

Aluminum is a crafting component in Fallout 4.


A strong yet light metal, aluminum is used for crafting various settlement devices and electronics, as well as modifications for weapons, armor, power armor and robots.


Miscellaneous object (see below)
Aluminum (varies)
Item Yield* Weight Yield/Weight*
Alarm clock 2 1 2
Aluminum 1 0.1 10
Shipment of 25 units 25 0
Shipment of 50 units 50 0
Aluminum can 2 0.1 20
Aluminum canister 2 3 0.67
Applicator 1 0.5 2
Cake pan 3 0.5 6
Carlisle typewriter 2 5 0.4
Cauterizer 1 0.5 2
Coolant cap 2 1 2
Ear examiner 1 0.7 1.43
Hubcap 2 3 0.67
Inactive distress pulser 2 5 0.4
Industrial oil canister 2 3 0.67
Ring stand 2 3 0.67
Sensor 1 0.5 2
Spanner 1 0.5 2
Surgical tray 3 0.5 6
Sweeper 3 4 .75
Toy rocketship 1 0.5 2
Tray 1 1 1
Tri tool 1 0.5 2
TV dinner tray 3 0.5 6
Tweezers 1 0.2 5
Wakemaster alarm clock 2 1 2
* Nothing is gained if one does not have at least level 1 of the Scrapper perk. At level 3, yields are at least doubled.


  • Over 115 pieces of aluminum can be found in Vault 95, in the form of aluminum cans, surgical trays, and TV dinner trays.
  • Fort Hagen Command Center tunnel's west exit, 108 pieces of aluminum may be found here.
  • More than 80 pieces can be found at Mahkra Fishpacking, in the form of trays.
  • Corvega assembly plant (inside and out) has 104 pieces:
    • 26 coolant caps on the assembly line and scattered around.
    • 11 aluminum cans.
    • Six TV dinner trays.
    • Five hub caps.
    • One aluminum canister.
  • Mass Pike Tunnel contains about 50 aluminum cans.
  • Sold by Arturo Rodriguez in Diamond City Market in shipments of 50.
  • Vault 81 has upwards of 40 aluminum, mostly in the form of surgical trays, in the secret section of the vault.
  • Federal ration stockpile has roughly 30 aluminum cans on the shelves just outside the locked storage area.
  • Sold by Rufus Rubins in Goodneighbor in shipments of 25.
  • Four Leaf fishpacking plant has 24 aluminum trays on the west side of the factory.
  • Two to four pieces of aluminum can be obtained from destroyed sentry bots and assaultrons.
  • Medford Memorial Hospital contains numerous surgical trays.
  • Fort Hagen Command Center contains a good amount of aluminum in the form of aluminum cans, surgical trays, and TV dinner trays.
  • There are massive amounts of aluminum in the Institute on nearly every flat surface on the bottom floor, in the form of various tools. There is also a number of junk items throughout that give aluminum.
  • Far Harbor (add-on) The Cranberry Island supply shed contains about 18 aluminum ingots.