15号避难所(英文名:Vault 15)是2241年新加州中的地点。15号避难所位于13号避难所以东9个方格 (辐射)或以东6个方格 (辐射2)。
这个大型地下避难所是为数不多的避难所之一,尽管为加强避难所的第三层而进行了额外的工作,以确保抵御地震,但其施工顺利且没有延误。[1] 作为避难所科技进行的社会实验的一部分,只有具有完全不同意识形态和文化的人才能被授予在避难所中的位置,以获取有关他们在计划保持密封的50年内的互动和潜在故障的数据。[Non-canon 1] 当大战在2077年10月23日到来时,居民们向避难所报告并进入了。避难所被封锁了。 与其他避难所失去联系。[2]
居民之间发生了分裂,避难所终于被打开了。大多数居民游行出去,剥夺了最好的设备的庇护所,包括伊甸园创造套件。一小群人留下来,试图继续住在现在被毁坏的避难所里。[3] 离开避难所的居民最终会形成不同的社区。其中最重要的是由15号避难所的GECK创建的沙蔭市村庄。[4] 其余的将组成掠夺者部落 (可汗帮、豺狼幫和毒蛇帮),多年来一直在恐吓新加州。[Non-canon 2] 避难所本身一直持续到它被入侵。[5] 攻击者攻破了避难所大门,避难所本身随后被遗弃。由于震颤导致第二层和第三层的墙壁坍塌,掩埋了避难所的重要部分,它的状况恶化了。野生动物和食腐动物完成了破坏。当放逐者开始为13号避难所寻找替代芯片时,这个被掩埋的避难所是他的第一步,也是他的第一次失望。[Non-canon 3]
即使在2189年新加州共和国成立时,避难所也被遗弃了。最主要的原因是,共和国与营救团队、掠夺者、崇拜避难所的人、尸鬼拾荒者等之间的挖掘权争论。[Non-canon 4] 最大的问题出现在2240年代初期。在NCR在2241年之前的几年进行另一次挖掘作业后,NCR放弃了15号避难所后,他们的旧基地被一群无处可去的废土人占领,形成了私占地。当NCR试图收回避难所和其中的重要计算机部件时,他们被占地者阻止了。[6][7]
他们固执的原因是双重的。首先,15号避难所是他们唯一知道的家。[8]其次,他们实际上是在掩护一群掠夺者,即达里安手下的新可汗帮。达里安向占地者承诺,他的手下正在修复避难所,为他们提供住所、食物和水。 然而,实际上,所有的食物和水都来自可汗帮对商队的袭击。避难所已死。[9]达里安还设法在NCR大会上安插了一名间谍,让他获得了关于NCR的近乎完美的情报。[10]
这种情况被获选者解决了。坦蒂总统聘请他从15号避难所取回计算机部件,他还设法促成了占地者和NCR之间的交易。他会杀死达里安并取回零件,而占地者会允许NCR进入避难所,以换取吞并、教育和生存所需的物资。[11] 在他的使命中,获选者也证明了坦蒂总统的和平扩张政策是正确的,使NCR在北部的废墟上站稳了脚跟,而占地者则学会了自给自足,成为社会的生产力成员。[12][Non-canon 5]
Loot in Entrance |
Loot in Living quarters |
Loot in Command Center |
Loot in the top, left most room |
Loot in Storage room |
Loot in Command Center |
- 泽克
- 达里安
- Darion's personal guard
- Jones
- Rebecca
- 克莉丝
- Sara
- Karla
- Phil
- John
- Bill
- Roberta
- 可汗帮掠夺者
- Baddog
- Dalia
以下内容基於范布倫设计文档 和 并非正史. |
- Donald
關於范布倫设计文档的内容到此作結。 |
- Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR
- Kill Darion
- Rescue Chrissy
- 完成与NCR的交易
- 前两个辐射游戏中的游戏地图显示的13号避难所、 沙蔭市 (之后的NCR)和15号避难所在不同位置。在首款游戏中,15号避难所位于内华达州的死亡谷附近。在第二款游戏中,它在更远的西部,在加州的内华达山脉中。
- 在辐射2中可以访问在辐射中被落石挡住的15号避难所区域。
- 在辐射2的入口隧道中,有一个梯子直接通向"私占地"中的出口网格。尽管在加入NCR之前,私占地不会授予进入隧道的权限。这个梯子可以通过泽克的房子进入。
- 任何已发布的电子游戏中都没有确定建立和解的确切日期,并且补充来源提供了相互矛盾的信息。辐射圣经确定毒蛇帮于2097年离开了15号避难所(游戏开始前64年), 与将建立沙蔭市的定居者一起出现。[Non-canon 6]
15号避难所出现在《辐射》和《辐射 2》中,并在《辐射圣经》中有所提及。
- 如果你选择前往该地点,辐射有时可能会崩溃。[已验证]
- 避难所中的某些掠夺者有错误。有些人的物品栏位中有不正确的弹药或弹药,这会混淆AI并阻止他们正确使用武器。达里安不会使用他的火焰喷射器,并且会在战斗开始后逃离玩家角色。[已验证]
- ↑ Vault locations v34.129: "Due east from Vault 13, construction on this Vault has gone extremely smoothly. Much work was done to reinforce the walls of the third level of this Vault, to make all the future Vault Dwellers more secure in the knowledge that in the event of even a major earthquake, the regulatory computers of the Vault would continue to function. Recent tours of the newly constructed Vault, have had many a potential Vault Dweller walking away with a new found awe of the improvements done to this already impressive Vault."
- ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{138}{}{Where was this Vault of yours?}"
Katrina: "{140}{}{It was Vault-15. It is due east of here. We tried to make contact with some other Vaults, but we always failed. I think it was the raiders who attacked my fellow dwellers. Be careful!}"
(SSGUIDE.MSG) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{130}{}{Tell me about yourself.}"
Katrina: "{137}{}{My life was very boring. I was raised in a Vault. I lived there for many years. Unfortunately, we were crowded and life was very bad. There was a schism, and many people left, taking with them the best equipment. Still, some of us tried to stay in the Vault. But then we were attacked. I was hurt, and I ended up here. Now I try to help people . . .}"
