

The characters are grouped by their initial location. All columns can be sorted to list the desired overview. Temporary followers have a brown checkmark instead of a green one. There are 373 total characters in the game, not including DLCs.

DeadCharacter starts game dead.
SpawnedCharacter only appears under certain conditions or as part of a quest.
EssentialCharacter is essential.
Plays caravanCharacter will play Caravan.
DoctorCharacter provides doctor services, i.e. healing, cleansing radiation and curing addictions.
MerchantCharacter can be traded with.
RepairCharacter can repair equipment.
CompanionCharacter is a companion.

Player character[]

Name Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Courier 00000007 00000014 Player Mojave Wasteland

Base game[]

188 Trading Post[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alexander 188Alexander.txt Merchant 000E604F 000E686E 188Alexander 188 Trading Post
Arms merchant 188Merc.txt Merchant 000E6675 000E689A 188NCRMerchant 188 Trading Post
Ezekiel VRRCEzekiel.txt 00148C26 00148C27 VRRCEzekiel 188 Trading Post
Michelle Kerr 188Michelle.txt Merchant 000E5F17 000E6825 188Michelle 188 Trading Post
Samuel Kerr 188Samuel.txt Merchant Repair 000E5F36 000E6822 188Samuel 188 Trading Post
The Forecaster 188Forecaster.txt Essential 000E604C 000E684B 188Forecaster 188 Trading Post
Veronica Santangelo Veronica.txt Essential Companion 000E32AA 000E32A9 Veronica 188 Trading Post

Aerotech Office Park[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bert Gunnarsson 1EBertGunnarsson.txt Doctor 000F839B 000F83A4 1EBertGunnarson Aerotech Office Park
Captain Parker 1ECaptainParker.txt 000F839A 000F83A3 1ECaptainParker Aerotech Office Park
Frank Weathers 1EFrankWeathers.txt 000F839D 000F83A6 1EFrankWeathers Aerotech Office Park
Horowitz¹ VVault34Horowitz.txt Spawn 0015E9E6 0015E9EB VVault34Horowitz Aerotech suite 300
Keith 1EKeith.txt Caravan 000F839C 000F83A5 1EKeith Aerotech suite 200
Vault 34 dweller VVault34Dweller.txt 0015E9E2, 0015E9E3, 0015E9E5 0015E9EA, 0015E9E8, 0015E9E9 VVault34AAF/CF/AM Aerotech suite 300
¹ Horowitz and the other Vault 34 survivors will only be found here if the Courier chooses to save them during Hard Luck Blues.

Bitter Springs[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Captain Gilles VBSCaptainGilles.txt 0012AC9E 00133044 VBSCaptainGilles Bitter Springs
Lieutenant Markland VBSLieutenantMarkland.txt Doctor 0012AC9F 00133043 VBSLieutenantMarkland Bitter Springs
Oscar Velasco¹ VBSOscarVelasco.txt 0012ACA0 001376E7 VBSOscarVelasco Great Khan supply cave
¹Oscar Valasco will only be here prior to the completion of Climb Ev'ry Mountain.

Black Mountain[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Neil BMNeil.txt 000E60F0 000E61A3 BMNeil Neil's shack
Raul Tejada RaulTejada.txt Essential Repair Companion 000E60EF 000E6105 RaulTejada Prison building
Rhonda BMRhonda.txt Temporary companion 000E84A2 000E84A4 BMRhonda Storage building
Tabitha Tabitha.txt 000E60F1 000E61A2 Tabitha Broadcast building
Moe 00173FB0 00173FB2 MoeTheCentaur Black Mountain crater
Hughes Dead 0015A7B7 0015A7CE HVPaladinDead05 Black Mountain crater
Fairbanks Dead 0015A7B8 0015A7CD HVPaladinDead06 Black Mountain crater

Boulder City[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Ike BCIke.txt Merchant 0010C6EA 0010C6EB BCIke Big Horn Saloon
Jessup BCJessup.txt 0010C0BE 0010C0BF BCJessup Great Khan hideout
Lieutenant Monroe BCLieutenantMonroe.txt 0010C6DD 0010C6DE BCLieutenantMonroe Boulder City
McMurphy Dead 00101C9D 001770E6 McMurphy Great Khan hideout
Private Ackerman BCTrooperHostageAAM.txt 0010EB2B 0010EB29 BCTrooperHostageAAM Great Khan hideout
Private Gilbert BCTrooperHostageCF.txt 0010FA83 0010FA82 BCTrooperHostageCF Great Khan hideout

Camp Forlorn Hope[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Doctor Alex Richards VCFHAlexRichards.txt Doctor 00120DCD 00120DD9 VCFHAlexRichards Camp Forlorn Hope medical center
Major Joseph Polatli VCFHMajorPolatli.txt 00120DCC 00120DD7 VCFHMajorPolatli Camp Forlorn Hope command center
Private James Sexton VCFHJamesSexton.txt 00126D47 00127212 VCFHPJamesSexton Camp Forlorn Hope barracks
Private Stone VCFHPrivateStone.txt 00123CC6 00123CC7 VCFHPrivateStone Camp Forlorn Hope
Quartermaster Mayes VCFHCarlMayes.txt Caravan Merchant 00120DCE 00120DD8 VCFHCarlMayes Camp Forlorn Hope
Sergeant Cooper VCFHSergeantCooper.txt 001258E0 00125C1A VCFHSergeantCooper Camp Forlorn Hope
Tech Sergeant Reyes CHFSergeantReyes.txt 0010D23D 00120DDA CHFSergeantReyes Camp Forlorn Hope command center

Camp Golf[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Chief Hanlon 2CHanlon.txt 00104310 00106D79 2CHanlon House Resort
Doc Sawbones 2CDocSawbones.txt Doctor 00155A03 00155A04 2CDocSawbones Camp Golf tent
Mags 2CMags.txt 00104315 0010431A 2CMags Camp Golf
O'Hanrahan 2COHanrahan.txt 00104312 00104319 2COHanrahan Camp Golf
Poindexter 2CPoindexter.txt 00104311 0010431B 2CPoindexter Camp Golf
Razz 2CRazz.txt 00104314 00104318 2CRazz Camp Golf
Sergeant McCredie 2CMcCredie.txt 00104313 0010B908 2CMcCredie Camp Golf tent

