

阿盖尔(英文名:Argyle)是冒险家赫伯特"大胆"达什伍德的已故"坚定的尸鬼仆人"。他的遗体可以在2277年的岩石城内找到。[Non-game 1]


阿盖尔出生在大戰之前,曾在沙蔭市度过了一段时间,发展了他的扒窃技能。[1]他第一次见到赫伯特·达什伍德是在2241年,当时冒险家抢走了他的女朋友。然而,尽管有误会,他们还是成为了好朋友。在他们一起冒险的某个地方,他成为了达什伍德的男仆。[2][Non-game 1][3]


根据银河新闻电台的剧情,阿盖尔和达什伍德的最后一次冒险是从他和达什伍德被沉落天堂奴隶贩子俘虏时开始的。设法逃脱他们的奴隶项圈,达什伍德坚持试图营救被锁在“盒子”中的神秘女子。他们制服了守卫,打开了Pulowski Preservation shelter的锁,发现里面空无一人。另一名警卫发现了他们,并用枪要求他们投降,但神秘女人却带着金属物体出现在他身后。她从后面打了守卫,并介绍自己是佩内洛普·蔡斯,财富猎人,声称当她注意到他们的困境时,她自己解困了。阿盖尔犹豫着要不要相信她,但达什伍德被迷住了,经过简短的介绍,三个人就逃走了。[8]

驱散了最后一个追赶他们的奴隶贩子后,他们继续前进,继续交谈。在追问蔡斯小姐的过程中,他们又被拦住了 - 这次是超级变种人。当另外两个反抗时,阿盖尔悄悄绕过变种人,在他们身上放了激活的手雷。三人躲起来后,当硝烟散尽,阿盖尔深情地回忆起他和"沙蔭市手段"的时光,并询问其他两人的幸福。蔡斯小姐对阿盖尔的技巧印象深刻,达什伍德评论说他不知道没有阿盖尔他是如何度过难关的。阿盖尔提醒他,他过得并不顺利,达什伍德立刻试图转移话题。然后他们听到附近废墟中一个孩子的尖叫声,急忙出去调查骚乱。[1]


随着秘密敲门声穿过岩石城入口,他们进入了岩石城,之后阿盖尔打断了调情的达什伍德和蔡斯小姐。阿盖尔再次指出,他们在岩石城,废土中最安全的地方之一,他们刚刚将这里的秘密告诉了一个陌生人。达什伍德试图阻止他的同伴对蔡斯小姐的爆发,可是蔡斯小姐却暴露了自己的身份。她用枪指着这两人,声称她的奴隶贩子同伙会紧跟在他们身后。然后他们意识到她的真实身份 - 不是"财富猎人"佩内洛普·蔡斯,而是奴隶贩子的"黑寡妇"。她吹嘘说,没有阿盖尔和达什伍德,奴隶贩子怎么可能找到岩石城的居民。[9]因为她要求阿盖尔不要给她惹麻烦,他就用他的功夫技能,用一个他称之为“鹰爪”的动作挖出了她的心,让她瞬间死亡。[10]

阿盖尔说了一句双关语,达什伍德向他表示祝贺,这时,金·克拉格来到了现场。克拉格看到达什伍德时既沮丧又震惊于他们面前的死女人。 当达什伍德告诉他即将发生的奴隶贩子袭击事件时,克拉格变得非常愤怒,以至于他命令他的人民杀死这对二人组。他们立即跑进洞穴系统,来到一个悬崖边。达什伍德走在前面,差点摔倒,阿盖尔冲过来帮忙。[10]2277年,阿盖尔的尸体位于岩石城的入口附近。该村庄被奴隶贩子占领,他们尽可能多地俘虏并将它们向北卖给匹兹堡[11]

达什伍德最后一次在岩石城见到阿盖尔是在2277年之前的几十年,并且从未失去再次见到他的希望,他相信阿盖尔至少会比他多活一百年。[3][4]然而,这并没有发生,因为他在他们最后一次一起冒险时死在那里。[Non-game 1][12]他的记忆都被达什伍德保存在银河新闻广播播放赫伯特"大胆"达什伍德和他的尸鬼男仆阿盖尔的历险记。由三狗在2277年前几年制作,它是按照大战前的广播剧风格创作的。根据达什伍德的说法,与战前的戏剧不同,这些故事都是真实的。[13]


阿盖尔是一个非常易怒的人,他经常被他主人的鲁莽以及他多么容易爱上女人而激怒。然而,他非常忠诚,不抛弃他,无论需要多少努力、时间和技巧,总是能将他从任何可怕的境地中拯救出来。[14][15]阿盖尔是武术大师,特别是功夫,使用了一种被称为“鹰爪”的招式。一招能撕掉一个人的心脏(他后来因此而出名)[Non-game 1]并且能够单枪匹马杀死泥沼蟹[16]阿盖尔还用名为"莲花踢"的动作踢开门。他还有解除奴隶项圈的能力,用他的话说,“[他]闭着眼睛”,表明他也擅长机械修补和爆破[8]他已经发展出扒窃能力,以至于他将这种机动命名为“沙蔭市手段”,尽管这个术语似乎专门用于在受害者身上放置一颗活的手榴弹。[1] 当他和达什伍德经常遇到狂屍鬼时,他喜欢杀死他们,认为这是对上帝让他变异的某种报复,至少根据达什伍德的信仰是如此。[17]



