

The Mass Fusion executive suite is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287. The Sole Survivor is teleported to the area as part of the Mass Fusion quest. In the Brotherhood of Steel version of the quest (Spoils of War), the player character is dropped off there by vertibird.


The suite is comprised of the upper levels of the Mass Fusion building in downtown Boston. A series of rooms with an elevator leading down to the Mass Fusion building. It also has a reactor room.


  • 麻州核融合廠高層ID卡 - in a desk up the stairs. Gives the user access to the elevator.
  • 麻州核融合廠主管實驗室密碼 - in the same desk as the ID card. Gives access to executive research lab terminal.
  • 奧斯陸辦公室紀錄 on a table next to the executive research lab terminal.


  • The elevator ID card needed for the Mass Fusion quest does not spawn until the player character begins the quest.
  • By jumping off the top of the building towards the southeast, it is possible to land in Goodneighbor. Instead of continuing to fall, one may arrive at the entrance.
  • On patch version 1.9 (PC), the executive suite cannot be discovered until the quest The Nuclear Option reaches its conclusion.


The Mass Fusion executive suite only appears in Fallout 4.


  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One If a companion is dismissed while on the roof of the building, they will remain there until retrieved.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Provisioners may become stuck on the roof where they will remain indefinitely. Their supply line remains active, however.[已验证]

