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"未來的避難所" (輻射)

13號避難所(英文名:Vault 13) (被阿羅由的一些成員稱為神聖13的避難所[1]),是位於南部加州避難所科技避難所。它的準確位置在沙蔭市15號避難所以西,在瑪麗博薩軍事基地以東。這是放逐者的家。


這個避難所位於12號避難所西北部風景秀麗的山區,為居民提供源源不斷的純淨水。水電部認為,如果發生核戰爭,該地區的地下水位很容易受到污染的說法是毫無根據的。萬一該地區的水被污染,即使它可能是偏遠的,13號避難所已經安裝了政府批准的避難所淨水系統。額定工作時間超過250,000小時不會出現明顯的輸出損失,未來的避難所居民應該沒有什麼可擔心的。避難所地點 v34.129

13 號避難所的建設於2063年8月開始,並於2069年3月完成,這是西海岸最後一個竣工的避難所,覆蓋3,200,000噸土壤200英尺。13號避難所的起始預算為4000億美元,但最終總額為6450億美元。計劃運營10年。[Non-game 1]

避難所在其100個指定的生活區中支持多達1,000名居住者。在最大容量的情況下,十個人將被分配到一個生活區,實行熱床鋪系統。[Non-game 1]

避難所為居民分配了嗶嗶小子2000,並為避難所配備了太陽能聚光器,這是一種利用陽光作為能源的實驗性光電武器。此外,13號避難所還安置了用於建築項目的重型機械、可持續的水力農業農場和來自地下河的水淨化系統。居民享受社交聚會的設備和足夠的娛樂材料來維持預計的持續時間。儘管軍械庫有限,通信設備仍保持避難所安全有效。[Non-game 1]13號避難所還提供了一個額外的伊甸園創造套件(加上避難所標準的兩組套件,總共就有3組套件),而不是進入8號避難所的額外淨水晶片。[2] 由於建成時間較晚,傷害其他避難所的「狼來了」效應在13號避難所中並不那麼明顯。[Non-canon 1]

根據迪克·理察森的說法,13號避難所是社會保護計劃的對照組,旨在被密封直到英克雷需要對象為止。[3] 然而,根據輻射聖經,13號避難所的目的是保持關閉200年,作為長期隔離的研究。[Non-canon 2]


Fo1 Intro Water system



被派去尋找替代晶片的人中有塔利烏斯[4][5] 他得到了一個溫徹斯特黑百合和一些12號霰彈槍彈,在聽到古城墓地水泵之前,他搜索淨水晶片花了一段時間,但沒有成功。在古城墓地屍鬼首領賽特的幫助下,他在被夜行者打昏之前殺死了一些超級變種人,並迅速被帶到了瑪麗博薩軍事基地。他被浸入了FEV的大桶中,導致他罕見地轉變為類似於哈羅德的屍鬼突變體,後來在模稜兩可的情況下被 天啟追隨者救了出來。不久之後,他作為正式成員加入了他們,並留在了曬骨場曬骨場圖書館,放棄了最初的任務。


監督者很高興看到放逐者活著回來並帶著重要的淨水晶片,但對放逐者的報告感到擔憂或害怕,特別是對在古城墓地遇到的超級變種人的描述。經過一番計算,他得出的結論是,超級變種人的數量遠遠超過了自然生長或突變所預期的數量,而且肯定有人在以驚人的速度產生新的變種人。這對13號避難所構成了新的威脅。由於放逐者的能力和對外界的了解,監督者賦予放逐者一項新的任務: 發現並消滅變種人的危險。他建議放逐者開始向西搜索。放逐者再次離開避難所。


監督者是對的,放逐者很快就找到並殺死了變種人軍隊的來源主教,並在2162年3月摧毀了他的基地大教堂[Non-canon 3]2162年4月20日,放逐者發現並殺死了主教的二把手副官,然後摧毀了瑪麗博薩軍事基地,該基地裝有用於建立同一FEV大桶。[Non-canon 4]在擊敗主教和同一之後,放逐者於2162年5月10日返回13號避難所。在放逐者呼叫13號避難所的通訊器並宣布他們的勝利後,避難所的門打開,監督者出現了。監督者說,儘管放逐者是拯救避難所的英雄,但他們不再被允許留在那裡(認為他們會通過說服人們離開避難所來破壞避難所實驗)。[Non-canon 5]




