

居禮(英文:CVRIE,諧音:Curie;中國大陸譯名:居里)全稱傳染原弱點機器人醫務工程師Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer),是2287年時生活在81號避難所的一台幫手小姐機器人,同時也是潛在的同伴之一。










Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予* Combat Medic辅助能力。
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter

Emergent Behavior

FO76 ui icon quest

Hole in the Wall

FO76 vaultboy firstaid
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap -
卖: -
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: -
40 Weaponsmith


12 The American Dream
此角色出租床位 Bottle cap -.


  • 巨墙中的洞:居礼拥有奥斯汀需要的解药,但只有当附近所有的鼹鼠都被杀死后才会给予解药。
  • 紧急行为:为了成为一名更优秀的科学家,居礼希望将意识转移到人类身体上。


  • 玩家可以从居礼的实验室中将她放出。另外,如果玩家请求记忆储存库阿马利博士将她的记忆转移到合成人身体上,她便可以变成合成人(紧急行为任务)。Note, Dr. Amari will not give the necessary dialogue options to do so until after the completion of Dangerous Minds.
  • 紧急行为任务完成之前,居礼对玩家的好感将停留在499,即使游戏提示“居礼很喜欢那样”。
  • 被居礼崇拜之后,她会告诉玩家她在变种果上取得的突破,并给予玩家“战斗医护”辅助能力——当玩家的生命值降到10%以下时,为玩家治疗100点生命值。一天一次。



  • 居礼偶尔会给玩家治疗针
  • 再次来到81号避难所时,居礼会提出离开,但她的好感度并不会受到影响。
  • 居礼可以发展恋爱关系。当她的好感度达到最高时,告白选项将会解锁。


Miss Nanny[]

服装 武器 其他 物品
- Built-in buzzsaw and laser gun -


服装 武器 其他 物品
Flannel shirt and jeans
(can be given other clothes and armor)
Laser rifle
(can be given other weapons, including melee)


  • 在81号避难所第一次与居礼隔着玻璃对话时,无论玩家说什么她都会打开门。
  • 如果玩家选择将居礼的人格下载到合成人身体上,那么之前玩家存放在居礼(帮手小姐形态)身上的物品将不会被转移,但玩家可以在居礼换下来的帮手小姐旧机体上取回所有物品。
    • Has platform::PCPC 如果找不到原来的机体,在控制台输入prid 865d1然后输moveto player
  • When arriving at Covenant for the first time, she will comment on how cute it is and suggest going inside. However she dislikes the player character doing this, making her suggestion paradoxical.
  • 不同于嘎抓,居礼装备的不是喷火器而是激光武器。这使她在远距离打击上比噶抓更有效,但在近距离上威力不如嘎抓。
  • 不同于其他同伴,居礼的生命值是定值(作为帮手小姐时是440,作为合成人时是670),与玩家的等级无关。而其他同伴的生命值会随玩家等级的上升而上升。在玩家达到49级时,噶抓的生命值与居礼的持平,此时玩家的等级如果再上升则噶抓的生命值将超过居礼。事实上在玩家达到50级之前,居礼拥有所有同伴中最高的生命值。
    • 居礼高得逆天的生命值(至少在玩家达到50级之前)是为了对她0伤害抗性、0能量抗性以及作为帮手小姐时不能装备盔甲而作出的平衡。
    • 居礼作为合成人时,其670的生命值以及装备盔甲的能力使她成为目前为止最耐打的同伴。而其他同伴只有当主角的等级超过107级后才会跟居礼一样。
  • Curie will often talk to the various doctors in the Commonwealth while she is traveling with the Sole Survivor. For instance, she will ask Sun where he went to university which will prompt a somewhat confused response.
  • 在记忆被下载到合成人身体上之后,居礼仍然保留了原来的战斗AI。远距离时她会使用激光武器,但一旦距离拉近,由于不能再使用原来的锯子,所以除非给了她近战武器,否则她会冲上去跟敌人抡王八拳。换同伴然后再带居礼可以解决这个问题。这样居礼就会跟其他人形同伴一样了。
  • 作为帮手小姐时,居礼跟噶抓一样可以佩戴圆顶礼帽and Triggerman bowler。这对居礼的生命值不造成影响,并为她加一点耐力。Once equipped, the hat will not show up in her inventory, thus making it impossible to unequip it.
  • 居礼喜欢狂收集武器以取代原来的激光武器或王八拳。即使玩家给了她更强力的武器,在玩家打败敌人后她还是会收集铁管手枪或剑等等。她也喜欢从敌人的尸体上搜刮弹药;而且就算有一把使用那种口径的子弹的武器,她也不会用那把武器。
    • Has platform::PCPC To lock Curie to using her base laser rifle and stop picking up stuff type 00102249.equipitem 0022cc13 1 into the console.
  • 不管居礼是帮手小姐还是合成人,钻石城保安和其它NPC都会对居礼发表一样的言论。
  • 居礼在钻石城第一次遇到高桥时会回答“私はCurieです(我叫居礼)”。这暗示着居礼会多种语言,包括英语、法语、日语,可能还有其它语言。
  • 尽管作为一个合成人并且喜欢主角说合成人的好话,然而居礼似乎对钢铁兄弟会抱有好感。她喜欢主角加入兄弟会并帮助他们(但不包括毁灭铁路)。
  • 把居礼带到111号避难所奈特/诺拉的遗体前她不会有任何反应。
  • 在钻石城与老莫•克罗宁谈及真正的棒球时,居礼会幽默地纠正他说的棒球规则,并提及打点和打击率。
  • Curie can be modified at a robot workbench when still in her Miss Nanny form.
    • During Curie's companion quest, if she has been modified at the robot workbench, her robot body will revert to its default state during the transfer.
  • 自从主角将居礼从81号避难所释放之后,她的乐观性格和战前知识适应末世环境的速度一直很慢。这使得她在面对废土现实时表现出天真(可爱)的一面,比如问主角要不要把他/她在敌人尸体上搜刮来的东西放进证据袋并交给警察 or "Shouldn't a coroner be doing that instead?" Dropping items will occasionally prompt her to advise the Sole Survivor that they may be fined for littering.
    • Additionally, she will occasionally comment "Someone is nearby, perhaps they are friendly." when observing enemies from a distance, and may express some shock over their level of violence after combat.

