Take the elevator to the top of Fizztop Mountain. Gage will explain the situation: the three raider gangs inside Nuka-World are on the verge of full-scale war as a result of Colter's laziness, and he asks you to meet with the leaders of each gang to prove yourself, and gain their respect and support. A medium speech check gets Gage to inform that the Disciples appreciate violence, the Operators favor money, and the Pack value a show of strength.
Through the door into Fizztop Grille, the new quarters can be examined. Cooking stations, chemistry, power armor stations, and a terminal detailing Colter's slow decline from the feared Overboss into another target for the gangs. Taking the elevator down to the lobby, look on the opposite side of the desk under the leftmost space for a bottle of Nuka-Cola Victory.
Outside the Grille, three markers are now present: Fizztop Mountain (Disciples), The Parlor (Operators), Bradberton Amphitheater (Pack). Go to the three markers, in any order, to meet with the respective gang leaders: Nisha of the Disciples, Mags and William Black of the Operators and Mason of the Pack.
Passing a hard Charisma check when talking to Mason during this quest will reward The Problem Solver. It is necessary however to only use right arrow (rude) answers before. While it is okay to use the inquiring answers (up) to get more information, any left or down will lock you out of receiving the weapon. If the Sole Survivor only chooses the right arrow (rude) responses WITHOUT selecting any up arrow dialogue options, the final Charisma check to get the Problem Solver will be medium, rather than hard.
Once all three locations have been visited, return to Gage in the Overboss' quarters. He states that to once again get the operations neglected by Colter going the player character must investigate the five parks, excluding Nuka-Town, that comprise Nuka-World and plant the flag of a gang, declaring that park their territory. Doing so for each gang will help smooth things over, though for every park given to one gang, the others will become jealous. After giving the player character the rundown, Gage offers to accompany them for the duration of the following quests, providing interesting dialogue if accepted.
Player says this world needs rules, otherwise it'll never recover to Nisha, the Disciple leader, who doesn't care about rules.
Player agrees with Nisha, leader of the Disciples, that rules hold us back and we should be free to do what we want.
Player says they think the Gauntlet should be shut down because it's dangerous.
Player threatened Nisha at the end of the scene, saying I don't make promises and you'll do what I say.
Player informed the Operator bosses that they enjoyed killing Colter
Player informed the Operator bosses that they were bored by killing Colter, just like they're bored with the current conversation (the player is being a wise-ass)
Player stated they've come to Nuka-World to make a ton of money.
When asked what they want out of Nuka-World, the player replied - I'm mostly here for the soda. This will be presented as a joke.
Player initially says he doesn't want the job of Overboss
Player says "don't worry, everybody likes me" (and means it)
Player says gangs will follow him if they all fear him
Player asserts that "all Raiders are stupid"
Quest stages[]
Speak to Gage in the Overboss' Quarters
Meet the gang boss for the Disciples
Gage has explained that in order to take over all of Nuka-World, I need to get the three rival gangs to support me. The Disciples, The Operators, and the Pack all need to be convinced that I can lead them as Overboss.
Meet the gang boss for the Operators
Meet the gang boss for the Pack
Return to Gage
I have successfully persuaded all three gangs to support me as Overboss; it's time to let Gage know they're all behind me.
Quest complete
I have convinced The Disciples, The Operators, and The Pack to follow me as Overboss as we begin to take over the rest of Nuka-World.
Has platform::PC The player character might be unable to start the conversation with Nisha or finish the conversation with Mags Black. To bypass this and continue the quest, use the console command setstage DLC04MQ02 500.[已验证]
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