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The turbo plasma rifle is an energy weapon that appears in Fallout and Fallout 2.
The P94 is a bulky, industrial-grade energy caster powered by microfusion cells. The superheated plasma bolt forms in a special chamber, then is sent down a superconducting barrel and stabilized by electromagnetic claws upon exiting it.
This version has the plasma bolt chamber hot-wired to accelerate the bolt formation process, resulting in an increase in the rate of fire.
At the low action-point cost of only 4 AP for every shot averaging 52.5 Hit Points of damage, the Winchester P94 turbo plasma rifle is virtually unrivaled in Damage Per Action Point among single-shot weapons. Only the alien blaster, which has an extremely short range, does more.
The Winchester P94 turbo plasma rifle also delivers unparalleled damage for each microfusion cell and has good accuracy at range. That range, though by no means short at 35 hexes, might be considered the weapon's only, if minor, drawback, since the big laser weapons have 5 to 10 hexes more.
Fallout 2[]
In Fallout 2, the Winchester P94 turbo plasma rifle's action point cost was increased to the standard 5 per shot, presumably to keep its combat value from eclipsing that of the game's new high-end energy rifle. All its other stats were kept intact.
The turbo plasma rifle is one of the most reliable, well-rounded Energy Weapons in the game. Though outclassed by some of the new rifles in Damage Per Action Point, it does not suffer from any of their drawbacks. Its range is reasonable, its accuracy good, its ammo type plentiful, and it does decent to good damage against anything the player might encounter, averaging 52.5 HP per shot against soft targets, 24.5 against medium-armored targets, and 14 against maximally armored targets, with the potential to exceed 250 HP with a good critical hit to the eyes.
- In Fallout, the turbo plasma rifle can be obtained from Smitty after helping fix the hydroponic farms in Adytum. One must already have a plasma rifle. When given the rifle, Smitty hotwires it.
Fallout 2[]
- The plasma rifle can simply be upgraded by anyone who does so (preferably by Algernon in New Reno).
- Used by a member of Granite's squad.
- Used by robbers inside caverns.