關於其他名叫马库斯的角色,參見Marcus (disambiguation)。 |
他出色地为同一服务,坚定地相信自己的愿景和哲学。对马库斯来说,主教的计划是让人类超越内在冲突和战争的机会,打破永不改变的战争恶性循环。马库斯相信人类永远无法单独提升自己,主教的行为是人类进步的必要步骤。[3] 放逐者对同一的破坏对他打击很大。虽然起初他讨厌放逐者,但最终他对他产生了一种健康的尊重。毕竟,如果所有人类都像他一样为自己的信仰而战,主教就不必出现了。尽管如此,他还是想念他的朋友,这是人类所能提供的最好的东西。[4][5]
在确保小镇度过冬天后,雅各布告别并继续前进。 马库斯留下来,担任市长和警长,尽管他非常想念他的朋友,特别是他和雅各布之间关于蘸酱的争论以及后者如何"会是一个伟大的变种人。"[7][8]他稳定地管理城镇事务,使城镇繁荣起来。铀在废土上找到了许多客户,包括地下掩體都市。[9] 马库斯在雅各布的启发下对人性的积极看法,在他看到细微的仇恨和嫉妒撕裂了他的人民时被削弱了。他想,如果有更好的候选人,主教的计划本可以成功。但是,它是否能够成功地对抗人类倾向,即摧毁其中的杰出男性和女性?在他心里,他知道主教是对的。但他坚持了下来。[10][3]
反变种人阴谋的谣言无济于事。追逐阴影,马库斯最终请一位部落流浪者帮助他调查。那个部落人就是获选者。在成功揭露阴谋并将破碎丘矿场从关闭中解放出来后,这位老变种人认为自己太老了,无法安定下来,于是加入了部落人。[11] 他们在英克雷控制站并肩作战,拯救了世界免于毁灭,最终在核火灾中蒸发了石油钻井平台。马库斯再也没有回到破碎丘。相反,他在部落朋友的启发下向东进入洛基山脉。他的目标:寻找其他像他一样的变种人并创造一个他们可以称之为家的地方。[12][13] 他再也没有听说过获选者,但他有一种感觉,他的朋友最终一切都好起来。[12]
马库斯原来是一位有魅力的领导者,聚集了大量超级变种人。最终,他和他的追随者到达了战前卫星设施黑山,这是个受到了直接核打击的地点。由于大量辐射,拾荒者避开了这个地方。然而,这并没有阻止超级变种人,他们在 2277年声称黑山是他们的新家。机器处于可用状态,增强了它的吸引力。[14]
然而,它并没有成为马库斯想象中的避风港。最大和最持久的问题来自陪伴他的夜行者。塔比瑟是同一的前高级成员,也是一名患有特别严重的隱形小子诱发的精神分裂症的夜行者,一直是一个问题。她的机器人伴侣朗达崩溃之后,她的精神状况恶化了。当她发现黑山的广播电台并设法修复它时,试图用日记项目分散她的注意力的尝试失败了。[15][16] 传播她的信息消耗了她的注意力,加剧了她的精神问题,导致她忽视马库斯的领导。毕竟,对她来说,他是第一代超级变种人,只是比定居点中再常见不过的第二代笨蛋强一点。[17]
最终,局势恶化了。 当夜行者与马库斯的第一代超级变种人发生冲突时,他发现自己无法促成和平。他没有加剧冲突,而是选择与那些忠于他的变种人一起离开,并在2279年找到了另一个社区,但在此之前,他砸碎了黑山的无线电发射器,试图阻碍塔比瑟的努力。[18] 然而,广播并没有长时间损坏。来自墨西哥的流浪尸鬼机械师勞爾·特哈達被广播的突然消失所吸引,并提出要修复它,但令他沮丧的是,塔比瑟决定将他监禁起来,因为他的努力并让他待在身边以修复其他损坏的东西 。[19] 随着她的声音重新出现在电波上,塔比瑟可以自由地实施她的乌托邦计划。乌托比薩国诞生了,如果不是疯狂和漫无边际,这种相当奇特的无线电信息会在整个废土上传播[20][21]该计划的一个永久性元素是对劳尔的骚扰,如果他不解决综合体周围的任何事情和一切,他就会不断受到处决的威胁。[22][23] 在站稳脚跟后,来自乌托比薩国的夜行者开始骚扰I-15上的旅行者和商人,要求他们提供补给和食物。尽管受害者向NCR游骑兵报告了此事,但他们无法转移人员和资源来解决问题。[24]
与此同时,马库斯和他剩余的追随者前往查尔斯顿山的度假村,在那里他们建立了另一个定居点。马库斯将其命名为雅各布斯镇,以纪念他的老朋友。这个地方非常完美,远离人类住区以保持和平,而且足够大,可以容纳变种人和他们的庄稼。马库斯的最终目标是将其打造为有价值的贸易伙伴和人类与变种人合作的典范: 第二个破碎丘。[25] 马库斯还与英克雷的亨利博士一起建立了一个研究项目,试图找到治疗夜行者精神分裂症的方法。他的治愈承诺吸引了基恩和戴维森等夜行者领袖和他们的追随者来到镇上,但随着研究的拖延,夜行者开始失去耐心。[26]
互动 | ||
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 | ||
此角色有一个面部特写。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色与以下组织结盟。 |
- 为马库斯寻找失踪的人: 马库斯注意到人们最近从破碎丘消失了。他想让获选者找到他们。
- 完成这些任务后,马库斯可以加入获选者:
- 修理矿井的空气净化器
- 任何一个:
- 为马库斯寻找失踪的人
- 在将曼森和弗朗克从监狱中解救出来揭发阴谋
- 在炸掉矿井的空气净化器揭发阴谋
- 也需要积极的业报
他擅长大型枪械和大型能量武器。然而,有时他使用爆炸武器对团队和敌人同样具有毁灭性。此外,像所有其他超级变种人一样 (除非那些在辐射战略版的),他无法穿戴护甲,这让他有些脆弱。然而,马库斯确实有先天的护甲统计数据,随着他能力的增加而增加,从而减轻他无法装备护甲的状况。在他的最高等级,他相当于拥有一套战斗装甲。他的大型枪械的弹药也可能是一个问题。这可以通过给他装备像高速电浆步枪这样的非爆炸武器来解决。
- 有马库斯在身边通常会拒绝获选者进入地下掩體都市的内部区域(虽然不是南院), 所以只能把他留在外面,出去的时候再把他接走。成为国民警卫队队长让获选者通过守卫,第一公民喬安·琳娜特却不会太高兴,导致获选者被流放。
- 如果获选者同时伴随着莱尼和马库斯,马库斯偶尔会说这样的话"很高兴在小组中有另一个进化的人类,莱尼","嘿,莱尼!去过破碎丘吗?"以及"莱尼!让我们喝点东西吧!",表明两人过去认识,或者只是马库斯认为他们共同的变种人地位赋予了他们某种兄弟情谊。