Camp McCarran[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
10 of Spades¹ 1E10ofSpades.txt 000F56F7 000F5710 1E10OfSpades Camp McCarran
Angela Williams AngelaWilliams.txt 000F2746 000E8F65 Angela Williams Camp McCarran terminal building
Captain Ronald Curtis CaptainCurtis.txt 000E8994 000F6283 CaptainCurtis Camp McCarran terminal building
Corporal Sterling¹ 1ECorporalSterling.txt 000F56F9 000F570E 1ECorporalSterling Camp McCarran
Colonel James Hsu ColonelHsu.txt 000E8992 000EEA78 ColonelHsu Camp McCarran terminal building
Corporal Betsy¹ 1ECorporalBetsy.txt 000F56FB 000F570F 1ECorporalBetsy Camp McCarran
Corporal Walter Hornsby CorporalHornsby.txt 000FA749 000FB327 CorporalHornsby Camp McCarran terminal building
Corporal William Farber CorporalFarber.txt Merchant 000E8F69 000E8F68 CorporalFarber Camp McCarran concourse
Davey Crenshaw PrivateCrenshaw.txt 000F8298 000F829A PrivateCrenshaw Camp McCarran
Doctor Kemp DoctorKemp.txt Doctor Merchant 000F3BCE 000F3BD5 DoctorKemp Camp McCarran concourse
Lieutenant Carrie Boyd LieutenantBoyd.txt 000E8993 000F0678 LieutenantBoyd Camp McCarran terminal building
Lieutenant Gorobets¹ 1ELieutenantGorobets.txt 000F56FE 000F5711 1ELieutenantGorobets Camp McCarran
Little Buster¹ 1ELittleBuster.txt Caravan 000F56FC 00127ECB 1ELittleBuster, LittleBusterDead Camp McCarran
Major Dhatri 1EMajorDhatri.txt 000F56F8 000F5712 1EMajorDhatry Camp McCarran
Private Christina Morales PrivateMorales.txt 000E8F6D 000E8F64 PrivateMorales Camp McCarran concourse
Sergeant Bitter-Root¹ 1ESergeantBitterRoot.txt 000F56FA 000F570D 1ESergeantBitterRoot Camp McCarran
Sergeant Daniel Contreras SupplyOfficerContreras.txt Merchant 000E5518 000E5517 SupplyOfficerContreras Camp McCarran supply shack
Silus Silus.txt 000EE688 000F2DEF Silus Camp McCarran terminal building
Thomas Hildern ThomasHildern.txt 000E8F6B 000E8F67 ThomasHildern Camp McCarran terminal building
¹Following the completion of Three-Card Bounty the members of First Recon will move to Camp Forlorn Hope, and Little Buster will move to Freeside and be killed.

Camp Searchlight[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
First Sergeant Astor CampSearchlightAstor.txt 0013FE78 0013FEAB CampSearchlightAstor Patrolling outside of Camp Searchlight
Private Kyle Edwards CampSearchlightPvtEdwards.txt 0013FE79 0013FE89 CampSearchlightPvtEdwards Searchlight home
Logan CampSearchlightLogan.txt Temporary companion 0013FE7A 0013FE8A CampSearchlightLogan Searchlight NCR storage

Cottonwood Cove[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Aurelius of Phoenix NVCCAurelius.txt 0012B512 0012D6E2 NVCCAurelius Cottonwood Cove HQ
Canyon Runner NVCCCanyonRunner.txt 0012B514 0012FCB3 NVCCCanyonRunner Cottonwood Cove
Cursor Lucullus NVCCLucullus.txt 0012B515 0012FCB4 NVCCLucullus Cottonwood Cove, on the docks
Decanus Severus NVCCSeverus.txt 0012B513 0012FCB2 NVCCSeverus Cottonwood Cove
Kenny Weathers NVCCKennyWeathers.txt 001364C7 001364C4 NVCCKennyWeathers Cottonwood Cove, in the slave pen
Mrs. Weathers NVCCMrsWeathers.txt 00130BB9 00130B99 NVCCMrsWeathers Cottonwood Cove, in the slave pen
Sammy Weathers NVCCSammyWeathers.txt 001364C8 001364C5 NVCCSammyWeathers Cottonwood Cove, in the slave pen
Anders VRRCAnders.txt 001413C2 001413C3 vRRCAnders On a cross outside of Cottonwood Cove

Crimson Caravan Company[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alice McLafferty AliceMcLafferty.txt 000EC7A1 000EC7B8 AliceMcLafferty Crimson Caravan main office
Blake CrimsonCaravanBlake.txt Merchant 000F1863 000F1866 CrimsonCaravanBlake Crimson Caravan Company
Don Hostetler NorthVegasMrHostetler.txt 000F271C 00133047 NorthVegasMrHostetler Crimson Caravan main office
Janet NellisCrimsonCaravanJanet.txt 000FEB3C 000FE245 NellisCrimsonVaravanJanet Crimson Caravan Company
Ringo¹ GSRingo.txt Caravan 00104C7C 00104C7D GSRingo Crimson Caravan Company
¹Only if the Courier completes Ghost Town Gunfight.

The Fort[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Antony FortAntony.txt 00120172 00136A1F FortAntony The Fort
Benny¹ Benny.txt 001630CD 00101CA0 VFortBenny, VFortBennyCrucified The Fort
Caesar FortCaesar.txt 00121FEF 00121FF0 FortCaesar Caesar's tent
Dale Barton FortDaleBarton.txt Caravan Merchant Repair 0011FBC3 0011FBC4 FortDaleBarton The Fort, near the entrance
Lucius FortLucius.txt 0011FC9D 0011FC9E FortLucius Caesar's tent
Cursor Lucullus NVCCLucullus.txt 0012B515 0012FCB4 NVCCLucullus The Fort
Lupa 001252BF, 0013E514 0012B4A8 FortLupa, FortLupaGladiator The Fort
Melody FortMelody.txt Essential 00122B97 00122B98 FortMelody The Fort, in the brahmin pen
Otho FortOtho.txt 00122B95 00137125 FortOtho Legion arena
Ranger Stella² Spawn 00137123 00137124 vFortGladiatorRangerStella Legion arena
Sergeant Andrews² Spawn 00137121 00137122 vFortGladiatorSergeantAndrews Legion arena
Siri FortSiri.txt Merchant 0011F9D0 0011FBBD FortSiri The Fort
Vulpes Inculta FortVulpesInculta.txt 00122B99 001229BA FortVulpesInculta Caesar's tent

