關於an overview of advanced power armor models,參見Advanced power armor
關於an overview of various models of power armor,參見Power armor
關於the armor as it appears in Fallout: New Vegas,參見Remnants power armor

You look like you belong in a battle mech game. This is Fallout 2. Perhaps you opened the wrong folder on your hard drive?— One of Orville Wright's sons

The advanced power armor, also known as the Mark II powered combat armor,[1] is a piece of armor in Fallout 2.


The development of the first suit of advanced power armor, designated X-01, began shortly before the Great War. The first test batch of the armor, designated X-01 Mk I, was developed for presidential bodyguards,[2] and served as the baseline for the remnants of the United States military, who developed it into a power armor tailored for the post-War wasteland.[3][4] It represented a radical, new approach to designing powered armor, eschewing traditional armor design philosophies, but was never deployed in larger quantities until the 23rd century. Work on the model was restarted by the Enclave in 2198, although it wasn't until 2215 that the research efforts began in earnest under a presidential mandate, with the first production model created in 2220.

The X-01 advanced powered infantry combat armor is designed for a single human operator, provided with the comfort and protection of a next-generation suit of armor. While the T-51 power armor relied on a lightweight poly-laminate composite shell for protection, the advanced model uses lightweight metal alloys as a basis, reinforced with ceramic castings at key points. The resulting space savings allowed for reducing the armor's profile without compromising protection. Classic power armor pauldrons were retired in favor of a hump that encloses the operator's head, significantly reducing the chance of enemy fire damaging the vital areas surrounding the head. Perhaps the most noticeable change was a completely new helmet assembly. The unusual, insect-like design features a pair of polarized eyepieces in place of the usual vision slit, providing superior battlefield awareness. Its angled surfaces also help maximize the chance of outright deflecting projectiles and incoming fire.[5][Non-game 1]

The basic hydraulics system and servo-motors that provide the operator with enhanced strength are also high-quality models, with improved performance as opposed to the original T-51b.[5] Additional features include an auto-gyro and the ability to lock them in position, allowing the suit to be stored upright (or the operator to take a nap while on guard duty),[Non-game 2] an air conditioning system for comfort,[Non-game 3] a radio headset[6], and an urine-recycling system carried over from the T-51b, allowing the operator to survive for weeks without water.[7]

The combination of superior protection, mobility, and strength gave the Enclave a considerable advantage over wastelanders. Enclave's insignia was proudly worn on the breastplates of armors,[8] while rank indicators were typically placed on the arms of the suit.[9] However, while it was considerably powerful, it was not invincible. The Enclave's confidence in its technological superiority allowed the Chosen One to infiltrate Control Station Enclave without a problem thanks to the assumption that only Enclave troops would wear these suits. More importantly, the garrison at Navarro was defeated by the New California Republic Army, effectively destroying the Enclave's presence in New California.[10]




  • When the Chosen One is equipped with advanced power armor, the non-player characters in New Reno will react, usually with crude comments. Prostitutes make comical, sexual remarks.
  • This armor works as a disguise when worn around Enclave members at the Oil Rig, making them non-hostile to the Chosen One. It doesn't function as a disguise in random encounters, however.
  • In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, several training dummies can be found that resemble crude caricatures of people wearing this model of power armor while making a panicked/surrendering pose.
  • Sergeant Arch Dornan indiscriminately refers to this power armor model and its successor as "Mark II powered combat armor" when scolding the Chosen One for "losing" their uniform.



  1. Arch Dornan: "{123}{sgnt9}{Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you’re the new replacement... You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor?}"
    The Chosen One: "{125}{}{The base didn’t issue me any. They said it would be issued here.}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{Uh... I wasn’t issued any armor.}"
    Arch Dornan: "{128}{sgnt10}{Don’t have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this mans army until you are five hundred and ten years old, which is the number of years it will take for you to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor you have lost! Report to the armory and have a new suit issued to you, then report back to me, private! Dismissed!}"
    The Chosen One: "{130}{}{Yes, Sergeant!}"
  2. X-01 Mk I power armor description: "They guys who protected the President wore this. It's THAT good."
  3. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The X-01 series of Power Armor was specially engineered and employed by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War, and offers increased protection over the older, pre-war models."
  4. X-01 Mk IV power armor: "Advanced post-war power armor, for a post-apocalyptic world."
  5. 5.0 5.1 Fallout 2 item description: "{34800}{}{Advanced Power Armor}
    {34801}{}{This powered armor is composed of lightweight metal alloys, reinforced with ceramic castings at key points. The motion-assist servo-motors appear to be high quality models as well.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))
  6. Enclave soldier: "{151}{}{Awright, who's smacking gum into the headset?}"
  7. Wright child: "{191}{}{How do you go pee-pee in that thing?}"
    The Chosen One: "{459}{}{Heh-heh. Actually, I just urinate in the armor, and it recycles everything. Isn't that interesting? Do you know what 'recycling' means, little one?}"
  8. Enclave soldier: "{102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.}"
  9. Granite: "{102}{}{You see a trooper with sergeant's chevrons on his shoulder.}"
  10. The Courier: "What happened to the oil rig and Navarro?"
    Judah Kreger: "Internal sabotage took down the oil rig - never did get the full story. The NCR took out Navarro, saying we posed a threat to the region."
    (Judah Kreger's dialogue)
  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2198 Enclave works on various new technologies, including Power Armor variations. None of these are much of an improvement over the conventional old school Power Armor, and some are actually worse. 2215 Under Presidential Order, Enclave scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of Power Armor. Many prototypes are developed and tested. 2220 October Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II Power Armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the President Richardson for the sake of morale."
  2. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.215: Tip
    "To make time pass more quickly, just access your Pip-Boy, set the alarm, and rest for six hours. The Sarge won't mind if you take a little snooze. Besides, inside your Power Armor, no one can tell that your eyes are closed. Just make sure you power up the auto-gyro and lock the suit's knees in position before you catch any Zs."
  3. Formspring