
Gametitle-FO4 FH
Gametitle-FO4 FH

中野家 is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287. It is the only access to reach the Island from the Commonwealth.


在任务 離鄉背井中玩家可以 It is located to the top northeast of the main map of the Commonwealth, along the shore. It can also be found by following the elevated freeway leading north.

From here the Sole Survivor can board Kenji Nakano's boat and take it to the settlement of Far Harbor on the Island as part of the Far From Home quest.


The area consists of the main Nakano household as well as a boat shed and outhouse behind it. The house consists of two floors, both floors are filled with holotapes describing the Nakano's daughter Kasumi's technology repair projects. First floor contains a kitchen and living room. The second floor consists of the parents bedroom, Kasumi's room and a bathroom. Next to the house is a dock where Kenji Nakano's boat is.


  • 佳澄的計畫:
    • 全像卡帶:就在一進前門的提燈旁邊。
    • 廚房:廚房的烤箱上。
    • 電視:電視箱上。
    • 檯燈:樓上有著檯燈的桌子上。
    • 無線電:佳澄房間桌上。
    • 夢境:佳澄房間床底下。
    • 盪鞦韆:房子外的鞦韆處地上。
  • 佳澄給祖父的全像卡帶:在房子西邊墓碑前。
  • 佳澄最後一個全像卡帶:在船屋的保險箱內。
  • 祖父的筆記:在船屋的保險箱上。
  • 佳澄的日記:佳澄房間內紅色工具箱後面。
  • 船屋保險箱鑰匙:藏在船屋桌上的畫框裡,按調查即可獲得。


The Nakano residence appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

