
General information[]

Skill magazines temporarily raise the corresponding skill by ten points (twenty with Comprehension), but wear off after a minute (three with Retention). True Police Stories is the only exception to this general rule, raising the "skill" (critical chance) by five points (ten with Comprehension). There are a total of 228 skill magazines placed in permanent locations, plus 59 in the add-ons (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Lonesome Road, Old World Blues,). Certain merchants sell them, providing a limitless source. Also, the magazine vending machines on the Strip provide you with random magazines the first time you open them. Similar to chems, the effects of skill magazines do not stack; using two copies of Meeting People will only provide the bonus of one copy, wasting the second one.

In Fallout: New Vegas, reading a skill magazine for a combat skill can be used to boost the damage of weapons. With a +10, this translates into an increase of 5% base weapon damage. With a +20, this translates into an increase of 10% base weapon damage. See individual weapon pages for specific information. As an example, +10 Energy Weapons with a Gauss rifle will result in an additional 6 damage per shot. A +20 results in an additional 12.

Because weapons start off doing only 50% base damage (at skill 0), the actual relative % increase is much larger than 5 or 10%. Going from 10 to 30 Energy Weapons in the above Gauss rifle example is actually an 18% increase, for up to 6 minutes, non-addictively.


Name Weight Value Effect Base ID
Boxing Times 0 20 Unarmed +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4B0
Fixin' Things 0 20 Repair +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension)(temporarily) 000EC4AB
Future Weapons Today 0 20 Energy Weapons +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4A6
Lad's Life 0 20 Survival +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4AF
¡La Fantoma! 0 20 Sneak +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4AD
Locksmith's Reader 0 20 Lockpick +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4A8
Meeting People 0 20 Speech +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4AE
Milsurp Review 0 20 Guns +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4AC
Patriot's Cookbook 0 20 Explosives +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4A7
Programmer's Digest 0 20 Science +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4B1
Salesman Weekly 0 20 Barter +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4A4
Tæles of Chivalrie 0 20 Melee Weapons +10 (+20 w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4AA
Today's Physician 0 20 Medicine +10 (+20 w/Comprehension) (temporarily) 000EC4A9
True Police Stories 0 20 Critical chance +5% (+10% w/ Comprehension) (temporarily) 00135689


Random locations[]

These magazines can be found in containers such as mailboxes and the 9 red magazine boxes on the Strip. Some of these containers will be replenished over time.

Fixed locations[]

Note: Clicking on the closest map marker's sort box will sort the magazines by location.

此部分转换 自 相应的条目文章。 改变它, 请编辑包含在内的页面.

Future Weapons Today

¡La Fantoma!

