32号避难所(英文名:Vault 32)是地点和避难所科技避难所在圣莫尼卡,洛杉矶,加州在辐射电视剧 。
作为圣莫尼卡,洛杉矶附近的三避难所网络的一部分,32号避难所与31号避难所和33号避难所直接相连。然而,种群之间的直接接触是有限的 - 官方的目的是防止威胁的扩散,但也有能力在需要的时候互相帮助。[2]在大戰之后,这个避难所一直被封锁着,只与它的姐妹避难所交换人口和必要的物资。几十年来,居民被告知地表不适合居住,但鼓励他们为最终的开垦日做好准备。[3]
两个多世纪以来,这种情况一直很稳定,因为整整几代人都在地下出生、生活和死亡。然而,一场危机在2294年袭来,[4] 因为32号避难所的居民知道他们实际上是豚鼠,迷宫里的老鼠,只是为了Bud Askins在31号避难所的优生学[5]优生学项目而存在。为了培养一批超级经理人,让他们在核灾难后继承地球,阿斯金斯与Barb Howard设计了一个实验,[6]将他的Bud's Buds高管培训计划的部分毕业生置于31号避难所的假死状态,然后与32号和33号避难所的候选人进行杂交,所有人都在作为31号避难所的机械脑监督者巴德的监督下。[7]本质上,32号和33号只是繁殖池。[5]
为了保持人口的温顺,32号和33号的所有监督者都是从31号避难所解冻的初级管理人员,定期醒来,然后转移到避难所,然后通过未知的方式取代他们的前任(没有给出直接的解释,但"最简单"的方法是用电脑计算选票,让巴德保证他的候选人总是获胜)。始终如一地从31号避难所挑选监督者并不是什么秘密。然而,没有一个居民真正质疑这一点,他们将其归因于31号避难所优越的教育和资源,以及"当事情看起来很糟糕时,投31号票"的口号。[8]目前尚不清楚居民是如何得知这个秘密的,但监督者Ian Jackson被折磨致死,他的工作人员被吊死。与此同时,整个避难所的暴力冲突导致了大量的生命损失,因为他们分裂成派系,开始互相残杀或自杀。墙上的涂鸦清楚地提醒着其他人,这里的居民知道真相,也知道里面是什么,并保证管理层要死(阿斯金斯的优生学项目)。[9]反管理派系似乎占了上风,并试图强行进入31号避难所,使用他们手头的任何工具,包括喷灯和其他施工设备。然而,起义最终失败了,居民们死在了避难所门。[10]
在袭击33号避难所之后,摩尔达弗带着被俘的麦克莱恩从32号避难所撤退,把通道埋在她身后。然而,诺曼·麦克莱恩和切特设法进入了避难所,而所有人都被斯蒂芬妮·哈珀的分娩分散了注意力。他们发现避难所并没有像人们认为的那样被掠夺者摧毁,而是在一场内战中崩溃了。意识到发生了什么,[9] Betty Pearson,在与巴德·阿斯金斯协商后,再次当选的33号避难所监督者,决定重新安置32号避难所。一方面是让实验继续进行,另一方面是把潜在的麻烦制造者分开,比如诺曼和切特。与此同时,阿斯金斯安排清理32号避难所,移走尸体,修复内战造成的大部分表面破坏。[14]
和以前一样,"临时"监督者是根据实验规则选出的: 她叫斯蒂芬妮·哈珀,是避难所科技公司最新一位在31号避难所被解冻的高管。[15]其他被送到32号避难所的居民有伍迪·托马斯和戴维, 还有其他十几个人。[1]
- 斯蒂芬妮在亚马逊上的传记曾提到她的丈夫伯特来自32号避难所,但后来被删除了。
- 当32号避难所居民的命运被调查时,一台电视正在播放宇宙中与著名的现实世界实验相当的"老鼠乌托邦"实验。在这些实验中,老鼠群体可以无限制地获得生活必需品,让老鼠什么都不缺。最终,这些老鼠非但没有繁殖过剩,反而停止了社交、交配、进食或抚养后代。有些变得极端敌对和暴力。没有任何真正的困难,老鼠失去了生存的意志,导致社区在短时间内灭绝。
- 相反地,游戏中的实验结果,如电视上所示,是老鼠数量过多,最终在争夺资源的过程中互相残杀。这可能是32号避难所失败的原因,再加上他们发现31号避难所的实验,以及摩尔达弗声称的可能的作物歉收。
- 2022年,通过泄露的片场照片首次知道了32号避难所的存在,这些照片在社交媒体上疯传。然而,由于法律原因,这些照片无法上传到本维基。[17]32号避难所第一次出现在任何与节目相关的材料中是在CCXP 2023的辐射展示上,演员和工作人员包括乔纳森·诺兰和沃尔顿·戈金斯也可以接受采访。展览包括一个互动的避难所之旅,包括穿着32号避难所连体衣的工作人员。这次旅行包括一个游戏,获胜者将被允许"进入"33号避难所,而失败者将被送到32号避难所。
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Template:Fotv
- ↑ Betty Pearson: "We must remember how good we have it here in Vaults 31, 32 and 33. Three democracies in three vaults. Separated to prevent the spread of threats, but connected to aid one another in times of need. We are the lucky ones. We are the light burning in the darkness. And we will carry on until the day we bring that light to the surface. "
("The Past") - ↑ Hank MacLean: "Good evening and welcome to the proud denizens of Vault 32. We are bonded not just as neighbors but by a shared duty. To keep the candle of civilization lit. While the rest of the world has been cast into darkness. Soon, if our measurements are correct, radiation levels on the surface are dropping fast enough that the next generation, Lucy and Monty's children, will be able to recolonize. "
("The End") - ↑ Norm MacLean: "Whatever happened here happened a long time ago. The last bio-signal detected was two years ago."
