21號避難所(英文名:Vault 21)是一个避难所科技避难所藏在內華達州的拉斯維加斯之下。此后,在2281年它被改建为酒店/赌场,并成为豪斯先生和他年轻的新維加斯帝国众多收入来源之一。[2]
位于内华达州拉斯维加斯市中心的21号避难所是少数几个成功保护其居民同时满足其实验参数的避难所之一。避难所中的每个人都是平等的,它以完美对称的布局创建,所有的冲突和问题都通过赌博来解决。[3]选定的代表在主中庭相互赌博,获胜者获得了集体希望解决争端的权利。[3][4] 莎拉将其描述为“纯粹的新维加斯”,因为“如果你的赔率正确,每个人都有机会,幸运女神会微笑。”[4]
位于赌城大道西端的避难所门牌为酒店做广告,上面印有霓虹灯的“21號避難所”。避难所入口是一座地上建筑,通向作为礼品店的大堂。 它由幸存的避难所居民之一莎拉•温特劳布经营,她经营着这家酒店并利用终端网络与顾客进行交流。 [7] 楼梯从礼品店通向避难所。
有一个带有两张二十一点桌子的中庭,一个带起居室的走廊,包括莎拉的房间和一个玩家角色可以租用的客房。另一扇门通向自助餐厅/餐厅。较低的楼层由豪斯先生填充了混凝土,除维护层外无法进入,可从上好佳赌场的地下室进入。[6] 这一层由一条长长的走廊组成,走廊上有几个小房间。班尼的套房里通往它的电梯是锁着的,除非他在上好佳赌场总统套房里遭到袭击,而隧道的尽头是另一扇锁着的门。
- 雪景球-赌城大道 - 在最东北的房间里一扇普通的锁着的门后面(莎拉的房间)。在同一个房间里,床边有一个高难度锁梳妆台,里面有270瓶盖和几件衣服。
- An oversized toy car 和一个传感器模块 - 在酒店大堂。
- Strip letter 1 和 Strip letter 2 - 东南方的客房内。
- Strip letter 3 - 在无法进入的南门以西的客房内。
- Vault lab uniform - 偶尔由莎拉出售。
- 背景音乐为宁静,最初用于辐射2中的摩多克。
- 如果任务怀疑重点已经开始,那么其中一个房间里就会有三个黑手党暴徒威胁Martina Groesbeck。
- 上好佳赌场有一部电梯,可通往地下室,并通过一堵敞开的墙连接到21号避难所的服务区。这台电梯通常是上锁的,无法被选择,但如果班尼在上好佳赌场遇到他时有机会逃跑,他会自动解锁。避难所走廊尽头有一扇锁着的门,可以使用控制台命令解锁。向前走一点会出现避难所的一个不可见部分。这里没有灯光,这一段的尽头有两段楼梯,没有通向任何地方。
- 礼品店正门的门垫与辐射3'的112号避难所相同,位于斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩的Visiontron前面和宁静小巷的房子前面。
- 这个避难所中的所有门都没有金色条纹和数字21,而是都标有“禁止进入”。3号避难所也是如此。
- 可以在莎拉·温特劳布房间的床边找到一张显示詹姆斯和凯瑟琳(辐射3中独行者的父母)的照片。
- 避难所中的灯是在毁坏的避难所中看到的模型,例如34号避难所。
- 东部的台球室包含一个名为“Jukey The Jukebox”的点唱机。除了名字,它并不是唯一的。
- 如果玩家角色将物品留在房间的储物柜中,然后获得了“野孩子”的声望,则该房间将无法租用,也无法取回物品。
- 一旦莎拉给了他们一个房间,玩家角色就可以将这里作为他们的个人避难所/家。
- 21号避难所是唯一已知的没有齿轮形防爆门的避难所。
- 进入时向右看,可以在墙上看到101号避难所的公告,只对它们进行了几处更改,例如101号避难所烘焙广告更改为21号避难所。
- 在玩家角色的酒店房间中有一个可用的电灯开关。
- 在GECK中看到的地下室走廊隧道看起来不完整,还有一扇门应该通向走廊,但它被一大块瓦砾挡住了。
- 礼品店里有一个稍微小尺寸的终端机。
- 在辐射:新维加斯扩展包死钱中,流浪兄弟会长老伊利亞提到了避难所。他认为信使从21号避难所居民那里偷走了他们使用的哔哔小子。[8]
- 21号避难所由Jorge Salgado设计。
- 21号避难所在地理位置上与前拉斯维加斯希尔顿酒店(现在的拉斯维加斯西门)位于同一现实世界中,其中包含现实生活中的市政辐射避难所。[9]
- 开发者表示,豪斯加固了避难所以避免前居民重新占领它,将其限制为旅游景点和小规模住宅。
- 21号避难所的较低层被混凝土填充可能是对银舞鞋赌场的微妙参考,因为有传言说赌场前面的机械化舞鞋被霍华德·休斯用混凝土填充的,此人是豪斯先生的原型。
- James Garcia创建了霓虹灯字母的 3D 模型。[10]
- 莎拉•温特劳布房间里的电脑里有一封来自Charlene Tann的电子邮件,其中提到了她的丈夫Biff Tann。[11] 这是对回到未来三部曲的致敬,其中的对手被命名为Biff Tannen。
- 避难所访客终端机在礼品店里用“像明尼苏达胖子一样喧嚣!”来宣传泳池套装。这是对Walter Tevis的小说江湖浪子及其1961年电影改编的参考,由杰基·格里森饰演Fats。
- 如果您与莎拉·温特劳布一起游览,你的同伴可能会在你离开避难所时消失且不会再次出现。[已验证]
- 莎拉可能不认为21号避难所连身衣是避难撒装备,但会以通常的价格正常交易。[已验证]
- 有时,当你与莎拉·温特劳布一起游览时,她会和你一起走出礼品店,然后站在通往21号避难所酒店部分的楼梯上方,无法与之交谈。[已验证]
- 21号避难所极有可能在加载屏幕期间导致游戏卡死。[已验证]
- ↑ The Courier: "Are you the owner of this hotel and shop?"
Sarah Weintraub: "Well... it is my vault, all right. I mean, yeah. That is, no. I take care of it but I suppose you could say that it belongs to Mr. House."
(Sarah Weintraub's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.349-350: "[2D.06] Vault 21