Milsurp Review

Tæles of Chivalrie

True Police Stories

NameClosest map markerLocation description
Boxing TimesBoulder CityBottom of the mining equipment opposite of the Boulder City train station
Boxing TimesCamp GolfHouse Resort, second floor in a center room on a desk, opposite of the room with a terminal
Boxing TimesCamp McCarranContents of the MP confiscated goods trunk, given by Carrie Boyd as a reward after successfully completing the quest The White Wash
Boxing TimesGoodspringsGoodsprings gas station, on a shelf
Boxing TimesH&H Tools factoryOn reception desk in entrance room
Boxing TimesJacobstownJacobstown lodge, in an upstairs room on a small table. Up the righthand staircase, backroom on the lefthand corner, on a small table on the left.
Boxing TimesKing's School of ImpersonationThird floor, on the table in the bedroom
Boxing TimesLucky 38Two - One in an upstairs bar next to the Golden Gloves. Another lies on a table in the south of the cocktail lounge, next to a Future Weapons Today.
Boxing TimesNellis Air Force BaseNellis schoolhouse, on the teacher's desk, together with a Programmer's Digest and Fixin' Things
Boxing TimesSouth Vegas ruinsZapp's Neon Signs, along with a Lad's Life next to a Nuka-Cola Quartz on upstairs office shelf
Boxing TimesTechatticup MineIn a storage area, behind an Average locked gate.
Fixin' ThingsAshton missile silo Lonesome Road (add-on)Level 1 launch deck, in a desk in the medical room with the Auto-Doc, along with a Programmer's Digest
Fixin' ThingsBitter SpringsOn the table in the storage tent, behind the medical tent.
Fixin' ThingsCamp GolfHouse Resort, second floor on a table next to a Programmer's Digest in the center room with the non-functioning terminal
Fixin' ThingsCamp GolfHouse Resort, second floor, on a desk in the first room to the left after ascending the south stairs
Fixin' ThingsCamp McCarranTwo - Both copies on top of a footlocker in the third tent from terminal building in the first row
Fixin' ThingsCharleston CaveOn a shelf in a room near a submerged section, at the back of the cave, next to a Lad's Life and Today's Physician
Fixin' ThingsEast cisternOn a table, next to a broken terminal
Fixin' ThingsFollowers safehouseOn the bed to the right, next to a hunting rifle and a True Police Stories
Fixin' ThingsForbidden Zone dome entrance Old World Blues (add-on)Dome section, on a table in far left of the central piece
Fixin' ThingsGoodspringsIn a broken bathroom sink inside the Goodsprings home across the street from Doc Mitchell's house
Fixin' ThingsGoodspringsIn the Prospector Saloon
Fixin' ThingsHELIOS OneSolar collection tower, near a Mister Gutsy, on the table next to a toolbox on the north wall down a set of stairs
Fixin' ThingsHoover DamHoover Dam offices, down the hallway north from the power plant 01 door, on the floor next to a toolbox where the hallway makes a right turn
Fixin' ThingsHopeville missile silo bunker Lonesome Road (add-on)Main entrance room near the Hopeville exit, on the ground before the large terminal
Fixin' ThingsJacobstownJacobstown lodge, in an upstairs room, on a table along with a Programmer's Digest
Fixin' ThingsMarked men guard outpost Lonesome Road (add-on)Ground level, on the workbench
Fixin' ThingsMesquite Mountains lean-toOn the motorcycle, with a Programmer's Digest on the ground.
Fixin' ThingsNellis Air Force BaseTwo - One in Nellis workshop, and another in Nellis schoolhouse on the teacher's desk
Fixin' ThingsNew Vegas medical clinicOn a table
Fixin' ThingsNew Vegas SteelOffice area, in a bin beside the desk with the intact terminal
Fixin' ThingsPrimmOn a bedside table in the Nash residence, along with a Programmer's Digest
Fixin' ThingsPrimmVikki and Vance Casino, on a side table in the lounge in the back
Fixin' ThingsPuesta del Sol North Dead MoneyTwo - One in the ruined room above a store in the northeast corner of the local map. Another is on top of a desk when exiting the switching station via elevator.
Fixin' ThingsPuesta del Sol North Dead MoneyTwo - One on the ground in the room above the two working terminals (contracts and visits). Another is located on the second floor of a ruined building in the southeast corner of the local map, next to a bed without mattress
Fixin' ThingsPuesta del Sol North Dead MoneyOne (see map)
