本文介紹的是"辐射:新维加斯"出現的原始眼球機器人. 關於在"辐射:新维加斯"資料片"孤獨之路"裡的複製機種,參見ED-E (Lonesome Road)


眼球机器人(杜拉骨架)试验体E(Eyebot Duraframe Subject E)或简称ED-E (发音"Eddie"或"E-D-E"),是杜拉骨架的眼球机器人,2281年潜在可能的同伴。它首次被发现时在普瑞姆納什住所,处于不在状态。


ED-E是东海岸英克雷眼球機器人[Non-game 1]它是由怀特利亞當斯空軍基地在2275年左右创造的。[Non-game 2]作为一个原型“杜拉骨架”模型,ED-E已经增强了常规战斗,与最初的眼球机器人不同,它主要作为一个移动无线电发射器和标准的杜拉骨架模型。这些改进包括一个额外的碟形定向传感器,装甲镀板以保护侧面安装的真空管,以及一个前置的微型特斯拉加农炮,以改进标准激光炮的进攻能力。[Non-game 3]然而,由于2277年与東岸兄弟會的战争,需要增加英克雷的地狱火装甲的生产,眼球机器人的生产被停止,ED-E成为最后一个幸存的型号。怀特利上传了大量关于海神能源的有价值的数据,以及他对杜拉骨架研究存于ED-E日志里,[1][2]然后把它送到了那瓦罗

ED-E的第一站是位于芝加哥的一个隐藏的英克雷前哨站,用于升级和维修。[3]然后它穿越了莫哈韋廢土,在那里它被一名突击狙击手击中了两枪(with a 手动装填.308),造成大量伤害。[4]这最终导致它在普瑞姆附近失效,在那里它被莫哈韦快递公司的信使发现并送到约翰逊·纳什,他希望用它来递送包裹。纳什无法自己修理它,就把ED-E留在了普瑞姆分公司的柜台上,让它在那里受尽折磨,直到普瑞姆被逃犯接管。[5]信使到达普瑞姆时,能够修复ED-E,允许眼球机器人作为同伴加入信使的任务。



Perk nociception regulator color
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。状态在硬核模式 开始时过期。
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予强化感应器辅助能力和友谊-E辅助能力。
FO76 ui icon quest
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: 25





  • 安装了孤独之路扩展包后,ED-E可以通过对话来制作物品,就像工作台reloading bench。这个选项甚至在孤独之路开始之前就已经可以使用了。
  • ED-E可以通过在分水岭中找到5个电路板来进一步升级:
    • 等级 1 - 武器维护功能:进入每日对话选项,允许ED-E立即恢复信使当前装备的武器25%的状态。(在获得等级2后,技能检定可以增加到35%)。
    • 等级 2 - 能量/微核融合电池生产: 进入每日对话选项,允许ED-E生产一些能量微核融合电池。此外,通过对话和技能检查,ED-E可以在每次提示时生产更多的电池,或者生产火焰燃料satchel charge(它们和能量和微核融合电池拥有相同的一天一次冷却时间)。
    • 等级 3 - 增加DT: 信使和ED-E +2 DT。
    • 等级 4 - 光束伤害加成: 光束武器伤害+5;受雷射指挥官辅助能力影响的武器列表相同。
    • 等级 5 - V.A.T.S.命中加成:在V.A.T.S.中击中目标的几率增加5%。


# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
ED-E end slide 01
经过漫长而奇妙的旅程,ED-E终于在莫哈韋的危险中走到了尽头。它被摧毁并积满灰尘,等待拾荒者捡拾遗体进行回收。 ED-E被破坏。
ED-E end slide 01
ED-E一直被遗忘在约翰逊·纳什的商店中,直到被另一位信使修理好,并让它继续前往那瓦罗。ED-E最终被天啟追随者发现,他们设法恢复了大量的科学知识数据库。 不要修理ED-E。
ED-E end slide 02
ED-E与信使一起旅行,直到它的一个记忆库被触发,导致它继续前往那瓦罗。到达那瓦罗后,ED-E消失了,再也没有在废土中出现。 修理ED-E不要完成任务ED-E我的爱
ED-E end slide 02
清除日志并升级系统后,ED-E仍然保持警惕并持续陪伴着信使天啟追随者使用从海神能源的ED-E中恢复的信息,开发了利用太阳能的新方法。 通过将ED-E带到天啟追随者来完成ED-E我的爱,之后取回ED-E并在第二次胡佛大坝之战期间保持其作为活跃的同伴
ED-E end slide 02
清除日志并升级系统后,ED-E仍然保持警惕并持续作为信使同伴。兄弟会利用从ED-E恢复的信息创建了一支由眼球機器人组成的小军队。 完成ED-E我的爱并将ED-E带到鋼鐵兄弟會,之后取回ED-E并在第二次胡佛大坝之战期间保持其作为活跃的同伴
ED-E end slide 02
清除日志并升级系统后,ED-E被 旅行商队发现,在废土中游荡时将它当作保护者。天啟追随者使用从海神能源的ED-E中恢复的信息,开发了利用太阳能的新方法。 通过将ED-E带到天啟追随者来完成ED-E我的爱,然后在第二次胡佛大坝之战期间不要带上ED-E作为同伴或在升级完成后将ED-E留在普瑞姆中。
ED-E end slide 02
清除日志并升级系统后,ED-E被一个旅行商队发现,当他们在废土中游荡时,将它当作保护者。兄弟会使用从ED-E中恢复的信息创建了一支由眼球機器人组成的小军队。 完成ED-E我的爱并将ED-E带到鋼鐵兄弟會,然后在第二次胡佛大坝之战期间不要带上ED-E作为同伴或在升级完成后将ED-E留在普瑞姆中。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
电击器 小型能量电池


  • 第一次碰到ED-E的时候,ED-E在右边右侧有一个保险杠贴纸"我的孩子是一个罗斯福学院的优等生"这是位於辐射3的地點。在保险杠标签的另外一边,是一个"伟大中西部"伊利诺斯州2062年的照牌,写着"2ED-E59"。数字比字母磨损和褪色更严重,使得字母"ED-E"更明显。这些细节在孤独之路里得到了解释,副制品中提到原版不得不在芝加哥停留维修,并在途中拜访了一个家庭。[3]
  • 不管谁升级它,ED-E的外观都会改变。如果被追随者升级,装甲将保持不变,但它的电击器将略有变化,发射浅蓝色的弹丸,类似于異形破壞者。此外,在战斗中它的激光会发出和特斯拉加农炮一样的声音,在战斗之外它也会发出嗡嗡声。如果被兄弟会升级,ED-E将拥有全新的装甲。这两项升级都将删除ED-E的所有贴纸和车牌。
  • 它的寻路系统和人类一样,这意味着它可以引爆陷阱(甚至可以被游骑兵擒拿术击倒),即使它在空中盘旋。它也不能垂直越过障碍物。
  • 当枪口对准ED-E时,它有时会发出一种痛苦的哔哔声。其他时候它只会转向并面向信使的方向。
  • ED-E一开始没有太多HP。然而,当它升级后,它将比大多数其他同伴拥有更多。
  • 尽管ED-E是一个机器人,治疗针仍然可以治疗它。
  • 如果ED-E曾经疯狂过,那么如果它被当作伙伴而被解雇并返回普瑞姆,它就会变得充满敌意。唯一的例外是如果送走它是为了升级。几天之后,ED-E应该愿意再次和玩家角色一起,发现自己在普瑞姆而不是莫哈韦快递公司里漫游。
  • 在完成游戏和"ED-E我的爱"任务后,ED-E将给出游戏事件之后发生的事情的说明;然而,它的帐户将使用它的签名哔哔声,所以一般字幕必须启用阅读他们。
  • ED-E可以左右扫射,如果有多个敌人在视线范围内。
  • 许多非玩家角色在看到ED-E时会表达他们对它的态度:
  • ED-E的四个版本(不能使用,可以使用但未升级,由钢铁兄弟会升级,由天启追随者升级)都有不同的console ID。
  • 信使会解释ED-E的蜂鸣声,有时会产生如下响应:<快乐的哔哔声>或<发出蜂鸣声>。





