







  • 布萊克·阿伯納西 - 創建人,一家之主。
  • 康妮·阿伯納西 - 布萊克的妻子,是一個商販(全程可以通過交易來購買她所有的貨物)。只要攻擊一次她們家的貓,康妮就會對你發動攻擊。
  • 露西·阿伯納西 - 布萊克倖存的女兒,可以和她交流得到一個未標記的任務,用瓜換取瓶蓋。
  • Maisie - 虎斑
  • 克雷兒貝爾 - 阿伯納西農場的雙頭牛


  • 投桃報李
  • 食屍鬼的問題
  • 露西·阿伯納西的任務(未標記) - 這個任務將不會顯示在任務面板中,如果將瓜帶給露西·阿伯納西那麼她就會付給你3~5瓶蓋的報酬,如果已經可以使用阿伯納西的工房該任務將失效(只要完成投桃報李的任務,和露西對話只能交換物品)。


  • 阿伯納西農場可通過兩種辦法變成聚落:
    • 從掠奪者營地取回項鍊(如果在沒有接到投桃報李任務且沒遇到加維的情況下,先去空軍基地拿回項鍊後和布萊克對話將直接觸發任務完成的提示。此時任務面板不會顯示該任務。)
    • 趕走阿伯納西一家人
  • Abernathy farm can be turned into a settlement in two ways:
    • Retrieving a locket from a raider camp (Returning the Favor) and convincing the Abernathys to join the Minutemen.
    • Driving the Abernathys away.
  • Abernathy farm has the tallest building limit possible, at 20 stories, surpassing Finch farm's 13 stories, and Spectacle Island's 10 stories.
  • Unlike human settlers, Maisie and Clarabell will be permanently dead if they die during a settlement raid. They also do not regain lost hit points over time. Clarabell does not respond to feeding troughs. If one is built, she will remain where she is, unlike all other Brahmin. Thus, she is stuck where she is, even if the fence surrounding her is scrapped.
  • Mary's grave can be seen just outside the settlement build area, northwest of the settlement. The grave is unmarked, with wet footprints in the dirt, denoting a recent burial. There is a bouquet of dried flowers on the grave.
  • Abernathy farm is one of the first and safest locations to gather crops for Sanctuary and Red Rocket truck stop.


Abernathy farm only appears in Fallout 4.


  • Has platform::PCPC Assigning the Abernathy family to the existing owned beds in the settlement may cause a glitch that prevents other settlers from being assigned to various tasks. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One It may be necessary to create three new beds and assign the Abernathy family (and any recruited settlers) to player-created beds in order for the Happiness mechanic to work properly. [已驗證]
    • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One The reaction time of settlers, from when you assign them to when they are assigned, is significantly longer than at any normal settlement. Therefore, it may seem like they are unable to be assigned to anything. It may take anywhere between 30 seconds to over 5 minutes for them to be assigned to a specific resource. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One The existing food crops may need to be uprooted and replanted immediately upon gaining access to the workbench to ensure that they do not become unavailable for assignment on subsequent visits. [已驗證]
    • Pre-existing crops that become damaged and in need of repair may cause a glitch where attempting to repair the plant will use available seeds but not fix the plant. (Uprooting/replanting as described above should prevent this glitch).
      • If one of the tato patches becomes non-interactive, quick-saving and then loading may allow them to be selected again, whereupon they should be stored and re-planted to prevent recurrence of the bug.
      • One can make the unrepairable crops work properly again by using console commands: first enter the console and select the damaged crop, repair it with SetDestroyed 0, exit the console and replant it in a proper location (the original location usually works), then enter the console again and destroy the crop with SetDestroyed 1, finally repair it normally outside of console.

