關於his personal guards,參見Lieutenant's guard

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主教军团的副官(英文名:Lieutenant of the Master's Army)[1] (有时被称为 Lou Tenant[2] 或简称 Lou[3])是主教的右手并且是玛丽博萨军事基地的指挥官。


副官是超级变种人的典范,比普通人类更快,更强壮,更聪明。 他是这批人中最强的,能够经受住 FEV转化的过程而不丧失他的智力和技能(甚至可能有所增强)。他的转变在他身上创造了一种宗教敬畏感,专注于主教和同一。 他成为了他最忠诚的追随者,支持他主人的理想,坚信超级变种人将继承地球。由于他的奉献精神,他在军队里得到了最高的职位,控制型植入物和个性化装备。[4][5][6] 副官在这方面不同于任何其他的超级变种人:他肩负着的显然是动力装甲,有眼睛假体和大脑植入物, 并且还有似乎是一种将稳定的药物泵入体内的装置,以控制身体中严重过量的病毒,否则会使他的身体崩溃。[7]

就人格而言,副官更不像其他变种人。他说话温和,彬彬有礼,博览胜书,他坚信超级变种人的优越性近乎自负。 然而,他的信仰只是单纯的诚实,因为超级变种人确实更好地适应了后核世界的需求。[8][9][6]



副官明显比标准的超级变种人士兵更强壮更聪明。 他有大约250HP,并装备了一个加特林激光枪。他有几处機械化的增强(包括一只仿生眼),似乎还穿着为他的超级变种人身躯量身定制的金属盔甲。在战斗中,他得到了范·海根两个全副武装的超级变种人指挥官的帮助(另外还有一些可以从背后干预并攻击放逐者的機器腦)。



Icon talkinghead
FO76 ui icon quest
33 Protector


  • Destroy the source of the Mutants: The Lieutenant is an optional encounter on the fourth level of Mariposa. He provides information on the Master's plans and can be killed to ensure his demise. Killing him will allow the player to pilfer his locker, which contains the Nuke key that can be used to unlock the nuclear bomb console beneath The Cathedral. Lou and Van Hagan need to die in order to obtain the key.


  • 如果他们允许,Harry会把放逐者带到副官那里。然后,卢(Lou)将询问地下室居住者关于他们地下室的位置。泄露这些信息将会导致玩家堕入并征服13号避难所
  • 偷偷靠近副官(只要走近他的房间就足够了),放逐者就可以偷听到范·海根和卢之间关于他们即将发现13号避难所的对话。这可以获得1500点经验值



  • 杀死副官会触发一个独特的死亡动画:
Lieutenant death animation


服装 武器 其他 物品
Super mutant metal armor Gatling laser Stimpak x5
Encryption decoder disk


  • 他有一个独特的死亡动画,他的身体真的崩溃了,导致相当可怕的死亡。他的死亡动画和整体外貌表明他在最初的转变后被主教进一步提升。他的金属盔甲和植入物可能起到了维持生命的作用,因为在他死后,头部植入物破裂,导致他的胃和膝盖从里面爆炸,他的手臂慢慢融化。
  • A reference to "Lou Tenant" is made in Fallout: New Vegas during the quest G.I. Blues. When the Courier talks to Wayne about being attacked, he will mention that one of them was called Lou, and on further thought, Lou Tenant. He will then be corrected by his friend Roy, who says he means "Lieutenant," and that Wayne can be "dumb as a mutant."
  • 在审讯过程中,有可能屈服于酷刑并透露13号避难所的位置。这将导致一个过场动画,放逐者被投进一个FEV池中,而13号避难所被超级变种人袭击,然后游戏跳转回主菜单。这被认为是一个非正统的结局。
  • 当放逐者浸泡在FEV的池中时,副官出现在病毒槽屏幕上。



The Lieutenant appears only in Fallout as a talking head. He is seen briefly in the intro for Fallout 2. He is indirectly referenced in Fallout: New Vegas and mentioned in its DLC Dead Money by Dog. He is also mentioned in Fallout Bible.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Lieutenant's character description: "{100}{}{You see the Lieutenant of the Master's army.}"
  2. Harry: "{177}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}"
  3. Harry: "{155}{Harry_23}{Ummm...yes. You prime normal. The Lou will be happy. Take away, take away.}"
  4. Lieutenant: "{167}{LIEUT21}{Fate. Luck of the draw. I was the strongest of my batch to be dipped in the virus, and I have always supported the ideals of the Unity and the Master, for he is right. And for my devotion, I have been rewarded.}"
  5. Fallout Bible 5
    "7. Just a question about the Luietant游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 from Fallout 1, was he a Brotherhood soldier that got dipped? Or was he just a mutant that got lucky and scored himself some nice armour (that looks a lot like PA) - Stainless
    He's a human that got lucky when he was dipped and managed to keep his intelligence (or possibly, got greater intelligence). As for armor and weapons, yeah, he lucked out, especially with that gatling laser. :)"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Fallout Official Survival Guide p.102: "The Lieutenant: The Master's Right-Hand Mutant"
    "Think of an urbane and well-educated college professor who has become the very essence of evil incarnate. He is highly intelligent, and is second-in-command to the Master himself. He genuinely believes that the super-mutants and the Unity are the future of the planet, and will do anything to see them succeed. His attitude toward the player, at least at first, will be amused and curious; humans, from his point of view, are less than insects, good only for the Vats, or for being crushed. He will interrogate the player to learn about the Vault, but along the way he can be induced to speak at length about the Master, the Unity, Morpheus and the Children of the Cathedral, and the FEV virus that causes the mutations."
  7. Death animation.
  8. Lieutenant: "{139}{LIEUT11}{The Super Mutant is the next advancement in human evolution. To save the world, we will convert all the worthy individuals. Simple, efficient, glorious.}"
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{So where is this Master?}"
    Lieutenant: "{173}{LIEUT23}{He's busy with the Children of the Cathedral. They actually consider us gods. But then, who can blame them.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{174}{}{My, aren't we conceited?}"
    Lieutenant: "{176}{LIEUT24}{Is honesty conceit? We're the next step in evolution. Through our Unity, the world will survive. Where is the conceit in that?}"
  10. Lieutenant: "{209}{LIEUT36}{Feel better now? Since torture is such a crass, yet oddly satisfying and effective technique, I'll ask you once more nicely. Where . . . is . . . the Vault!}"
  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2162 April 20: Vault Dweller destroys the Military Base. Dogmeat dies defending his master."