
"Industrial Junk
Vault 11 has been abandoned for decades, though few people know the story of its terrible past.Fallout: New Vegas loading screen



11号避难所应该和其他避难所一样都在2060-2070年之间盖成的,跟大部分避难所一样有 社会实验的项目。实验中,11号避难所的居民被告知他们每年都要牺牲一名居民,否则避 难所将会杀死所有人。不过事实上,如果居民拒绝的话,避难所会播放“自动解决回应” ,这段讯息会称赞这种行为是“人性光辉的范例”,没有人会因此被杀。讯息还会告知大 门会立刻解锁,跟监督确认外头安全后便可出去。不过当11号避难所居民拒绝继续牺牲时 ,只剩下五个人了。


从电脑终端上收集到的证据可知,由于避难所每年要牺牲一个人,因此在监督任期结束时 ,他需要前往监督室底下的一间房间并被避难所电脑杀掉。电脑并没有指定死的人一定要 是监督,但在最早住入避难所的居民中只有监督知道死一人或全死的规定。在被告知规定 后,已经被封死在避难所里的居民在震惊与愤怒中,选择(被他们视为背叛者的)第一任 监督当地一位牺牲者,这个决定使的监督和牺牲者的位置合为一体,直到最后。

避难所中出现了数个投票团体,利用权力和影响力来操纵其他居民。在最后一次选举之前 ,最有影响力的选举团体叫做正义团,其领导人Roy Gottlieb逼迫一个名为Katherine Stone的人,如果她不对正义团的人提供性服务,那他们就会提名她的丈夫Nathan Stone 作为监督(找到的证据暗示Nathan曾在扑克牌局间不正常的对正义团成员连胜,因而得罪 了他们)。Katherine为了她的丈夫答应了,但令Stone家震惊的是,正义团仍然提名 Nathan作为监督。选举通常是选出最令人愤怒的人,候选人通常都由数个团体提名,而提 名Nathan的团体只有正义团,但正义团在避难所居民中掌握过半数的权力。

Katherine害怕她丈夫Nathen遭遇到死亡的命运,决定采取她唯一知道可行的办法来救他 :她开始暗杀正义团团员。在被抓到后,她立刻承认自己的罪行,不仅解释自己的计画还 说明理由:作为一个杀人犯,她很确定投票者会不选她丈夫而选她,因为这是“他们所能 依靠的”选择。

Katherine Stone就任监督后的第一个举动就是颁布“745号监督法规”,取消选举并告知 以后的监督都会用避难所电脑系统随机抽选。正义团骇然发现他们将会因此失去通过选举 而得到控制避难所的能力,不仅怕他们团员会被选上,还担心这会对避难所的社会结构造 成严重的损害,直到他们团员被抽到监督并能推翻法规时,他们的权力已经永久失去了。 他们决定发动一场武装政变逼迫Katherine收回成命,接下来的一系列战斗杀死了几乎所 有的居民,最后只剩下五个人活著。


玩家在避难所大门发现的第一卷录音带记录了这五人的命运。这五人以自杀的心情反抗避 难所电脑并拒绝做出任何牺牲,最后却发现他们的反抗行为正是电脑想看到的,电脑让他 们离开避难所并恭贺他们的无私行为。

在知道避难所实验的可怕事实后,这五人决定自杀以对以往发生在避难所的事情自我处罚 ,并避免外界知道这令人羞愧的行为。不过并不是五人意见都一致,录音带录下了一场争 论:被称为“声音一”的人试著说服其他人(三男一女)离开避难所,声音二(女)、三 (被称为Harry)、四和五则在发现实验真相后想要自杀。虽然声音一试著说服其他人离 开避难所并告诉世界这里发生的事情使之引以为鉴,但在录音带的最后录下了四声枪声、 声音一的叹息和枪落地的声音。最后留下的是在避难所入口的四具尸体和一把10mm手枪。



In 2281 the reactor and the water purification system of Vault 11 has been damaged by age and the destruction from a civil war among the dwellers. Radioactivity, and especially radioactive water, are some of the hazards of the vault. It is therefore advisable to pack some RadAway and Rad-X when journeying to Vault 11. Since portions of the vault are under water, you may want to head over to Nellis Air Force Base and acquire the rebreather (from the quest, Volare!) that allows you to breathe under water before entering this vault, although there are also air pockets in the flooded areas. Other than the radiation on the lower levels, the only enemies you will encounter inside the vault are giant mantises, giant rats and two bark scorpions just inside the entrance from the Mojave Wasteland.

Prior to entering the vault, there is a hollowed out rock on the right as you approach the outer door. 进入避难所的通道内爬满了不同体型的辐射蝎, 打开避难所大门会见到一个比东海岸的避难所更大的门厅。 Four skeletons lie on the floor here. 一台在门口附近,仍在工作的电脑终端允许玩家读取一份关于这所避难所最终命运的声音资料。在下一个通道交叉点深处是医务室,交叉点左边的路是条死路,通往教室;右边的走廊通往下层的居住区。

The stairs nearest the entrance hall lead to a floor containing a lab, and more stairs down. The stairs on the opposite end lead to a floor containing a computer room. One of the computers is booby-trapped, and will explode if you try to access it.