Fixin' ThingsRanger Station BravoIn the trailer next to the ammunition.
Fixin' ThingsSierra Madre Casino Dead MoneyExecutive suites, on top of the maintenance network terminal
Fixin' ThingsSierra Madre Casino Dead MoneyCantina Madrid, in the restaurant manager's desk in the kitchen
Fixin' ThingsSouth Vegas ruinsZapp's Neon Signs, along with a ¡La Fantoma! on the table next to a couch
Fixin' ThingsVault 3The living quarters' flooded area in the south, on the bed together with a Locksmith's Reader and Milsurp Review
Fixin' ThingsVault 3Recreation area, past the entrance, go left down the stairs. Behind the first Very easy locked door, on a shelf
Fixin' ThingsVault 3Maintenance wing, on the shelves in the eastern-most room, accessed via Average locked terminal
Fixin' ThingsVault 34First floor area, on the floor in the southwest area of the balcony, next to a skeleton and several cans of Pork n' Beans
Fixin' ThingsVault 34First floor area, on the floor in the northwest area, next to a First aid box
Fixin' ThingsVault 34Reactor level, to the northeast, next to the terminal that opens the reactor door
Fixin' ThingsVilla Dead MoneyTwo - One in an open file cabinet in a storage room on the way from the Town Square towards the Salida del Sol South entrance on the left. Another is found in a small storage room north of the Villa police station, together with a Programmer's Digest
Lad's LifeBroc flower caveOn the floor of the lower irradiated chamber, in the middle area near the skeletons
Lad's LifeCamp GolfHouse Resort, second floor, on a bed in the northern center room (with terminal)
Lad's LifeCamp GolfCamp Golf tent, the one with Sgt. McCredie in it, on the middle right desk
Lad's LifeCamp GolfCampground just east of Camp Golf, in a caravan close to the road and Lake Las Vegas
Lad's LifeCamp McCarranInside the easternmost tent nearest to the blue tractor-trailer, two green military trucks, and a single, unattached trailer in the southeast area of the front courtyard
Lad's LifeCamp McCarranCamp McCarran concourse, in the waiting area section with the pool table, on the floor, just in front of the second most right bench
Lad's LifeCannibal Johnson's caveOn one of the shelves
Lad's LifeCaptain Dean Boat RentalsOn the bottom shelf to the left upon entering
Lad's LifeCharleston CaveOn a shelf in a room near a submerged section, at the back of the cave, next to a Today's Physician and Fixin' Things
Lad's LifeCottonwood CoveHeadquarters, inside Aurelius of Phoenix's desk
Lad's LifeThe Courier's Mile Lonesome Road (add-on)At the center of the map, between a burning car and a warhead under some ruined books
Lad's LifeDry Wells Lonesome Road (add-on)In a lead-lined metal box together with a Today's Physician, west on the map on a ledge with several ammunition boxes and stimpaks
Lad's LifeGoodspringsInside the first house to northeast of Doc Mitchell's house, sitting on a step ladder
Lad's LifeGoodspringsGoodsprings schoolhouse, on the floor near the middle of the room next to the large group of ruined desks
Lad's LifeGoodsprings caveHeld by a dead female wastelander, near a duffle bag at the back of the cave
Lad's LifeGoodsprings CemeteryEast of the water tower, in the southern cavern with two rock ledges on the back wall, hidden between the rocks and plants on the ground
Lad's LifeJacobstownJacobstown lodge, up the right hand staircase in the first room on the left, on a bed with a shelf and surgical instruments
Lad's LifeJunction 7 rest stop Lonesome Road (add-on)In Parker's Restaurant and Fountain, ground level, near an upside down table under a ruined book
Lad's LifeLake Mead CaveAt the back (south) of the cave, among some suitcases and ammunition boxes
Lad's LifeMountain Shadows campgroundOn a picnic table just east of the campground
Lad's LifeNCR Ranger safehouseIn a pool of green water near two skeletons, east from the ranger safehouse and northeast of Black Mountain
Lad's LifeNellis Air Force BaseNellis schoolhouse, inside the Very Easy locked teacher's desk, with a Patriot's Cookbook and Today's Physician
Lad's LifeOld Mormon FortSold by Julie Farkas at a discount, after providing her with enough supplies during the unmarked quest Friend of the Followers
Lad's LifePowder Ganger camp southInside a crate of burnt books, just south of the NCR Correctional Facility
