

麥蒂森·黎博士(英文名:Doctor Madison Li)(学院用户名Li.M)[1]是废土上的主要人物和最杰出的科学家之一。

她是在她监管的鉚釘城科學實驗室里被发现在辐射3 ,,由于她在核聚变方面的经验,她在游戏故事中扮演了重要角色。她从游戏中消失了在辐射3扩展包断钢 ,在主要游戏事件之后,前往联邦,在那里她遇到了学院先进系统部门的负责人在辐射4



麥蒂森遇到詹姆斯凯瑟琳时,还是一个年轻、理想主义的科学家。她完全投入到净水计划的想法中,就像其他加入他们的科学家一样,不知疲倦地工作以完成它。[2][3]在他们的工作过程中,她对詹姆斯产生了浪漫的感情,但出于对詹姆斯和凯瑟琳婚姻的尊重,她把这种感情藏了起来。虽然这使她对他们的看法变得紧张,但她与他们的职业关系从未改变。[4]该计划面临着复杂和频繁的超级变种人攻击,但钢铁兄弟会的支持使他们取得了进展,尽管麥蒂森个人并不信任该组织。[Non-game 1][5]

即使有兄弟会的帮助,事情很快就开始走下坡路,超级变种人的攻击不断加剧,大规模的水净化工作也遇到了障碍。此前,凯瑟琳的怀孕激励着团队更加努力地工作,但现在却成为了突破点。当凯瑟琳临产时,麥蒂森安全地接生了她的孩子,但凯瑟琳在分娩过程中去世了。后来,詹姆斯为了孩子的安全选择放弃了净水计划。麥蒂森对凯瑟琳之死的悲痛变成了她仍然爱着的詹姆斯对她的背叛,而剩下的成员之间的关系很快就分裂了,不仅仅是因为麥蒂森不喜欢兄弟会。他们最后都离开了,放弃了净水计划。[Non-game 1][3][6][7][8]


在2259年左右离开净水计划后,麥蒂森前往鉚釘城,因为她听说霍勒斯·平克顿在那里建立了一个蓬勃发展的科学社区。尽管放弃了这个项目,她并没有放弃它的使命,继续她的水净化研究。平克顿不同意她的看法,认为这是浪费时间。在多次争论和分歧之后,平克顿离开了铆钉城,开始住在船头,全城的人都认为他已经失踪了。[9]在他离开后,麥蒂森进入了铆钉城议会,并成为了铆钉城的首席科学家,[10]组织科学实验室,指导员工从事水培法、水净化和便携式核聚变能源的研究。[11]他们开始种植健康、无辐射的农产品,比如新鲜苹果。她在那里的工作持续了18年,在这段时间里,她变得"更老,更聪明,也更愤世嫉俗"。[Non-game 1]















Perk nociception regulator color
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
Icon severed ear color



  • 如果独行者在完成银河新闻电台任务之前杀死了三狗,玩家角色将需要与麥蒂森交谈以继续剧情。


  • 如果独行者在进入净水计划前通过了口才检查,麥蒂森会奖励他们5支治疗针
  • 在逃到大本營后,麥蒂森要求独行者让她一个人呆着,她将无法与人交谈。进入87号避难所并开始找到伊甸园将使她可以再次对话。



FO76 ui icon quest


  • 學院化: 圣父派独存者去和包括麥蒂森在内的各部门负责人谈话。然后,她在独存者的嗶嗶小子中安装了一个追猎者芯片,允许他们使用学院传送。这就完成了任务。
  • 重新定義人類: 麥蒂森出席董事会会议时,圣父透露他即将死去,并指定独存者作为他的继任者。
  • 启动: 当决定摧毁钢铁兄弟会时,麥蒂森出席了董事会会议。
  • 飞船坠落: 麥蒂森将告诉独存者关于摧毁普利德溫號的任务,并将他们引导到萝莎琳·奥曼那里了解更多细节。
  • 來自內部: 麦克森长老知道麥蒂森在为学院工作,想让她再次与兄弟会合作。可以通过一系列的口才检查,或者给她"Brian Virgil personal log 0176",以说服她离开学院。
    • 如果麥蒂森被说服离开,那么伊凡·华生将会代替她继续在学院的任务中出现(参考上面的列表)。
  • 自由至尊再起: 独存者将协助麥蒂森和英格兰姆督学完成修复自由至尊的任务,收集机器人重新激活所需的材料。