Television: "This rodent colony is called a mouse utopia. Inside, the mice enjoy all the amenities... all the food they can eat, all the padding they can sleep on... but eventually, overpopulation occurs. The mice fight for the once bountiful food, the once endless space. They eat each other in their desperation to survive."
Chet: "So, if they were already dead when the raiders got here, who killed them? I mean, it looks like they strangled each other with their hands. It just doesn't make any sense."
("The Ghouls") - ↑ 5.0 5.1 Norm MacLean: "So what's Vault 32 and 33? Just people to be controlled?"
Bud Askins: "What? No! When you put it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable. They're our breeding pool, the ultimate expression of HR R&D. Genetically selected to breed with my Buds to create a class of super managers. People with positivity, people who make lemonade. People who will inherit the Earth after we've wiped the surface clean."
Norm MacLean: "We wiped the surface clean?"
("The Beginning") - ↑ Barb Howard: "Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great, and I propose we bring that same spirit of competition to our solution. We have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim several, where you can play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for humanity. Whatever you want to do, no one needs to know. And may the best idea win. "
("The Beginning") - ↑ Norm MacLean: "Is this where my dad's from?"
Bud Askins: "You'll never find out. Oh. He's gonna find out. These are Bud's Buds. My Buds. America outsourced the survival of this country to the private sector. But it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive. So, we kept Vault-Tec alive instead. A well-trained staff of highly supervised junior executives from my own assistant training program. Because the future of humanity comes down to one word: Management."
("The Beginning") - ↑ Norm MacLean: "You don't think it's weird that we always elect an overseer from Vault 31? They did the same exact thing in Vault 32."
Chet: "Honestly? No. By all accounts, Vault 31 has more resources, a better education system, and you know, they got that phrase."
Norm MacLean: "When things look glum, vote 31."
Chet: "Shh. It's a powerful slogan."
Norm MacLean: "You think 200 years of coincidence comes down to a slogan?"
Chet: "You might as well be asking why everyone prefers Jell-O cake to apple pie. I don't know why, they just do."
Norm MacLean: "So, if it's not at all worrisome, why are we whispering?"
Chet: "Because we just snuck into a vault filled with dead bodies. Not to mention Steph's from Vault 31."
("The Past") - ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Template:Fotv
- ↑ Template:Fotv
- ↑ Vault 33 communication log: "Accessing Vault 32 Records... ACCESS DENIED"
("The Ghouls") - ↑ Vault 32 Overseer's terminal: "Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Accessing Log...
LOG ID: A2.981.C2A.01
Validating Emergency Responder Certification... ......request timed out.
Authorizing Emergency Access... done.
Accessing Vault Door Control Interlink... done.
External Key Access: [User Key/PB ID: MacLean, Rose]
The Vault Door is now opening... Vault Door Status: [OPEN] |
LOG ID: A2.980.C2A.00"
("The Ghouls") - ↑ Hank MacLean: "Welcome, neighbors from Vault 32. I am Hank MacLean, overseer of Vault 33."
Lee Moldaver: "Lee Moldaver, overseer of 32. Thank you for your hospitality."
Hank MacLean: "Oh, we were sorry to hear of Overseer Jackson's passing in your telegrams."
Lee Moldaver: "When blight hit our wheat, we lost a lot of good people, but this trade will help us get back on our feet."
Hank MacLean: "Yes, well, as arranged, we offer you seed and parts for machinery."
Lee Moldaver: "In exchange, we offer you a breeder." - ↑ Betty Pearson: "Thank you for coming, everyone. It is important to me for us all to see this place together. As a community. As a family. So that we can heal together and rebuild together. What is happening here? Now, I spoke with the overseer of Vault 31 and we agreed these vaults of ours are too sacred to leave empty. Which is why I am announcing a resettling campaign. Some of us will stay home to rebuild 33. Others will be moving into Vault 32 in the coming weeks to start anew. "
("The Past") - ↑ Betty Pearson: "And now we say goodbye to all those who are leaving us for Vault 32. Each of them have been chosen for their agreeability, stick-to-itiveness, and all of the other qualities that make for a successful pioneer. And of course, every vault needs an overseer. Which is why I have conferred with the high council. And we are proud to announce as interim overseer of Vault 32, Stephanie Harper. And with that, now our friends become neighbors. Good luck, 32ers. "
("The Radio") - ↑ Template:Fotv: Visible during the end credits.
- ↑ RPS: Vault images emerge from the set of Amazon's Fallout TV show (archived)