



  • 2077年的美國是一個擁有先進科技成就的国度,但也充滿了可怕的內戰。就像在任何時代一樣,大多數普通人只想要一件事 - 幸福和平靜的生活。
  • 在2077年10月23日星期六的早晨,美國被核戰爭的烈焰所吞噬。與中國的戰爭終於達到了毀滅性的結局。


  • 即使沒有任何零件,動力裝甲框架也提供各種優勢,如增加負重能力、增加近戰傷害和消除墜落傷害。
  • 您可以在同一個框架上混搭各種不同種類的動力裝甲零件,並對大多數零件添加修改以提高其效能。
  • 動力裝甲可以通過各種修改提升,例如噴射推進、特斯拉傷害場、爆炸衝擊著陸、整合型隱形小子和自動醫療包。
  • 在整個聯邦,一些最凶猛的掠奪者首領搜尋到了舊動力裝甲套裝並使其恢復到完全運作狀態。
  • T-45系列是美國軍方在戰場上首次使用的動力裝甲版本。許多套裝至今在廢土上依然活躍,為穿戴者提供相當的保護。
  • T-51系列動力裝甲是大戰前機械化保護的巔峰。它首次出現在安克拉治战役中,如今因其增強的防護能力而受到高度重視。
  • T-60系列動力裝甲在安克拉治戰役後被美國陸軍廣泛使用。事實上,在2077年10月23日 - 美国陷入核战争的那一天,穿著T-60動力裝甲的士兵也在試圖維持秩序...
  • X-01系列動力裝甲是在大戰後由美國軍隊的殘餘人員專門設計和使用的,比起老舊的戰前機型提供更高的防護能力。


  • 避難所服裝以及一些其他的服裝,如長褲掠奪者皮衣,均足夠薄因而可以穿在額外的裝甲下面。
  • 皮甲對抗能量傷害提供額外的保護。
  • 金屬裝甲對抗实弹傷害提供額外的保護。
  • 戰鬥裝甲對抗能量和实弹傷害提供均衡的保護。


  • 霸力丸是在大戰前受到運動員歡迎的強效類固醇。它在有限的時間內提供力量、耐力和最大生命值的臨時加成。
  • 使用捷特會創造一種意識狀態,時間看似放慢,讓您在有限的時間內執行更多動作。
  • 最初由美國軍方開發以提高士兵的戰鬥效能,賽柯使使用者在有限的時間內獲得增加的傷害輸出和傷害抵抗。
  • 需要快速變聰明嗎?敏達會在有限的時間內提升您的感知和智力。
  • 抗輻寧會在有限的時間內顯著增加您的輻射抵抗力。消輻寧則完全清除您已經接觸到的任何輻射。
  • 對於快速有效地治療整體健康和每個受傷身體部位,沒有什麼比一個治療針更好了。
  • 使用藥品或酒精可以提供強大的暫時性提升,但也可能導致成瘾。一旦上癮,您必須持續服用藥品或酒精 ─ 不這樣做將會造成嚴重的屬性懲罰。
  • 在大戰前,文青魂受到爵士樂愛好者和知識分子的歡迎,它可以在有限的時間內提高智力和感知,但降低魅力。
  • 一日遊是一種大戰前受到喜歡尋求「快樂逃脫」的人歡迎的藥物,它在有限的時間內提高魅力和幸運,但降低力量。
  • 超力X是一種大戰前作為總體性能增強劑而開發的藥物,雖然從未走出原型階段,但在黑市上廣泛流通。它可以在有限的時間內提升所有SPECIAL屬性,但容易成癮。
  • 注射劑-X是一種強效止痛藥,可以在有限的時間內顯著增加傷害抵抗力。
  • 癮頭解雖然罕見,但威力非凡,可以完全治愈使用者所有的上癮問題。
  • 要治愈成瘾,請前往任何主要聚落的醫生處就診。


  • 鑽石城建在波士頓著名的棒球場遺址上。
  • 鑽石城是聯邦地區最大且最安全的定居點,被譽為「璀璨的翠鑽」。
  • 鑽石城的無宗派「全信仰教堂」為所有鑽石城居民提供服務和輔導,無論其宗教信仰如何。
  • 在2229年,一位神秘訪客在鑽石城殺害了幾個人。直到他被城市安全人員擊斃後,人們才發現這個陌生人是一個合成人。自此以後,聯邦的居民一直懼怕著學院
  • 鑽石城的報紙公共事件报的名字來自波士頓於1690年出版的第一份報紙。
  • 钻石城广播播放大戰前最受歡迎的音樂,以及更近期的新聞故事。
  • 科學中心在幫助維持鑽石城的能源、機器人和農業方面發揮了重要作用。
  • 大手術中心,鑽石城居民可以進行臉部重建,如果他們對舊有的外觀感到厭倦的話。
  • 殖民者酒館是鑽石城的高檔酒館,居民們在那裡飲酒、社交,並普遍輕視其他人。
  • 鑽石城學校為所有鑽石城的兒童提供免費教育,無論他們的家庭或社會地位如何。
  • 瓦伦坦侦探事务所由私家偵探尼克·瓦倫坦經營,多年來幫助了許多鑽石城居民。


  • 没鼻子芭比是一個小角色,但擁有宏大計劃。她開店的每個地方最終都變成了一個行動基地。
  • 芳鄰鎮的瑞福大飯店曾經是繁榮的藥物貿易中心,現在不過是一個廉價旅舍。
  • 旧州议会大厦曾是波士頓最著名的歷史建築之一,現在成為芳鄰鎮長漢考克的總部。根據流行傳說,這位領袖在著名政治家的展示品上戴上他的服裝時,也就用上了這個名字。
  • 在芳鄰鎮,藥品很豐富,但有人聲稱記憶保管庫提供的體驗是最好的 ─ 重溫過去的經歷...
  • 第三軌酒館建在一個舊地鐵站的遺址上,提供現場爵士樂、烈酒和遇見不良分子的好機會。
  • 芳鄰鎮建在波士頓舊紅燈區斯科利廣場的遺址上。
  • 芳鄰鎮在2240年由一群被驅逐出鑽石城的罪犯創立。
  • 芳鄰鎮的居民來自各行各業,這個定居點歡迎任何足夠強大以保持自由的人,從機器人和喪屍到罪犯和藥物成癮者。
  • 在芳鄰鎮,自行執法不只是允許的,它是被鼓勵的。這個定居點有一條絕對規則 ─ 尊重他人,否則面臨後果。
  • 如果整個聯邦有一個地方人們不懼怕學院,那就是芳鄰鎮。他們熱愛自由社區所提供的自由,並願意為之付出一切代價保衛它。


  • 想阻止敵人逃跑?打傷他們的腿。
  • 你的武器收起來跑得更快,全力衝刺時速度最快。
  • 更重的武器通常會造成更多的傷害,但是會佔用更多的物品權重,在裝備時會讓你移動速度變慢。
  • 用遠程武器放大會降低你的移動速度,但是可以提高你的精準度。
  • 蹲下會提高你的精準度,並且啟動潛行模式。
  • 如果你開始一場你無法完成的戰鬥,試著收起你的武器。有一小概率你的對手可能會原諒你...
  • 近戰攻擊敵人可以使他們失衡,打斷他們的攻擊。
  • 積極阻擋近戰攻擊者可能會使他們失衡,使他們的攻擊失效。
  • 武器和生物可以造成四種不同類型的傷害:彈道、能量、輻射和毒素。
  • 有些敵人對某些形式的傷害有自然抗性,但專業的盔甲也可以提供同樣的保護。
  • 積極阻擋近戰攻擊者可能會使他們反彈,並不造成傷害。
  • 使用槍擊按鈕可以用任何遠程武器進行近戰攻擊。
  • 有些武器可以在敵人死亡時完全分解或“變成黏液”。不用擔心 - 你仍然可以從他們的灰燼堆或...黏液中取得任何戰利品。
  • 要扔一個手榴彈或汽油彈,首先裝備它,然後按住槍擊/強力攻擊按鈕。
  • 當你踩到一個敵對地雷時,它會在爆炸前快速地響起倒數計時的聲音。如果你反應夠快,你可以在這段時間內啟動地雷以解除它。
  • 在V.A.T.S.中成功攻擊會累積你的暴擊能量表。一旦能量表滿了,你可以釋放一次毀滅性的攻擊。