  • ED-E的人物孤线是由Akil Hooper设计的。[Non-game 4]
  • Justin Bell负责创作和执行ED-E胜利音乐音效。[Non-game 5]


  • Has platform::PCPC After one enters Vault 11, ED-E will not follow them past the gate. When facing a loading screen into another door, it will be there. If one waits for a long period of time, it will hesitantly begin following them, and stop again. Once in the Sacrificial Chamber, ED-E will go back to following the player character as it was. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the player travels to Big MT without completing ED-E My Love, the Followers option may never appear. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When exiting Bloodborne cave and Vault 22, ED-E may get stuck in the opening of the cave. As of patch, ED-E will instead show up as a marker, but can't be found in the surroundings or in the cave. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When at Black Mountain, it is possible that ED-E will disappear after the player is attacked by super mutants in the small pass with the bear traps and the large boulder. It can also happen in the entrance of Vault 22. This might be fixed by going to the Sierra Madre (and starting the Dead Money add-on) or by using one of the companion dismissal terminals loaded by the patch released just before the release of Old World Blues. When dismissed via the terminal, there will be a message saying that ED-E has returned to Primm. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 After upgrading ED-E's weapon system, if it is destroyed, the dialogue and text about losing its perk after its death will not appear at all. One can lose ED-E without noticing its death in battles or if it strays too far from the player by its own way being in [DANGER] mode because of the hostiles around it. A related bug exists where if ED-E is destroyed, its perk still remains in the player's Pip-Boy and still fully working. This can be fixed by using console commands prid <ref_id>; moveto player; disable; resurrect; enable where "ref_id" is set for specific ED-E type. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 After upgrading ED-E's armor, its inventory weight goes up from 1 to 2. Traveling to the Fort and back with ED-E as a companion permanently adds an additional 2 to its weight each time one goes there, eventually making it impossible to place items in its inventory. There is no known way to remove this invisible item weight, and the only way to prevent it is by dismissing ED-E before traveling there. Telling it to wait elsewhere before going to the Fort still adds the extra phantom weight. Apparently, its laser is being duplicated each time the Courier's weapons are forcibly removed at the Fort. Even if one enters the Fort without invitation, or they enter with proper Legion reputation (i.e. bad rep, not giving weapons), this may happen. [已验证]
    • Not only the Fort, but any place where weapons/items gets confiscated, such as Silver Rush. Bring ED-E along while it happens and his weight goes up by 1.
    • Workaround: Dismissing ED-E to the Lucky 38 once inside the Fort after weapons have been confiscated removes the phantom weight. Bringing ED-E back to the Fort will start the process over again, but workaround can be repeated multiple times when phantom weight becomes too burdening.
    • If ED-E is lost in Vault 22 due to the firestorm or other bugs, he can be brought back by the console command 'player.placeatme followed by his formid which will be different depending on his state. If he has not been upgraded, his formid will be 0010c769, upgraded to weapons his formid is 001694e2, upgraded to armor his formid is 001694e0. Once he appears he will generally try to leave, probably headed for Primm.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The upgraded weapon system from the Followers of the Apocalypse upgrade can be lost at random, particularly in casinos or in Caesar's Fort. It is actually two different weapons: Energy Zap (00166b94) and Electrical Zap (001694df), and can be restored with AddItem after targeting ED-E. They require energy cell ammunition (00078cc2), but don't actually consume it. [已验证]
    • If ED-E loses either of its weapons (normal or upgraded) for any reason (visiting casinos, Fort, Silver Rush), he will become stuck every time after when trying to use the non-existing weapon. Only way to fix this, is to add the weapon via console command. With other platforms it is best to save before entering any weapon restricted place and immediately after exiting to test whether ED-E still has its weapons by test-attacking any bystander.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 It is possible for ED-E (after the armor upgrade) to not use it's weapons or even move. However if you fast-travel or use the wait command, ED-E will rejoin you. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes while speaking to ED-E, a gunfire sound will trigger instead of the regular beeping noise. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 ED-E may occasionally lose the dialogue option for his daily repair, even after waiting 24 hours. To fix this, travel to the Divide and back and the option should reappear. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, without having finished ED-E My Love, it will use the upgrade (from the Followers) even though it hasn't been upgraded yet. It appears to switch between his original and upgraded gun. There is no known fix. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Occasionally when you fast travel, ED-E loses anything you have put in his inventory. ED-E may also lose unique weapons. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 ED-E may randomly attack friendly non-player characters for no reason. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If ED-E is given Legion armor to hold, a message will appear saying it cannot equip it, and the armor will disappear. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC After upgrading the Securitron army, ED-E may receive the Follower weapon upgrade without completing ED-E, My Love. Possibly requisite to this are the Lonesome Road upgrades and/or ED-E, My Love being in progress. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you have the Lonesome Road expansion and tell ED-E to repair your weapon it will occasionally lower the condition instead of increasing it. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC After fast traveling, ED-E can freeze up and not move, though it will still hover, even if told to wait then follow using the companion wheel. This can be fixed by going into its dialogue menu and selecting "Follow Protocol::Wait" then once more and selecting "Follow Protocol::Reinitiate." [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 After ED-E's being upgraded by the Followers, it is possible that ED-E will not be able to use his weapon, in addition, ED-E's native 8 DT is gone, leaving him without any protection. It also has pathfinding issues. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes when dismissing ED-E, it will not reappear in Primm or in the Lucky 38 as instructed, thus effectively disappearing from the game.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC For unknown reasons, ED-E will not hover up and down, while other eyebots do, what causes this is unknown and so far it has no fix.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 After receiving the repair upgrade from Lonesome Road, ED-E will not repair the .45 Auto pistol from Honest Hearts if the player has the Hand Loader trait. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 ED-E will not store faction apparel in its inventory - it will be instantly dropped with a message "companion cannot wear this faction armor".[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 ED-E may sometimes, upon waking up from being unconscious, make a sound as if it is slamming into metal and then disappear unable to be brought back even when fast traveling. It will not come back even if using Vault 22's elevator as well. It will still be considered a companion, so you will not be able recruit Rex later on if this happens. When traveling to Zion National Park, you will be told "ED-E has returned to Primm" as usual, but it has not. [已验证]




