關於an overview of BB gun variants in the Fallout series of games,參見BB gun


The Abilene Kid LE BB gun is a unique weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


作为特殊版本的BB枪,枪托两边都刻着“Abilene Kid ~Limited Edition~ 1 of 200”,表示此枪全球限量200支。如果光从嗶嗶小子显示的数据来看,这个限量版和普通版的好像没什么区别。实际上,除了提供1.5倍的暴击率外,它的暴击伤害达到了70点。如果有 Better Criticals这个特技,那么它的暴击伤害达到109,直逼狙击步枪的113 and if the perk Just Lucky I'm Alive is also picked the critical hit gets a boost of 125% of damage making the Abilene Kid LE BB gun deal 157 points of damage.

其1.5倍的暴击率加成不算高,如果沒点了Finesse的特技,吃了 True Police Stories的书,基本上不能指望把它当做一把可靠的主力武器。但是在潜行状态下,这把枪就很有发挥的空间——毕竟这还是一把消音武器。



它可以发射495发BB弹,the equivalent of 5 reloads, from full condition before breaking.



Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(近战或肉搏)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- 在V.A.T.S.攻击数
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(枪械,能量或炸药)Action point cost- 消耗行动点数
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- 每次攻击的伤害(每发炮弹的伤害)Damage per action point- 每个行动点数的伤害
Damage per second- 每秒伤害Weapon spread- 武器扩散
Area of effect damage- 有效损害范围Magazine capacity (shots per reload)- 弹匣容量(每次装填弹数)
Effect damage & duration- 效果伤害&持续时间Durability (number of attacks before breaking)- 耐久性(损坏前攻击次数)
Bonus effects- 奖励影响Weight- 重量
Attacks per second- 每秒攻击数Value in caps- 瓶盖价值
Critical chance % multiplier- 暴击几率%乘数Value to weight ratio- 价值重量比
Critical damage- 暴击伤害Skill required- 技能要求
Critical effect damage & duration- 暴击效果伤害和持续时间Strength required- 力量要求
With all mods attached- 装上所有模块
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAction Point costDamage per action pointWeapon spreadMagazine capacity (shots per reload)Durability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratioSkill requiredStrength required
BB gun 4
Abilene Kid LE BB gun 4


  • 奈利斯空軍基地西南方的田间小屋里可以找到这把枪。The shack is right next to the main road leading in to the base. The gun is sitting on one of the shelves on the left wall.
  • Wild Wasteland的话,带着雷克斯,在它叫的时候问它是不是有人掉到井里,地图上新增地点吉米的水井, the gun will instead be located inside a well that appears in front of the shack。


  • 可以通过在DLC旧世蓝调中更换天赋,在中途点出狂野荒原天赋,来同时获得田间小屋和水井中的两把枪。
  • If the gun is obtained from Field's shack it will be at 90% health, whereas the version found in Jimmy's well will appear at 100% health.
  • Unlike the common BB Gun, the Abilene Kid LE BB Gun can cause decapitations and explosions of limbs.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The "Abilene Kid" was the youngest lead role in the 1948 movie 3 Godfathers, William Kearney, played by Harry Carey Jr.
  • The Wild Wasteland location of this BB gun is a callback to Fallout 2 content, with Rex in the role of the dog Laddie, who during the finding Jonny quest indicates to the Chosen One that his friend Jonny fell down the well in Modoc. If the Chosen One enters the well using a rope, they will find the unique weapon Jonny's BB gun near a collapsed rock wall in the cavern below.
  • This itself is a reference to a trope related to the television series Lassie [[1]]. The trope has a character deciphering Lassie's barking to mean that her owner Timmy fell down a well. In actuality the series never featured this particular situation though Lassie did regularly have to get help for the accident prone boy.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes the gun will drop through the floor of the shack, or just simply isn't there, rendering it unobtainable in some cases. [已验证]
    • On PC the issue can sometimes be resolved by using the console command tcl and moving beneath the floor.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Player character's finger blocks the iron sights if player character is male, but not if player is female. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sneak attacks with the Abilene Kid LE BB gun will not inflict critical damage unless that attack is a head shot. This tends to happen more often if the target has more DT than the base damage of the weapon. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Perform a sneak attack critical on any companion (preferably their head) and knock them unconscious. (Hardcore mode must be off) As soon as they get back up, do this again and the physics glitch activates, thus hurtling the companion up into the sky and practically out of visual range. They will land nearby. When this was tested on ED-E, however, after its landing and recovery, its antennae were 'broken,' hovering over it in different positions. It may be necessary to reload a save in order to fix its appearance, alternatively you can restart the game to fix its appearance. [已验证]