  • 你可以通過在對話中訪問交易選項來更改大多數同伴的武器和服裝。
  • 如果你想獨自冒險,或者和其他人一起,你可以通過與他們對話來解散你當前的同伴。
  • 每個同伴都有自己的喜好和厭惡。有些行動會贏得他們的尊重。有一些則會讓他們失望。
  • 當你和親密伴侶在附近時在床上睡覺,將獲得愛人的擁抱辅助能力,這將在有限的時間內顯著增加你獲得的經驗值。


  • 廢土中最讓人反感的生物之一,巨大蒼蠅將其蛆蟲作為彈藥發射出去,並且經常在死亡時爆炸。
  • 吸血虫會吸取受害者的血液,而且他們經常將它射回他們身上,導致視覺扭曲。
  • 沒有任何生物能像死亡爪那樣代表廢土的危險,它用鋒利的爪子在幾秒內撕碎它的獵物。
  • 廢土是各種的家,從兇猛的野狗到訓練有素的攻擊犬
  • 雖然他們很容易被誤認為是僵屍,但狂屍鬼實際上是被劇烈輻射的人類,他們的大腦已經腐爛,導致瘋狂。
  • 有些生物,如泥沼蟹王變色死亡爪鐵衛兵,可以利用隱身技術使自己幾乎變得無形,並伏擊毫無警覺的獵物。
  • 大多數的泥沼蟹都有重型護甲,對大部分的傷害都有抵抗力,但是他們的臉部是脆弱的。
  • 鼴鼠常常在地下移動,然後突然穿過表面伏擊他們的獵物。
  • 超級變種人經常被變種犬伴隨,這些怪物狗與他們的主人一樣危險。
  • 輻射已經使普通的帝王蠍變成了致命的輻射蠍,這是廢土中最兇猛的掠食者之一。小心它的鉗子和毒刺。
  • 醜陋變異的雙頭鹿是一種可憐的生物,很可能在接觸的第一時間就會逃跑。但是如果被迫戰鬥,它可以成為一個致命的對手。
  • 最兇猛的廢土飛蟲,飛刺蟲用它的毒刺無情地攻擊。
  • 超級變種人比人類更強壯,更有韌性,並認為自己是聯邦的優等種族。
  • 原名由戰前中國拘禁營的後裔命名,妖怪是一種兇猛的突變熊。


  • 羅科製造並出售給美國軍隊作為前線戰鬥員的突襲者,其在近距離快速且致命,並且在遠距離使用毀滅性的激光。有些單位甚至可以使用隱身技術。
  • 通用原子国际製造的家庭僕人機器人,巧手先生,配備了可以用作武器的工具,如果需要的話。
  • 幫手小姐機器人由通用原子國際公司製造,作為巧手先生的女性版本。因此,它配備了類似的內置武器。
  • 打手先生由通用原子國際公司製造,作為巧手先生機器人的戰鬥版本。
  • 羅科保護者是為多種公務應用(從安全到消防)而建造的。
  • 消防型的保護者配備了一個內部的冷凍槍,它可以在任何戰鬥情況下使用。
  • 醫療型保護者的設計是用它的手作為除顫器。在戰鬥中,它利用這種能力作為痛苦的電擊攻擊。
  • 建設型的保護者被建造來承受傷害。有些版本還配備了一個內部的釘槍,它們可以在戰鬥中使用。
  • 在戰鬥中,警察型保護者依賴強大的近戰攻擊和痛苦的電擊。
  • 當機器人受損時,它們傾向於變得更加危險。當它們的雙臂被禁用時,大多數機器人會在啟動自我破壞序列的同時衝向對手,並在最後的攻擊中爆炸。
  • 鐵衛兵是有史以來最危險的機器人之一,它利用各種重型武器系統來消滅敵人。死亡時,它會爆炸,造成毀滅性的爆炸。
  • 由於其體型巨大,鐵衛兵會產生大量的熱。在戰鬥中,它會偶爾進入"冷卻"狀態。當這種情況發生時,鐵衛兵的後面板將打開,暴露出其核融合核心...這是攻擊的最佳時機。
  • 學院合成人有各種模型,從骨架型的第一代到與人類無法區分的高級第三代。
  • 自動炮塔將無情地追蹤並攻擊它們的目標,但通常可以從附近的電腦終端机重新編程。


  • 槍手是聯邦最有組織的僱傭兵團體。他們無所不用其極且技術高超,只要價錢合適...他們願意接任何合約。
  • 掠奪者是廢土的禍害,在聯邦和其他地方都是如此。他們組織鬆散,權力結構建立在絕對的無情之上,他們會隨時隨地,無論任何原因,都會攻擊任何人。


  • 聯邦缺乏任何形式的制度化司法系統。犯罪行為被嚴厲處理,通常以犯罪者或受害者死亡為終點。
  • 當你偷了某個物品,擁有者通常會試圖從你那裡拿回來。如果他們不能,他們可能會攻擊你。


  • 枪骑兵长凯尔斯駕駛的普利德溫號已經在東海岸廣泛旅行...但這是它首次來到聯邦。
  • 雖然普利德溫號並沒有任何實際的武器系統,但它總是攜帶足夠的兵力,垂直飞行机和補給品以進行重大攻勢。
  • 鋼鐵兄弟會致力於人類的進步,並視突變為禍害。超級變種人,屍鬼和任何其他的"憎恶生物"都被認為是不純的,必須被消滅。
  • 對鋼鐵兄弟會來說,無法與人類區分的Gen 3合成人是科學失控的完美例證 - 一種無法被人類完全控制的技術。
  • 自由至尊原是戰前失敗的軍事項目。鋼鐵兄弟會完成了該項目,現在這個巨大的機器人是他們軍火庫中最強大的武器。
  • 大多數鋼鐵兄弟會的士兵都使用最有效,科技最先進的設備,如激光武器和動力裝甲。
  • 任何被招募進鋼鐵兄弟會的人都從見習生的級別開始,並由更高級的導師指導。
  • 在鋼鐵兄弟會中出生的孩子們作為學徒開始他們的訓練和灌輸教育。
  • 鋼鐵兄弟會士兵可以達到的最高級別是鐵衛。新的長老非常特別- 並且非常罕見 - 被選出。