Lad's LifeRanger Station AlphaInside the leftmost tent, next to the ham radio
Lad's LifeRanger Station DeltaOn the table inside the tent
Lad's LifeRanger Station FoxtrotOn the table inside the tent, to the left of the Duck and Cover! magazine (not visible and only obtainable by disabling the table)
Lad's LifeRed Rock CanyonIn the tent to the northwest of the fire, on the floor with a Programmer's Digest and Milsurp Review
Lad's LifeSecuritron de-construction plant Old World Blues (add-on)Outside on the right most picnic table closest to the gate at the south side entrance
Lad's LifeSierra Madre Casino & Resort Dead MoneyCantina Madrid, in a garbage can in the kitchen
Lad's LifeSouth Vegas ruinsZapp's Neon Signs, along with Boxing Times next to Nuka-Cola Quartz in upstairs office on shelf
Lad's LifeSunstone Tower roof Lonesome Road (add-on)Office room one level below the roof, in a Hard locked filing cabinet in the corner, together with a True Police Stories
Lad's LifeTechatticup MineRight of the entrance in the area with the two NCR hostages, with a Patriot's Cookbook
Lad's LifeThe Tops13th floor, on top of the fire place in Benny's suite
Lad's LifeThe Tops13th floor, in the High Roller suite, on the chimney
Lad's LifeWestside Co-opOn the counter, next to a Salesman Weekly near Clayton Ettienne
Lad's LifeYangtze MemorialIn the abandoned shack to the northwest, to the right of the shelves in the back
Lad's LifeZion fishing lodge Honest HeartsBehind the couch
Lad's LifeZion Valley welcome booth Honest HeartsOn one of the wooden benches in front of the booth
Lad's LifeZ-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab Old World Blues (add-on)In the west room with a non-functional terminal, in a bin up high in the cabinet
Locksmith's ReaderCamp GolfHouse Resort, on the second floor in the first room to the right on the right corridor, underneath the damaged shelf
Locksmith's ReaderCamp McCarranConcourse building, on the floor near a bench at the large center pylon
Locksmith's ReaderCamp McCarranContents of the MP confiscated goods trunk, given by Carrie Boyd as a reward after successfully completing the quest The White Wash
Locksmith's ReaderCasa Madrid ApartmentsOn the lobby table on top of a copy of Salesman Weekly, left upon entering
Locksmith's ReaderGoodspringsProspector Saloon, given by Sunny Smiles
Locksmith's ReaderHoover DamPower plant 01, found on a desk near the door labeled Hoover Dam offices
Locksmith's ReaderHoover DamGiven by Cassandra Moore, when agreeing to assassinate Papa Khan, for use on a backdoor
Locksmith's ReaderHopeville Missile Base Lonesome Road (add-on)Near the east entrance, in the ruined building with the broken glasses. It's in a box to the left of a cooler.
Locksmith's ReaderMole rat ranchIn a house on the very corner of outer Vegas, towards Nellis Air Force Base, next to a sniper rifle with ammunition on a shelf near a door at the foot of the stairs
Locksmith's ReaderSierra Madre Casino Dead MoneyExecutive suites, on a workbench
Locksmith's ReaderThe TopsIn Benny's workshop on the 13th floor
Locksmith's ReaderVault 3Maintenance wing, in the Average-locked room left of the entrance
Locksmith's ReaderVault 3Living quarters, next to the bed in the room which is locked by an Average lock
Locksmith's ReaderVault 3Living quarters, on the shelves in a Hard locked submerged storage room to the south
Locksmith's ReaderVault 3Living quarters, on the bed in the submerged room to the south, together with a Milsurp Review and Fixin' Things
Locksmith's ReaderVault 3Living quarters, on the bed in the bedroom cross opposite to where Daniel is found
Meeting PeopleCamp GolfHouse Resort, upstairs south area, on the floor in bathroom in the room with the chemistry set. (must be stolen)
Meeting PeopleCamp SearchlightIn the Searchlight home of Pvt. Kyle Edwards, on a dresser next to the bed. (must be stolen)
Meeting PeopleCasa Madrid ApartmentsOn the table in Jimmy's room on the second floor.
Meeting PeopleGomorrahGomorrah suites, in the kitchen of Nero's suite.
Meeting PeopleGoodspringsProspector Saloon, on a Sunset Sarsaparilla crate near the side door closest to the entrance. (must be stolen)
Meeting PeopleGoodspringsUnder the shelf in the metal camper trailer, directly north of the Prospector Saloon.