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  • 一个粗暴的男仆: 阿盖尔的尸体可以在岩石城找到。然后可以将这些信息提供给达什伍德以获得奖励,这让这位前冒险家感到非常悲伤。


服装 武器 其他 物品
Merc grunt outfit 瓶盖 x20






Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 安装Xbox 360补丁后,阿盖尔的身体可能会消失。[已验证]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle "Super Mutant Mayhem!"
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me about Argyle."
    Herbert Dashwood: "Argyle was my manservant! Ah, but that’s really just a fancy word for 'the guy who saves my sorry skin on a regular occasion.' He was a Ghoul, you see. Been around since before the war. We met when I stole his girlfriend, back in ’41. We’d been best friends ever since. We got separated, a long time ago, and never reunited. If you find Argyle out there, somewhere, you be sure and tell me! Okay?"
    (Herbert Dashwood's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Argyle
  4. 4.0 4.1 Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, King Crag
  5. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Blue Destiny Brothel
  6. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Megaton
  7. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Underworld
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle "Escape from Paradise Falls!"
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle "In the Black Widow's Web!"
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle "Between Rockopolis and a Hard Place!"
  11. Rollings -- We're done
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "I found Argyle. I'm afraid he's dead."
    Herbert Dashwood: "Dead? Argyle? You... you’re sure? My God. I always thought he’d outlive me, by at least 100 years. Poor bastard. But thank you! Thank you for telling me. At least now I know. At least now the poor guy can catch a breather. I’d like to return your kindness. Here, take this key. It unlocks my safe. Lots of stuff in there I'll never use again. My adventuring days are over."
    (Herbert Dashwood's dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "You mentioned something about GNR?"
    Herbert Dashwood: "Haven’t you ever heard the radio play? The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood? That guy at the radio station put it together a few years ago. He did it in the style of those shows they had before the war. Came out pretty well. And it’s all true! Rockopolis, Miss Chase... All of it. Of course, they do portray me as a bit of a chump. Argyle may have saved my hide more than once, but I had my moments. Ah, those were the days..."
    (Herbert Dashwood's dialogue)
  14. Argyle: "Don't thank me yet, boss. We still need to get out of here. Let's go! While the guard's away from the front gate!"
    Herbert Dashwood: "Not so fast, my flesh-rotten friend! That girl we came in with. We're the only chance she's got. Come on!"
    Argyle: "Sigh. Always with the dames."
    (The Adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood transcript)
  15. Herbert Dashwood: "Well, those Super Mutants are persistent if nothing else! A word of advice - keep running!"
    Penelope Chase: "In those hills up there! Isn't that where the hidden village of Rockopolis is located? If only we knew where it was..."
    Herbert Dashwood: "Turns out you're in good company, Miss Chase. Argyle and I are old friends of Rockopolis. Know the secret knock and everything!"
    Argyle: "Boss! That's privileged information! You can't just..."
    Herbert Dashwood: "Now now, old chum! Miss Chase is hardly going to violate the secrets of Rockopolis. Isn't that right, Miss Chase? Besides, necessity calls!"
    Penelope Chase: "So you do know where it is! Well come on then, those Super Mutants can't be far behind!"
    Herbert Dashwood: "Just over here! This large boulder! And now... the secret knock. And... voila!"
    Penelope Chase: "Now that's what I call a getaway, Daring! So tell me, do you take all your girlfriends here?"
    Herbert Dashwood: "Oh, no, Miss Chase! I can assure you, this will be our special place."
    Argyle: "Listen to yourself, boss! This is Rockopolis! One of the safest places in the Wasteland, and you just showed a stranger where it is!"
    Herbert Dashwood: "Ignore my manservant's mutterings, Penelope. He has a penchant for the dramatic you see. Why one time..."
    Penelope Chase: "Oh, I don't know, Daring darling. I find the ghoul's instincts to be... frighteningly accurate."
    Herbert Dashwood: "Here I thought we were friends. And now you have a gun in my face. Bad form, Miss Chase. Bad form."
    Penelope Chase: "Jabber all you want. In about 30 seconds, my associates from Paradise Falls will join us."
    Argyle: "I knew it! I knew this dame was no good! But it's worse than I thought. She's the Penelope Chase! The leader of the Slavers!"
    Penelope Chase: "Quite right. We've been trying to capture these Rockopolis rodents for years. Never could have done it without you, Daring."
    Herbert Dashwood: "Looks like I've gotten us into one heck of a pickle, Argyle old chum. One heck of a pickle indeed..."
    (The Adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood transcript)
  16. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Mirelurks
  17. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Feral Ghouls
  18. Argyle: "Heh heh. The old 'Shady Sands Shuffle.' It sure brings me back. You two smoothskins okay?"
    (The Adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood transcript)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.61: "Argyle
    A manservant of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood of the highest repute, Argyle was a faithful retainer, as well as an accomplished martial artist. The story goes that he died battling an earlier leader of the Slavers named Penelope Chase, ripping out her hart with a technique known as the 'eagle claw.' His body is still inside the Rockopolis, but his adventures live on in the radio plays sometimes hosted by Galaxy News Radio."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)