The flying saucer is a small alien ship with a saucer-shaped body used for fast operations that house two pilots.
Background [ ]
Before 2161 , a flying saucer - captured by humans and after re-captured by aliens from Area 51 (evident from a note "property of Area 51, return if found" being seen on the body of the ship), crashed in California during flight, killing the two alien pilots.
Sometime later, the Vault Dweller can find the crashed flying saucer with the two alien pilots in skeletal form. They may find a special alien blaster with a different design and color compared to other alien weapons. It uses small energy cells , instead of alien power cell s or alien power module s.
Appearances [ ]
A flying saucer can be found in the "Alien Ship " special encounter in Fallout .
Gallery [ ]
Template:Navbox spacecraft
陸上 汽车和摩托车 阿帕拉契亚巴士 - Bicycle - City Liner - 联邦巴士 - Cop car - Coupe - Corvega Blitz - Cherry Bomb - Atomic V-8 - Dirt bike - Flying car - Death car - Deuce coupe - Fusion Flea Supreme - Highwayman - Limousine - Motorcycle - Nuka-Cola truck - Off-road vehicle - Pick-R-Up - Pickup truck - Station Wagon - Tank truck - Transport truck - Truck - Van - Shuttle bus - Zip 建筑及多用途车辆 Appalachian fire truck - Appalachian tractor - Combine - Commonwealth tractor - Police car - Dragline - Dump truck - Excavator - Forklift - Front loader - Golf cart - Highway patrol car - Haul truck - Megaloader - Searchlight fire truck - Skid loader - Street cleaner - Train loader 军用车辆 Armored personnel carrier - Chimera - Tank 铁路运输 Appalachian monorail - Appalachian train - Commonwealth monorail - Commonwealth train - District of Columbia monorail - Handcar - Metro car - LVB monorail - Morgantown monorail - Nuka-Express - Personnel carrier - Subway train 登陆船 EXC-97 bucket-wheel excavator (Rockhound ) - Mobile base crawler