- 带他去特洛伊博士在地下掩體都市接受治疗将使他清除嵌入他厚厚皮肤的各种子弹,然后特洛伊将把这些子弹交给获选者。给予20 7.62mm, 40 .44 Magnum JHP & FMJ, 50 5mm JHP, 10 .45 caliber, 24 10mm JHP, 50 .223 FMJ和20 9mm ball。他被很多人枪击过。只有作为守卫队长才能这么做,否则特洛伊会对把变种人带进城的人充满敌意。
Statistic | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 |
力量 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
感知 | 08 | 08 | 08 | 09 | 09 |
耐力 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
魅力 | 03 | 03 | 03 | 03 | 03 |
智力 | 07 | 07 | 07 | 07 | 07 |
敏捷 | 08 | 08 | 08 | 09 | 09 |
幸运 | 09 | 09 | 09 | 09 | 09 |
+ 二级属性 | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 |
生命值 | 145 | 165 | 175 | 190 | 205 |
防御等级 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 29 | 29 |
行动点数 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
负重 | 275 | 275 | 275 | 275 | 275 |
肉搏伤害 | 12 | 14 | 15 | 18 | 18 |
伤害抵抗 | 30% | 30% | 30% | 40% | 40% |
毒抗性 | 50% | 50% | 50% | 50% | 50% |
辐射抗性 | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% |
战斗顺序 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 18 | 18 |
自愈速度 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
暴击率 | 20 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 24 |
+ 标记技能 | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 |
大型枪械 | 115% | 129% | 137% | 147% | 163% |
能量武器 | 87% | 91% | 101% | 109% | 118% |
肉搏 | 112% | 125% | 130% | 140% | 145% |
互动 | ||
此角色开启任务。 |
- 第一次进入雅各布斯镇,马库斯会接近信使并开始对话,并给他们一些关于在雅各布斯镇的提示。
以下内容基於来自辐射:新加州的信息. |
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
超级变种人皮甲 | CZ-53 个人旋转机枪 | 1x 信號槍 2x 解毒剂 120x 5mm JHP |
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
超级变种人盔甲 |
- 在辐射:新维加斯,马库斯是凯撒军团之外的唯一角色之一(与闲人彼得、Follows-Chalk和伤口撒盐) 一起发音为凯撒 /ˈkaisar/ - 在古典拉丁语发音中 - 而不是 /ˈsiːzər/, 变形的Zar发音。
- 与其他超级变种人相比,辐射:新维加斯中的马库斯拥有一张独特的面孔,因为他是游戏中唯一一个不戴皮革面部支架来托起嘴唇的变种人。
- 在辐射:新维加斯,马库斯最终可能会因对雅各布斯镇的随机攻击而死亡。
- 在辐射:新维加斯,马库斯是唯一一个只有一种标签技能的角色。
- 马库斯是辐射系列中最聪明的超级变种人之一。他能说一口流利的英语,宁可推理也不愿打架。
- "很长的故事。想要简短还是完整?"
- "那是来自钢铁兄弟会的雅各布。他发过誓要消灭变种人。我们斗了一阵子——大概一两天。过了一会儿,我们才开始笑。这有什么意义?"
- "对。好吧,从来没有真正讨厌过人类。我们只是有更好的方法。这些新政府,他们认为他们已经得到了所有的答案。呸呸。去过那里,看到了,留下了疤痕。"
- "别忘了,我认识相关的人。他们是人类能提供的最好的。你的人会用另一种方式来讲述这个故事,对吧?"
- "我对人类的记忆不像以前那么清晰,但我记得小气、仇恨、嫉妒... 我更喜欢作为一名变种人。"
- "不。嗯,不是现在。浸泡后需要几年时间才能再次流出汁液。为什么?"
- "欢迎来到雅各布斯镇,人类,你可以随意走动,只是不要盯着夜行者。他们不喜欢别人盯着他们。"
- "是战前的度假胜地。我以一位老朋友的名字将其重命名为雅各布斯镇。很久以前已经死了。"
- "曾是超级变种人大军的一员,经营城镇,带着部落人一起于废土上行走。我现在就在这。"
- "说来话长,下面是简短的版本。主教创造了超级变种人和夜行者。"
- "主教认为他可以统一所有人。不再有分歧,不再有战争。结局并不好。"
- "是破碎丘城镇。一群超级变种人、人类食尸鬼都和平地生活在一起。嗯,大多数时候。"
- "们正在寻找G.E.C.K.来拯救阿罗由村。最终,我们做到了。在此过程中炸毁了一个石油钻井平台。"
- "之后我们就分道扬镳了。我向东进入洛基山脉,寻找像我一样的其他变种人。"
- "不知道我的朋友发生了什么事。我有一种感觉,结果一切都好。"
- "凯撒认为他可以改变人性。大部分军团都是追随凯撒,而不是凯撒的理想。当他离去时,它就会崩溃。"
- "可能不会在一夜之间发生。可能需要几十年。但它会发生。人类本性 - 贪婪、野心、嫉妒 - 将注定如此。"
