

The abandoned bog town is a location in the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia in 2102. It is a public workshop with claim and defend event quests.


Abandoned Bog Town is the remains of a small town on Route 65, whose main attraction was the Red Rocket gas station that allowed travelers to refuel before continuing on their journey. Many houses inside the town are inaccessible, having been deemed as condemned. After the Great War, it grew in size due to a village of wood and metal shacks located behind the main string of buildings, of which a group of raiders were based out of. The raiders primarily spent their time raiding the nearby city of Watoga,[1] while some experimented with chems[2] and traded. In time, a decrease of travelers to steal from caused the raider town's prosperity to diminish.[3]


Running through the town is Highway 65. On the West side of the highway, there is a police station, bus station, and an abundance of shacks, broken houses, warehouses, and trailers. One warehouse to the northwest belonged to Scott Turner. On the East side of the highway is the workshop, more shacks, a 3 story brick building (3rd floor only accessible through roof elevator entrance), and most of the workshop's resource deposits.

Abandoned bog town is a claimable workshop. There are lots of notes and holotapes throughout the small town, as well as workbenches, and a stash box inside the south Red Rocket station. The building in the center of town has a floor full of phones, typewriters, and other loot - only accessible through the elevator at the top or the hole in the floor.

The town itself stretches along Route 65, which divides it sharply into two halves. The western half if further divided by a road running down the district. Clockwise, from the bus stop in the north, players can enjoy the ruined houses that line Route 65, a police station, a trapped, destroyed caravan in the south, and burned-out chem trailers and an old warehouse in the southwestern corner. The most notable location is a small trailer parked inside a garage in the northwestern corner, which was the home of Scott Turner, the Watogan saboteur.

The eastern part of the town is in slightly better repair, though not by much. From the north, it includes condemned housing, a derelict diner, an old office building that, together with the adjacent shantytown, made up a raider stronghold once, and finally, the old Red Rocket gas station with the player's stash and an old trailer.

The workshop is in the back of the brick building and covers a rectangle area bounded by Route 65, the northern edge of the brick building, the creek a short walk east, and roughly the tinker's workbench down south. The available resources are: food (7), water (3), concrete (3), silver (1), gold (1), acid (1) and oil (1).


  • 警察監獄鑰匙 - 警局的櫃檯上,用來打開裡頭的安全門。
  • 羅科研究設施鑰匙卡 - 史考特·透納的屍體上,用於羅科研究中心的讀卡機。一日市長任務期間會找到他的藏身處。
  • Potential armor plan - On a metal shelf near the bus stop and next to an armor workbench.
  • Potential recipe - On a rear counter inside Adelaide's diner.
  • Fusion core - Two can be found in an ammo box in Scott Turner's hideout.
  • Protectron model - Can be found in Scott Turner's hideout on the desk.
  • A 50 cal machine gun may spawn on a truck bed located on main road, heading towards Watoga.
  • Two potential weapon mods:
    • On a cabinet to the northeast of town, at an outdoor shack home.
    • Under the counter, inside the Red Rocket building.
  • Potential armor mod - At the southern outskirts of town, inside a metal shack, on a shelf.
  • Potential power armor mod - In the saboteur's hideout, on a shelf.
Holotapes and notes
  • 沼澤鎮的盡頭 - 紅火箭加油站的櫃台。
  • 艾諾拉·沃克的故事(三)- 紅火箭加油站前面圓桌上。
  • 爆炸的實驗室 - 紅火箭加油站北邊的建築廢墟頂部桌上。
  • 解放瓦托加! - 有三份散落在鎮上,史考特·透納的藏身處有很多份。
  • 爸,再見 - 公車站前郵箱內。
  • 《先鋒報》的「阿利根尼精神病院」社論 - 有三份散落在鎮上。警局櫃台一份,鎮上西北部的拖車屋(史考特·透納的藏身處)一份,警局對面condemned office building櫃台一份。
  • 遺言 - 史考特·透納的藏身處。
  • 來自潔妮卡的信件 - 同上,史考特·透納的屍體上。
  • 給潔妮卡的信件 - 同上。
  • 給市長的信件 - 同上區域,屍體附近桌子裡。
  • 給媽媽的信件 - 同上。
  • 給珊蒂信件 - 同上。
  • 新人員 - 在紅火箭北邊一個戶外酒吧吧檯上,旁邊椅子躺著一個掠奪者屍體。
  • 驅逐通知 - 在有烹飪工作台的破爛房屋裡。
  • 解放瓦托加行動紀錄322 - 史考特·透納的藏身處桌上。
  • 退休 - 警察櫃台。
  • 破壞份子的工作密碼 - 一日市長任務期間於史考特·透納的藏身處內終端機左邊的文件櫃獲得。
  • 可用別墅 - 鎮上南邊出入口的second floor scaffolding
  • 現在上哪? - 在Adelaide's Diner北邊一個破爛房屋裡,有著難度0的門鎖。


  • The office building in this town is a good source for springs and screws, in the form of typewriters, clipboards, and antique globes. It can be entered by climbing the fire escape ladders of the tallest building and going into the open elevator shaft on the roof. A modified laser gun spawns in a barn at the edge of the town.
  • Power can be supplied to the workshop by completing the Powering Up Thunder Mountain event.
  • 真菌筆記 - Note, near some planters in a makeshift greenhouse built on the roof of a building to the south of the area (can't be picked up). Access by dropping through a hole in the greenhouse's roof.


The abandoned bog town appears only in Fallout 76.



  1. Villa available
  2. Exploding labs
  3. End of Bog Town