A vault where its dwellers used to settle their differences via games of chance, is now hotel and gift shop. The top floor is just the gift shop and front desk for the hotel. Visitors can buy Vault 21 jumpsuits, toasters, and other souvenir items, and view displays and read authentic details about the history of Vault 21. The vault itself is in pristine condition, aside from the subterranean eastern section, which was sealed by Mr. House; much to the annoyance of the last remaining residents Sarah (and her brother Michael) Weintraub. Aside form the ostentatious signage, the initial kiosk welcoming visitors to the vault lacks the spectacular nature of The Strip's other venues. But step inside, and you're transported back in time."
(Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland) - ↑ 3.0 3.1 Sarah Weintraub: "All right! Please, follow me. We'll head into the vault right away. This bunker protects the entrance to the vault - solid stone outside and thick steel on the inside! Above us there's the control center for this level of the vault's life-support systems, electric grid, radioactive shields and all that jazz. Don't get lost! My vault has many corridors and rooms - although it is no longer symmetrical, after Mr. House threw us out. This is the main game-hall. Here we settled the big disputes among the vault's levels. Chosen representatives gambled against each other here. The winner earned the right to settle the dispute as wished by the collective. We used to have such parties in this diner! A bitch to clean later... but well worth it! This hall leads to our guest rooms. You can use the first room on our left. But no snooping next door! That's my room, always was. Down there is the game room! Each side of the vault had one... but the other is filled with concrete now. Okay, that wraps it up. I'll see you soon!"
(Sarah Weintraub's dialogue) - ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "What is so special about this vault?"
Sarah Weintraub: "My vault is pure New Vegas. Everyone has a chance and lady luck smiles if you play your odds right!... Okay, it was like that before we had to leave. Vault 21 had very smart ways to help people get along. All arguments and fights got solved through gambling. I'll give you a quick tour of my home! Oh, yeah, if you like."
(Sarah Weintraub's dialogue) - ↑ Vault 21 terminal entries' Vault 21 guest terminal, History of Vault 21
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Courier: "What does Mr. House have to do with Vault 21?"
Sarah Weintraub: "Mr. House has everything to do with Vault 21. He tried to get us out before he filled it with concrete. I almost went ape! So, we convinced him - okay, Sheldon and I, right? We convinced him to leave the top level mostly intact!"
(Sarah Weintraub's dialogue) - ↑ Vault 21 terminal entries; Vault 21 Guest terminal, Mail Messaging
- ↑ 743.00Hz ULF radio signal: "Good thing the new recruit had a Pip-Boy, too, probably stole it from a Vault 21 dweller. Still, a thief's just what I need for this."
- ↑ Clark County Nevada Fallout Shelters
- ↑ James Garcia's portfolio
- ↑ Vault 21 terminal entries; Vault 21 reception terminal, Our Influential Friends.