马库斯在辐射2中作为同伴以面部特写出现,在辐射:新维加斯中作为非玩家角色出现。他在两者中都由Michael Dorn配音。他在辐射圣经中被提及。
- 虽然马库斯说他不再不育,写了这段对话的Chris Avellone,证实马库斯只是在开玩笑,超级变种人仍然完全不育。
- 在战斗中,如果马库斯被敌人的武器击中,他可能会偶尔大喊:"我不是一个快乐的变种人!"这是对迈克尔·多恩在星际迷航:下一代中扮演沃夫的角色的参考,特别是"Qpid"这一集,沃夫抗议在Q的“罗宾汉”娱乐中扮演“快活人”的角色 。
- 马库斯可能会在手无寸铁和攻击时说: "一拳,二拳,红拳,蓝拳。"这是参考苏斯博士的书One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish。
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Marcus' character description: "{100}{}{You see a burly old mutant.}"
"{101}{}{You see Marcus the Mutant, sheriff of Broken Hills.}"
"{102}{}{You see a burly old mutant with a weary cast to his face. He still looks vigorous and tough.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{240}{}{You were a human. How can you justify what the Master did to you?}"
Marcus: "{262}{mcs46}{My memories of being a human aren't as clear as they once were, but I remember pettiness, hatred, jealousy... I prefer being a mutant.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ 3.0 3.1 The Chosen One: "{223}{}{What about the Master’s hatred for humans?}"
Marcus: "{226}{mcs35}{You’re talking a long time ago. The world’s moved on. You want to hear ancient history?}"
The Chosen One: "{227}{}{Definitely.}"
Marcus: "{230}{mcs36}{Right. Well, never really HATED humans. We just had a better way. These new governments, they think they've got all the answers. Blah, blah. Been there, seen that, got the scars.}"
The Chosen One: "{231}{}{So what was the better way?}"
Marcus: "{232}{mcs37}{The Master wanted to elevate everyone to his level, so we wouldn’t fight each other anymore. He was convinced we wouldn’t do it by ourselves – couldn’t. We had to be forced to evolve.}"
The Chosen One: "{233}{}{Do you agree?}"
Marcus: "{234}{mcs38}{While Jacob was alive, I thought the Master was wrong. But it seems that while some men can heed the call and rise above it all, most just run away.}"
The Chosen One: "{235}{}{So you think the Master was right?}"
Marcus: "{236}{mcs38a}{Jacob heard the call and embraced it. So did the Vault Dweller. But no matter how many rise above, the masses will always destroy them, right?}"
The Chosen One: "{237}{}{Maybe.}"
Marcus: "{238}{mcs39}{The Master just wanted everyone to see clearly. The Vault Dweller ended that dream.}"
The Chosen One: "{239}{}{Sounds like you admired and hated the Vault Dweller at the same time.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{239}{}{Sounds like you admired and hated the Vault Dweller at the same time.}"
Marcus: "{243}{mcs40}{You’re right. If all humans fought for what they believed in like that, we wouldn’t have needed the Master’s plan in the first place.}"