¹Only if Benny survives Ring-a-Ding-Ding!
²Only during Laurifer Gladiator


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
April Martimer VFSEDEScientist.txt Spawned 0015882B 0015882C VFSEDEScientist Old Mormon Fort
Arcade Gannon VFSArcadeGannon.txt Essential Companion 0010C767 0010D8EB VFSArcadeGannon Old Mormon Fort
Atomic Wrangler crier VFSAtomicWranglerCrier.txt 0013EC2D 0013EF09 VFSAtomicWranglerCrier Freeside
Beatrix Russell¹ VFSBeatrixRussell.txt 0011FC07 00124AEA VFSBeatrixRussell Old Mormon Fort
Big Beard VMS21aHiredGun01.txt Spawned 001158B2 001258D1 VMS21aHiredGun01 Atomic Wrangler casino
Dixon VFSHighTimesDealer.txt Merchant 00117E11 00117E10 VFSHighTimesDealer Freeside's east gate
Farris 00113647 0011365F VFSLocalVictim01 Old Mormon Fort
Fisto¹ VFSFisto.txt 0011E4C2 0011ED50 VFSFisto Cerulean Robotics
Francine Garret VFSFrancineGarret.txt Merchant 0010C680 0010D8E8 VFSFrancineGarret Atomic Wrangler casino
Genaro VFSGenaro.txt Merchant 0013EC2C 0013EF05 VFSGenaro Outside the Old Mormon Fort
Gloria Van Graff VFSGloriaVanGraff.txt Merchant 0010C67D 0010D8E7 VFSGloriaVanGraff Silver Rush
Grecks VFSDebtGrecks.txt 0010FD31 0010FD32 VFSDebtGrecks Freeside
Hadrian VMSTopsHadrian.txt 0011F9B9 0011F9C1 VMSTopsHadrian Atomic Wrangler casino
Henry Jamison HenryJamison.txt 000FF1B8 000FF1B9 HenryJamison Atomic Wrangler casino
Irate Ida Spawned 0016336C 00163367 VFSGrannyGanger2 Outside Cerulean Robotics
James Garret VFSJamesGarret.txt Merchant 0010C67E 0010D8E6 VFSJamesGarret Atomic Wrangler casino
Jean-Baptiste Cutting VFSJeanBaptisteCutting.txt 0010C681 0010D8E5 VFSJeanBaptisteCutting Silver Rush
Julie Farkas VFSJulieFarkas.txt Doctor Merchant 0010C682 00115C5F VFSJulieFarkas Old Mormon Fort
The King VFSTheKing.txt 0010C762 0010D8E0 VFSTheKing King's School of Impersonation
Lady Jane VFSDebtLadyJane.txt 0010FD2F 0010FD33 VFSDebtLadyJane Freeside
Major Elizabeth Kieran VFSElizabethKieran.txt 0010C764
VFSElizabethKieran Ruined Store
Little Beard VMS21aHiredGun02.txt Spawned 001258B3 001258D2 VMS21aHiredGun02 Atomic Wrangler casino
Malefic Maud VFSGrannyGanger1.txt Spawned 00163369 00163364 VFSGrannyGanger1 Outside Cerulean Robotics
Max VMS49Max.txt Yes 0014EB35 0014EB3A VMS49Max Freeside
Mick VFSMick.txt Doctor Merchant Repair 0010C761 0010D8E3 VFSMick Mick & Ralph's
Mick & Ralph's crier VFSMickAndRalphsCrier.txt 0013EC2E 0013EF0A VFSMickAndRalphsCrier Freeside
Mr. Soren VFSVanGraffCustomer.txt 0012411C 00124121 VFSVanGraffCustomer Silver Rush
Old Ben² VFSOldBen.txt 0015968A 0015968B VFSOldBen Freeside
Orris VFSOrris.txt 00115C38 00115C60 VFSOrris Freeside
Pacer VFSPacer.txt 0010E037 0010E0CE VFSPacer King's School of Impersonation
Ralph VFSRalph.txt Merchant 0010C760 0010D8E2 VFSRalph Mick & Ralph's
Rancorous Ruth Spawned 0016336B 00174983 VFSGrannyGanger3 Outside Cerulean Robotics
Rex Essential Companion 00118E71 0010D8DF Rex King's School of Impersonation
Rotface VFSRotface.txt 0010C683 0010D8E1 VFSRotface Freeside's east gate
Roy VFSLocalVictim03.txt 00113649 0011365D VFSLocalVictim03 Old Mormon Fort
Santiago² VFSDebtSantiago.txt 0010FD30 0010FD34 VFSDebtSantiago Freeside
Silver Rush crier VFSVanGraffCrier.txt 0013EC2F 0013EF04 VFSVanGraffCrier Freeside
Simon VFSSimon.txt 00118374 001185D4 VFSSimon Freeside
Stacey VMS49Stacey.txt Yes 0014EB39 0014EB3B VMS49Stacey Freeside
Tapper VFSKingWaterPumpGreeter.txt 00123C91 00123C8C VFSKingWaterPumpGreeter Freeside
Vagrant VMS49Vagrant.txt 0014E83C 0014E83D VMS49Vagrant Freeside
Wayne VFSLocalVictim02.txt 00113648 0011365E VFSLocalVictim02 Freeside

¹Beatrix Russell and Fisto will relocate to the Atomic Wrangler following completion of Wang Dang Atomic Tango.
²Either Santiago or Old Ben can be sent to work for the Atomic Wrangler during Wang Dang Atomic Tango.

Gibson Scrap Yard[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Audaz 000CD22F 000CD22B GibsonDog04 Gibson Scrap Yard
Basura 000CD22C 0008E44C GibsonDog01 Gibson Scrap Yard
Colmillo 000CD22D 0008E44D GibsonDog02 Gibson Scrap Yard
Fiel 000CD22E 0008E447 GibsonDog03 Gibson Scrap Yard
Old Lady Gibson OldLadyGibson.txt Merchant Repair 00084206 00084207 OldLadyGibson Gibson Scrap Yard
Reina 000CD231 00084226 GibsonDog06 Gibson Scrap Yard
Rey 000CD230 00084204 GibsonDogRey Gibson Scrap Yard


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Chet GSChet.txt Merchant 00104C78 00104C79 GSChet Goodsprings General Store
Cheyenne 0010588D 0010588E GSCheyenne Goodsprings
Easy Pete GSEasyPete.txt 00104C7F 00104C80 GSEasyPete Outside the Prospector Saloon
Joe Cobb GSJoeCobb.txt Yes 00104C67 00104C68 GSJoeCobb Goodsprings
Doc Mitchell DocMitchell.txt Doctor Merchant 00104C0C 00104C0F DocMitchell Doc Mitchell's house
Ringo¹ GSRingo.txt Caravan 00104C7C 00104C7D GSRingo Goodsprings gas station
Sunny Smiles GSSunnySmiles.txt 00104E84 00104E85 GSSunnySmiles Goodsprings
Trudy GSTrudy.txt Merchant 00104C6C 00104C6D GSTrudy Prospector Saloon
Victor Victor.txt Essential 00103DFD 00103DFE Victor, GSVictorDisabled Outside Victor's shack
¹Ringo will relocate to the Crimson Caravan Company following Ghost Town Gunfight

Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Fitz GnGFitz.txt Merchant 000F0B31 000F0B33 GnGFitz Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop
Lupe GnGLupe.txt Merchant 000EF468 000EFB4E GnGLupe Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop

Gun Runners[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Isaac GunRunnerIsaac.txt Caravan 000ED4E2 000F8B13 GunRunnerIsaac Gun Runners
Vendortron GunRunnerProtectron.txt Merchant 000EDC34 000F2EAA GunRunnerProtectron Gun Runners


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Lieutenant Haggerty LtHaggerty.txt 000E07D5 000E07DB LtHaggerty HELIOS One
Fantastic Fantastic.txt 000E07D3 000E07D7 Fantastic HELIOS One
Ignacio Rivas IgnacioRivas.txt 000E07D4 000E07D8 IgnacioRivas HELIOS One

Hidden Valley[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Apprentice Melissa Watkins MelissaWatkins.txt 000E2F82 000E2F86 MelissaWatkins Hidden Valley bunker
Elder Nolan McNamara NolanMcNamara.txt 000E2F84 000E2F87 NolanMcNamara Hidden Valley bunker
Head Paladin Hardin EdgarHardin.txt 000E2F85
000E2F88 EdgarHardin Hidden Valley bunker
Head Scribe Lars Taggart LarsTaggart.txt 000E2F83 000E2F89 LarsTaggart Hidden Valley
Paladin Ramos Ramos.txt 00164604 000E2807 Ramos Hidden Valley bunker
Initiate Stanton HVInitiateStanton.txt 0010A6FE 000E2809 HVInitiateStanton Hidden Valley bunker
Knight Torres HVTorres.txt Merchant 000E27E5 000E280F HVTorres Hidden Valley bunker
Ranger Dobson HVRanger.txt Yes 000ACD6B 000ACD6B HVRanger Hidden Valley outside
Scribe Ibsen HVScribeIbsen.txt 0010AF1B 000E3488 HVScribeIbsen Hidden Valley
Senior Knight Lorenzo HVKnightEDE.txt 000A41A3 000A41DB HVKnightEDE Hidden Valley bunker
Senior Scribe Schuler LindaSchuler.txt Doctor Merchant 000E27E6 000E2808 LindaSchuler Hidden Valley bunker

