Laser Commander is a perk in Fallout: New Vegas.
You do plus 15% damage and have plus 10% chance to critically hit with any laser weapon. With this perk and other abilities or items the maximum potential critical chances are 57% (x1.0 multiplier weapons), 76% (x1.5 multiplier weapons), 95% (AER14 prototype), 100% (Pew Pew). See Critical Chance for more information.
Much like Light Touch, this perk's critical chance bonus is a flat modifier. It will not be affected by your weapon's critical chance modifier. After your normal critical hit chance is calculated, Laser Commander will add a flat 10% increase. This makes it especially useful on energy weapons with a low critical chance and high rate of fire, such as gatling lasers, laser RCW, and the MF Hyperbreeder.
Affected weapons[]
- Arc welder
- Gatling laser
- Elijah's advanced LAER
- Laser pistol
- Compliance Regulator
- Laser pistol (GRA)
- Missing laser pistol
- Pew Pew
- Laser RCW
- Laser rifle
- AER14 prototype
- Van Graff laser rifle
- MF Hyperbreeder Alpha (GRA)
- Pulse gun
- Sonic emitter (weapon)
- Tri-beam laser rifle
- Tri-beam laser rifle (GRA)
- The Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout: The Roleplaying Game icon shows Vault Boy having two left hands.
- Though they do not shoot lasers, this perk affects the pulse gun, LAER, sonic emitter and Compliance Regulator.
- The pulse gun's bonus EMP damage against robots and power armor is not affected by this perk.
- Although they shoot laser like projectiles, the recharger rifle and recharger pistol do not benefit from this perk. The MF Hyperbreeder Alpha (GRA) is affected, however.