Meeting PeopleGoodspringsGoodsprings schoolhouse, on the floor near the safe by the ruined school desk.
Meeting PeopleNew Vegas medical clinicSold by Dr. Usanagi inside the clinic, or can be stolen from the desk on the left, next to the clinic guard.
Meeting PeopleOld Mormon FortSold by Julie Farkas at a discount, after providing her with enough supplies during the unmarked quest Friend of the Followers.
Meeting PeopleResidential District Dead MoneyUnder the first bench along the wall across from the first vending machine seen to the right upon entering.
Meeting PeopleSierra Madre Casino & Resort Dead MoneyExecutive suites, on a nightstand in Vera's bedroom.
Meeting PeopleSierra Madre Casino & Resort Dead MoneyThe Tampico, in Vera's dressing room.
Meeting PeopleSunset Sarsaparilla headquartersOn the southernmost picnic bench outside the west entrance.
Meeting PeopleSunstone Tower roof Lonesome Road (add-on)Indoor stairway passage, in one of the filing cabinets together with a Salesman Weekly, in the room one floor below The Divide exit.
Meeting PeopleThe Think Tank Old World Blues (add-on)In possession of Dr. 8, who is located on the bottom floor to the right of Dr. 0.
Meeting PeopleThe TopsPresidential suite, on the coffee table next to the green two-seater sofa.
Meeting PeopleVault 3Living quarters, the door directly in front entrance, through the locked door on a nightstand.
Patriot's CookbookCamp GolfInside Misfits' tent
Patriot's CookbookCamp McCarranContents of the MP confiscated goods trunk, given by Carrie Boyd as a reward after successfully completing the quest The White Wash
Patriot's CookbookGomorrahGomorrah suites, on a table in the room to the outer northwest
Patriot's CookbookGun RunnersSouthwest area, in the bathroom to the left under the inaccessible stall
Patriot's CookbookHorowitz farmsteadIn the bedroom of a house southeast of Horowitz farmstead
Patriot's CookbookNCR Correctional FacilityIn cell block A, behind the closed cell door
Patriot's CookbookNCR Correctional FacilityNCR CF administration, on the second floor
Patriot's CookbookNellis Air Force BaseNellis Boomer museum, on a shelf above Pete's bed, with ¡La Fantoma! and Tæles of Chivalrie
Patriot's CookbookNellis Air Force BaseNellis schoolhouse, inside the teacher's Very Easy locked desk, with a Lad's Life and Today's Physician
Patriot's CookbookNellis Air Force BaseNellis men's barracks, on a set of shelves next to bunk
Patriot's CookbookNew Vegas SteelOn a desk in the first room
Patriot's CookbookNiptonIn a safe inside a house, along with a low condition grenade rifle
Patriot's CookbookRuined highway interchange Lonesome Road (add-on)Just south of the map marker on the highway, in a blue and orange striped trailer, together with a ¡La Fantoma!, Milsurp Review, and Future Weapons Today
Patriot's CookbookSierra Madre Casino & Resort Dead MoneyExecutive suites, on a suitcase in a bedroom
Patriot's CookbookTechatticup MineOn the bottom of a shelf of a supply cage along with Lad's Life
Patriot's CookbookVault 34First floor, northwest section, in the collapsed room with a doctor's bag, skeleton and first aid box
Patriot's CookbookVault 34First floor, clinic (room near submerged section), on a school desk in the corner
Patriot's CookbookZion fishing lodge Honest HeartsFishing Lodge, on an end table next to a cabinet with two pre-War books
Programmer's DigestAshton missile silo Lonesome Road (add-on)Level 1 launchdeck, in a desk in the medical room with the Auto-Doc, along with a copy of Fixin' Things
Programmer's DigestBroc flower caveTwo - One is on the table with the chemistry set, the other is on the table near the dummy computer terminal along with a Today's Physician
Programmer's DigestCamp GolfHouse Resort, second floor on a table next to a copy of Fixin' Things in a center room with the non-functioning terminal
Programmer's DigestCamp GolfCamp Golf tent, the one with Sgt. McCredie in it, on the desk in the back right
Programmer's DigestFollowers safehouseOne is found on the middle bed of the safehouse next to a copy of Today's Physician.
Programmer's DigestGoodspringsTwo - in the Goodsprings schoolhouse, one on two benches near walls, one next to the terminal
Programmer's DigestHELIOS OneSolar collection tower, north section, next to a ruined terminal