Hoover Dam[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Colonel Cassandra Moore VHDColonelMoore.txt 001206FC 001206FE VHDColonelMoore Hoover Dam offices
Quartermaster Bardon VHDQuartermasterBardon.txt Merchant 001300A8 00134D05 VHDQuartermasterBardon Hoover Dam offices
Engineer Allison Valentine VHDEngineerValentine.txt 0014F279 0014F27A VHDEngineerValentine Hoover Dam
Ranger Grant VHDCaptainGraham.txt 0013721E 0013721F VHDCaptainGraham Hoover Dam
General Lee Oliver VHDGeneralOliver.txt 001300A9 00134DB4 VHDGeneralOliver Hoover Dam
Mike Lawson VHDMikeLawson.txt 001300A7 00134D03 VHDMikeLawson Hoover Dam power plant 01
Private Jeremy Watson¹ VHDPrivateWatson.txt 001300A6 0012FCD6 VHDPrivateWatson Hoover Dam
President Aaron Kimball¹ VHDKimball.txt 0013002D 0012FCD2 VHDKimball Hoover Dam
Ranger Stevens¹ VHDKimballK9Ranger01.txt 00137ACF 00137AD0 VHDKimballK9Ranger01 Hoover Dam visitor center
Cato Hostilius¹ VHDCatoHostilius.txt 0013F371 0013F372 VHDCatoHostilius Hoover Dam
¹Only during Arizona Killer/You'll Know It When It Happens


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Calamity JacobstownCalamity.txt Merchant Repair 0013D831 0013D832 JacobstownCalamity Jacobstown lodge
Doctor Henry VRemDoctorHenry.txt Doctor 00133957 0013395C VRemDoctorHenry Jacobstown lodge
Keene JacobstownKeene.txt 0013F70D 0013F70E JacobstownKeene Jacobstown lodge
Lily Bowen Lily.txt Essential Companion 0013D834 0013D830 Lily Jacobstown
Marcus JacobstownMarcus.txt 0013A7EB 0013AFDE JacobstownMarcus Jacobstown
Norton JacobstownNorton.txt Yes 00148A32 00148A33 JacobstownNorton Outside the Jacobstown entrance

Mojave Outpost[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Lacey VMOLacey.txt Caravan Merchant 0013D6A7 00140DA9 vMOLacey Mojave Outpost barracks
Major Knight VMOMajorKnight.txt Repair 0013D6A4 00140DA7 vMOMajorKnight Mojave Outpost headquarters
Ranger Ghost VMORangerGhost.txt 0013D6A2 00140DAC vMORangerGhost On top of the Mojave Outpost barracks
Ranger Jackson VMORangerJackson.txt 0013D6A1 00140DAD vMORangerJackson Mojave Outpost headquarters
Rose of Sharon Cassidy RoseofSharonCassidy.txt Essential Companion 00133FDD 00135F19 RoseofSharonCassidy Mojave Outpost barracks
Sergeant Kilborn VMOSgtKilborn.txt 00136FD3 001370C9 vMOSgtKilborn Mojave Outpost

NCR Correctional Facility[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Carter NCRCFCarter.txt Merchant 000CEF3B 000CEF3C NCRCFCarter Cell block B
Chavez NCRCFChavez.txt 000E32A2 000E32A3 NCRCFChavez Powder Ganger camp south
Dawes NCRCFDawes.txt 0008F13A 000D6F51 NCRCFDawes Visitors center entrance
Eddie NCRCFEddie.txt 0008D0E9 000D7036 NCRCFEddie NCR CF administration
Hannigan NCRCFHannigan.txt Doctor 000D71B6 000D71B7 NCRCFHannigan NCR CF administration
Lee PrimmSergeantLee.txt Yes 000E5299 000E529A PrimmSergeantLee Outside the NCR Correctional Facility
Meyers¹ NCRCFMeyers.txt 0008D0E7 0008D501 NCRCFMeyers Visitors center
Scrambler NCRCFScrambler.txt 0008D0EB 000D7037 NCRCFScrambler NCR CF administration
¹Meyers will relocate to Primm following My Kind of Town if you choose to make him sheriff.

NCR Sharecropper Farms[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Anne VVault34SharecropperAFAnne.txt 0015EC2C 0015EC33 VVault34SharecropperAFAnne NCR Sharecropper Farms
Lieutenant Romanowski 1ERomanowski.txt 000F05E2 000F05E4 1ERomanowski NCR Sharecropper Farms
Morgan Blake 1ESharecropperMorganBlake.txt 0015A245 0015A246 1ESharecropperMorganBlake NCR Sharecropper Farms
Private Ortega 1ESharecropperPrivateOrtega.txt 000F3BF8 000F3BF9 1ESharecropperPrivateOrtega NCR Sharecropper Farms
Trent Bascom 1ETrentBascom.txt 000F04AD 000F0A3F 1ETrentBascom NCR Sharecropper Farms

Nellis Air Force Base[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Argyll NellisArgyll.txt Doctor Merchant 000FF265 000FF267 NellisArgyll Nellis medical station
Boomer chef BoomerCook.txt Merchant 00106623 00106616 BoomerCook1M Mess hall & munitions storage
Boomer munitions manager BoomerMessCM.txt Merchant 0015D78F 0015D782 BoomerMessCM Mess hall & munitions storage
Jack NellisJack.txt 000FF264 000FF268 NellisJack Nellis hangars
Lindsay NellisLindsay.txt Essential 00103869 00104A39 NellisLindsay Nellis schoolhouse
Loyal NellisLoyal.txt 000FED42 000FF26A NellisLoyal Nellis hangars
Pearl NellisPearl.txt 000FED43 000FF26B NellisPearl Pearl's barracks
Pete NellisPete.txt Essential 000FED41 000FF26C NellisPete Nellis Boomer museum
Raquel NellisRaquel.txt 000FF262 000FF269 NellisRaquel Nellis Air Force Base, near the entrance


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Dead Sea LegionaryDeadSea.txt 0011F90F 00131E7B LegionaryDeadSea Nelson barracks
Milo NVNelsonRangerMilo.txt 001300ED 001300F5 NVNelsonRangerMilo Up the road, to the West of Nelson

