關於an overview of 9mm pistol models in the Fallout series of games,參見9mm pistol。 |
“A Mauser M/96 in 9x19mm Parabellum. In excellent condition. Extremely accurate.”
The Mauser M/96 9mm is a small gun in Fallout and Fallout 2.
这把枪在游戏中非常之稀少,在辐射1中只有一把可以被玩家获得,辐射2中稍微好一点。It uses 9mm ball in Fallout, with the addition of 9mm in Fallout 2.
9毫米口径的毛瑟手枪伤害和有效射程都小于10mm口径的柯尔特6520,它的弹仓容量也比柯尔特手枪的12发弹匣容量小5发。it also has a +20% to-hit because it is "extremely accurate".
- Junktown Casino, in Gizmo's possession.
Fallout 2[]
- New Reno Commercial Row, found in a footlocker in the back of New Reno Arms.
- Willy Special Encounter, used by Willy's guards.
Behind the scenes[]
The 9mm Mauser's filename is GIZGUN1.frm in the game files, as a testament to its rarity and sole location in Fallout. In addition, it is called Gizmo's pistol in the Fallout demo.