2241年5月15日,英克雷向13號避難所發送了一個編碼序列,激活了它的中央電腦並宣布是時候離開避難所了。馬丁·弗羅比舍,13 號避難所的領導者為「離開避難所」視頻召集避難所居民,這是一部來自避難所科技的教程電影,講述避難所居民離開避難所時應遵守的規則。2241年5月16日,13號避難所開放,兩個英克雷小隊用垂直飛行機迎接。小隊殺死了三名「抗拒俘虜」的避難所居民,並襲擊了避難所,綁架了所有居民。2241年5月17日,英克雷將一隻智慧死亡爪從安全距離投放到13號避難所,以殺死任何調查13號避難所的人並掩蓋英克雷的存在。其他智慧死亡爪被派往13號避難所周圍的沙漠,以檢查是否有任何逃跑者或目擊者。

甘德領導的智慧死亡爪開始在13號避難所安家。與英克雷給他們的目標不同,智慧死亡爪讓許多人在避難所的範圍內與他們一起相對舒適和安全地生活,表現出強烈的群體心態。在獲選者造訪之後,在石油鑽井平台被摧毀之前,智慧死亡爪被英克雷和法蘭克·荷瑞根消滅,避難所空無一人。[Non-game 2]當英克雷石油鑽井平台在2242年秋天被獲選者摧毀時,阿羅由和13號避難所的倖存者用G.E.C.K.重建了阿羅由。




FO1 Vault 13 cave




Fo1 Vault 13 Level 1




Fo1 Vault 13 Level 2


避難所居民在這裡睡覺(大約19:00到8:00)。 此外,有些人正在使用房間進行私人會議,例如叛軍


Fo1 Vault 13 Level 3





FO2 Vault 13 cave



Fo2 Vault 13 Entrance




Fo2 Vault 13 Living Quarters




Fo2 Vault 13 Command Center




辛迪 Ed 監督者
萊爾 醫生 警察
帕特(理論上)[Non-game 3] 特蕾莎 放逐者
淨水守衛 偷水賊 不安的避難所居民
Ariel Dalia Dar
戴夫 吉米 約瑟夫
朱爾 凱瑞斯 戈登
革力士 甘德 馬特
桑迪 泰恩 瓦爾迪斯


找到淨水晶片 尋找偷水賊 平息叛亂派系
消滅變種人領袖 摧毀變種人的源頭
為阿羅由回收GECK 修復13號避難所電腦 導航電腦需要NavComp部件來工作


Fo2 Guardian of Forever Vault 13


  • 開始遊戲時將無法訪問避難所。但是,它可以在遊戲中經過一天後進入。
  • 輻射2中的隨機特殊遭遇事件 - 找到一個奇怪的巨大時間石傳送門,名為永恆守護者。穿過之後,他們到達了13號避難所的指揮中心,在2161年破壞了淨水晶片,然後返回世界地圖界面。
  • 背景音樂「未來的避難所」在「輻射:新維加斯」中被重新用於22號避難所
  • 如果獲選者將同伴留在避難所內,離開,讓死亡爪屠殺發生,然後返回,該同伴將仍然活著。






  1. Martin Frobisher: "Eighty years ago, a hero saved our vault and then the Overseer exiled him. Others followed him into exile and they were never heard from again. We remember the event with shame."
    The Vault Dweller: "Hey! You're talking about *my* ancestor and the people who founded my village. They all came from the Vault of the Holy 13."
    (Martin Frobisher's dialogue)
  2. "Due to a shipping error, it appears Vault 8 received a box of surplus water chips intended for another Vault. The other Vault most likely received Vault 8's second GECK."
    (Vault 8 central computer's information)
  3. The Chosen One: "What about Vault 13? What was it's purpose?"
    Dick Richardson: "Ahh. Vault 13 was a special case. It was supposed to remain closed until the subjects were needed. Vault 13 was, in scientific parlance, a control group."
    (Dick Richardson's dialogue)
  4. The Vault Dweller: "Where were you from originally?"
    Talius: "Some time ago, I lived in a place far to the north of here. They were having a problem with the water supply and sought out people to find a way to fix it."
    (Talius' dialogue)
  5. The Vault Dweller: "What was the name of this Vault?"
    Talius: "My vault had no name. It was merely numbered 13."
    (Talius' dialogue)
  6. "We don't use that term anymore. There used to be an overseer, many years ago, but he did a bad thing and many of our people left the vault - only to die in the wastes, I'm sure. He was tried and sentenced to death for his crime. We haven't used the title since.""
    (Martin Frobisher's dialogue)
  7. The overseer may be killed following the goodbye speech if the player has the Bloody Mess trait
  8. Jimmy (Vault 13): "Anyway, the leaders of the revolution didn't want to entrust the fate of the people to another overseer so they installed this mainframe. The records say it was purchased from... oh, what was that name... Ah, I remember, the 'Brotherhood of Steel.'"
    (Jimmy's dialogue)
  9. Arroyo elder: "Chosen One, things are not well here. We need the GECK if our village is to survive. Our people grow weak with hunger and our food reserves will not last much longer. Please, find the holy Thirteen and return to us. Go now."
    (Arroyo elder's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.1-1: "IMPORTANT VAULT STATISTICS
    Vault Number ............................13
    Starting construction date ....August 2063
    Ending construction date ......March 2069
    Starting Budget ........................$400,000,000,000
    Final Budget, with interest ..$645,000,000,000