  • 核能选项中摧毁了学院之后,与麥蒂森交谈会让她愤怒地面对独存者,谴责兄弟会用自由至尊背叛了她,并拒绝进一步与他们交谈。
  • 麥蒂森可以根据任务尚未完成维吉尔的血清了解维吉尔的命运。如果治愈了,她会感谢你让她知道。如果被杀,她会问发生了什么事,并谴责独存者,除非被告知他是自杀。


  • 在完成重新定義人類后,麥蒂森将会对圣父任命独存者为继任者的决定进行严厉的评论。
  • 在完成启动后,麥蒂森将进行关于学院反应堆的环境对话,以及她(初步)批准独存者担任理事。
  • 在完成核子家庭之后,麥蒂森将会进行对话,表达对圣父去世的同情和对领导层稳定变化的期望。


服装 武器 其他 物品
Doctor Li's outfit 小刀 黎博士的钥匙
服装 武器 其他 物品
Blue Institute division head coat
Science scribe's armor



  • 麥蒂森有一个独特的发型,其他NPC没有使用过,Cherry也是如此。但是与Cherry不同的是,如果玩家角色是女性,则可以选择她的发型"The Sophisticate"。
  • 她房间的门总是锁着的,必须解锁才能进去。
  • 与铆钉城居民私人宿舍的大多数床不同,麥蒂森的床被归类为无主床。这有时会导致NPC徒劳地出现在她的门口,试图进入开放的床,或者在他们被分配的睡眠时间在她的房间里刷出(把他们困在里面)。


  • 杀死麥蒂森是可能的。然而,杀死她会使兄弟会对玩家角色产生敌意,即使他们在最后站在兄弟会一边。
  • 只要麥蒂森自己不被攻击,她不会在学院人员受到攻击时变得有敌意。
  • 她是辐射3中为数不多的在辐射4中再次出现的角色之一。其他例子包括亞瑟·麥克森羅伯特·約瑟夫·麥奎迪





麥蒂森·黎出现在辐射3 辐射4辐射:避难所辐射:避难所Online辐射:废土战争。黎也在辐射3扩展包断钢中被提及。


  • 麥蒂森·黎在英文版辐射3辐射4中由詹妮弗·梅西配音。
    • 在这两款游戏的日文版中,她的配音都是由海田裕子配音的,她也在日文版的辐射:新维加斯中为維羅尼卡·聖安傑洛配音。
    • 在西班牙版的辐射3中,她的配音是由Yolanda Mateos配音的,她也在西班牙版的死钱中为克莉絲汀·羅伊斯配音。Mateos并没有在辐射4中再次出演这个角色,因为在这部作品中,麥蒂森的西班牙语配音是没有记录的。


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 如果玩家说服她加入兄弟会,但随后摧毁了学院和兄弟会,以及普利德溫號和机场,她就会站在普利德溫號被烧毁的尸体上,穿着她的BoS服装,表现得好像她从未离开过学院,而独存者则成为了学院的主管。[已验证]