(SSGUIDE.MSG) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{117}{}{Do you have a GECK?}"
Mikey Frazier: "{119}{}{A GECK? Well, that's old history, so what the hell. You mean the old Garden of Eden Kit. We had one - I mean our grandparents had one. Used it when they came out of Vault 15. Got this place started, they say. It's all used up now.}"
(Scmikey.msg) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{129}{}{Tell me about the rest of the world.}"
Katrina: "{136}{}{I know very little of the outside world. I escaped from a Vault when it was attacked. Unfortunately, I was very hurt and do not remember much of what happened. But Dharma was watching over me, and I was found by the people of Shady Sands. I live here now. Have you spoken with Ian, yet? He is a merchant guard who was hurt. He is recovering in the guardhouse over there. [She points to the east] He is more widely travelled than I.}"
(SSGUIDE.MSG) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{123}{}{Excellent, how can I help you?}"
Tandi: "{124}{tand4}{We need some computer parts from our old base - Vault 15. Problem is there's squatters there who won't let anybody by. Somebody has to convince 'em to let us in - or just bring back the parts. Up for the job?}"
(Shtandi.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{156}{}{What can you tell me about vault 15?}"
Tandi: "{166}{tand8}{It's just east of here, an underground shelter from the war. Most families in NCR came from it, so it's rightfully ours.}"
Chosen One: "{168}{}{Go on.}"
"{169}{tand9}{A couple of years ago some squatters moved in and built a shantytown on the surface. They call it 'The Squat.' They're nothing but dogs in the manger. They can't get into the vault but they keep us out.}"
(Shtandi.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{121}{}{Anything else go on here?}"
Zeke: "{137}{}{There's a city west of here called NCR. They claim Vault 15 is their ancestral home and they want it back. They've been sending people here trying to talk us into leaving but we aren't going for it. This is the only home we know.}"
(Bczeke.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{109}{}{I'd like to know who you are and what is going on here.}"
Chrissy: "{120}{}{In a nutshell, my name is Chrissy and I'm from the Squat. I was out exploring last week when I found that entrance out there. I thought it might be an abandoned mine or something, so I decided to check it out. Well, it's not a mine; it's a secret entrance into Vault 15. The vault is being used as a base for a band of raiders called the Khans. They caught me snooping around and their leader, Darion, had me locked up in here.}"
"{135}{}{The people of the Squat are protecting these guys by helping them keep the vault a secret, but they don't know what's really going on here. Darion told us that the vault was being repaired so we could have a safe place to live with lots of food and water, but it's all a lie. I've been in there and looked around. The vault is dead, and the food and water machines don't work. Our food and water's been coming from the spoils of raids against caravans.}"
"{136}{}{Look, I've got to go home and warn everyone about what's really going on here. We can't help these monsters. Will you take me home?}"
(Bccrissy.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{261}{}{I'm afraid you have another problem. If you'll look at this holodisk you'll see that you have a spy in the NCR.}"