  • 學院實際上是一個先進的地下都市,是一個與聯邦地面上的任何東西都不同的科技奇觀。
  • 學院正式成立於2110年,由一群在大戰期間躲避在學院地下層的前英聯邦科技學院學生組成。
  • 學院開發出分子中繼器後,一種先進的傳輸設備,學會封閉了通往地面的通道,並開始了他們的地下擴張。
  • 學院經常派遣他們的合成人到地面上去搜集可用的材料。這對英聯邦或其人民的影響並不是優先考慮的...
  • 學院的科學家很少離開他們地下烏托邦的安全和舒適。如果在地面上需要進行實驗,通常由合成人進行。
  • 學院由一個董事會統治,董事會由每個部門的負責人和一個特別任命的董事組成。
  • 生物科學部產出了學會的大部分食物,但也進行了一些其他的,有時是秘密的,項目。
  • 先進系統部門負責開發原始分子中繼器,大約在一百年前。
  • 合成人回收部门負責回收"逃脫"的第三代合成人 - 那些自我意識的AI讓他們相信自己實際上是活著的單位。
  • 學院對強制進化病毒,或者FEV的實驗,當維吉爾博士叛變並逃入聯邦時結束。
  • 學院確信聯邦的地面是注定要滅亡的,人類的真正未來在地下。
  • 學院允許人類生活在一個乾淨,安全,舒適的環境中,免於那些使地面幾乎不宜居的爭鬥和環境風險。
  • 在戰爭之前,C.I.T.在其地下核反應堆中進行實驗。今天,它已被重新啟用,一旦啟動將為學會提供幾乎無窮的電力。


  • 南波士頓的獨立堡(又被稱為“城堡”)曾經是義勇兵的總部。數十年前,一個巨大的生物從海中崛起,將它變成了廢墟,結束了這個情況。
  • 義勇兵由普通人在一個世紀前組成,他們只是想保衛他們的家園,防範任何可能的威脅。可惜,這個團體在近年來已經陷入混亂。
  • 自由電台是義勇兵的廣播站,讓他們可以從城堡的總部向整個聯邦發出警報。
  • 使用信號彈槍可以召喚附近的民兵來幫忙。
  • 使用大砲煙霧手榴彈可以呼叫附近的民兵砲兵進行攻擊。
  • 使用飛鳥信號手榴彈可以召喚一架友好的飛鳥進行運輸。
  • 獨立堡在1797年由約翰·亞當斯總統主持的儀式上命名。在那之前,它被稱為威廉城堡,然後是亞當斯堡。在2240年被摧毀之前,這個防禦工事一直是義勇兵的理想總部。
  • 義勇兵在2180年首次崛起,當時他們保衛鑽石城抵禦超級變種人的攻擊。
  • 像革命時期的義勇兵一樣,現代的義勇兵致力於在一分鐘內保衛麻薩諸塞州的人民。


  • 唯一願意真正與學院作戰的聯邦組織是鐵路組織,一個與學院本身一樣神秘的組織。
  • 沒有人知道鐵路組織有多強大,或者他們是否具有打敗他們的宿敵 - 學院的能力。
  • 學院發現了鐵路組織的前任總部,並在此過程中幾乎摧毀了這個組織。如果現任總部被發現,將是災難性的。
  • 鐵路組織的特工通過“鐵路標記”進行交流,這些秘密的符號遍布整個聯邦,標示出危險、盟友甚至偶爾的物資藏匿處。
  • 鐵路組織依賴安全屋來隱藏逃亡的合成人和補給野外的特工。
  • 鐵路組織在數量上的不足,他們通過秘密和情報收集來彌補,以在與學院的戰鬥中獲得優勢。
  • “重砲手”是鐵路組織的特工,他們的任務是直接向學院開戰。他們的訓練使他們為最困難和最危險的任務做好了準備。
  • 雖然鐵路組織的主要敵人是學院,但他們也致力於對抗在整個聯邦傳播合成人的普遍仇恨。
  • P.A.M.,或者稱為預測分析機器,是一種獨特的機器人,具有先進的人工智能,原本是為了預測和阻止核戰爭而建造的。雖然她在那個任務上最終失敗了,但P.A.M.對鐵路組織的操作證明了她的重要性。


  • 一旦你發現一個地點,你可以使用你的地圖快速旅行回到那裡。通常,你必須在外面才能這麼做,但有例外。
  • 要進入和退出學院,只需使用地圖快速旅行。這種能力只有在你與學院保持良好關係的情況下才可用...


  • 你可以通過使用治療針,吃食物,訪問醫生,喝水或睡覺來恢復健康。
  • 在任何床上睡覺都將完全恢復你的健康並治愈任何殘疾的身體部位。
  • 從水源喝水總是一個戰術選擇 - 你通常會恢復失去的健康,但會提高你的輻射等級。
  • 在租用或擁有的床上睡覺將給你一個“充分休息”的加成,這將增加你在有限時間內獲得的XP。
  • 戰鬥太難或太簡單?你可以隨時更改遊戲的難度。
  • 需要真正的挑戰?試試生存難度。健康恢復將被嚴重減少。
  • 難度設置越高,找到傳奇物品的機會越大。
  • 使用Pip-Boy調整不同的電台。如果你在電台打開的情況下關閉Pip-Boy,它會繼續播放,直到你回到Pip-Boy並關閉它。
  • 使用化學工作台創造有用的化學品和藥品。
  • 你可以使用烹飪站從你找到的各種成分中創建食譜,如野生植物和被殺死的生物的肉。
  • 使用武器工作台對大多數武器進行有用的改造。
  • 使用裝甲工作台修改你的裝甲並增加其抗性。
  • 使用動力裝甲站修理和修改你的動力裝甲。
  • 每次升級,你的健康會增加,你可以選擇一個新的特點。
  • 在整個聯邦散佈的前戰爭軍事檢查點是找到核融合核心的好地方。
  • 要和一個人說話,站起來時激活他們。要嘗試偷窃,潛行模式下激活他們。
  • 位於大多數定居點的醫生提供各種服務。他們可以治療所有傷務(包括殘疾的肢體),治療輻射損傷和治療對化學品和酒精的成癮。他們中的大多數人也會賣醫療用品。
  • 想改變你的髮型?訪問大城市的理髮師。
  • 厭倦了同樣的外表?重建外科醫生可以給你一個全新的臉...
  • 當你得到一個新的任務,除非你沒有其他的活動任務,否則它不會變得活躍。檢查你Pip-Boy的任務部分,看看哪些任務是活動的。
  • 如果你有太多的任務目標,檢查你的Pip-Boy的任務部分,看看哪些任務是活動中的,然後關閉其中的一些。
  • 大部分商店在白天營業,夜晚關閉。
  • 如果你的伙伴在戰鬥中倒下,對他們使用治療針可以讓他們回到戰鬥中。
  • 需要快速度過一些時間嗎?使用任何未擁有的家具都可以讓你“等待”長達24小時。
  • 聯邦是個危險的地方,當你向南行進,危險會隨之增加得更快…
  • 廢土上的許多動物提供的肉可以在烹飪時特別準備,變成可以治療輻射損傷並提供獨特加成的食品。
  • 如果敵人名字旁邊顯示了一個骷髏,這意味著他們的等級比你高好幾級,可能難以在戰鬥中打敗。在這種情況下,逃跑並在你變強時再回來可能是最明智的選擇。
  • 對特定的武器非常喜歡?在任何武器工作台給它一個自定義的名字。


  • 在生存模式中,腎上腺素可以提供傷害輸出的加成。你的腎上腺素越高,傷害加成就越高。睡眠任何時間都會降低你的腎上腺素,進而降低你的傷害加成。
  • 在生存模式中,抗生素可以立即治療疾病的各種效果,這些抗生素可以在化學站製作,從醫生那裡購買或在醫療容器中找到。
  • 在生存模式中,你和你的敵人都比以前更致命。不要指望能從大多數敵人的攻擊中生存下來。
  • 在生存模式中,你睡覺的床的類型決定了你能睡多久。睡袋可以保存你的遊戲並可能拯救你的生命,但它永遠不會給你一個完整的夜晚休息和休息帶來的好處。
  • 在生存模式中,大劑量的咖啡因,如在核子可樂量子口味中找到的,可以讓你暫時擺脫疲勞,可能給你時間完成戰鬥或找到床。
  • 在生存模式中,你和你的伙伴的攜帶重量都已大大減少。
  • 超過你的攜帶重量會減少你的耐力和敏捷度,並定時傷害你的腿和健康。注意你的背部!
  • 在生存模式中,如果你的伙伴在戰鬥中倒下,你必須治療他們才能讓他們站起來。如果你在沒有治療他們的情況下離開該區域,他們將回到家中恢復。
  • 在生存模式中,敵人不再出現在你的指南針上。保持警惕,隨時準備好你的武器。
  • 在生存模式中,戰鬥後你的傷害肢體不會自動恢復。你將一直處於殘廢狀態,直到你用Stimpak治療或睡覺。
  • 在生存模式中,快速旅行被禁用。如果你想去某個地方,你需要用老方法去那裡。


  • 進入主菜單將創建一個退出保存。下次你玩遊戲並加載退出保存時,它將自行刪除,直到下次你退出到主菜單。


  • 庇護山丘代表了最新的規劃社區,是家庭多樣性的家園。
  • 111號避難所是由Vault-Tec建造的,旨在為庇護山丘和康科德的居民在核戰爭中提供服務。
  • 預訂111避難所位置的人並不知道他們將被冷凍。實際上,幾乎每個避難所實際上都是避難所科技進行的秘密社會實驗。
  • 舊的劍橋警察局現在被鋼鐵兄弟會佔領,現在作為重要的監聽站和補給站。
  • 戰爭之前,史特朗堡是美軍基地,並且是實驗性武器的試驗場,如胖子核彈投射器。現在被超級變種人侵佔。
  • 在戰爭之前的幾年中,電弧噴射系統公司是一家成功的軍用和民用航空航天承包商,專門從事通信和推進系統。
  • 在大戰之前,麻州核融合廠是波士頓的主要公用事業,為全麻薩諸塞州提供電力。
  • 虎不理漫畫店主要是出版社,但已開始擴展到廣播,電視和玩具。銀衣怪客和蠻人古古那是其最受歡迎的兩種產品。
  • 戰爭之前,康科德的自由博物館是受歡迎的旅遊目的地,其歷史展覽涵蓋了從美國革命到安克雷奇戰爭的全部歷史。
  • 銀河新聞電台的當地辦事處現在是槍手的總部,槍手是聯邦最有組織和最危險的雇傭兵團。


  • The Commonwealth is occasionally plagued by radiation storms that blow in from the Glowing Sea, far to the southwest.
  • Originally "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts," the state became known only as the "The Commonwealth" after the Great War of 2077.
  • Many people in the Commonwealth view the Institute as the "boogeyman," living in the shadows, striking out anywhere, at any time.
  • For the people of the Commonwealth, the idea of someone they know being replaced by an Institute synth is a very real threat.
  • According to local history, the Institute formed from the remains of C.I.T., the Commonwealth Institute of Technology. But the college itself has lain in ruins for more than two centuries.
  • Long ago, when the Institute created their first synths, they attempted to work peacefully with the people of the Commonwealth. Mutual mistrust ended that relationship quickly.
  • In the year 2077, the world was destroyed by nuclear fire. Very few managed to escape to the safety of the Vaults.
  • All across the United States, in the aftermath of the Great War, the bottle caps of Nuka-Cola are the most commonly used currency.
  • Nuka-Cola, the most popular American soda before the war, manufactured so many bottles that the drink can still be found and enjoyed now, more than 200 years later.
  • V.A.T.S., or the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, is an advanced combat technology whose developmental origins have been lost to time...
  • America in the year 2077 was a land of advanced technological achievements... and terrible civil strife. As in any age, most ordinary people wanted only one thing - a happy, peaceful life. What they got was complete nuclear annihilation.


  • Every issue of Astoundingly Awesome Tales you collect adds a version of the Astoundingly Awesome perk, which grants a unique bonus, like more damage inflicted at night or improved radiation resistance.
  • Every issue of Grognak the Barbarian you collect adds a rank in the Barbarian perk, which grants a slight increase to melee and unarmed damage.
  • Every issue of Guns and Bullets you collect adds a rank in the Marksman perk, which grants a slight increase to Critical hit damage.
  • Every issue of Hot Rodder you collect adds a new, unique paint job for your Power Armor, available at any Power Armor Station.
  • Every issue of La Coiffe you collect adds a new, unique hairstyle, available at any barber.
  • Every issue of Live & Love (Fallout 4) you collect adds a unique bonus for companions, like increased damage or more health.
  • Every issue of The Massachusetts Surgical Journal you collect adds a slight increase to enemy limb damage.
  • Every issue of Picket Fences you collect adds a new, unique element to construct at any Workshop.
  • Each issue of Robco Fun includes a holotape containing a unique game, which can be played on your Pip-Boy or any terminal.
  • Every issue of Taboo Tattoos you collect adds a new, unique facial tattoo, available at any facial reconstruction surgeon.
  • Every issue of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor you collect adds a rank in the Junktown Vendor perk, which slightly improves prices with merchants.
  • Every issue of Tesla Science Magazine you collect adds a rank in the Tesla Science perk, which grants a slight increase to Critical hit damage with Energy weapons.
  • Every issue of The Unstoppables you collect adds a rank in the Unstoppable perk, which grants a slight increase to the chance that an enemy attack will do no damage.
  • Every issue of Total Hack you collect adds a new, unique functionality to certain terminals, like the ability to control spotlights or turrets.
  • Every issue of Tumblers Today you collect slightly increases the "sweet spot" when lockpicking.
  • Each installment of the US Covert Ops Training Manual you collect adds a rank in the Infiltration perk, which grants a slight increase to your sneak chance.
  • Every installment of the Wasteland Survival Guide you collect adds a version of the Wasteland Survival perk, which grants a unique bonus, like faster swim speed or double meat on slain animals.


  • Before the war, Vault-Tec began construction of Vault 114 inside Boston's Park Street subway station. The project was never completed, but that matters little to the gangsters who have taken up residence there.
  • In the years before the war, Fort Hagen was an important military command facility. Today, it is used as a base of operations for Kellogg, the cybernetically-enhanced mercenary employed by the Institute.
  • The Glowing Sea is the most highly irradiated region in the entire Commonwealth. According to local legend, it was ground zero for the high-yield nuclear blast that devastated most of Massachusetts.
  • Free your mind.
  • The Courser Chip is the key to infiltrating the Institute. But first, it must be decoded...
  • Inside every synth Courser is a specialized chip that is instrumental in "relaying" into the Institute. Obtaining that chip is the first step in infiltrating the shadowy organization.


  • The Action Boy and Action Girl perks speed the regeneration of your Action Points.
  • With the Adamantium Skeleton perk, your bones are infused with unbreakable metal, which reduces - and may even completely prevent - limb damage.
  • With the Animal Friend perk, you can aim at animals with your gun and attempt to pacify them. Higher ranks grant the ability to incite them to attack, or allow you to issue specific commands.
  • The Aquaboy and Aquagirl perks allow you to breathe underwater, remove radiation damage while swimming, and may even make you undetectable while submerged.
  • The Armorer perk grants access to more effective armor mods.
  • The Attack Dog perk allows your canine companion to grab an enemy's limb in combat, increasing your chance to hit in V.A.T.S. and possibly causing additional damage as well.
  • The Awareness perk allows you to view a target's damage resistances when you're in V.A.T.S.
  • The Basher perk improves the effectiveness of gun bashing by adding extra damage, and possibly crippling a limb or causing a Critical Hit.
  • The Better Criticals perk increases the damage done with every Critical Hit.
  • With the Big Leagues perk, you can gain a suite of melee bonuses, like increased damage, a chance to disarm or cripple, and the ability to hit every enemy in front of you.
  • The Blacksmith perk grants access to more effective melee weapon mods.
  • The Black Widow and Lady Killer perks grant bonus damage against members of the opposite sex, and make it easier to persuade them in dialogue.
  • The Blitz perk increases the maximum distance of melee attacks in V.A.T.S., and can even cause more damage based on distance.
  • With the Bloody Mess perk, you'll do more damage in combat, and enemies will often explode into a gory paste when they die.
  • The Cannibal perk grants the ability to feast on humanoid corpses to restore lost health.
  • The Cap Collector perk gives better prices when bartering, and even leads to merchants having more caps for transactions.
  • Take the Chemist perk, and the effects of any ingested chems will last longer.
  • The Chem Resistant perk reduces the likelihood that you'll get addicted to chems. At the highest rank, it grants total immunity to addiction.
  • The Commando perk offers significant bonuses with automatic weapons. Depending on the rank, you may inflict more damage, gain improved hip fire accuracy, or stagger an enemy.
  • With the Concentrated Fire perk, every additional attack on the same body part in V.A.T.S. improves your chances of landing a hit.
  • The Critical Banker perk allows you to save up an increasing number of Critical Hits, to be used when they're needed most.
  • The Demolition Expert perk increases the damage of explosives, and allows you to craft explosives at any Chemistry Station. Higher ranks add a preview arc to thrown grenades, and widen the affected area of explosions.
  • With the Fortune Finder perk, you'll find more and more caps in containers.
  • Feeling lucky? You should! With the Four Leaf Clover perk, each hit in V.A.T.S. has a chance to fill your critical meter.
  • With the Ghoulish perk, radiation heals you, and it's possible that hostile Feral Ghouls actually become allies.
  • With the Grim Reaper's Sprint perk, kills in V.A.T.S. have a chance to restore all depleted Action Points, and may even fill the Critical Hit meter.
  • With the Gun Fu perk, the more enemies you target and hit in V.A.T.S., the more damage they increasingly take. You might even score a free Critical Hit.
  • The Gun Nut perk grants access to more effective gun mods.
  • With the Gunslinger perk, pistols have increased damage and range, and may even disarm opponents.
  • The Hacker perk allows you to hack increasingly difficult computer terminals, and may even prevent a lockout.
  • The Heavy Gunner perk offers significant bonuses with heavy weapons. Depending on the rank, you may inflict more damage, gain improved hip fire accuracy, or even stagger an enemy.
  • With the Idiot Savant perk, you'll randomly receive XP from completing any action. The lower your Intelligence, the higher the chance.
  • With the Inspirational perk, your companions can gain a variety of bonuses, like greater combat damage, immunity to friendly fire, and increased carrying capacity.
  • With the Intimidation perk, you can aim at people with your gun and attempt to pacify them. Higher ranks grant the ability to incite them to attack, or allow you to issue specific commands.
  • With the Iron Fist perk, unarmed attacks do increasingly more damage and could lead to a disarm, and Power Attacks may cripple your opponent.
  • The Lead Belly perk reduces, or even eliminates, radiation damage from eating or drinking.
  • The Life Giver perk raises your maximum Health, and can even lead to regeneration.
  • The Local Leader perk allows you to do more at workshop settlements, like assign supply lines, and build stores and workbenches.
  • The Locksmith perk allows you to open increasingly difficult locks, and may even prevent your picks from breaking.
  • Prefer to go it alone? With the Lone Wanderer perk, you'll take less damage and be able to carry more equipment when you adventure without a companion or dog.
  • The Medic perk increases both the speed and effectiveness of Stimpaks and RadAway.
  • The Mister Sandman perk allows you to instantly kill a sleeping person, and may improve the damage inflicted with silenced weapons.
  • With the Moving Target perk, you gain increased Damage Resistance and Energy Resistance while sprinting.
  • With the Mysterious Stranger perk, an unknown ally will appear occasionally in V.A.T.S. and instantly kill an enemy. Doing so may even fill your Critical meter.
  • The Nerd Rage perk triggers a unique ability when your Health gets too low - time slows, you deal more damage while suffering less, and killing an enemy may actually heal you.
  • The Night Person perk increases both your Perception and Intelligence during nighttime hours, and may even grant night vision while sneaking.
  • The Ninja perk improves the damage of both ranged and melee sneak attacks.
  • With the Nuclear Physicist perk, radiation weapons inflict more damage and Fusion Cores last longer. You may even gain the ability to eject a Fusion Core from your Power Armor, causing a deadly explosion.
  • The Pain Train perk allows you to sprint into enemies and inflict damage. Wearing Power Armor increases its effectiveness, and may even grant access to Power Slam - an area-of-effect jump attack.
  • The Party Boy and Party Girl perks remove the threat of alcohol addiction. They may also double the effects of alcohol, and increase your Luck.
  • When in V.A.T.S. the Penetrator perk allows you to target an enemy's body parts that are blocked by cover.
  • With the Pickpocket perk, picking pockets is easier, but you may even be able to place live explosives in a person's inventory (killing them instantly), or steal their weapons and equipped items.
  • The Quick Hands perk makes reloading faster, and may even remove its Action Point cost in V.A.T.S.
  • The Rad Resistant perk improves your resistance to radiation damage.
  • The Refractor perk improves your resistance to energy damage.
  • With the Ricochet perk, an enemy's ranged attack will sometimes ricochet back and instantly kill them. Such a death may even fill your Critical meter.
  • With the Rifleman perk, rifles have improved damage and armor penetration, and may even cripple opponents.
  • With the Robotics Expert perk, you can hack robots and attempt to turn them off or on, or initiate a self-destruct. Higher ranks grant the ability to incite them to attack, or allow you to issue specific commands.
  • With the Rooted perk, you can inflict and take more damage while standing still, and may even reflect some of that damage back to attackers.
  • The Science! perk grants access to more effective tech mods.
  • The Scrapper perk gives you more components back when scrapping weapons and armor, from screws and copper to circuitry and nuclear material.
  • With the Scrounger perk, you will find increasingly more ammunition in containers.
  • The Sneak perk makes you harder to detect when sneaking. At higher ranks, you no longer set off mines or other floor-based traps, running no longer affects detection, and simply entering stealth mode may make enemies lose track of you.
  • With the Sniper perk, you can hold your breath longer while aiming. Higher ranks add a chance of knockdown with single-shot scoped weapons, and a bonus to headshots in V.A.T.S.
  • The Solar Powered perk increases both your Strength and Endurance during daytime hours, and may even heal radiation and Hit Points while in sunlight.
  • The Steady Aim perk improves your hip-fire accuracy with any gun.
  • With the Strong Back perk, you can carry additional weight, and may even gain the abilities to run and fast travel while encumbered. (In Survival, instead of allowing fast travel, you will no longer take damage from exceeding your carry weight.)
  • The Toughness perk increases your Damage Resistance.
  • The V.A.N.S. perk enables the Vault-Tec Assisted Navigation System, which draws a path to your closest quest target.
  • With the Wasteland Whisperer perk, you can aim at various Wasteland creatures with your gun and attempt to pacify them. Higher ranks grant the ability to incite them to attack, or allow you to issue specific commands.


  • The RobCo Pip-Boy is the ultimate in personal computing devices.
  • Press and hold the Pip-Boy button to turn on its light and illuminate dark areas.


  • Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. It affects how much you can carry, and determines the effectiveness of all melee attacks.
  • Perception is your sense of environmental awareness and affects the hit chance in V.A.T.S.
  • Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. It affects your total Health and the Action Point drain from sprinting.
  • Charisma is your ability to charm and convince others. It affects your success to persuade in dialogue and prices when you barter.
  • Intelligence is a measure of your overall mental acuity, and affects the number of Experience Points earned.
  • Agility is a measure of your overall finesse and reflexes. It determines your Action Points in V.A.T.S. and your ability to sneak.
  • Luck is a measure of your general good fortune, and affects the recharge rate of Critical Hits.


  • Running is noisier than walking and makes you easier to detect. To effectively sneak, stay low and slow.
  • Your chances of successfully using stealth - and staying hidden - are affected by a variety of factors, like light level, noise generated, clothing weight, and enemies' line of sight.
  • While it's great for illuminating dark areas, the light generated from your Pip-Boy light actually makes you less stealthy. If you want to effectively sneak, turn it off.
  • The Stealth Boy is a personal device that generates a modulating refraction field. Using it effectively renders the wearer invisible for a short period of time.


  • Guns with long barrels have increased accuracy while aimed, but decreased accuracy when shot "from the hip."
  • Weapon mods that increase weight also increase the time it takes to aim.
  • Want to significantly increase your weapon's melee damage? Add a bayonet.
  • At a Weapons Workbench, you can change the mods in the Receiver, Barrel, Grip, Magazine, Sight and Muzzle slots of most guns.
  • A suppressor will reduce both the sound and recoil of a gun.
  • Muzzle brakes and compensators help reduce the recoil on automatic weapons.
  • Adhesive is rare, and used to create nearly every mod.


  • The Gamma Gun emits radiation that is deadly to humans, but ineffective against almost all Ghouls, robots and Wasteland creatures.
  • If the conspiracy theorists are to be believed, Earth has been visited by an alien species on several occasions. These "Zetans" are said to be armed with powerful energy beam weapons that can completely disintegrate enemies.
  • The Ripper is a small, handheld, militarized chainsaw that saw extensive use in the armed conflicts before the Great War.
  • Specially constructed from the severed appendage of a dead Deathclaw, the Deathclaw Gauntlet allows its user to viciously slash at enemies for incredibly high damage.
  • The Super Sledge is a rocket-enhanced sledgehammer, capable of dealing a tremendous amount of damage.
  • The Flamer is a specially engineered flamethrower suited for extended combat engagements. It delivers sustained energy damage and can completely immolate a target.
  • The Laser Musket combines high-tech energy damage with Revolutionary style. Each crank of its handle loads additional Fusion Cell ammo, and the weapon can be cranked multiple times to increase the damage of a single shot.
  • The Gauss Rifle uses magnetic induction to propel a projectile at incredible, and devastating speed. Each shot can be "charged" for maximum damage by keeping the trigger held in for a moment before releasing.
  • While capable of dealing a massive amount of ballistic damage in a short period of time, the Minigun needs a moment to "spin up" before it can be fired.
  • While capable of dealing a devastating amount of energy damage in a short period of time, the Laser Gatling needs a moment to "spin up" before it can be fired.
  • Because of the "spread" inherent in this class of weapon, shotguns do more damage the closer they are to the target.
  • Pipe weapons are crude, low-tech, widely available... and highly modifiable. They are favored by the Commonwealth's Raider groups.
  • A favorite of the gangster-like Triggermen, the Submachine Gun is a rapid-fire automatic weapon with a high ammo capacity.
  • There are a variety of grenades available in the Commonwealth, from the high-tech Plasma Grenade to the custom-made Baseball Grenade
  • The Broadsider is the answer to that age-old question: "Would it be fun to walk around and shoot people with a portable naval cannon?" Yes. Yes it would.
  • Small, dependable, reasonably powerful and widely available, the 10mm Pistol has been a staple of Wasteland combat since the bombs first fell.
  • Laser rifles and pistols deal powerful energy damage, and can completely disintegrate defeated foes.
  • Plasma rifles and pistols deal even more energy damage than laser weapons, and can "gooify" defeated foes.
  • The Syringer is a rare, custom-made weapon that can shoot modified medical syringes at an enemy, who then suffers the effects of whatever chemical is in the syringe.
  • Sick of carrying around all that useless stuff? Load it into the Junk Jet, and shoot it at unsuspecting enemies. You haven't lived until you've killed someone with a teddy bear.
  • The Railway Rifle is a rare, custom-made weapon that shoots railway spikes at such a high velocity, they can sever body parts and pin them to walls.
  • The Fat Man is perhaps the most devastating infantry weapon ever unleashed upon the modern battlefield - a hand-held catapult that launches portable nuclear bombs.
  • The Cryolator is a powerful prototype rifle that can completely freeze enemies.
  • Heavy guns are generally large, bulky, and exceedingly powerful. They include, but are not limited to, the Broadsider, Fatman, Flamer, Gatling Laser, Minigun and Missile Launcher.
  • Automatic weapons fire continuously as their trigger is pulled. They include, but are not limited to, the Submachine Gun, and versions of the Assault Rifle and Combat Rifle.
  • Rifles are generally long, of average size, and require two hands to fire. They include, but are not limited to, the Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Double-Barrel Shotgun, Hunting Rifle, Laser Musket and Submachine Gun.
  • Pistols are generally small, and require one hand to fire. They include, but are not limited to, the 10mm, .44, Alien Blaster and Gamma Gun.
  • Semi-automatic and bolt action weapons fire one shot with each pull of their trigger. They include, but are not limited to, the Alien Blaster, Double-Barrel Shotgun, Gauss Rifle, Hunting Rifle, Laser Musket and Pipe Revolver.


  • The higher the Happiness of your workshop settlements, the more productive their settlers.
  • Unassigned people at settlements will automatically scavenge for the resources you'll need to build things.
  • With the Local Leader perk, you can link two workshops with a supply line. They will then share food, water and any resources needed for building.
  • Every Workbench, Crafting Station and Modding Station in a single settlement shares resources. Using one will grant you access to anything placed in the others.


  • First used by the Rust Devils Raider gang, who crafted it from actual destroyed robots, the Robot Armor is heavier and offers more protection than standard Metal Armor.
  • Just as a Stimpak can be used to revive a fallen human or canine companion during combat, the Repair Kit can be used to repair a damaged robot.
  • The Robobrain, constructed by General Atomics International before the Great War, is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor.
  • A new player in the Commonwealth, the Rust Devils are a Raider gang with a taste for technology and the smarts to use it. They frequently destroy robots just so they can utilize their scavenged parts.
  • The Robot Workbench allows for the construction of a wide range of robots... including combinations never approved by General Atomics International or RobCo!
  • Cobbled together from a robot's arm-mounted weapon, the Tesla Rifle can shoot deadly arcs of electricity that jump from enemy to enemy, injuring anyone caught in the chain.



  • Vim! was a prewar soda pop native to New England. Residents considered it a point of pride to drink it over the more nationally recognized Nuka Cola brand.
  • Because DiMA is a prototype synth, his memories have more in common with advanced computer data than organic-based thoughts.