  1. Institute Advanced Systems terminal entries; terminal, Research Proposals
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "What was my father like back then?"
    Doctor Li: "James? He was very driven. Determined to change the world. Well, we all were back then, I suppose. When she died, I think... I think he gave up. I know he wanted to keep you safe, but I think part of what he did was run away. He was focused on two things, really. Making Project Purity work, and your mother. But it seems that he never really was able to get over the idea. I'm frankly shocked that he waited all this time, and wants to try again."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Lone Wanderer: "Where's my father? Tell me now!"
    Doctor Li: "Calm down, calm down! What are you doing here? James said you were still in the Vault. Look, this is all terribly irrational. Your father just shows up here as if nothing happened... He walked out on us. I know he had his reasons, I know it was to protect you, but still. Project Purity was our life. It was the only thing that mattered, and then he just gave up. He abandoned us, and we were forced to move on. I've already told him that it's over. There's no going back. Project Purity was a failure, and he needs to move on."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "So you knew my mother?"
    Doctor Li: "Yes, I did. I'm sorry that you never had time with her. She was... She was a good woman. We didn't always agree, but I respected her work as a scientist. Your father... He loved her very much."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  5. Project Purity journal: entry 1
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "You know my father? Have you seen him?"
    Doctor Li: "Well yes, of course I do. Don't you know who I am? I suppose James never told you. Typical. I am Doctor Madison Li. I worked with your father many years ago. Your mother as well, in fact. You'll have to forgive me. This has all been very stressful, what with your father suddenly showing up here after being gone for so long. You have to understand that I... We put all of that behind us. Project Purity, our work, all of it. We've moved on, even if your father hasn't."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What was my father like back then?"
    Doctor Li: "You happened. It wasn't just you; we had more problems than we could handle already, but your birth is what finally pushed it over the edge. Your father decided that you were more important than everything we'd been working for, and he left. He left all of us. Once he was gone, the Brotherhood decided we weren't worth their time anymore. Without their protection, we had to abandon the purifier."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  8. Project Purity journal: entry 8
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "You ever hear of someone named Pinkerton?"
    Doctor Li: "That idiot? He left so long ago, most folk don't even remember him. He claimed to have found a secret stash of technology somewhere in the ship. Then he just disappeared."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "So, you used to be in charge? How did you end up here?"
    Horace Pinkerton: "That lasted until 'bout 18 years ago, when those ambitious backbiters like Li and her little team showed up. She came in with her big "Purity Project" pipe dream, and my whole staff started working with her, those traitors! She even took my seat on the council. By then, I was glad to leave it behind. But hell if I'm leaving the city I made great!"
    (Horace Pinkerton's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "What is this lab? What are you doing here?"
    Doctor Li: "This is the Rivet City Science lab. It's taken many long years to put together, but we've done well for ourselves. Our work on portable fusion power and hydroponics are coming along quite nicely, if not quite according to schedule."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Zimmer?"
    Doctor Li: "Sigh. That man doesn't have you looking for his pet android, does he? I've already told him to lay off it. He's distracting my entire team."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm looking for my father. I know he was here."
    Doctor Li: "Well, yes... He was, but he left. He made some rather ridiculous requests of me, and I told him I couldn't help him. He said he'd work alone if he had to, and went back to the lab. You haven't seen him?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "His notes said something about Vault 112. Do you know where it is?"
    Doctor Li: "No, I don't. I'm sorry. Is this something to do with Dr. Braun? He kept talking about it while he was here. I told him it was a lost cause. The whole project is a lost cause. I wish he could see that. It's been too long. It's too late to go back."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "You seem very happy. Is there anything I should know?"
    Doctor Li: "No, of course not. I am simply glad that our work can continue. James is essential to the project. That's all. Really."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  16. Doctor Li: "James, this is wrong. You can't do this."
    Dad: "Madison, please. Now's not the time. I'll get the information the Colonel needs, but I need you to..."
    Doctor Li: "I won't help you do this James. Not after everything it took to get here."