The entire vault has been plastered with propaganda for an election for a new Overseer, but each candidate is expressing outrage at having been nominated and trying to point out not only their innocence but why the other candidates deserve to be Overseer for their sins. Deeper in the vault, sandbag barricades, multiple traps, and several skeletons indicate that there had been prolonged fighting at some point.


顺著楼梯下去会到达一个大房间,左右两侧是男女宿舍区,剩下的那个门通往警卫室和下层。宿舍区是由一系列互相连通的单间组成,也是唯一能在衣柜里找到11 号避难所服装的地方。在这里有一台上锁的电脑终端,破解以后能听到另一份声音记录,而密码就在几步之外的一个柜子里。





钢铁兄弟会的任务“Still in the Dark”中,需要一个任务物品,叫做“差分压力控制器”。它就在那条被辐射的水浸淹的走廊中间的房间里的一个柜子里(具体位置是在你必须撬开一个中等难度的门锁并且游过被完全淹没的反应堆区之前的地方)。




在抬脚进入所长室之前请小心,这里有个绊线陷阱。利用之前得到的密码登陆所长电脑可以开启牺牲室。它被隐藏在椅子下。进入以后会是一条长长的,保存完好的走廊,与避难所其馀锈迹斑斑的地方形成了鲜明对比。在这里游戏会自动存档(不是一般的那种自动存档,而是一个另外的存档),一个事先录好的声音会在玩家接近一个充满阳光,而实际只是四盏三角架聚光灯发光的房间时响起,给玩家进行解说和指示。在这间房间里面有另外一道门开启,通向一个中间摆放了一把椅子,还有一台投影仪的房间。在影片完结时,墙壁会消失,墙上的隐藏门会打开,一群机器人和自动机枪会杀掉玩家。如果你在影片放完的时候还傻坐在椅子上的话,那你多半会被打成马蜂窝。如果玩家先前在34号避难所(Vault 34)的军火库内拿到了脉冲枪(Pulse Gun)的话,那么这场战斗会非常简单,一枪就可以崩了它们。或者你可以戴上隐身小子,确保不碰到任何机器人和机枪塔,蹲下来偷偷溜到旁边的房间,登录主机解开门锁下载资料后逃命。

Sacrificial Chamber slide1.jpg|"Congratulations, martyr, your fantastic journey is only just beginning. Please proceed to the light. The light is calming and puts your mind at ease. Go to the light. Welcome, please sit in the chair. The show is about to begin."

Sacrificial Chamber slide2.jpg|"Greeting, martyr, and welcome! If you're here now, it means you've been offered up as a sacrifice so that your vault can continue to thrive. Currently, you may be feeling sad or angry. Perhaps you never got to have grandkids, or to enjoy the pleasures of a fresh cigar. But march with your chin held high, soldier, and remember that each of us has an important role to play."

Sacrificial Chamber slide3.jpg|"For some people, their role might be to heal the sick. For others, it might mean they will drive a race car, or fly a rocket ship. And some of us are meant to forfeit our lives for the good of the people. Sure, it might not be as fun as driving a race car, but it's every bit as important."

Sacrificial Chamber slide4.jpg|"Let's take a moment to reflect on the moments that made your life worth living. Think about that time you kissed your steady girl for the first time under the bleachers at the big game. Or when you snuck out after curfew to catch that new flick that your parents wouldn't let you see because it was too scary. Boy, were they right! And who could forget when you met the love of your life. What a looker! These are just examples."

Sacrificial Chamber slide5.jpg|"Do you feel that feeling stirring in your chest as you think of these things? Good. What you are feeling is peace. You've led a great life - living it has been its own reward. But, it is only the beginning."

Sacrificial Chamber slide.jpg|"Close your eyes now and imagine what joys await you in the next life - the afterlife. Can you see them? Good."


  • 在生活区(安全部分)的一扇被困难上锁的门后面,有小型核弹(Mini nuke),实际上是随机物品。
  • 在下层被淹没地区的一个水下衣物拒有差压控制器
  • 一份叫做《监察人员Gus Ollson的演讲稿,供年度监督者选举》全息磁带,放在下层中庭的一个平台上。它还充当了监督者终端的密码
  • 生活区有一本《拳击画刊》,放在女宿舍右侧的第二扇门中,一个倒下梳妆台里。
  • 一本《骑士的传说》(Tales of Chivalrie)在男士和女士宿舍之间共同的区域里的一个衣柜里。(随机物品,不一定在那)
  • 从第二间房左拐到房间正门的左侧,有2本 Milsurp Review (随机物品,不一定在那)。
  • 在宿舍里至少有22套11号避难所工作服。
  • 在厨房里的食堂后面有一个寄存箱,放置了许多种食物。
  • 在下层你第一次走到没膝的水深处,可以发现顶上有一台机器 (可能用于净水) 有六个非常罕见的猎枪弹药盒,12ga,每个包含12发弹壳。


  • 仍在黑暗中 - find the differential pressure controller, one of the parts needed to repair Hidden Valley's air filtration system.
  • 无为的民主 -在避难所入口放著一个磁带(holotaape)、一把10毫米手枪(10mm pistol)和四具尸体。探索这些尸体的命运是这个任务的目标。
  • Suits You, Sarah - Collecting suits throughout the vault for Sarah.


  • The background music is Industrial Junk, which was originally used for Junktown in Fallout, and Gecko in Fallout 2.
  • Failing to take the differential pressure controller with you when you leave Vault 11 can result in failing the quest Still in the Dark.
  • 值得注意的是,由于在这个避难所里的Giant Rats的数量过于庞大,导致在将Rex带进避难所时,他会不时咆哮著在水里走动,直到所有该地区里的Rats死亡.当Rex这样做时,玩家通常无法与他对话,如果在与他的同伴轮盘里选择对话选项,Rex会回复尖锐的声音
  • 在一间教室处右拐,避难所休息室的一部分里(刚过避难所大门处,在第一个走廊左拐),有一具NCR步兵的尸体
  • 当你面对著从隧道入口通往莫哈维废土的门时,方向为正南;不过当你其实离开避难所时,大门面对东南方向
  • 11号避难所出现在了辐射:新维加斯的开场电影里
  • When closed, the vault number on the main door doesn't light up like the rest of the vault doors.
  • If you have the Wild Wasteland perk, the rodents of unusual size can appear in here.
  • In the sacrificial chamber, after the presentation is finished and the doors open up, there are 16 skeletons on the ground.
  • South of the vault, on the edge of the El Dorado dry lake, a worn billboard for the Lucky 38 can be found. On it is the number 11 next to a torn section of the billboard, if positioned right, the tear will line up with the entrance to Vault 11 on the other side of the dry lake.
  • Though the first audio log is ambiguous as to the fate of the fifth survivor, a male NPC identified as "Vault 11 survivor" exists in the resources of Fallout: New Vegas. Though he was ultimately cut prior to the release of the game, the presence of the NPC points to the at least immediate survival of the last person heard on the audio log.




  • Vault 11 was designed by Eric Fenstermaker.
  • 避难所也许在施行一个“米尔格伦服从实验”的改版。该实验涉及到测试受测者,在遭遇权威者下达违背良心的命令时,人性所能发挥的拒绝力量到底有多少。
Vault 11 Milgram experiment
Welcome. Please sit in the chair. The show is about to begin. Please continue.
The show requires that you sit in the chair. The experiment requires that you continue.
It is absolutely essential that you sit in the chair. It is absolutely essential that you continue.
You have no other choice. You must sit in the chair. You have no other choice. You must go on.
  • 11号避难所里发生的事件可能参考了一篇短篇小说《摸彩(The Lottery)》 ,作者是Shirley Jackson。小说里,每年举办一次抽奖活动,而“中奖”的人将被乱石打死。乱石砸死的现象也是为了保障社会的稳定发展和繁荣。
  • 避难所里牺牲的程序非常像电影《超世纪碟杀案》里实施安乐死的场景。
  • 带有“我恨奈特”("I Hate Nate")字样的海报直接引用于美国总统德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔发起的“我爱艾森豪威尔”("I Like Ike") 运动。
  • 和其他相似的故事一样,这个避难所是对直接民主的一个讽喻;缺少法律、个人权利、政治权利的平等,和正当实施法律的程序;亦没有任何保障措施来防止如“个人牺牲”这类性质的事件发生。
  • 牺牲程序也类似电影《Moon》的一幕。片中主角观看一部影片,解说他已经取得了巨大的成就,做了许多伟大的事,现在他可以好好的休息了。


  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在牺牲室里有一个经验值的小BUG,如果你在旁边的房间里登录主机不停地点击最下面的选项,每次你都会获得500经验值,但是你可能没法退出主机然后再继续。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The giant mantis appear to be extremely large here, to the point where they get stuck on the terrain and furniture.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 There is a dresser in the center north area of the male dorm which does not show as empty, but which contains nothing.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC一旦你通过了祭祀厅的考验,就可能导致关卡 "豪斯永远是赢家,6"失败,任务告知你已经送豪斯去死了。这个错误会发生在你和同伴一起进入时,所以最好让他们在祭祀厅外的隧道等待。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 It is possible for ED-E to be knocked unconscious and disappear, but still appear on the world map as if in the vault.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 There are lockers that appear as though they have something in them. However when they are opened, they turn out to be empty. This is similar to the Xbox glitch mentioned above with the dresser.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The infinite XP glitch will work by transferring mantis forelegs back and forth from a giant mantis corpse, or between a companion.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC当你在避难所内保存,再重新载入后,你的同伴有可能消失。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Saving after beginning the descent down the stairs to the sacrificial chamber causes the quest to stop responding when you reload that saved game. The first time the quest will trigger and finish, upon loading the saved game, you can walk all the way to the end of the hallway, but the movie will not start and there will not be a blinding light as you enter the final room. (Have not checked by exiting and reentering the vault. That may reset it entirely).[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The Stealth Boy in the locked security room may not spawn.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC The NCRMP appears suddenly in the cafeteria. They speak briefly then attack for no reason.[已验证]


Template:Navbox Vault 11