  • Marine Combat Armor offers exceptional protection against both ballistic and energy attacks, and is surpassed only by Power Armor.
  • The Marine Wetsuit and Tactical Helmet were designed for nighttime reconnaissance operations.


  • Anglers wait in ambush for prey to come to them. Their glowing "lure" mimics the look of a flower common to the island.
  • The Fog Crawler has been mutated by the radioactive Fog surrounding Far Harbor, and is seldom encountered outside the deadly mist.
  • Mutated from a species of salamander, the Gulper continues to grow throughout its life. The largest are also the oldest and deadliest...
  • Trappers were once ordinary fishers and hunters, but have been driven to madness by the horrors of the island and its radioactive Fog.
  • Wolves in the wilds beyond Far Harbor have been mutated by the radioactive Fog and roam in ferocious, bloodthirsty packs.


  • Acadia is built out the remains of an astronomical observatory.
  • The settlement of Acadia was founded as a refuge for freed synths who wish to live among their own kind.
  • Although it is primarily a refuge for synths, Acadia outwardly expresses a desire for peace with all the other residents of the island.
  • Some of the synth refugees in Acadia are Institute escapees who refused to get their memories wiped by the Railroad. Others underwent the process, but the memory wipe didn't take... or started to unravel.


  • The island surrounding Far Harbor is covered in a radioactive fog, making all but a few places uninhabitable.
  • The town of Far Harbor is built entirely on a coastal pier, on the edge of the island.
  • Once home to a popular national park, the island surrounding Far Harbor is covered with the now dead woods and irradiated creeks that the prewar government originally sought to preserve.
  • Before the Great War, the island surrounding Far Harbor was the site of an experimental wind farm, a "clean" alternative to nuclear power.
  • The people of Far Harbor distrust outsiders, but particularly hate the Children of Atom, a cult who worships the radioactive fog that's slowly killing the island.
  • Descended from sailors and fishermen, the leader of Far Harbor has always held the title of "Captain."


  • The Children of Atom believe in the divine power of radiation. Its fanatical members pray to the deity Atom and await his final gift of Division.
  • The Nucleus is home to the Children of Atom. It is built out of a prewar nuclear submarine base that the Children have converted into a town and center of worship.
  • The Children of Atom believe the radioactive fog is a gift from Atom, and it will cleanse and purify the island.
  • Many Children of Atom missionaries have been exiled or killed by the people of Far Harbor over the years. The bloodshed has only succeeded in making the Children more militant.


  • The Lever-Action Rifle is a large-caliber weapon designed to kill even the biggest animals.
  • The Radium Rifle irradiates bullets as they are fired, causing ballistic damage, with an extra kick of radiation damage that is deadly to humans.
  • Originally mounted on whaling ships, the harpoon gun is a heavy weapon that has proven effective against the mutated creatures plaguing Far Harbor.
  • Improvised heavy fishing and ship hooks are the close quarters weapons of choice for the denizens of the island.


  • In what was perhaps one of Vault-Tec's greatest construction mishaps, the entrance to Vault 88 became buried in rubble as soon as the bombs fell during the Great War. It was only recently uncovered, thanks to the efforts of some curious Raiders.
  • When America descended into nuclear devastation on October 23, 2077, Vault 88 was still under construction. Vault-Tec's failure to complete the project on time led to countless lost lives.
  • Before the Great War, it had been widely publicized that Vault-Tec Industries had won the government contract to provide underground fallout shelters to the U.S. population. But the sinister social experiments? Those remained a secret...
  • In the years before the war, RobCo and Vault-Tec forged a powerful corporate alliance. Residents of Vault-Tec's Vaults would each be provided with a RobCo Pip-Boy personal computer, a device which made extensive use of the popular "Vault Boy" mascot.
  • While Vault-Tec's Vault Boy is generally identified as the company's mascot, he is often joined (or replaced) by his equally popular female counterpart, Vault Girl.
  • The Overseer is the person responsible for every aspect of a Vault's operation - including any bizarre social experiments cooked up by Dr. Stanislaus Braun, the Director of Vault-Tec's Societal Preservation Program.



  • The Nuka-World Transit Center was constructed to shuttle visitors to Nuka-World by train rather than having to fight for a parking space at their overcrowded parks.
  • The Gauntlet is a fiendish maze designed to lure gullible wastelanders to their deaths and to provide the Raiders that built it with suitably gruesome entertainment.
  • Nuka-World's Power Plant contained multiple fusion reactors which were necessary to satisfy the needs of Nuka-World's parks and attractions.


  • Amateur chemist John-Caleb Bradberton discovered the formula for Nuka-Cola in 2044. Within a year, Nuka-Cola could be purchased across the entire United States.(slide)
  • With its unique flavor and distinct bluish glow, Nuka-Cola Quantum was poised to dominate the soft drink market. Unfortunately, it was released to the public on October 23, 2077, the same day that the bombs fell.(slide)
  • Nuka-Cola Victory and Nuka-Cola Quartz are two examples of regional brands. These flavors in particular were only distributed in the southwestern area of the United States.(slide)
  • Nuka-Cola introduced fruit-flavored beverages such as Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Grape and Nuka-Orange only a few short years after the corporation was founded. They were an instant success.(slide)
  • Nuka-Cola Dark was the corporation's attempt at entering the alcoholic beverage market. Boasting 35% alcohol-by-volume, the unusual soft drink found its success at many of the finer lounges and restaurants around the country.
  • Although the Nuka-Cola Corporation would never admit it, Nuka-Cola Wild was released to directly compete with Sunset Sarsaparilla after attempts to acquire that company met with failure.
  • Nuka-Cola's award-winning taste is derived from a secret combination of seventeen fruit essences which are balanced to enhance, but not overwhelm, that classic cola flavor.
  • In 2062, the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit costume was released to retailers just in time for Halloween. Its popularity was so overwhelming, the stores couldn't keep up with the demand.
  • Nuka-Cola's signature rocket-shaped bottle replaced the traditional curved bottle when a rival corporation successfully sued for patent infringement. Fortunately, the public saw the new bottle as an improvement and Nuka-Cola's sales increased.
  • The Official Nuka-World Recipe Book featured fifteen brand new Nuka-Cola recipes that required the use of a Nuka-Mixer Station to properly blend the sometimes volatile liquids.(slide)


  • Nuka-World's Bottling Plant featured the "World of Refreshment," a boat ride and factory tour that delighted visitors with the history of their favorite flavors of Nuka-Cola.
  • Just before Nuka-Cola Quantum was released, the World of Refreshment's water was tinted a glowing blue color to simulate the look of the beverage for promotional purposes.
  • Since the process of manufacturing Nuka-Cola was a such a closely-guarded secret, the Bottling Plant featured extremely heavy automated security to deter would-be industrial spies and saboteurs.


  • Dry Rock Gulch was built as a celebration of Nuka-Cola Wild, the root-beer flavored beverage. Visitors could take a step back in time and have an immersive experience filled with the sights, sounds and smells of the Old West.
  • One of the most popular spots in Dry Rock Gulch was Doc Phosphate's Saloon where visitors could relax and order a frosty Nuka-Cola Wild or have a chat with its robotic proprietor.(slide)
  • Mad Mulligan's Mine Cart Coaster was one of the world's first coasters to feature a section of the track underground, making the rider feel as though they were actually riding in an authentic runaway mining cart.