Tandi: "{264}{tand35}{Damn, the only person who knew all this was Feargus! I'm not suggesting anything, but maybe Gunther should know about this.}"
(Shtandi.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{139}{}{Would you consider making a deal with NCR?}"
Zeke: "{140}{}{That all depends. What did you have in mind?}"
The Chosen One: "{142}{}{Join NCR, let them annex your territory, and give them access to the vault. In return, they can teach you all the skills you need to survive on your own and offer you their protection.}"
Zeke: "{143}{}{Not bad... I like it. You've got yourself a deal if you can get NCR to agree to it as well. But... Look, someone has to take care of Darion and his cronies. It should be done now before they realize what has happened and have time to prepare for an attack. Why not get this over with and take Darion out now? You'll have the element of surprise on your side.}"
(Bczeke.msg) - ↑ Fallout 2 ending: "With the support you secured from the New California Republic, the Vault 15 squatters soon become self-sufficient and productive members of society."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "Vault 15 Intended to stay closed for 50 years and include people of radically diverse ideologies. Gathered from what you hear from Aradesh in Fallout 1, he has quite a bit of multi-cultural flavoring to his speech."
- ↑ Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.57: "Whether through design or poor planning, many of the vaults were not well stocked or prepared for the long wait until nuclear fallout had reached safe levels outside, and many fell into disrepair or out of supplies. Due to these shortcomings, many vault dwellers sought help from the surface, and many vaults opened in order to allow supplies to reach them. By opening their vault doors, the isolated societies inside opened themselves up to mixing with the survivors above, and established a permanent connection with the surface—the most notable example being the residents of Vault 15, who split up and went on to establish the settlement Shady Sands, as well as the raiding gangs of the Jackals, Vipers, and Khans when their vault opened."
- ↑ Fallout 2 manual: "With their knowledge, and the help of a man called Ian, I continued on my way to Vault 15. The ruins of Vault 15, to be more specific. Ravaged by the elements, scavengers, and time itself, Vault 15 was no help for my people. The control room that contained their water-chip was buried under tons of fallen rock, and I had to move on."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 6: "The NCR's relationship with their old Vault has undergone some violent upheavals over the years. From nests of monsters, raiders, Vault 15 worshippers, ghoul scavengers, to more innocent (and not-so-innocent) Squatters and Salvage Teams and the Republic arguing over excavation rights, it seems to be difficult for the government or any other inhabitant of the wasteland to leave the area alone... because, well, it's a Vault."
- ↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.458: "Important Dates
2248 President Tandi takes ill and dies at the age of 103. Her presidency has lasted 52 years. Vice-President Joanna Tibbett assumes office."
(Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide; Behind the Bright Lights & Big City) - ↑ Fallout Bible 0:
Fallout Bible 3: "2141 Spring Vault 15 opened."