The Chosen One: "{244}{}{The Master wanted to enslave humanity!}"
Marcus: "{246}{mcs41}{Don't forget, I knew the folks involved. They were the best humanity had to offer. Your people are going to tell the story a different way, right?}"
The Chosen One: "{247}{}{Err… maybe. Umm, I have more questions.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{242}{}{I’m descended from the original Vault Dweller, you know.}"
Marcus: "{249}{mcs42}{The "original Vault Dweller"? You mean the one who killed the Master and destroyed the vats?}"
The Chosen One: "{250}{}{Ummm… yes.}"
Marcus: "{253}{mcs43}{Not a problem. Like I said, that was a long time ago.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{107}{}{Who are you?}"
Marcus: "{124}{mcs7}{I’m Marcus. Helped build the place. Now I’m sheriff.}"
The Chosen One: "{125}{}{You helped build this place? That must have been a long time ago…}"
Marcus: "{128}{mcs8}{Long story. Want it short or the whole thing?}"
The Chosen One: "{130}{}{Hell, I’m not too busy. Let’s hear it all.}"
Marcus: "{136}{mcs10}{Right...After the Master and the vats were destroyed, I wandered a bit. No place to go. One day got attacked by this fool wearin’ power armor.}"
The Chosen One: "{137}{}{Really?}"
Marcus: "{138}{mcs11}{That was Jacob, from the Brotherhood of Steel. He’d sworn some oath to destroy muties. We tussled for a while – probably a day or two. After a while, we just started laughing. What was the point?}"
The Chosen One: "{139}{}{Then what?}"
Marcus: "{140}{mcs12}{We became friends. Headed off together. Then other people started following us. Guess they figured if they weren’t safe with a mutie and a Steel Knight, safe just wasn’t going to happen. }"
The Chosen One: "{141}{}{So you set up here. Why?}"
Marcus: "{142}{mcs13}{Uranium mine. I knew there was one around from old maps. Now anybody’s welcome here – ‘long as they act right. Others might not think much of us, but nobody’s more free than we are. There ya go.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{143}{}{Wait… you were friends with a guy from the Brotherhood?}"
Marcus: "{216}{mcs32}{Damn right. Best friend I ever had.}"
The Chosen One: "{217}{}{Yeah, right, you would’ve dipped him just like everyone else.}"
Marcus: "{219}{mcs33}{Hell, yes, I would've. What a great mutant he would’ve been.}"
The Chosen One: "{220}{}{I don't think he'd be happy to hear you say that.}"
Marcus: "{222}{mcs34}{(laughs) We had this argument all the time. (sigh) I miss that hard-head.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{107}{}{Who are you?}"