  • The Galactic Zone opened to the public in 2072, making it the last of the Nuka-World parks to open before the bombs fell.
  • Vault-Tec, RobCo, ArcJet and Starlight Theaters were just a few of the corporations that featured attractions or exhibits in Nuka-World's Galactic Zone.
  • Nuka-Galaxy was an indoor rollercoaster which treated riders to an interactive, galaxy-spanning mission to help Nuka-Girl fight off an invasion of aliens threatening to annihilate the earth.


  • Nuka-World opened its gates for the first time on May 1, 2050. It originally consisted of only two parks, Nuka-Town U.S.A. and Kiddie Kingdom.(slide)
  • Due to the overwhelming success of Nuka-World, more parks were immediately planned. Dry Rock Gulch opened in 2058, followed by Safari Adventure in 2067. On both occasions, the amount of visitors almost doubled overnight.(slide)
  • Bradberton, Massachusetts was a small town founded in 2060 to help house the hundreds of staff members who wanted to shorten their commute to Nuka-World.(slide)
  • John-Caleb Bradberton, the inventor of Nuka-Cola, was the driving force behind the design of Nuka-World. In late 2077, he abruptly disappeared from the spotlight and his whereabouts became unknown.
  • Thanks to a sponsorship by the U.S. Military, Nuka-World featured a formidable security force and had access to all sorts of military-grade hardware.(slide)


  • Even though it was one of the oldest rides in Kiddie Kingdom, visitors often rode the Ferris Wheel to relax and get a bird's eye view of the brightly-decorated park.
  • With its clowns, candy-themed buildings and gentler rides, Kiddie Kingdom was the ideal destination for Nuka-World's younger visitors and their parents.
  • The highlight of Kiddie Kingdom was Oswald the Outrageous's Magic Show held within King Cola's Court. The show was spectacular, and often sold out for the day within a few hours.


  • Nuka-Town U.S.A. boasted several unique service attractions such as The Parlor Dinner Theater, Cappy's Cafe, the Nuka-Cade, the Fizztop Grille and the Bradberton Amphitheater as well as the bruise-inducing Cola-Cars ride.
  • The Nuka-Cade featured several games of skill like Bandit Roundup and Atomic Rollers. Visitors would spend hours, and countless numbers of tokens, trying to win tickets for a variety of prizes.


  • Safari Adventure was Nuka-World's attempt at opening a zoological park. Although it was quite a popular attraction, the park was constantly under fire in the media from radical animal-rights groups.
  • The Angry Anaconda Rollercoaster was the newest attraction at Safari Adventure. Although close to opening, the bombs fell before the construction was able to be completed.
  • In addition to its large outdoor habitats, Safari Adventure featured several indoor attractions such as the Primate House, the Bear Cave and the ever-popular Reptile House.


  • The Grandchester Mystery Mansion was an opportunistic tourist trap that was built near Nuka-World purely to take advantage of the amount of traffic the huge parks were generating.


  • The Disciples prefer the use of knives in combat, but will resort to firearms when they're clearly outgunned.
  • In the past, the Disciples never left a victim alive. After the alliance of gangs at Nuka-World, they've learned to curb their appetite for blood.(slide)


  • Skill. Discretion. Caps. The Raider gang known as the "Operators" hold all three in highest regard.
  • Mags and William Black run the Operators from The Parlor, their sanctuary in Nuka-World's former theater.(slide)
  • The Operators like to get their way... by any means necessary. Utilizing their tools can make intimidating settlements significantly easier.(slide)


  • Over the years, the Pack has embraced the social structure of the animal kingdom. They see strength in the pack and great power in its cruel, brutal efficiency.
  • The use of elaborate pranks and public humiliation is the primary source of establishing dominance within the Pack.
  • Mason is currently the Pack's "alpha," but small power struggles constantly flare up as old and new members attempt to assert their dominance and take his place.(slide)


  • The more Raider Outposts you have within range of a settlement, the easier it'll be to intimidate.(slide)
  • When attacking a settlement during a raid, you can change out your gang's gear by speaking to them.(slide)
  • When choosing a raid, you'll have more options available if you choose to attack your target rather than speak to them.(slide)
  • Building a Nuka-World Radio Transmitter at an outpost will make intimidating any settlements within its range easier.(slide)
  • All Raider Outposts have a range of influence. Visit the Map tab in your Pip-Boy to see which settlements are within your outpost's range.
  • Forcing Raiders at your outposts to farm is a quick way to reduce their happiness.
  • Caps acquired by your Raider Outposts and intimidated settlements will be deposited in your quarters in Nuka-World.

Creation Club[]

  • The Gauss Rifle Prototype uses magnetic induction to propel a projectile at incredible, and devastating speed. Each crank of its handle loads an additional 2mm Electromagnetic Cartridge, and the weapon can be cranked multiple times to increase the damage of a single shot.
  • Used by both the Crimson Dragoon troops and Black Ghost counterinsurgency squads during the Great War, Chinese Stealth Armor relies on light modulation technology to render its wearer virtually invisible. In fact, this technology was the basis for the U.S. military's portable "Stealth Boy" units.
  • The Horse Power Armor is a unique set, created by a demented Raider obsessed with the Giddyup Bittercup. Featuring increased movement speed and jump height, it's off to the races!
  • The Hellfire Power Armor was created by the Enclave after the Great War, at Adams Air Force Base in Maryland. Typically paired with a Flamer, it offers high energy resistance, and can be modified to surpass nearly all other models in damage resistance.
  • The Solar Cannon was a government contracted weapon developed by Poseidon Energy, as a sister project to the Tesla Cannon. Primarily intended to be a crowd control device, the weapon's instability and high radiation emittance resulted in the project being abandoned.
  • The Solar Cannon saw some use by the Enclave sometime after the Great War before being replaced by the Plasma Rifle. The weapon was then stripped and its technology put towards Tesla Armor research, making the Solar Cannon a rarity in the Wasteland.
  • The USAA-developed CC-1 Power Armor was used by Hubris Studios on the set of Captain Cosmos as part of a promotional stunt, hoping to kindle support for the failing Mars Shot Project.
  • As a predecessor to the 10mm, the model 6520 pistol is durable, efficient, and easy to maintain - perfect for a wasteland survivalist.
  • The Slocum's Joe Coffee Station can be used to craft a wide variety of caffeinated drinks, including infusions that remove the negative effects of alcohol. Stay on the look out for tins of Coffee and Espresso!
  • The Slocum's Joe Donut Fryer can be used to craft a wide variety of prewar donut flavors. Stay on the look out for Donut Mix!
  • Nuka-Cola was invented in 2044 by John-Caleb Bradberton, and quickly became America's leading soft drink. Nuka-World, an enormous soda-themed amusement park, opened its doors in 2050, and by 2067 Nuka-Cola vending machines could be found on every street in the country. Now that's refreshing!
  • The X-02 series of Power Armor was specially engineered for the Enclave's Department of the Army, one of the most technological advanced paramilitary forces in the world. The lightweight composites used in its construction give the X-02 a speed and agility advantage over its predecessor, the X-01 power armor.


机器人 & 生物[]

辅助能力 & SPECIAL[]












During the loading screen, if the player hits X on the Xbox One, square on the PS4, or Q on the PC, the character/creature/item on display will turn to the color of the player's HUD, and back to the original color(s) when hit again. Right stick (Xbox One) or clicking and dragging left or right (PC) will rotate the image, left stick (Xbox One) or A and D (PC) will move it and the triggers (Xbox One) or clicking and dragging up or down (PC) will zoom in/out.