New Vegas Strip[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alerio¹ VVMQ02AlerioStrip.txt 0013A5FE 0013A5FF vVMQ02AlerioStrip Outside The Tops
Billy Knight VMSTopsBillyKnight.txt 0011F9BA 0011F9BF VMSTopsBillyKnight New Vegas Strip
Caleb McCaffery VFSCalebMcCaffery.txt Yes 00116E22 0010D8EA VFSCalebMcCaffery New Vegas Strip
Amb. Dennis Crocker VStreetDennisCrocker.txt Caravan 00112640 00116840 VStreetDennisCrocker NCR Embassy
Carlitos Wayne CarlitosWayne.txt 0011F862 0011F87A CarlitosWayne Vault 21
Emily Ortal Lucky38FollowerEmily.txt Doctor 0011904E 0011904F Lucky38FollowerEmily Outside the Lucky 38
Ethel Phebus EthelPhebus.txt 0011EB5B 0011EB8E EthelPhebus Outside the Ultra-Luxe
Private Jake Erwin VStreetJakeErwin.txt Caravan 00112642 0011683A VStreetJakeErwin NCR Embassy
Kate VMAKathleen.txt 001228DB 001228EF VMAKathleen Michael Angelo's workshop
Liza O'Malley VMS21Liza.txt 0010C6FA 00117E7A VMS21Liza NCR Embassy
Marie Pappas VStreetMariePappas.txt 00112641 00116838 VStreetMariePappas NCR Embassy
Martina Groesbeck MartinaGroesbeck.txt Yes 0011E496 0011E497 MartinaGroesbeck Vault 21
Michael Angelo VMS22MichaelAngelo.txt 0011253E 0011253F VMS22MichaelAngelo Michael Angelo's workshop
Mr. New Vegas MrNewVegas.txt 00153738 (activ.) New Vegas Strip
Sarah Weintraub SarahWeintraub.txt Merchant 00116597 00116598 SarahWeintraub Vault 21
Vulpes Inculta VVulpesIncultaStrip.txt Yes 00131F77 00131F78 VVulpesIncultaStrip Outside the Tops
Walter Phebus WalterPhebus.txt 0011E6B6 0011E6B9 WalterPhebus Outside the Ultra-Luxe
Big Sal VMS21BigSal.txt 0010C6F4 0011267A VMS21BigSal Gomorrah
Button man Yes 0011E752 0011E74C VMS21HitMan Gomorrah
Cachino VMS21Cachino.txt Yes 0010C6F5 0011118D VMS21Cachino Gomorrah
Clanden VMS21Cachino.txt 0010C6F9 0011267B VMS21Clanden Gomorrah suites
Dazzle Dazzle.txt 000F43D5 000F43D7 Dazzle Gomorrah courtyard
Joana VMS21Joana.txt 0010C6F6 00112471 VMS21Joana Gomorrah courtyard
Gomorrah entrance guard VGomEntranceGuard.txt 0012795D 00127956 vGOMEntranceGuard Gomorrah casino floor
Gomorrah floor manager VGOMFloorManager.txt 00160800 00160801 vGOMFloorManager Gomorrah casino floor
Mister Holdout VStreetMrHoldout.txt Merchant 0014EFB2 001522D0 VStreetMrHoldout Outside Gomorrah
Nero VMS21Nero.txt 0010C6F3 00112DC9 VMS21Nero Gomorrah
Troike VMS21Troike.txt 0010C6F7 0011267C VMS21Troike Gomorrah suites
Jane Lucky38Jane.txt 00116A50 00116A52 Lucky38Jane Lucky 38 penthouse
Mr. House MrHouse.txt, NVCRMrHouse.txt 00125E91 (computer)
001376D0 (real)
001264C5 (computer)
0014B095 (real)
MrHouse, NVCRMrHouse Lucky 38 penthouse
Benny Benny.txt 00101C9B 00101CA0 Benny The Tops
Swank VMQTopsSwank.txt 00113456 00115F07 VMQTopsSwank The Tops front desk
The Tops cashier VCashierTheTops.txt 00144F32 00144F33 vCashierTheTops The Tops
The Tops floor manager VFloorManagerTheTops.txt 00145F8A 00151EE0 vFloorManagerTheTops The Tops casino floor
Tommy Torini VMSTopsTommyTorini.txt 001164DC 0016616E VMSTopsTommyTorini The Aces
Yes Man VMQTopsYesMan.txt, VHDYesMan.txt Essential 001164F9
VMQTopsYesMan, VHDYesMan, L38YesMan The Tops
Assassin Yes 0011689C 0011689D VMS18Assassin Ultra-Luxe Bathhouse
Chauncey VMS18Chauncey.txt 0010D4EA 0010D4EE VMS18Chauncey Ultra-Luxe Bathhouse
Crusoe Yes 00116892 001656DA VMS18Crusoe Ultra-Luxe hotel room
Heck Gunderson VMS18HeckGunderson.txt 0010D4EB 0010D4EF VMS18HeckGunderson Ultra-Luxe casino floor
Jay Barnes Yes 00116580 00116894 VMS18JayBarnes Ultra-Luxe hotel room
Marjorie VMS18Marjorie.txt 0010D4E7 0010D4F1 VMS18Marjorie The Gourmand
Mortimer VMS18Mortimer.txt 0010D4E8 0010D4F2 VMS18Mortimer Ultra-Luxe reception desk
Philippe VMS18Philippe.txt 0010D4E9 00118343 VMS18Philippe Ultra-Luxe kitchen
Ted Gunderson VMS18TedGunderson.txt Temporary companion 0010D4EC 0010D4F0 VMS18TedGunderson Ultra-Luxe kitchen
Ultra-Luxe floor manager VMS18WhiteGloveFloorManager.txt 00160302 001614D6 VMS18WhiteGloveFloorManager Ultra-Luxe casino floor
White Glove greeter VMS18WhiteGloveGreeter.txt 0012BAAE 00163466 VMS18WhiteGloveGreeter Ultra-Luxe
¹Alerio only appears if Vulpes Inculta has been killed prior to visiting the Strip.


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Beru dead 0016192D 00161988 WWSkeletonBeru Outside a destroyed out house
Boxcars VNiptonBoxcars2.txt 00134972 00134973 vNiptonBoxcars2 Nipton General Store
Gabban¹ NVLegionaryGabban.txt 001547BB 001547C2 NVLegionaryGabban In front of Nipton Hall
Jacklyn SSHQJacklyn.txt 0010596D 00106515 SSHQJacklyn On the road between Nipton and Nipton Road pit stop
Oliver Swanick VNiptonSurvivor.txt 00134985 001349B6 vNiptonSurvivor Fleeing from the entrance of Nipton
Owen Dead 0016192C 00161969 WWSkeletonOwen Outside a destroyed house
Tomas SSHQTomas.txt 0010596C 00106516 SSHQTomas On the road between Nipton and Nipton Road pit stop
Vulpes Inculta VLegionaryVulpesInculta.txt 001300E2 0013BF5B VLegionaryVulpesInculta In front of Nipton Hall
¹Gabban only appears if Vulpes Inculta has been killed prior to the Courier's arrival in Nipton.

North Vegas Square[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Andy Scabb NorthVegasAndyScabb.txt 000F6370 000F6372 NorthVegasAndyScabb The Gray
Crandon NorthVegasCrandon.txt 000EDDCF 000F3DD0 NorthVegasCrandon North Vegas Square
Jules VOVNVJules.txt Caravan 0013E307 0013E30A VOVNVJules North Vegas Square
Squatter Bill 1ESquatterWatchQuest1.txt 000F3B86 000F3B8B 1ESquatterWatchQuest1 North Vegas Square


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alice McBride AliceMcBride.txt 000CCFC8 000CCFCD AliceMcBride McBride house
Bruce Isaac VMSTopsBruceIsaac.txt 0011F9B8 0011F9C0 VMSTopsBruceIsaac Dino Dee-lite Motel
Cliff Briscoe CliffBriscoe.txt Caravan Merchant 0008CD27 0008CD28 CliffBriscoe Dino Bite gift shop
Craig Boone CraigBoone.txt Essential Companion 00092BD2 00096BCE CraigBoone Boone's room
Daisy Whitman VRemDaisyWhitman.txt 00133958 0015A373 VRemDaisyWhitman Dino Dee-lite Motel, on a balcony
Dr. Ada Straus AdaStraus.txt Doctor Merchant 000CE88C 000CE94E AdaStraus Novac
Dusty McBride DustyMcBride.txt 000B8FA0 000B8FA6 DustyMcBride McBride house
Jeannie May Crawford JeannieMayCrawford.txt 0008D749 0008D74C JeannieMayCrawford Dino Dee-lite front desk
Manny Vargas MannyVargas.txt 000941DC 0009649B MannyVargas Dino Bite gift shop
No-bark Noonan NobarkNoonan.txt Caravan 0008CD23 0008CD24 NobarkNoonan Novac
Ranger Andy RangerAndy.txt 0008F0BA 0008F0B8 RangerAndy Ranger Andy's bungalow