Programmer's DigestHoover DamHoover Dam offices, in an eastern room, on a desk with the inventory terminal
Programmer's DigestHoover DamIn the northeastern Hoover Dam tower ladies' room, in one of the upstairs stalls (unreachable without tcl console command, clipped in the floor)
Programmer's DigestHopeville missile silo Lonesome Road (add-on)Ground level, silo blast door control-room, on top of the blast door-control
Programmer's DigestJacobstownIn the lodge in an upstairs room. Left hallway, in the third room from the right on a table along with a copy of Fixin' Things
Programmer's DigestJunction 7 rest stop Lonesome Road (add-on)In a ruined building called Parker's Restaurant and Fountain, upstairs in a fallen down bookshelf
Programmer's DigestMesquite Mountains lean-toTo the east, next to a motorcycle with a Fixin' Things
Programmer's DigestMick & Ralph'sOn the second floor next to a non-working terminal
Programmer's DigestNellis Air Force BaseNellis schoolhouse, on the teacher's desk together with a copy of Boxing Times and Fixin' Things
Programmer's DigestNew Vegas SteelOffice area, in a bin beside the desk with the intact terminal
Programmer's DigestNiptonTwo - Both copies in town hall, in Major Steyn's office on his desk next to the terminal
Programmer's DigestOld Mormon FortSold by Julie Farkas at a discount, after providing her with enough supplies during Friend of the Followers
Programmer's DigestPrimmNash residence, on a table next to the bed, along with a copy of Fixin' Things
Programmer's DigestPuesta del Sol Dead MoneySwitching station, on a console to the right before descending the stairs
Programmer's DigestRed Rock CanyonNorthwest tent around the fire, on the floor with a Lad's Life and Milsurp Review
Programmer's DigestRed Rock drug labIn the front trailer, on a bench near a chemistry set, next to a Today's Physician
Programmer's DigestResidential District Dead MoneyOn a bookshelf, in a Cloud surrounded house in the northeast.
Programmer's DigestSunset Sarsaparilla headquartersOn the table to the right from the main entrance, opposite of Festus
Programmer's DigestThe Think Tank Old World Blues (add-on)On top of a terminal, in the back where Dr. Borous is working
Programmer's DigestThe Tops13th floor, in the southern middle room behind an Average locked door, on a desk
Programmer's DigestVault 19First floor, under the desk with the terminal in the first room on the left after entering the Blue Sector
Programmer's DigestVault 22Beside the mattress upon first entering
Programmer's DigestVilla Dead MoneySmall storage room north of the Villa police station, together with a Fixin' Things
Programmer's DigestVilla police station Dead MoneyIn a small room with a reloading bench, on the closest shelf to the right upon entry
Programmer's DigestViolet and Violetta trailer compoundOn a shelf at the top of the makeshift fort, in a box
Salesman WeeklyAerotech Office ParkOn the reception desk on the top of the date planner, inside Aerotech suite 300
Salesman WeeklyBitter SpringsOn the straw mattress bedding in the northeast shack, in the refugee camp
Salesman WeeklyBitter SpringsInside Gilles's tent on a table
Salesman WeeklyBroc flower caveOn the floor in front of the Courier after entering the cave, between some clutter
Salesman WeeklyCamp McCarranInside a small tent on a table, just south by southwest of the mess hall tent entrances
Salesman WeeklyCasa Madrid ApartmentsUnderneath the copy of Locksmith's Reader, on the lobby table to the left upon entering
Salesman WeeklyGomorrahGomorrah suites, in Nero's suite (north on the map), on the mezzanine area, on top of the corner bookcase
Salesman WeeklyGoodspringsOn the bottom shelf of the bookcase, on the left side of the general store interior
Salesman WeeklyGoodspringsGoodsprings schoolhouse, in the back, on the right of the wall with the chalkboard
Salesman WeeklyGoodspringsProspector Saloon, in the small office on a crate next to the door
Salesman WeeklyGrub n' Gulp rest stopOn one of the picnic tables, just to the northern side of the shack
Salesman WeeklyHopeville Missile Base HQ Lonesome Road (add-on)On a gray desk, to the left of the entrance upon entering
Salesman WeeklyNiptonNipton General Store, on the first floor, on the counter to the right of Boxcars