Marcus: "{124}{mcs7}{I’m Marcus. Helped build the place. Now I’m sheriff.}"
The Chosen One: "{125}{}{You helped build this place? That must have been a long time ago…}"
Marcus: "{128}{mcs8}{Long story. Want it short or the whole thing?}"
The Chosen One: "{129}{}{Give me the short version.}"
Marcus: "{133}{mcs9}{Right. Me and a human named Jacob built this place around that old bank about 60 years ago. Anyone’s welcome here, long as they keep the peace.}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{196}{}{Tell me about Broken Hills.}"
Lydia: "{202}{}{It's a mining community like Redding, except it's located to the far South. We get many of our uranium shipments from there.}"
(Vcdwnbar.msg) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{263}{}{So you think the Master’s plan was right?}"
Marcus: "{266}{mcs47}{It was flawed. We should have only taken the best. Look around. Most mutants didn't have the mind or will to withstand the strain. (sigh) If only we had chosen better…}"
(HcMARCUS.msg) - ↑ The Courier: "I'd like to know about you."
Marcus: "Was part of Super Mutant army, ran a town, walked the wasteland with a tribal. Now I'm here."
(Marcus' dialogue - ↑ 12.0 12.1 The Courier: "Tell me more about the tribal."
Marcus: "We were looking for a GECK to save the village of Arroyo. Eventually, we did. Nuked an oil rig in the process. We went separate ways after that. I went east into the Rockies, looking for other mutants like myself. Don't know what happened to my friend. I've got a feeling it turned out all right in the end."
(Marcus' dialogue) - ↑ Fallout Bible 0:
"5. Why in the final scene in Fallout 1 and 2 nothing is said about players friendly NPCs ? I'd love to know what happened to Marcus, Tycho, Ian, Cassidy or Vic afterwards. - Kreegle
Fallout 1: I don't know why. Tim and the Troika crew apparently ended up doing this for the NPCs in Arcanum, though.
Well, according to the manual in Fallout 2 (written by Chris Taylor), Ian bit the bullet in Necropolis, and Dogmeat died in the Mariposa Military Base. Tycho and Katja are not mentioned, so it's assumed they didn't join the Vault Dweller. Still, even though it's mentioned in the manual, I'd substitute your own experiences with them and let that be the true history... even though Dogmeat's pretty likely to bite it in the Military Base because of those damn force fields and because you can't tell him to park his doggie ass in a safe place (without locking him in a force field cage).
In any event, I'll try to include alternate endings for these characters depending on what you did in the game. Your actions should make a difference.