    Total number of occupants ....1,000 (at capacity)
    Total duration ..........................10 years (at capacity)
    Number of living quarters ......100 (hot bunking required if at maximum capacity)
    Door thickness ..........................4 yards, steel
    Earth coverage..........................3,200,000 tons of soil, at 200 feet

    Computer control system ......Think machine
    Primary power supply ............Geo-thermal
    Secondary power supply........General Atomics Nuclear Power backup systems
    Power requirements................3.98mkw/day
    Stores ..........................................Complete construction equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, water purification from underground river, defensive weaponry to equip 10 men, communication, social and entertainment files (for total duration)

    Note: If the "m" in the figure "3.98mkw/day" stands for million, then the power requirement would be equivalent to 3.98 GWd.
  2. According to John Deiley, who designed Vault 13, the inaccessible good ending where the deathclaws survive was intentionally scrapped because the Enclave plot required the slaughter of the deathclaws.
  3. Fallout 2 manual p.13: "The Tribe
    Over time, our ragtag group turned into a tribe. I fell in love with one of them, and we raised a family, like all of our tribespeople.
    We founded the Village, beyond the great cliff. It is a secure home thanks to our hard work. We would send scouts back towards the Vault, to help others who thought like ourselves, but that slowly came to an end. We no longer head in that direction. I often wonder what became of Vault-13, and the other Vaults, but I never had the time to go exploring again.
    I taught the others the skills they would need to survive and grow strong. Hunting, farming and other skills to feed us. Engineering and science to build our homes. Fighting to protect what was ours.
    My love and I led the village and the Tribe. The Tribe grew, and grew strong with our help. But all things come to an end. Our sons and daughters are now the leaders. I’m sure that the Tribe will continue to grow strong under the leadership of our children.
    My love perished years ago, and not a day goes by that I do not think of Pat’s face. I see it everytime I look at our children. This journal is our legacy to them, to their children, and to the rest of the Tribe. That is my story, and I am sticking to it."


  1. Fallout Bible p.20: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    "2063 August: The construction of most Vaults completed, except for Vault 13, whose construction finally gets off the ground... heralding a development cycle that seems plagued with problems. Drills begin in the other cities with completed Vaults, but the increasing frequency of the drills has a "cry wolf" effect, and the turnouts for drills trickle off as the years go on."
  2. Fallout Bible p.11: "VAULT SYSTEM"
    Vault 13: Intended to stay closed for 200 years as a study of prolonged isolation, the broken water chip forced the Overseer to improvise and use the Vault Dweller as a pawn. Later study of the Vault 13 records by the Enclave led them to their current plan to end the war."
  3. Fallout Bible p.26: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    "2162 March 3: Vault Dweller kicks the Master’s ass."
  4. Fallout Bible p.26: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    "2162 April 20: Vault Dweller destroys the Military Base. Dogmeat dies defending his master."
  5. Fallout Bible p.26: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    "2162 May 10: Fallout 1 Ends: Vault Dweller returns to Vault 13, only to be told "you're a hero, and you have to leave." Some members of the Vault (led by Lydia, the head of the "return to the surface" faction, and including her supporters, Theresa and Lyle) follow soon afterwards."



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