辐射2M72 Gauss rifle
安克雷奇行动Gauss rifle
Cut content Gauss rifle (Beta)
辐射:新维加斯Gauss rifle
辐射4Gauss rifle
The Last Minute
辐射战略版M72 Gauss rifle
辐射:避难所Gauss rifle (rusty, enhanced, hardened, accelerated)
Magnetron 4000
辐射:极限Gauss rifle
Enhanced Gauss rifle
Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3 OAGametitle-FNVGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FOS
Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3 OAGametitle-FNVGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FOSGametitle-FOX

Gauss rifles are hand-held weapons utilizing electromagnetic coils to propel metal slugs at extremely high velocities.

While in Fallout 2 the Gauss rifle uses the Small Guns skill, it uses the Energy Weapons skill in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.





Fo2 M72 Gauss Rifle
游戏文章: 辐射2, 辐射战略版, 辐射:极限


It uses 2mm EC magazines containing both batteries and ammunition. In 2241, it is often used by Enclave soldiers.


FO3 Gauss rifle
Gauss rifle
游戏文章: 安克雷奇行动, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射:避难所

The scoped Gauss rifle is an advanced sniper rifle used during the invasion of Alaska. 和M72高斯步槍不同,這款高斯步槍uses 2mm EC magazines containing both batteries and ammunition,其供能電池並沒有和彈匣放置在一起,而是需要武器的使用者每射擊一次就更換一次微型核融電池包[2]這把武器命中時會產生一種奇特的「爆炸」效果,有時候這樣的命中甚至會直接將敵人打翻在地。

  • For other versions in Fallout Shelter, see Rusty Gauss rifle, Enhanced Gauss rifle, Hardened Gauss rifle, Accelerated Gauss rifle
  • For the unique version in Fallout Shelter, see Magnetron 4000


Gauss rifle FNVUnique
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

YCS/186 作為特殊版的瞄準鏡高斯步槍,2281年在一群傭兵手上。它和槍身看上去和普通版一樣但更更鏽蝕,槍管上多了四條線圈。它開一槍消耗的電池比普通版節省一些,其精度和威力也有提升。


Gauss rifle (Fallout 4)
游戏文章: 辐射4

The Gauss rifle has large, external capacitors and exposed copper wiring run alongside the barrel. The rifle operates on a charging principle: the user holds down the trigger to build up the charge which is shown on a nixie tube display above the stock. Releasing the trigger fires the round with a larger charge dealer more damage.

跟德制M72一樣,弹药使用2mm EC,which is fed through a dorsal mounted cylindrical magazine. When fired, its projectile produces a momentary blue trail, similar to a lightning bolt. It can also be modded with a shielded barrel, extra capacitors, a compensator or suppressor, and various sights and scopes.

Beta Gauss rifle[]

AER9 laser rifle
游戏文章: 辐射3

The Beta Gauss rifle is a beta version of the Scoped Gauss rifle that uses the model of a laser rifle and features a five round magazine. It only does about 25% of the damage of the final version, but has a 100% knock-down chance. It is only obtainable through console commands.

Enhanced Gauss rifle[]

游戏文章: 辐射:极限

An enhanced version of the M72 model.



  1. In-game description of the Gauss rifle in Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. [1][2]
  2. Emil Pagliarulo in the Bethesda Game Studios forum [1][2] - "The gun energizes and magnetizes a standard projectile round; those are already pre-loaded into the weapon, and are in that giant clip attached to the side of the weapon. The player loads in the Micro Fusion Cells needed to energize/magnetize each round. We did it this way because we knew we wanted to have an Energy Weapon equivalent of the sniper rifle..."