12号避难所(英文名:Vault 12)是避难所科技公司建造的避难所之一。它位于加州的贝克斯菲尔德,是战后在古城墓地的屍鬼定居点。
12号避难所建于庞大的贝克斯菲尔德大都市下,被宣传为"为未来的避难所居民考虑了所有便利设施",并且"配备了最新的避难所净水系统。甚至能够吸收位于 在贝克斯菲尔德的下水道中,该系统每天能够提供超过15,000加仑纯净、清爽的饮用水。"那些为这个特殊的避难所签约的人非常重视他们的准备工作,他们的努力获得了"紧身避难所套装"奖。[1]然而,避难所的真正目的是研究放射線对居民的影响。为确保这一点,避难所科技设计了不能关闭的避难所门。[2]
在2077年10月23日,贝克斯菲尔德的民众得知其他避难所已被密封。绝望之下,他们来到当地的避难所,强行进入以保护自己和家人。门按设计工作:辐射涌入; 那些幸存下来的人遭受了尸鬼化的折磨。[3]在2083年的夏天,幸存者将离开避难所。选择留下的人[4]建立了古城墓地。
下水道入口 (辐射)[]
- 避难所科技电梯贴花有一个拼写错误,写着Vaul Tek。
- ↑ Vault locations v34.129
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0 Vault system: "Vault 12 In order the study the effects of radiation on the selected population, the Vault Door was designed not to close. This is the Necropolis Vault... and the ghouls were the result."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2077 October 23 Necropolis Vault [Vault 12] never closes. Once it becomes known that the other vaults have sealed, people within Bakersfield attempt to force their way into Vault 12 to protect themselves and their families."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0 Answer me these questions three: "1. Why was it that so many ghouls left necropolis between Fallout 1 and 2 to settle in Broken Hills and Gecko? Is necropolis empty now? Also, why was it that Harold joined the ghouls? I remember him talking as if he weren't a ghoul; When you type in "ghouls" in the question box in the first Fallout he refers to the ghouls as "them"."
- Ghouls still have the human need to expand and move on - and in the 80+ years between Fallout 1 and 2, the ghouls spread out from Necropolis in all directions... and some had even left before the events in Fallout 1.
- Necropolis is not empty now; ghouls are still said to reside there, though Set is no longer their leader. It is not clear whether he is alive or dead.
- Harold joined the ghouls in Fallout 2 because Harold is a kindly sort who likes to help people - when he sees a group of people trying to make their way in the wasteland, he tries to step in and give them a leg up, especially when it can benefit life for everyone.
Wherever a key event in Fallout has occurred, Harold always seems to be right there in the middle of things, helping to push the world along and make it a better place. His wit is a little dry and raspy, but he's got a good heart. - Harold is not a ghoul, but he is a mutant. What happened to him inside the military base during his assault with Francine, Mark, and Richard Grey is unknown, but it is likely he was exposed to the FEV virus and changed. His last known memory after the attack was passing out then waking back up in the wasteland... changed."
- ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{Set}"
Ghoul leader: "{1100}{}{He tries to control Necropolis, and has forced us underground.}"
(LEADER.MSG) - ↑ Ghoul leader: "{101}{}{Thank you for not shooting first. Can I help you with anything?}"
The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{Yes, I'm looking for water.}"
Ghoul leader: "{111}{}{The surface of Necropolis and the water is controlled by Set and his Ghouls. We are a much more peaceful group - which disgusts Set.}"
The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{How do you survive down here without water?}"
Ghoul leader: "{119}{}{He does not speak of it, however Set is afraid of not having enough people to defend Necropolis if it ever needed it. So, he gives us what water we need.}"