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Daniel Wyand Dead 000A59E6 0015BC9E PrimmDeadCourier Outside the Nash residence
Deputy Beagle¹ PrimmDeputy.txt Temporary companion 000D7F57 000D7F59 PrimmDeputy Bison Steve Hotel
ED-E NVCompanionEdE.txt Essential Companion 00010769 001694E2 001694E0 001732D1 001732D0 001732CF NVCompanionEdE Nash residence
Johnson Nash¹ PrimmJohnsonNash.txt Caravan Merchant 000DA729 000E2882 PrimmJohnsonNash Vicki & Vance Casino
Layla VickyVanceExNCR1.txt Yes 000E8D1A 000E8D1E VickyVanceExNCR1 Vicki & Vance Casino
Lieutenant Hayes PrimmCorporalHayes.txt 000E2C94 00099CFE PrimmCorporalHayes NCR tent
Mrs. McBain Dead 000A59B0 000A59B1 PrimmDeadSheriffWife Primm sheriff's office
Primm Slim PrimmSlim.txt 000E2886 000E288C PrimmSlim Vicki & Vance Casino
Private Tyrone PrimmTyrone.txt Yes 00007C1B 000E7C1C PrimmTyrone NCR camp outside Primm
Ruby Nash¹ PrimmRubyNash.txt 000E2881 000E2883 PrimmRubyNash Nash residence
Sergeant McGee PrimmLanceCorporalMcGee.txt 000E2C93 00099D00 PrimmLanceCorporalMcGee NCR tent
Sheriff McBain Dead 000A59AE 000A59AF PrimmDeadSheriff Primm sheriff's office
¹Following the completion of My Kind of Town, Deputy Beagle will wander Primm, and the Ruby and Johnson Nash will relocate to the Nash residence.

Ranger Stations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Comm Officer Castillo RSAlphaCastillo.txt 0010F700 0010F701 RSAlphaCastillo Ranger station Alpha
Ranger Rebecca Lineholm RSAlphaLineholm.txt 0011BAEE 0011BAF0 RSAlphaLineholm Ranger station Alpha
Comm Officer Tilden RSBravoTilden.txt 00110D89 0015362B RSBravoTilden Ranger station Bravo
Ranger Ericsen RSBravoEricsen.txt 0011E4FC 0011E4FB RSBravoEricsen Ranger station Bravo
Comm Officer Stepinac RSCharlieStepinac.txt 0011324E 001271D7 RSCharlieStepinac Ranger station Charlie
Comm Officer Scheffer RSDeltaScheffer.txt 00116B3F 001199A4 RSDeltaScheffer Ranger station Delta
Ranger Pason RSDeltaPason.txt 0011EBDD 0011EBDC RSDeltaPason Ranger station Delta
Comm Officer Green RSEchoGreen.txt 0011324D 001132CA RSEchoGreen Ranger station Echo
Ranger Erasmus RSEchoErasmus.txt 0011FB7C 0011FB7B RSEchoErasmus Ranger Station Echo
Private Kyle Edwards¹ CampSearchlightPvtEdwards.txt 0013FE79 0013FE89 CampSearchlightPvtEdwards Ranger station Echo
Comm Officer Lenk RSFoxtrotLenk.txt 00116B40 00152E90 RSFoxtrotLenk Ranger station Foxtrot
Ranger Kudlow RSFoxtrotKudlow.txt 00120183 0015362C RSFoxtrotKudlow Ranger station Foxtrot
¹Only if sent there during We Will All Go Together.

Red Rock Canyon[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Diane VRRCDiane.txt 00140E6D 00140E6E VRRCDiane Red Rock Drug Lab
Great Khan armorer VRRCGreatKhanaArmoryHF.txt Merchant 0014EDBE 0014EDBF VRRCGreatKhanaArmoryHF Great Khan armory
Jack VRRCJack.txt Merchant 00140E6B 00140E6C VRRCJack Red Rock Drug Lab
Jerry the Punk VRRCJerrythePunk.txt 001413BD 001413BF VRRCJerrythePunk Red Rock Canyon near the arena
Karl VRRCKarl.txt 00140E60 00140E71 VRRCKarl Great Khan longhouse
Melissa¹ QJMelissa.txt 000E595C 000E5E51 QJMelissa Red Rock Canyon
Papa Khan VRRCPapaKhan.txt 00140E53 00140E54 VRRCPapaKhan Great Khan longhouse
Regis VRRCRegis.txt 00140E70 00140E73 VRRCRegis Great Khan longhouse
¹Melissa will only be here following Don't Make a Beggar of Me.

REPCONN Test Site[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Chris Haversam ChrisHaversam.txt 000810E9 000840C8 ChrisHaversam REPCONN Test Site
Davison Davison.txt 0007F8E1 0007F8C0 Davison REPCONN Test Site basement
Harland Harland.txt 00080771 00080770 Harland REPCONN Test Site basement
Jason Bright GhoulJasonBright.txt 001428ED 000834C0 GhoulJasonBright REPCONN Test Site


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Chomps Lewis QJChompsLewis.txt 000E5958 000E5A68 QJChompsLewis Sloan
Jas Wilkins QJJasWilkins.txt Merchant 000E595B 000E5A69 QJJasWilkins Mess hall
Snuffles 000E5E4F 000E5E50 QJSnuffles Sloan

Vault 19[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Philip Lem VVault19PhilipLem.txt 0013E4D7 0013EC01 VVault19PhilipLem Vault 19 red overseer's office
Samuel Cooke VVault19SamuelCooke.txt 0013E4D6 0013EC00 VVault19SamuelCooke Vault 19 blue overseer's office

Vault 3[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
BoneGnash 000EFB26 000EFB28 V3Donnie Vault 3 maintenance wing
Bryce Anders V03BryceAnders.txt 000EF3AA 000EF3E9 V03BryceAnders Vault 3
Carter Dead 000F47AA 000F47B1 Vault3Prisoner04 Vault 3 living quarters
Daniel V03FiendJailer.txt 000F512D 000F5143 V03FiendJailer Vault 3 living quarters
Dennis Vault3Prisoner03.txt 000F47A9 000F47AF Vault3Prisoner03 Vault 3 living quarters
GhashBone 000EFB25 000EFB27 V3Marie Vault 3 maintenance wing
Motor-Runner V03MotorRunner.txt 000EF3AB 000EF3AD V03MotorRunner Vault 3 maintenance wing
Rachael Vault3Prisoner02.txt 000F47AC 000F47AE Vault3Prisoner02 Vault 3 living quarters
Rick Lancer Vault3Prisoner01.txt 000F47AB 000F47B0 Vault3Prisoner01 Vault 3 living quarters