Notable quotes[]

  • "We must find the men of science and institutes of learning, surely they are out there still."
  • "I find myself... humming inside. I feel so very... happy, this is the word!"
  • "My systems are eager to acquire new data. I find that traveling agrees with me."
  • "Stimpaks are a marvelous invention, don't you think?" – When giving the player character a stimpak.
  • "It is so hard to wrap my head around what I feel for you. Before, there was only duty. Now, something more." – When asked about your relationship.
  • "Though dangerous, combat is quite vigorous exercise." – After combat.
  • "Perhaps you have missed your calling. With skills like this, you could be a Mr. Handy." – Using a workbench.
  • "I believe the term is..."Yahoo"?" – After killing an enemy, reference to the third book of the Hyperion series by Dan Simons, Endymion.
  • "Ah, my Vault. Please, let's go elsewhere." – Upon entering Vault 81.
  • "My control of feelings is worse than before. And you, you are no help. With your teasing of poor little Curie." – During her third approval talk, even if the Sole Survivor hasn't flirted with her.
  • "What a contradiction a human is. To be lacking in so many capabilities, but being blessed with such a tapestry of emotions."
  • "Visibility has decreased, perhaps you should do one of your sleeps?" – When it gets dark out near a Settlement.
  • "Someone is nearby. Perhaps they are friendly." – When nearby an enemy.
  • "Well, you look quite dashing in that." – When entering power armor.
  • "The boat! It is on the building! That is the USS Constitution. Mon dieu." – Upon visiting the USS Constitution.
  • "If mankind can still do something like... that. There is hope." – Upon witnessing the Brotherhood of Steel's arrival in the Commonwealth.
  • "We simply must find a way onto the Brotherhood's airship. Think of all the things they must know." – When the Sole Survivor asked for thoughts on the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • "Please... don't let me... power..." – Last dying words.
  • Curie: "Power Noodles. Sounds very nutritious." [to Takahashi] "What type of noodles do you serve?"
    Takahashi: "Nan-ni shimasho-ka?"
    Curie: "Oh, Japanese. Watashi wa Curie desu."
    Takahashi: "Nan-ni shimasho-ka?"
    Curie: "You know, I think this robot is broken." – Conversation between Curie and Takahashi.
  • Curie: "Oh, it is a Mr. Handy." [to Deezer] "What is your function?"
    Deezer: "Don't be the last person on the block to try fabulous Deezer's lemonade."
    Curie: "Lemonade, truly? But I see no lemons."
    Deezer: "The secret recipe is a tightly guarded secret. But here, try a complementary beverage."
    Curie: "He is very odd, no?" – Conversation between Curie and Deezer.
  • When looting a body:
    • "I believe we are supposed to file a police report, yes? And all the little things go in baggies for evidence."
    • "Shouldn't a coroner be doing that instead?"
  • After romancing her:
    • "I may be getting this out of order. But, I love you." – When romanced with the "Start a relationship" option
    • "Perhaps we can conduct further nocturnal experiments? Tonight."
    • "I thought the greatest challenge to advancing science would be the limitations of the human brain. But it is instead you, so deliciously distracting."
    • "You have no need to ask. As long as we are together, I... I have no words."
    • "You must be very careful. The idea of you coming to harm. There, my heart is fluttering again."
    • "I must warn you, the thought of you being... close with someone else causes very complicated emotions in me."
  • When walking around naked:
    • "Put something on at once. You could catch a cold."
    • "Well, this makes it easy for me to conduct a physical inspection, at least."
    • "I believe not wearing clothes is considered taboo? But maybe that data is old.."