  1. The Courier: "What would you like it for?"
    April Martimer: "I've heard through our channels that it has some research that may be related to Enclave and Poseidon Energy technology. I'd like to get what I can from it and use that data for the good of humanity... ALL of humanity, unlike the Brotherhood."
    (April Martimer's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I've heard some information from its logs, sounds like it is carrying some Enclave data."
    Lorenzo: "Really? What kind of logs? What kind of data does he have on it?"
    The Courier: "The logs spoke about Enclave Duraframe research and Poseidon Energy research."
    Lorenzo: "Did... did you say Poseidon Energy? I've been researching some Poseidon projects here. Do you think you could leave your robot with me for a few days? I have some materials that I can use to upgrade his armor while he's here."
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Courier: "Sounds like that kid was pretty fond of you. Why did you leave?"
    ED-E: <Wistful beeping>
    The Courier: "Where did this happen?"
    ED-E: <Happy beeping>
    The Courier: "Illinois? So that's where you got that plate. The other you, I mean."
    ED-E: <Happy beeping>
    The Courier: "What's a Chicago?"
    ED-E: <Expository beeping>
    (ED-E's dialogue (Lonesome Road))
  4. The Courier: "That was a .308 round. Probably hand-loaded - that would have destroyed most robots your size."
    ED-E: "[SUCCEEDED] <Pleased beeping>"
    (ED-E's dialogue (Lonesome Road))
  5. The Courier: "Where did it come from?"
    Johnson Nash: "A courier dropped it off a couple months back. I got it working for a little while, but the darn thing pooped out. I haven't been able to get it up and running again. I was hoping to use it for some courier work, but that ain't gonna happen.
    The Courier: "What is wrong with it?"
    Johnson Nash: "Hell if I know. I don't think its serious, but my tinkering days are long gone."
    The Courier: "Do you mind if I try to fix it?"
    Johnson Nash: "You're welcome to try. Its游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 yours if you can get it working. If I had my way I'd dump it in the scrapyard in Novac and be done with the damn thing."
    (Johnson Nash's dialogue)


Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)