Salesman WeeklyOld Mormon FortSold by Julie Farkas at a discount, after providing her with enough supplies during Friend of the Followers
Salesman WeeklyPrimmOn a table at the west end room in the Vikki and Vance Casino
Salesman WeeklySunstone Tower roof Lonesome Road (add-on)Indoor stairway passage, in one of the filing cabinets together with a Meeting People, in the room one floor below The Divide exit
Salesman WeeklyThe TopsOn the 13th floor, room 1301 (first door on the right), on the dresser by the bed
Salesman WeeklyThe TopsOn the 13th floor, Benny's room, on the top of the low bookcase to the right of Benny's bed
Salesman WeeklyWestside Co-opInside the co-op, on the corner of the counter near Clayton Ettienne
Today's PhysicianAerotech Office ParkSuite 300, on a side table in the main lobby
Today's PhysicianBroc flower caveIn the upper chamber with the rest of the medical loot, on the table near the dummy computer terminal
Today's PhysicianCharleston CaveOn a shelf in a room near a submerged section, at the back of the cave
Today's PhysicianDry Wells Lonesome Road (add-on)In a lead-lined metal box together with a Lad's Life, west on the map on a ledge with several ammunition boxes and stimpaks
Today's PhysicianFollowers safehouseOne is found on the middle bed of the safehouse, next to a multiplas rifle
Today's PhysicianGoodspringsOn the desk directly in front of the Courier's bed when first waking up at Doc Mitchell's house
Today's PhysicianGun RunnersInside the building, to the left under the bathroom stall
Today's PhysicianHopeville Missile Base Headquarters Lonesome Road (add-on)In a Hard locked safe, together the armory access codes, north on the local map
Today's PhysicianJean Sky DivingOn the highway northeast in a Powder Ganger-occupied camper, near a Sunset Sarsaparilla billboard
Today's PhysicianJunction 7 rest stop Lonesome Road (add-on)In a ruined building called Parker's Restaurant and Fountain, just off the highway, near a bed with a skeleton
Today's PhysicianLucky 38Two - in the Presidential suite, one on a table in the master bedroom, one on a desk in the northwest room with the bathtubs
Today's PhysicianMick & Ralph'sOn the bed upstairs
Today's PhysicianMountain Shadows CampgroundOn a table
Today's PhysicianNellis Air Force BaseOn a table upon entering the Nellis children's barracks
Today's PhysicianNellis Air Force BaseNellis schoolhouse, in the Very Easy locked teacher's desk
Today's PhysicianNew Vegas medical clinicOn a small desk
Today's PhysicianNew Vegas StripTo the left of Las Vegas Boulevard Station, in a magazine vending machine
Today's PhysicianNew Vegas StripGiven by Emily Ortal as a reward for successfully planting the bug during the quest The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Today's PhysicianOld Mormon FortIn the room in the upstairs tower, also given by Julie Farkas after providing her with enough supplies during Friend of the Followers
Today's PhysicianRed Rock drug labIn the front trailer, on a bench near a chemistry set
Today's PhysicianSecuritron de-construction plant Old World Blues (add-on)Under a large burned book to the right of the entrance on a book shelf at the entrance
Today's PhysicianSierra Madre Casino & Resort Dead MoneyExecutive suites, next to a chemistry set in Vera Keyes's suite
Today's PhysicianThird Street Municipal Building Lonesome Road (add-on)Top floor, in a physician's desk near the edge of the building
Today's PhysicianVault 3Recreation area, on a desk in the medical room
Today's PhysicianVault 3Living quarters, in a carpeted bedroom, opposite the entrance to the living quarters from the recreation area
Today's PhysicianVault 19First floor, in the clinic, on the desk next to the destroyed computer


  • With the perk Voracious Reader you can copy Skill magazines already in your inventory at a workbench.
  • Skill magazines are not stackable, therefore using two magazines will not result in double the skill increase.
  • Logan's Loophole, by a quirk, causes skill magazine duration to double (2 minutes, 6 minutes with Retention).
  • Skill magazines will not take your skills past the normal maximum of 100.
  • True Police Stories, although counted as a skill magazine doesn't actually increase a skill


See also[]

Template:Navbox skill magazines FNV