  • "It pains me to say goodbye. But we will be together again soon, yes?" – When dismissing romanced Curie.
  • When Curie is the current companion and someone else is chosen:
    • Deacon: "Do not get him/her in any trouble, Monsieur Deacon." To which Deacon replies: "Me? Get into trouble? I am the very definition of innocence. We're just going to spend all day playing canasta. Promise."
    • MacCready: "Do you have any new injuries for me to treat today, Monsieur MacCready?" To which MacCready replies: "Feeling fine, thanks. But if a couple Stimpaks fall my way, I wouldn't object."
    • John Hancock: "You are such a fascinating specimen, Monsieur Hancock." To which Hancock does not reply.
    • Cait: "I think if you travel with Cait, you may need to bring a little more ammo." To which Cait replies: "You're just jealous because you'll be missin' all the fun."
    • Codsworth: "If it isn't Monsieur Codsworth. It is a pleasure to see you again" To which Codsworth replies: "Doubly so for me, Miss Curie. Don't worry, I'll keep the Master safe."
    • Piper: "You know, your Publick Occurrences should have scientific articles" To which Piper replies: "You've never met our readers, have you?"
    • Danse: "Oh, it is Monsieur Danse. One day we must talk of the technological marvels of the Brotherhood." To which Danse replies: "Sharing technological information isn't permitted. However, if you wish to donate yourself for study, I'm certain our scribes would be pleased."
    • Strong: "To see a Super Mutant up so close. It is amazing." To which Strong does not reply.
    • Nick Valentine: "You are a scientific marvel, Monsieur Nick." To which Nick does not reply.
    • Preston Garvey: "I think with more people like you, Monsieur Garvey, civilization will rise again." To which Preston replies: "That's the goal ma'am."
  • When someone else is the current companion and Curie is chosen:
    • Deacon: (Nanny) "Getting traded out for the tin can? How humiliating. Hey, Curie." To which Curie replies: "I assure you, Monsieur Deacon, I am fully equipped and quite capable of dealing with a multitude of situations." (Synth) "I like the new look, Curie. And people give me a hard time just for swapping out my face." To which Curie replies: "Unlike you, I did not undergo such a procedure on a whim."
    • MacCready: "Well Curie, I guess you're up. Have fun out there." To which Curie replies: "Mon dieu! Always so polite. Au revoir to you, MacCready."
    • John Hancock: "So, you gonna be able to take care of yourself out there?" To which Curie replies: "I have read all the available materials on the subject. Will that not be sufficient?"
    • Cait: "Gonna replace me with the egghead eh? Well, good luck in a firefight." To which Curie replies: "No need to worry, Mademoiselle Cait. My offensive capabilities are quite formidable."
    • X6-88: (Nanny) "In my judgment you're not ready for this, Curie. I hope you'll prove me wrong." To which Curie replies: "I am the top of the line of RobCo technology. I assure you I am capable of this." (Synth) "In my judgment you're not ready for this, Curie. I hope you'll prove me wrong." To which Curie replies: "I have survived centuries more than you, monsieur."
    • Codsworth: "Ah, Miss Curie. Never was there a more suitable replacement." To which Curie replies: "So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. Until we meet again."
    • Piper: "Have fun you two. Don't pick any fights I wouldn't." To which Curie replies: "Well I hope to not have to pick any at all."
    • Danse: "Being replaced by a machine... embarrassing." To which Curie replies: "There's no need to be embarrassed, we merely posses different skills."
    • Strong: "When metal man is smashed, come find Strong." To which Curie replies: "Don't worry, Monsieur Strong. I don't rust so easily."
    • Nick Valentine: "You two watch yourselves out there." To which Curie replies: "Oh monsieur. We do not watch. We observe."


