
4号避难所(英文名:Vault 4)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于加州洛杉矶霍桑医学实验室校园下方在辐射电视剧


大戰之前,4号避难所出现在广告和介绍避难所的视频中,库柏·霍华德担任代言人。避难所的实验在这些广告中被公开了: 它将由在那里全职生活和工作的科学家统治(技术官僚)。劳埃德Cassandra Hawthorne,两位研究辐射对DNA影响的杰出研究人员,以及他们的两个孩子和其他80名志愿者,在大战之前报名参加了在避难所生活的五年试验,以证明即使在避难所也能生存。大战结束后,劳埃德·霍桑最终成为了避难所的监督者。[1]


Subject 476




在避难所的完全控制下,前测试对象决定用它来改善人类,建立一个民主制度,制定一项政策,接受来自外部世界的难民,把他们变成避难所的居民。那些无法治愈的受害者被放置在12层的休眠舱中,直到避难所能够找到治愈他们的方法(让嗜吞螈流产似乎是不可能的)。[2]科学实验的幸存者在地面觅食队的帮助下积极维护着避难所,他们带着装备、备件和其他补给回来。[4]一个复杂的情况是,霍桑夫妇和他们的命运造成的基因损伤是遗传的,导致随机突变: 额外的鼻子、耳朵和/或其他器官,发光的眼睛,以及未来的监督者本杰明,一只眼睛取代了通常的两只眼睛。变化并不影响他们的一般能力,许多出生在避难所的孩子都认为自己是真正的避难所居民。例如,前面提到的本杰明,自称是杀死霍桑一家的嗜吞螈的亲戚(他的伯祖父彼得),认为自己是第五代避难所居民。[5]




The Past Vault 4


2296年,在马克西姆斯被食人族射中手臂后,露西·麦克莱恩带他去霍桑医学实验室寻找医疗用品。然而,他们被困住了,被扔进了原本是霍桑夫妇用来引诱废物的舱口。[10]醒来后,他们发现自己在4号避难所,医生在那里治疗马克西姆斯的伤口,并在被引入避难所之前被隔离了很短的时间,似乎有望长期停留。当露西为再次进入避难所而感到宽慰时,马克西姆斯却被每个人看起来都是如此诡异的快乐而感到不安,他警告露西,避难所的居民可能是邪教。露西并没有发现任何问题,直到本杰明监督者和他们打招呼,她才注意到"鼻子"医生 埃德蒙森鲍威尔护士],有明显的突变。[9]

露西随后与本杰明监督者的会面,讨论了避难所的开放政策,但以一种不愉快的语气结束了: 在本杰明开了一个关于用核武器摧毁沙蔭市的不得体的玩笑之后,她询问了12层的情况,以及不要插手的指示,本杰明礼貌地把她赶出了办公室。在目睹了沙蔭市和李·摩尔达弗的肖像仪式后,她决定调查第12层。马克西姆斯有不同的选择,特别是在Birdie给了他备用的428单元,包括热水淋浴和一篮子消耗品之后。对于一个从来没有这两样东西的流浪汉来说,这是他决定留下来的时刻,他拒绝和露茜一起去违反他们规定的唯一一条规则。[9]


在随后的中庭审判中,整个故事都向露西解释了。尽管她既不知道4号避难所的故事,也不知道33号避难所的实验,她还是被定罪并接受了审判。[2]他们决定将她处死 - 带着两周的补给将她放逐到水面。这个复杂的放逐仪式包括一把钝剑,这是导致马克西姆斯错误地认为居住者试图杀死露西的一个因素。他偷取了发电厂的聚变核心来为他的T-60动力装甲提供能量(被觅食方回收),他打断了"执行",在露西介入之前伤害了几个居民。[11]



FOTV Hawthorne Medical Laboratories












4号避难所出现在在辐射电视剧 集数 "The Past", "The Trap"和"The Radio"。


  • 这一集的黑板上有一个新加州共和国的时间线,把沙蔭市的陨落放在2277年。社区的混乱导致一些人认为这意味着辐射:新维加斯从未在电视剧时间线中发生过。陶德·霍华德在接下来的一周接受IGN采访时,他澄清了事实并非如此:


  • 4号避难所首次在巴西圣保罗举办的CCXP 2023辐射展区的视频中亮相。完整的视频目前无法在网上找到,但可以在这里看到其中的一些片段。
  • 4号避难所与霍桑医学实验室大楼相连。这可能表明避难所位于霍桑,加州洛杉矶县的一个城市; 然而,该公司更有可能以运营4号避难所的避难所科技科学家霍桑夫妇的名字命名。避难所(和霍桑医学实验室)的位置是未知的,但除此之外,它在沙蔭市遗址附近(至少在剧中是这样的)。



