

Hornwright Estate is a location in the Savage Divide region in Appalachia.


This estate is the seat of power of the Hornwright family, owners of the Hornwright Industrial Mining Company. It's a classic example of a Mega Mansion, a marker of wealth in Bramwell, on the edge of the Ash Heap.


The ground floor contains traces of the miner riots that swept through Appalachia shortly before the Great War. The bricked foyer contains a looted bar and a secure elevator leading up to the Mega Mansion and down to the estate safe room.

The Hornwright Estate access keycard is located on the top floor executive level of the Hornwright Industrial headquarters. One can also be found inside the Hornwright summer villa, on a cart in the basement.

The estate has four floors in total, filled with useful loot and information about the Hornwrights. The lowest floor contains the helipad and trophy room, directly opposite the elevator, with the kitchens just behind it. The western wing contains two master bedrooms, a great room, and a conference room, with the main dining room and lounge on the opposite end of the floor.

The second floor, overlooking the first in the western and southern parts, contains Penelope Hornwright's bedroom in the northwest, complete with a locked safe, and her office across, to the southeast. The guest bedrooms line the northern section of the floor, while the eastern part of the level contains the pool table room, gym, and lounge.

Up the staircase flanking the pool table room lie the workshops used by the Hornwright family. The western chambers contain weapons, armor, and tinker's workbench, along with a plethora of robot parts, while the eastern part is a mechanic's room.

The top deck contains the most representative part of the mansion, a great hall with a Stingray Deluxe fighter suspended beneath the decorative ceiling, with an open-air swimming pool and jacuzzi baths on the end of the deck.

There is also a safe room built below the estate, accessible via the elevator, originally functioning as Daniel Hornwright's private laboratory.[1] It can only be accessed during the quest Trade Secrets. Inside the safe room is Penelope Hornwright, who only recently returned to her family's estate. A weapons workbench and a tinker's workbench can be found along the western wall.


Holotapes and notes
  • Wastelanders 《查爾斯頓先鋒報》:悲劇降臨宏恩萊特 - 商業機密過程在頂樓區找到,依芙琳的房間,輪椅上。
  • Wastelanders 回覆卡 - 同上,第二層東側的吧檯上。
  • Wastelanders 宏恩萊特工業通知 - 同上,停機坪的小桌子上。
  • Wastelanders 宏恩萊特大廈實驗室鑰匙 - 同上,從佩妮洛普得到。
  • Wastelanders 宏恩萊特避難室門禁卡 - 同上,用來解鎖避難室的雷射門禁。
  • Wastelanders避難室清單 - 避難所內樓梯旁邊的白色控制台上。
  • Fusion core - In a generator directly adjacent to the room with power armor.
  • Power armor chassis - In the locked (Picklock 2) room containing a power armor station and tinker's workbench.
  • Potential armor mod plan - On a desk in a locked room.
  • Potential workshop plan - On the top floor, inside a metal shelf, on the middle row.
  • Potential power armor mod plan - On a desk in the top floor library room near Evelyn's bedroom.
  • Potential recipe - In the kitchen on the second floor, to the left of a sink.
  • One flute - When going up a flight of stairs and entering a hallway with several yellow doors, it is in the first room on the right, on the wall inside of a frame.
  • One snare drum - found in a display case near the room with the flute, near a pool table.
  • One banjo - found in a wall display case above a pool table, near the snare drum.
  • One acoustic guitar - found in a wall display case above a pool table, near the snare drum.
  • One violin - Found in a display case in the large room with the grand piano on the first floor.
  • This location is a good source for base materials such as steel, lead, plastic, screws and gears.


Hornwright Estate appears only in Fallout 76.



  1. Hornwright Estate terminal entries; Penny Hornwright's terminal, Incoming Mail System - Entry 01