As for Fallout 2, Matt Norton and I wrote end text for all of the ones in Fallout 2 using the narrator's perspective (and occasionally the appropriate voice actors), so here's the sections I was able to dig up (and it's not all the NPC allies, but the talking heads of everyone). They just didn't make it into the game, and as I understand it, Ron Perlman already had 5 billion lines to do in 2 hours. It's possible we decided not to do them because we ran out of time... or because Ron Perlman is an extremely muscle-bound fellow who looks like he can crush bricks in his hands."
"In any event, here you go - note that some are personalized for the actor, others are not:"
"Inspired by the example set by the Chosen One, Marcus eventually traveled across the great mountains to the east, searching for other refugees from the Master's army. You never heard from him again." - ↑ Black Mountain terminals; Terminal, Log 676
- ↑ Black Mountain terminals; Marcus made me type this
- ↑ Black Mountain terminals; terminal, It's a radio station!
- ↑ Black Mountain terminals; terminal, On the air!
- ↑ Black Mountain terminals; terminal, The elite!
- ↑ The Courier: "You say Marcus smashed the radio. Not very well, apparently?"
Neil: "Heh. There's a sad story behind that. Marcus smashed it just fine, but while we were gone some Ghoul named Raul came along. Tabitha turned him into her personal mechanic. A slave, really. See, if I'd been standing down here, I could've warned him before it was too late."
(Neil's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What makes this a "dangerous place?""
Neil: "You must've heard her radio broadcasts? Though why a human would follow her invitation here is beyond me... unless you didn't listen very closely. The voice on the radio belongs to Tabitha, the "supreme commander" of Black Mountain - or, as she calls it, the "State of Utobitha." She took control of this place almost two years ago. The Super Mutants here do whatever she says - and she says humans are to be killed on sight."
(Neil's dialogue) - ↑ Black Mountain terminals; terminal, Alone at last!
- ↑ Black Mountain terminals; terminal, Safe!
- ↑ Black Mountain terminals; terminal, Lucky!
- ↑ Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Travelers along the Long 15 have complained to NCR rangers that caravans have been harassed and attacked by fearsome Super Mutants living in the irradiated ruins of Black Mountain."
- ↑ The Courier: "What's the history of Jacobstown?"
Marcus: "Was a resort Pre-War. I renamed it to Jacobstown after an old friend. Died a long time ago. I figured us mutants needed a place to call our own. Town's far enough away from humans so they don't bother us much. One of these days I'm hoping we can trade with the rest of the wasteland. No more fighting, just... get along."
(Marcus' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What's wrong with the Nightkin?"
Marcus: "Nightkin suffer schizophrenia from the Stealth Boys they're always using. One of the reasons I settled Jacobstown was so they could be cured. While they're in town, the Nightkin aren't allowed to have Stealth Boys so their craziness doesn't get worse. Trouble is the Nightkin don't like being visible, either. They don't take being exposed too well."
The Courier: "Why does Keene want to leave?"
Marcus: "Because of a promise. One I haven't been able to keep. The Nightkin all suffer from schizophrenia. It's the Stealth Boys they use, used to use. Nightkin have a hard time being seen like normal folks. Can't stand it. A few already left to try and find more Stealth Boys. Miserable situation. They either stay here and suffer, or dig up Stealth Boys and lose their minds. Not much of a choice."
(Marcus' dialogue) - ↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collectors Edition p.294-296: "[1.10] Jacobstown
Marcus, a mild-mannered Super Mutant sheriff of Broken Hills took it upon himself to find a refugee for the "broken-minded" of his kind: low-intelligence Super Mutants and schizophrenic Nightkin. It proved to be more difficult than holding on to Broken Hills, but he eventually decided Jacobstown was a good spot to set up a community. Despite splinter groups (Davidson and Tabatha), Marcus does his best to take care of Lily and the other Super Mutants and Nightkin at Jacobstown."
(Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland) - ↑ Marcus: "Welcome to Jacobstown, human. You're free to walk around, just don't stare at the Nightkin. They don't like people looking at them. And if you're NCR, keep it to yourself. They're not popular around here."
(Marcus' dialogue) - ↑ J.E. Sawyer: "Jeff Husges (who wrote Marcus for F:NV) based Marcus' speech patterns on the character's dialogue from F2. Marcus has a similar style there, e.g. "Helped build the place"
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