    Dad: "I need you to monitor the output levels on pumps three and four. Please step over to the panel and keep an eye on them, will you?"
    Doctor Li: "What? What are you talking about? That doesn't even make any sense..."
    Dad: "Madison, please. It's very important that you do this right now. Just step over to the panel while I access the computer in the control booth."
    Doctor Li: "James, I..."
    Dad: "Please. Just monitor the pumps."
    Note: This is a conversation between James and Dr. Li inside Project Purity during The Waters of Life.
    (Madison Li's and James' dialogue in Fallout 3)
  17. The Lone Wanderer: "What the hell just happened?"
    Doctor Li: "James... Your father caused an overload. He sacrificed himself to keep the Enclave from getting the purifier, and to buy us time to escape. There'll be more of them coming. We need to get out of here before they find us, or else your father died in vain."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  18. Doctor Li: "I... I need to rest. Lie down, or something. This is just too much. Rothchild should help you. But don't forget that he's Brotherhood. I've never trusted them. Be careful what you tell them."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "What are you doing now?"
    Doctor Li: "I'm assisting Rothchild with some of his research. I've worked with portable generators more extensively than he has. I don't really care for the idea that this is supporting some gigantic military robot, but given the state of things, I recognize the need for it."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3)
  20. 20.0 20.1 The Sole Survivor: "Why did you leave the Brotherhood in the first place?"
    Dr. Li: "I was tired of being stepped on and used by the Brotherhood. First there was the water purification project, designed to freely benefit the entire Capital Wasteland. Even though the Brotherhood allowed it to be activated, they wanted to control it. Then there were other, more classified projects. Always using my work as weapons of war. I simply had enough."
    Note: This dialogue option appears during From Within when talking to Dr. Li after bringing her evidence of Virgil's fate.
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  21. Sentinel Lyons: "Doctor Li? It's Sarah Lyons. I'm in the control room; we're both here. What's going on?"
    Doctor Li: "I've been monitoring the equipment remotely, and we have a serious problem. The facility has been damaged during the fighting. Some of it looks accidental; some of it may have been sabotage. There's pressure building up in the holding tanks. It needs to be released now, or else the whole facility could explode. To release the pressure, you're going to have to turn the purifier on. Do you understand me? It has to be turned on NOW. If I'm reading this right, I'm afraid there are lethal levels of radiation inside the chamber. I'm sorry. I wish there were some other way, but there's just no time. It has to be done now, or the damage will be catastrophic."
    Note: This is a conversation between Sentinel Lyons and Doctor Li (over an intercom) inside Project Purity during Take it Back!.
    (Sarah Lyons' and Madison Li's dialogue in Falllout 3)
  22. The Lone Wanderer: "Where's Doctor Li?"
    Scribe Bigsley: "Tch. She apparently decided to pursue "more interesting projects" up north in the Commonwealth. The real reason is that she couldn't handle us Scribes "improving" upon her work. She's the kind of woman who needs to be in charge of EVERYTHING. Good luck to her out there in the Wasteland; it's a long walk to the Commonwealth. Can't say she'll be missed."
    (Scribe Bigsley's dialogue)
  23. The Sole Survivor: "Why would we want you dead?"
    Dr. Li: "I did some pretty sensitive work for the Brotherhood of Steel. Even though Lyons let me go, there were a few others in the ranks that thought I knew too much. That's why I came to the Institute. It was only place that I thought I'd be out of the Brotherhood's reach and still be able to do my research."
    Note: This is part of a dialogue choice when meeting Madison during From Within.
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  24. The Lone Wanderer: "Where's Doctor Li?"
    Daniel Agincourt: "You haven't heard? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She basically folded. After the purifier was started, she decided she'd had enough, and headed up north. Said she was looking for the Commonwealth. Like she'd ever make it on her own."
    (Daniel Agincourt's dialogue)
  25. The Lone Wanderer: "Where's Doctor Li?"
    Alex Dargon: "Oh. Well, she... After what happened to you when the purifier started, I think she just kind of had enough. It was really hard on her, you know? First losing your dad, and then the Enclave, and then the Brotherhood taking over here. It was really just too much for her. So I guess she packed up a few things and headed off north, towards the Commonwealth. Rumor has it there's a scientific community up there. I sure hope she finds what she's looking for."
    (Alex Dargon's dialogue)
  26. 26.0 26.1 Dr. Li: "They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went. All those years of loyalty... for nothing."
    The Sole Survivor: "Now you know that Father is a liar. He doesn't deserve to have you here."