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Clayton Ettienne WestsideEttienne.txt Merchant 000FA877 000FAB0B WestsideEttienne Westside Co-op
Dermot WestsideDermot.txt 000F889A 000F889C WestsideDermot Casa Madrid Apartments
Hector WestsideHector.txt Essential 000ED50D 000F0A48 WestsideHector Westside
Jimmy WestsideJimmy.txt 000F624F 000F6254 WestsideJimmy Casa Madrid Apartments
Judah Kreger VRemJudahKreger.txt 00133956 0013395A VRemJudahKreger Westside
Keller NVNCRAgentKeller.txt Yes 000F1864 000FBC4B NVNCRAgentKeller Miguel's Pawn Shop
Klamath Bob KlamathBob.txt Merchant 000F839E 000F83AA KlamathBob Klamath Bob's liquor store
Marco WestsideMarco.txt 000F624E 000F6257 WestsideMarco Outside the Casa Madrid Apartments
Maude WestsideMaude.txt 000F6250 000F6255 WestsideMaude Casa Madrid Apartments
Mean Sonofabitch WestsideMeanSonofabitch.txt 000F83A2 000F83AB WestsideMeanSonofabitch Outside the Westside Co-op
Miguel WestsideMiguel.txt Merchant 000E8F96 000F18BD WestsideMiguel Miguel's Pawn Shop
Pretty Sarah WestsidePrettySarah.txt 000F6252 000F6253 WestsidePrettySarah Casa Madrid Apartments
Red Lucy VMS38RedLucy.txt Doctor 001347D9 00134830 VMS38RedLucy The Thorn
Saint James WestsideSaintJames.txt 000F889B 000F889D WestsideSaintJames Casa Madrid Apartments
Sweetie WestsideSweetie.txt 000F6251 000F6256 WestsideSweetie Casa Madrid Apartments
Tom Anderson WestsideAnderson.txt 000F1095 000F36EA WestsideAnderson Casa Madrid Apartments

Miscellaneous locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alexus NVLegionaryAlexus.txt 001300EE 001300F2 NVLegionaryAlexus Techatticup Mine
Alice Hostetler NorthVegasAliceHostetler.txt 000F6371 000F6373 NorthVegasAliceHostetler Hostetler home
'Blind' Luke Dead 00147404 00179357 VOVSewerLuke Central sewers
Cannibal Johnson VRemCannibalJohnson.txt Temporary companion 001010B7 001010CB VRemCannibalJohnson Cannibal Johnson's cave
Carlyle St. Clair III VMS18CarlyleStClair.txt Yes 00127DCC 00127DD7 VMS18CarlyleStClair Carlyle St. Clair's house
Cook-Cook 1ECookCook.txt 000F5700 000F5704 1ECookCook South Vegas Ruins
Doctor Alvarez VMS49DoctorAlvarez.txt 0015A359 0015A82C VMS49DoctorAlvarez Follower's Outpost
Doctor Luria SafehouseFollowersDoctor.txt Doctor 0015A028 0015A041 SafehouseFollowersDoctor Followers Safehouse
Doctor Rotson Dead 0015F072 00115073 VESDoctorRotson Hell's Motel
Doctor Usanagi DoctorUsanagi.txt Doctor Merchant 000EC7A3 000ED4DD DoctorUsanagi New Vegas Medical Clinic
Driver Nephi 1EDriverNephi.txt 000F56FF 000F570A 1EDriverNephi South Vegas Ruins EA
Duke 000FEA1D 000FEA1E 1EDuke Zapp's Neon Signs
Festus NVCRFestus.txt 001043D1 00104893 NVCRFestus Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ
George NellisGeorge.txt 000FF803 00107AF5 NellisGeorge Fields' shack
Gourd 001558D7 001558D8 GourdDEAD Brewer's beer bootlegging
Greasy Johnny 1EWatchFiend1.txt Yes 000F52AB 000F52B0 1EWatchFiend1 North sewers
Keely Keely.txt Yes 000E8F6C 000E8F66 Keely Vault 22
Legate Lanius VHDLegionLegateLanius.txt 001300AA 00137A9D VHDLegionLegateLanius Legate's camp
Malcolm Holmes SSHQMalcolmHolmes.txt Yes Merchant 0010596B 0010651A SSHQMalcolmHolmes Mojave Wasteland
Mrs. Hostetler NorthVegasMrsHostetler.txt 000EDDD0 000F53AA NorthVegasMrsHostetler Hostetler home
Orion Moreno VRemOrionMoreno.txt 00133955 00133959 VRemOrionMoreno Orion Moreno's house
Paladin Sato SafehouseBoSPaladin.txt Repair 00159A9C 00159AA2 SafehouseBoSPaladin Brotherhood of Steel safehouse
Pauline Wins PaulineWins.txt 000E2DCE 000E2DBF PaulineWins Wins hideout
Private Halford NVCGHalford.txt Temporary companion 0013F323 0013F31B NVCGHalford Camp Guardian caves
Raider Yes 000C393A 000CADCA DEADRaider1MeleeCF Outside Novac
Private Renolds NVTechatticupNCRRenolds.txt 001300F0 00134B9C NVTechatticupNCRRenolds Techatticup Mine
Roller 000ECE21 000EFB52 ScorpionsGangRoller Monte Carlo Suites
Sammy Wins SammyWins.txt 000E2DCF 000E2F3F SammyWins Wins hideout
'Sweet' Jill Dead 00147405 0017935F VOVSewerJillDead East central sewers
The Lonesome Drifter VMSTopsLonesomeDrifter.txt 0011F9BE 0011F9C2 VMSTopsLonesomeDrifter El Dorado Gas & Service
Trash Dead 001544B5 00154612 DEADWannabeGhoul Old nuclear test site
Violet 1EFiendViolet.txt 000F56FD 000F570B 1EFiendViolet Violet's trailer fort
Violetta 0013E5B9 0013E5BB FiendDogVioletta Violet's trailer fort
Yvette 000ED4E9 000ED4DC ScorpionsGangYvette Monte Carlo Suites

Cut Characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID Location
Casino guard Cut content 0014EFEF
Ron the Narrator Cut content 00161EB2 00161EB1
Testacles Cut content 00139B8B ????????
Ulysses Cut content ???????? ????????
Wasteland adventurer Cut content Yes 0015AD15

Dead Money[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Christine Royce NVDLC01Christine.txt Companion xx{{#pad:0012ff|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:001307|6|0|left}} NVDLC01Christine Sierra Madre Villa clinic inside an Auto-Doc
Dean Domino NVDLC01Dean.txt Companion xx{{#pad:0012fe|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:001309|6|0|left}} NVDLC01Dean Sierra Madre Residential District
Dog and God NVDLC01Dog.txt, NVDLC01God.txt Companion xx{{#pad:001301|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00e413|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:001306|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:|6|0|left}} NVDLC01Dog, NVDLC01God Sierra Madre, in a cell in the Villa police station
Father Elijah NVDLC01Elijah.txt xx{{#pad:001300|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:001308|6|0|left}} NVDLC01Elijah Sierra Madre vault

Honest Hearts[]

Angel cave[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Follows-Chalk NVDLC02FollowsChalk.txt Temporary companion xx{{#pad:0094d0|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0094d1|6|0|left}} NVDLC02FollowsChalk Across the bridge North of the Southern passage
Joshua Graham NVDLC02Joshua.txt Yes Yes Temporary companion xx{{#pad:008a39|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0093be|6|0|left}} NVDLC02Joshua Angel cave
Two-Bears-High-Fiving xx{{#pad:00f8a9|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f8a6|6|0|left}} NVDLC02DeadHorseWW Angel cave

Northern Passage[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Jed Masterson NVDLC02Jed.txt Yes xx{{#pad:009e7b|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:009e7c|6|0|left}} NVDLC02Jed Inside the Northern Passage
Ricky NVDLC02Ricky.txt xx{{#pad:00f19d|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f1a5|6|0|left}} NVDLC02Ricky Inside the Northern Passage
Stella NVDLC02Stella.txt xx{{#pad:00f19e|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f1a4|6|0|left}} NVDLC02Stella Inside the Northern Passage

The Narrows[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Daniel NVDLC02Daniel.txt Yes xx{{#pad:008a38|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0093c2|6|0|left}} NVDLC02Daniel Sorrows camp
Waking Cloud NVDLC02WakingCloud.txt Temporary companion xx{{#pad:009665|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:009666|6|0|left}} NVDLC02WakingCloud Sorrows camp
White Bird NVDLC02SorrowShaman.txt xx{{#pad:0094b9|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0094c0|6|0|left}} NVDLC02SorrowShaman White Bird's cave

Miscellaneous Honest Hearts locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Dancing Flame¹ NVDLC02MQ05bDancingFlame.txt xx{{#pad:00b4d0|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00b4da|6|0|left}} NVDLC02MQ05bDancingFlame Burial mounds
Ghost of She xx{{#pad:0094ba|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0094bf|6|0|left}} NVDLC02GhostOfShe Ghost Den
Randall Clark Yes Atop a large rock near Red Gate
Salt-Upon-Wounds² NVDLC02SaltUponWounds.txt xx{{#pad:008a3a|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0093d7|6|0|left}} NVDLC02SaltUponWounds Three Marys or Pine Creek Tunnel

¹ Only during Sanctity of the Dead.
² Salt-Upon-Wounds' location depends on which quest line the Courier follows.

Old World Blues[]

Forbidden Zone dome entrance[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
The Courier's brain NVDLC03BrainTank.txt Yes xx{{#pad:015f7e|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015fb5|6|0|left}} NVDLC03BrainTank Forbidden Zone dome entrance
Doctor Mobius NVDLC03DoctorMobius.txt xx{{#pad:00c1cf|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:004034|6|0|left}} NVDLC03DoctorMobiusLVL Forbidden Zone dome entrance

Little Yangtze[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Number 27 xx{{#pad:014460|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015857|6|0|left}} NVDLC03RefugeeBoss2 Little Yangtze
Number 34 xx{{#pad:01445f|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015878|6|0|left}} NVDLC03RefugeeBoss1 Little Yangtze

The Sink[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Biological research station NVDLC03SinkBioResearchLabTalker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f059|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f05b|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkBioResearchLabTalker The Sink
Blind Diode Jefferson NVDLC03SinkJukeboxTalker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f064|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:013573|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkJukeboxTalker The Sink
Book Chute NVDLC03SinkBookChuteTalker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f065|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f068|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkBookChuteTalker The Sink
Muggy NVDLC03Muggy.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00e6f9|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00e6f8|6|0|left}} NVDLC03Muggy The Sink
Light Switch 01 NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Talker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f062|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f06a|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Talker The Sink
Light Switch 02 NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch02Talker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f063|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f06b|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch02Talker The Sink
Sink NVDLC03SinkSinkTalker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f05c|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f06d|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkSinkTalker The Sink
Sink Auto-Doc NVDLC03SinkAutoDocTalker.txt Yes Yes xx{{#pad:00f066|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f067|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkAutoDocTalker The Sink
Sink Central Intelligence Unit NVDLC03SinkMainComputerTalker.txt Yes Yes Yes xx{{#pad:00f061|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00e6f7|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkMainComputerTalker The Sink
Toaster NVDLC03SinkToasterTalker.txt Yes xx{{#pad:00f05f|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00f06f|6|0|left}} NVDLC03SinkToasterTalker The Sink

The Think Tank[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Doctor 8 NVDLC03Doctor8.txt xx{{#pad:006874|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:003d43|6|0|left}} NVDLC03Doctor8LVL Big MT
Doctor Borous NVDLC03DoctorBorous.txt xx{{#pad:006875|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:003d44|6|0|left}} NVDLC03DoctorBorousLVL Big MT
Doctor Dala NVDLC03DoctorDala.txt xx{{#pad:006872|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:003d41|6|0|left}} NVDLC03DoctorDalaLVL Big MT
Doctor Klein NVDLC03DoctorKlein.txt xx{{#pad:00d628|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:003d42|6|0|left}} NVDLC03DoctorKleinLVL Big MT
Doctor 0 NVDLC03DoctorO.txt xx{{#pad:006873|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:003d40|6|0|left}} NVDLC03DoctorOLVL Big MT

X-8 research center[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Gabe xx{{#pad:00d352|6|0|left}}-xx{{#pad:00d356|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:|6|0|left}} NVDLC03X8Gabe X-8 research center
Roxie Yes Temporary companion xx{{#pad:00a380|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00a392|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrCyberDogX8Experiment X-8 research center

Miscellaneous locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
The Custodian xx{{#pad:014458|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015848|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrProtectronBoss Big MT west tunnel
Construction drone foreman xx{{#pad:014457|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015876|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrProtectronCSBoss Construction site
Stripe xx{{#pad:015281|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015282|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrDeathclawBossWW Higgs Village
Super-Ego xx{{#pad:014456|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015873|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrRobobrainBoss Near Higgs Village
Sparks xx{{#pad:01445b|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015850|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrMisterHandyBoss Saturnite alloy research facility
010011110110111001100101 xx{{#pad:014240|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0141a9|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrSecuritronBoss Securitron de-construction plant
RY-589 Ultimo bot xx{{#pad:014455|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015ac1|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrSentryBotBoss X-7a "Left Field" artillery launch
Dr. Calis Yes xx{{#pad:00d4c0|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00d4bd|6|0|left}} X-13 research facility
Ironbelly xx{{#pad:01445c|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:01581f|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrMisterGutsyBoss X-17 meteorological station
Doctor Orderly MD PHD DDS xx{{#pad:01445a|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015866|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrMisterOrderlyBoss Y-17 medical facility
Shadis xx{{#pad:014459|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:015854|6|0|left}} NVDLC03CrNightstalkerBoss Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab

Lonesome Road[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Plays caravan Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Base ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bonesaw xx{{#pad:00d4ac|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0086f4|6|0|left}} NVDLC04MarkedMenRavagerBoss Ashton silo control station
Gaius Magnus Yes xx{{#pad:00clf7|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00clf8|6|0|left}} NVDLC04NukeLegionCenturion Dry Wells
Beast xx{{#pad:0086f3|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00c85a|6|0|left}} NVDLC04MarkedMenMarauderBoss High Road
ED-E NVDLC04EDE.txt Yes Yes Temporary companion xx{{#pad:004cda|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:004d16|6|0|left}} NVDLC04EDE Hopeville missile silo bunker
Royez Yes xx{{#pad:00d99a|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00d99b|6|0|left}} NVDLC04NukeNCRHeavyTrooperBoss Long 15
Blister xx{{#pad:0086f2|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0089d7|6|0|left}} NVDLC04MarkedMenHunterBoss Marked men base
Blade xx{{#pad:0086f2|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:0089d7|6|0|left}} NVDLC04MarkedMenScoutBoss Near Ulysses' Temple
Ulysses NVDLC04Ulysses.txt Temporary companion xx{{#pad:003e40|6|0|left}} xx{{#pad:00dc37|6|0|left}} NVDLC04Ulysses Ulysses' Temple
Bill the tax collector Cut content xx{{#pad:00923e|6|0|left}}

See also[]