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Cooper Howard: "Oh. Hello there. Yep, it's me, Cooper Howard, star of stage and screen. But I'm not here today to talk to you about my latest picture. No, today I'm here to show you a vast and wonderful place, not made by God Almighty but by the working man. A veritable Camelot of the nuclear age. Now, how 'bout we turn on some lights. There, that's better. Now, I'm speaking to you from deep inside the fully-livable Model 96JQ1164. And what a beaut she is. And what a song she sings. Now, that right there is Vault 4's three-foot-thick lead casing. Strong enough to keep out the rads and the Reds. Each one of these underground burghs comes with all the modern amenities you've come to expect from our rip-roarin' republic. Now, this corridor here is Sycamore Street, where you'll wave howdy to any one of your 200 neighbors on your way home for an enchanted evening with your loved ones. Mm. Meet the Hawthornes. Now, this isn't just your average all-American family. No, Lloyd and Cassandra here are both scientists, specializing in the effects of radiation on human DNA."
    Lloyd Hawthorne: "That's right. And we'll be living and working right here in Vault 4, leading a community governed entirely by scientists."
    Cooper Howard: "Wait a second, did you say "living down here"? Well, there hasn't been a nuclear incident, has there?"
    Lloyd Hawthorne: "Uh, no, not yet. But, uh, our family and a group of 80 volunteers will be conducting a five-year trial of Vault 4. To demonstrate to the world that, no matter what comes our way, America will be ready."
    Cooper Howard: "Five years. Well, I may play a hero in the movies, but... you all are heroes in real life. And now you can be a hero, too. By purchasing a residence in a Vault-Tec vault today. Because if the worst should happen tomorrow, the world is gonna need Americans just like you to build a better day after."
    ("The Trap")
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Overseer Benjamin: "Sorry, I haven't, uh, seen that footage in a long time. But it's a stirring reminder of what this place is all about."
    Lucy MacLean: "I-I don't understand, I... In the lab, I-I saw your doctors..."
    Birdie: "Trying to ease the pain of the poor souls your people lured into this place. His ancestors were used as lab rats by the original residents of Vault 4. Until the lab rats rebelled."
    Benjamin: "The, uh, creature in the video was actually my Great-Uncle Peter on my mom's side."
    Lucy MacLean: "I'm so sorry. I... I had no idea the original vault dwellers here were so... so weird. I mean, my vault's not like this."
    Benjamin: "What was the experiment in 33?"
    Lucy MacLean: "W-Well, there is no experiment."
    Birdie: "Your ignorance cannot excuse your cruelty. You have infected our home with violence and now you must pay the price."
    Lucy MacLean: "No! Please. Please, I'm a good person."
    Note: Birdie calls the test subjects "poor souls your people lured into this place," with "your people" referring to the original Vault dwellers.
    ("The Radio")
  3. Lloyd Hawthorne: "Overseer Hawthorne, final log entry. At this point, it would be irrational of me not to acknowledge that these may be my last words. But despite our results here, I want to reiterate that a society governed by scientists--"
    Cassandra Hawthorne: "Honey! Hey!"
    Lloyd Hawthorne: "--really is the ideal social structure. What happened here should not be used as a case study for what happens when scientists are given unregulated control."
    Cassandra Hawthorne: "Lloyd, gimme a little help! --"
    Lloyd Hawthorne: "And-and... and-and hybridizing humans with radioactive-resistant species still has potential. Our test subjects were less compliant than we expected. Cassandra! Oh, no! No, no, no! No!"
    ("The Radio")
  4. Lucy MacLean: "We can't thank you enough for letting us in and taking care of us."
    Birdie: "It's what we do here. Oh, and we found his armor. Our surface foragers are bringing it back now."
    ("The Trap")
  5. 5.0 5.1 Benjamin: "But hey, that's something. You don't meet a natural-born vault dweller every day. We're a dying breed."
    Lucy MacLean: "Oh, you're... you're from here?"
    Benjamin: "Five generations, and proud of it."
    Lucy MacLean: "Ah. I just thought because... Because so many, uh, people here seem to be refugees from the surface."
    Benjamin: "Tell me about it. Ooh. These people. Am I right? I grabbed a moldy one."
    Lucy MacLean: "What do you mean by that?"
    Benjamin: "Well, you won't find anyone more open-minded than me, but they come in here with their smelly food and their weird ideas. You're from a vault. You get it."
    Lucy MacLean: "I-I don't understand. If you don't like people from the surface then why do you keep taking them in?"
    Benjamin: "It's a policy from before my time. But these newcomers, ooh, let me tell you, if you want to get elected, you have to respect their traditions and tolerate them and not call them "surfies." It's awful. What, you don't take in surface dwellers in your vault?"
    Lucy MacLean: "Well, to be honest, no, we don't."
    Benjamin: "What is that like?"
    Lucy MacLean: "No, I think what you're doing here is a really good thing. I saw what was left of Shady Sands. An entire city just destroyed in an instant. It... I mean, some of these people lost everything."
    Benjamin: "And that was a tragedy. So we took our share of them in and gave them a home because it's what we do. But it's like you can't make a funny joke about it without offending these guys. I mean, one funny joke I told on maybe ten occasions."
    Lucy MacLean:
    "What was the joke?"
    "I forget. All I know is it was a huge bomb. Pretty good, right?"
    ("The Trap")
  6. Birdie: "I was born on the surface."
    Lucy MacLean: "Oh. Uh, sorry. I-I didn't know. You seem so..."
    Birdie: "Normal? My mother was a courier. I was 11 and traveled with her to Filly. Three days' walk from home and we could still feel the heat from the blast."
    Lucy MacLean: "You're from Shady Sands."
    Birdie: "Many of us are. We were lucky to find such a hospitable community here in Vault 4."
    ("The Trap")
  7. Lucy MacLean: "Oh, uh, excuse me? What's going on?"
    Nurse Powell: "It's a Surface Dweller tradition. It can get a little rambunctious for my taste. You're welcome to come."
    Lucy MacLean: "Sure."
    "(The Trap")
  8. Chant: "Flame Mother, we remember. We bring back the past as we remember. We bring back Shady Sands... ...as we remember. We bring back those taken from us by covering ourselves in their ashes. To bring back Shady Sands, blood must spill. Oh, Flame Mother, you will be our salvation."
    ("The Trap")
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Fallout, "The Trap"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Fallout, "The Past"
  11. Fallout, "The Radio"
  12. Lucy MacLean: "Well, without their fusion core, their auxiliary power will only last a few days, and... and then what?"
    ("The Radio")