關於an overview of laser rifle models in various games,參見Laser rifle

The Wazer Wifle is a unique laser rifle in Fallout 4.


The Wazer Wifle is a unique laser rifle similar to the UP77 Prototype. It possesses the Never Ending effect, which grants an unlimited magazine capacity and never needs to be reloaded, but still requires ammunition to fire. Other than this legendary effect, it is identical to a standard laser rifle.

Weapon modifications[]

The Wazer Wifle comes with these mods already applied:

  • Overcharged capacitor
  • Improved long barrel
  • Full stock
  • Standard sights
Slot Mod Description Modified name Science! rank Form ID
Capacitor Standard capacitor Standard. - - 001A8A88
Photon exciter Improved critical shot damage and accuracy. Excited - 00187AA2
Beta wave tuner Adds burning damage. Improved range. Incendiary - 00187AA0
Boosted capacitor Improved damage. Reduced ammo capacity. Boosted - 00187AA4
Photon agitator Superior critical shot damage, accuracy and ammo capacity. Agitated - 00187AA3
Gamma wave emitter Adds better burning damage. Better range and ammo capacity. Fiery 1 00187AA1
Maximized capacitor Better damage. Maximized 2 00187AA7
Boosted photon agitator Superior critical shot damage and ammo capacity. Better accuracy. Improved damage. Boosted agitated 2 00187AA6
Boosted gamma wave emitter Adds better burning damage. Superior ammo capacity. Better range. Improved damage. Boosted fiery 2 00187AA5
Overcharged capacitor Superior damage. Improved ammo capacity. Overcharged 3 00187AA8
Barrel Short barrel Standard. Short (for rifles) - 00187A8E
Long barrel Better range. Improved damage, sighted accuracy and recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Long (for pistols) - 00187A8C
Automatic barrel Improved rate of fire, range and sighted accuracy. Worse recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Automatic 1 00187A90
Sniper barrel Superior damage and range. Worse recoil. Poor ammo capacity and hip-fire accuracy. Charging 1 00187A92
Improved short barrel Improved damage. Improved short (for rifles)
1 00187A8F
Improved long barrel Better damage and range. Improved sighted accuracy and recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Improved long (for pistols)
2 00187A8D
Improved automatic barrel Superior rate of fire. Improved damage, range and sighted accuracy. Worse recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Improved automatic 2 00187A91
Improved sniper barrel Exceptional damage. Superior range. Worse recoil. Poor ammo-capacity and hip-fire accuracy. Improved charging 2 00187A93
Grip Standard grip Standard. Pistol - 001A8A87
Comfort grip Improved recoil and hip-fire accuracy. Comfort grip pistol - 00187A94
Short stock Exceptional sighted accuracy. Better recoil and aim with scopes. Improved bash. Rifle - 00187A99
Sharpshooter's grip Better recoil and hip-fire accuracy. Sharpshooter's pistol 1 00187A95
Full stock Exceptional sighted accuracy. Better recoil and aim with scopes. Improved bash. Rifle 1 00187A96
Markman's stock Exceptional sighted accuracy. Superior recoil and aim with scopes. Improved bash. Marksman's rifle 2 00187A97
Recoil compensating stock Exceptional sighted accuracy and recoil. Better aim with scopes. Improved bash. Recoil compensated rifle 2 00187A98
Sight Standard sights Standard. - - 0001D374
Improved sights Improved focus and sighted accuracy. Sighted - 00187AB2
Short scope Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. Scoped - 00187AAD
Reflex sight Better focus and sighted accuracy. Tactical 1 00187AB1
Medium scope Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. Scoped 1 00187AAB
Long scope Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. Scoped 2 00187AA9
Short night vision scope Night vision. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. Night-vision 2 00187AAE
Medium night vision scope Night vision. Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. Night-vision 2 00187AAC
Long night vision scope Night vision. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. Night-vision 2 00187AAA
Short recon scope Tracks targets. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. Recon 3 002492DC
Long recon scope Tracks targets. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. Recon 3 00187AB0
Muzzle No muzzle - - - -
Beam splitter Splits beams into multiple projectiles covering a wider area. Poor accuracy and range. Scattered 1 00187A9E
Beam focuser Better range, accuracy, and recoil. Focused 1 00187A9C
Gyro compensating lens Superior recoil. Reduced range. Targeting 1 00187A9A
Amplified beam splitter Splits beams into multiple projectiles covering a wider area. Reduced accuracy. Poor range. Improved scattered 2 00187A9F
Fine-tuned beam focuser Superior range and accuracy. Better recoil. Improved focused 2 00187A9D
Quantum gyro compensating lens Exceptional recoil. Reduced range. Improved targeting 3 00187A9B


  • Laser gun, the standard variant.
  • Old Faithful, a unique laser pistol with the Instigating effect, which does double damage if the target is at full health. It is sold by Arturo Rodriguez in Diamond City.
  • Survivor's Special, a unique laser pistol with the Bloodied effect, which deals more damage the lower the player character’s health is. It is a potential reward for completing The Lost Patrol, or it can be stolen from Paladin Brandis before completing the quest.
  • Good Intentions, a unique AER9 laser rifle with the Enraging effect which, on critical hits, causes targets to frenzy. It is carried by Clint.
  • Prototype UP77 "Limitless Potential", a unique laser gun with the Never Ending effect, which gives the weapon unlimited ammo capacity and removes the need for reloading. It can be found in a hidden room in the University Credit Union.
  • Righteous Authority, a unique AER9 laser rifle. With the Lucky effect, its critical hits do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster. It is given as a reward for completing Call to Arms.
  • Automatron (add-on) Protectron's Gaze, a unique laser pistol with the Rapid ability, boosting its fire rate by 25% and its reload time by 15%. It is carried by the Mechanist.


The weapon is acquired after doing three unmarked quests for Shaun after ending the main quest with any faction.


  • Due to the way unique weapons work in Fallout 4, when spawned via console commands, the weapon will possess the correct name but lacks the Legendary effect. This can be added by dropping the weapon, selecting it with the console and typing attachmod 001cc2ac.
  • There is a laser rifle in Fallout 3 bearing the same name, Wazer Wifle, albeit with very different weapon qualities and acquired in a remotely similar situation in Little Lamplight, given to the Lone Wanderer by one of the Little Lamplighters, Biwwy, via a difficult Speech check, a sum of caps or the Child at Heart perk.
  • The weapon's name is a reference to Biwwy's pronunciation of "laser rifle" due to his having a slight speech impediment.