    Dr. Li: "And I'll never forgive him for it. I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood... from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace. Father took me in and gave me access to cutting edge technology that I only dreamed existed. I became jaded. I thought that the Institute cared. That they wanted to better mankind. Maybe in their own twisted way, they still do. But now I realize if you can't trust the people you're working for, then it's all pointless. If they lied about Doctor Virgil, who knows what else they've been lying about... or what their plans are for my work."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  27. Institute Advanced Systems terminal entries; terminal, Personal Notes
  28. 28.0 28.1 The Sole Survivor: "Father trusts me, and so should you."
    Dr. Li: "He trusts you because you're family. I'm not. I can't just take your word for it... I need more than that."
    The Sole Survivor: "The Brotherhood has always been straight with you."
    Dr. Li: "I am getting a bit tired of all the secrets here. Sometimes I feel like Father isn't being straight with me... like there are things I'm not supposed to know about. I don't like that. But still, how can I turn my back on all of this?"
    The Sole Survivor: "Your work could be instrumental in freeing the Commonwealth."
    Dr. Li: "*Sigh* You really know how to push my buttons, don't you. You know, I never understood why the Institute was so damn selfish. All those innocent people up there... dying. And here I am surrounded by technology that could make their lives better. Yet we hide down here and insulate ourselves from everything and everyone. It's not right... it's not right. I'll make my way back to the Brotherhood, but I'm going to have to do it on my own. I can't take any chances being seen with you. Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Doctor Madison Li."
    Note: These are the successful responses in a series of persuasion checks which occur when meeting Madison Li during From Within.
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  29. Advanced system notes
  30. Institute Advanced Systems terminal entries; terminal, Personal Notes
  31. The Sole Survivor: "Are you happy here?"
    Dr. Li: "[SUCCESS] You'd think being surrounded by cutting edge laboratory equipment and some of the greatest minds the world's ever known would be enough. Only problem is the lack of transparency. I don't think we get the full story on everything that occurs down here. What does that have to do with why we're talking?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  32. The Sole Survivor: "I give up. What would it take to convince you?"
    Dr. Li: "All right, I'll play your game. I had a colleague down here... a Doctor Virgil. Several months ago, there was an accident in his lab, and he was killed. I wanted to help with the investigation, but Father had the laboratory sealed saying that it was contaminated. The incident never sat right with me. The more I asked about it, the more I felt like Father was deflecting my questions. If you bring me solid information on what killed him, I'll take it as a favor from the Brotherhood, and consider your offer. Do we have a deal?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  33. The Sole Survivor: "I know this may come as a shock, but Doctor Virgil is still alive. I met him myself."
    Dr. Li: "Oh, please. Do you really think a cheap tactic like that is going to work on someone like me? Stop trying to avoid the legwork by lying. Either you get me the evidence or we have nothing else to talk about. Deal?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  34. The Sole Survivor: "Is everything okay, Doctor Li? You seem pretty tense."
    Dr. Li: "Yes, things are... it's fine. I'm sorry. I don't socialize much. I prefer to focus on my work. I hope you appreciate the responsibility that will come with being the director of the Institute. Now, what do you need?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)
  35. Rosalind: "I've been thinking about unified field theory and I had a few insights that I wanted to discuss."
    Dr. Li: "I have to admit, you're the fastest learner I've ever known. At the rate you're going, it'll be you that's teaching all of us."
    Rosalind: "Oh, I plan to do a lot more than that. I intend to be running the Institute before I'm forty."
    Dr. Li: "I'm sure you will. Maybe you can change the motto to "Womankind - redefined.""
    Rosalind: "I like it!"
    Note: This is one randomized set of lines in the AdvSys5 dialogue scene.
    (Rosalind Orman's and Madison Li's dialogue)
  36. The Sole Survivor: "Tell me about the people in your division."
    Dr. Li: "I'm not sure what there is to say. Doctor Watson is the Specialist Projects Lead Scientist. He's... how to put it... very organized and precise. Doctor Orman is the youngest scientists in the Institute, and she's something of a prodigy when it comes to physics."
    (Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 4)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.69-70: "Doctor Madison Li
    Doctor Madison Li, 48, was a young, idealistic scientist who fully bought into the notion of Project Purity. She worked tirelessly with your father, and hid her growing romantic feelings while respecting his marriage to another scientist. When your mother was killed, Doctor Li was filled with remorse, but when the player's father decided to abandon Project Purity to keep his child safe, her sadness was replaced with a powerful sense of betrayal. Eighteen years later, she is older, wiser, and much more cynical."
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal