This location consists of a super mutant camp located between two small ponds where nuclear waste has been dumped. The two ponds are highly irradiated, but the lake behind the camp contains normal radiation levels. The barrels that are not in the water— including the ones on the trailer— do not emit radiation, however. A truck with a trailer full of barrels that never got dumped before the bombs fell can be seen between the irradiated ponds.
超級變種人手部裹帶 - 在依著樹建立的塔哨底部,彈藥盒旁。
Mini nuke - in the large tire next to the yellow digging machine. It is difficult to obtain, a frag grenade may dislodge it to the side to be able to pick it up from there.
The Mass Fusion disposal site only appears in Fallout 4.
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