Curie appears only in Fallout 4.




  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One On occasion Curie, if she has been turned into a synth already, will still be accessible in the Robot workbench. If selected this will revert her back into her Miss Nanny body.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 有時候Curie will unequip any weapon she had and fight with her bare fists. When this happens she may loot bodies for weapons.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If Curie is modified using the robot workbench and the player character does the quest "Emergent Behavior" Curie will not talk during the entirety of the player character's conversation with Doctor Amari. If the player character sits on the bench and wait for a day, 她會回到原始狀態,改造配件會丟失. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC在返回時她可能不會去玩家安排的據點,而是回到81避難所,甚至永遠消失.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Upon dismissal Curie will reappear outside the medical room in Vault 81, regardless of where she is dismissed, even if dismissed to Sanctuary while in Sanctuary, she will immediately sprint toward Vault 81. [已验证]
    • Workaround: Reload an earlier save file and don't give the cure to Dr. Forsythe at the end of the "Hole in the Wall" quest until after speaking to Curie inside the doctor's clinic. She won't actually enter the room herself, so the player character has to get behind Curie and push her into the clinic. She will then initiate the proper dialogue to become a companion and will stay at the player character's chosen settlement. Alternatively, resetquest comcurie followed by setstage comcurie 83 will trigger the join companion dialogue, after which Curie can be moved as required.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Sometimes, if she is transferred into synth body, she will have a smoking animation while idle with no weapon equipped. The animation may be normal and may normally stop after she equips the weapon, but is still out of character, though technically synths can smoke.[已验证]
    • Workaround: Take her to the end of the catacombs in Old North Church, where the Sole Survivor first meets Desdemona. She'll stand on the platform and finish her cigarette.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Curie will dislike the player character for entering Covenant for the first time, regardless of whatever the player character says during the SAFE test.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Curie will not have any dialogue when asked how the relationship with the player character is going if the player character did not romance her.[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC Workaround: To fix this, open the console and click on Curie. In the console, type: setav CA_WantsToTalkRomanceRetry 1
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Curie's arm will sometimes get stuck in a pointing downwards position through the floor, resulting in her shooting her laser into the ground in combat. The only fix appears to be traveling to a different location. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Curie's perception and intelligence stats will each be with 1 higher then the value that they are set to. In-game she has 5 perception; if setting the value to 8, she will have 90 perception.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Curie in the level 3 synth body does not have any sneak ability which causes constant detection, all other companions have at least Sneak level 4 by default.[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC Workaround: each level of sneak can be added with the console: 00102249.addperk 0004c935 then 00102249.addperk 000b9882 then 00102249.addperk 000b9883 then 00102249.addperk 000b9884
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Curie is missing the baseid for Inspirational perks to work with her as a companion.[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC Workaround: add the companion inspirational perk with the console 00102249.addperk 001d33d7
  • Has platform::PCPC After reaching the highest level of affinity with her, there is a conversation bug when you go to -> Talk -> press on Relationship and nothing happens. Just jumps back to Talk section. To fix this use console commands prid 102249, getav ca_affinity and getav CA_WantsToTalkRomanceRetry and try again. If she does not respond setav CA_WantsToTalkRomanceRetry 1. [已验证]


