



